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CatherineM 11-27-2007 10:53 AM

Heather-I partially tore a ligament in my ankle, and dislocated my knee, but it popped back in by itself when I straightened up my leg. That's the advantage/disadvantage of not having an ACL in that knee. Right now we are hoping that I may have just torn a little more cartilage in that knee, that is if I actually had any left to begin with. If I've torn the PCL in there too, I'm in deep dodo. It is actually feeling better, so I'm thinking I've dodged a bullet. It is just the idea that I've injured that knee again. It has been through so much, and it's just traumatic thinking about it. When I was 16 I had the ligaments reconstructed in my other ankle, and was in a cast forever, and on crutches even longer. I was a lot younger and skinnier then. The idea of having that same type of surgery done on my knee that's already been worked on a couple of times, just terrifies me. I'm scared I'm going to just isolate myself in the house until spring rather than risk slipping on the ice again. I've fallen twice since I've been here, both times when I wasn't using my cane with the spikes on it. Funny thing is that I had my cane this time, but had given it to my husband to hold so I could run to the bathroom. He said he'd meet me outside. I thought he meant outside the outer door, and went outside where it was slick. I was coming back inside to find him when I slipped, not from the ice, but from the water tracked in on the floor. I was in a hurry and irritated that he wasn't where I thought he'd be. I'm scared that this injury is just going to derail everything.

Heather 11-27-2007 01:28 PM

Catherine -- :hug: I would be scared too. I think all you can do right now is take it one day at a time and not let the fear get to you too much. Try to focus on whatever positive you can!!

I am a lot fitter than I used to be and I am still terrified of an injury or illness derailing me...

going to lose 200 11-27-2007 03:46 PM

Last week to sign up for the card exchange!
Hi everyone

Last year we held a 300+ Christmas Card Exchange. I had so much fun doing it because I got real cards in the mail from real friends The way it works is those who wish put their names on a list and they send a card to the others that are on the list and in turn receive a card from all the others. I found it such a great way to help support us through all the feasts and treats during the holidays!

If anyone wishes to be on the Christmas Card List, please PM me with your address. I will generate a list and PM it only to those that are participating.

Please do so before DEC 1st so we have enough time for everyone to mail and receive their cards! Some of them travel a great distance!

For those that have already signed up, I will send the list on the weekend so you can start writing!!!!

Brenda :)

pochita 11-27-2007 04:23 PM

Hello Everyone,

It is amazing how well all of you look. I knew that you would look differnt, but not such a drastic change. You look great. Congrats!!!!

So here I am in the same situation I was in last year, in fact heavier. I have tried and given up so many times, that I lost count.....but somehow I get hope again, This has to be it....the time I really do it.

TheStorySoFar 11-27-2007 08:19 PM

Hi All~

Well, it seems that I have fallen off the face of the Earth yet again. :lol: Not really... My boyfriend has taken over my computer, so I don't really ever get much time with her anymore. *sighs*

Anyway... No word from my doctor yet on the bloodwork I had done, but my WLSuregon wants a copy of the results as I was told that banded patients don't usually develop anemia, bypass patients do. So, I will be getting on that tomorrow, first thing. :)

I am finally able to get out and walk again. The muscle relaxers that I am taking have helped tremendously with the spasms of my back muscle and I can walk without much pain now, so I am feeling darned good about that right about now. :)

I had pretty much written off my check-up with my WLSurgeon today. I thought that with the atrocious eating that I have been doing since Halloween that I would have put on a bunch of weight, but I didn't. I managed to lose and keep off 4lbs. Not a great loss, but I'll take it at this point. I have gotten back on track and am hoping/working for a better loss when I have to see him after the new year. *crosses fingers*

I hope that you all are doing well and if not, as always, you are in my prayers. :hug:


gggirls 11-27-2007 08:49 PM

Evening Peeps - how is everybody?

Debbie - the kitties are so cute - they look like they are best buddies. How is the skin? Glad to hear you are doing so well staying OP. The scale will move - they keep telling me patience is a virtue - I am not virtuous when it comes to the scale - I want patience and I WANT IT NOW! Keep up the good work!

Annie - so glad you are enjoying the job - isn't a new challenge nice? Just make sure you get plenty of rest so you can be a sponge and soak it all up. Your clients are lucky people to have you to work with. Way to go with the exercise! You will be at your goal in no time.

Catherine - how's the foot? Please don't push yourself too soon - let it heal. I suppose it has a bright side in getting so much of your school work accomplished. How is Himself dealing with your injury?

Sharon - yes - I am so pleased with the 1/4 lb - you are so right it could have been so much more. Hope you are feeling better soon. Thank you for the Ammi update - hugs to you both.

Hi Pochita - Hugs to you! You have great strength to choose this time of year to start - sounds like a great plan!

Story - great to see you. Congrats on the walking! That is terrific.

Enjoy your evening my friends,

Debbie54 11-27-2007 10:25 PM

Annie, at least you won and came out a winner!!!! We haven't gotten snow here in the low lands but the hills above us got some last night. It's so pretty to look at. I just hope we get some here soon where I can go play in it!!
I'm so happy to hear that you're really enjoying your job. I knew you would find the right one.


Carol, heck, that's just an extra time going to the bathroom. :rofl: You'll have that off in no time.

Sharon, the cats don't even notice them. You know how cats are...they could careless.

Pochita, Come on!! You can get yourself together and jump on the band wagon of weight loss!! Just take baby steps and you'll be losing in no time......and welcome!!

Story, glad to hear you lost 4 more!! That's great news. And so happy you're in control again.

I went to have my blood work done to see if its my thyroid. And I don't go back to see the doctor til the 10th. I think I'm going to call next Monday though and see if they can give me any info on the results. My skin is calming down, but I have to keep hydrocortisone on it to relieve the itchiness.
My Mil called yesterday to tell us that my Fil was in the hospital because of alot of fluid on his lungs. He was being stubborn about going in and they immediately put him in. Earlier she had called and said he was doing better but we just got a call that he has taken a turn for the worse. It's his heart now and they might have to transfer him to another hospital to be able to operate on him if needed. They live in Kentucky so it's really frustrating to sit here and wait to hear whats going on.
So if you pray, I would appreciate all the prayers we can get for him.
Have a good night and be safe

azcyn 11-28-2007 08:16 AM

Sorry I have been MIA!! UGH (explanation to follow)

Catherine: OMG!!! I hope you ankle gets better soon!! OUCH OUCH OUCH

Nancy: THanks I found the advanced one!!

Well All I feel off the wagon this month. I won't meet my goal.UGH! We have had a little Drama here...basically my Aunt is going bakc to prison for 2 years..(reasons..let your imagination wander) and we are taking in her son who is 15. So it has been a mad house here and honestly exercising has been sooooo far from my mind. I hope we are doing the right thing. We have 2 sons that are 13 and 17. So he is in the middle. Everyone says we are doing the right thing..but I just dont know. Extra mouth to feed, extra responsibilities,and he is so far behind in his credits in school. It is just a mess. We will have him for 2 1/2 years. i guess I could just not bare the thought of him going to foster Care. Time will tell I suppose.I have a wonderful Hubby who has stood by our desicion to take him in. He is a good kid..just needs a real family life. Will keep yall posted on how things are going. And hopefully in December I can get back on the exercising.

thanks for lending an ear :listen:

CatherineM 11-28-2007 10:16 AM

Carol-I just asked him how he is doing with my injury, and you can imagine the first thing out of his mouth had to do with being deprived of certain things, then he said he was also scared.

Cyn-I agree that you are doing the right thing, but that doesn't make it any easier. I also took kids in rather than see them going into the foster care system. It was hard, I couldn't lose weight because all my energy went into them. I was so busy taking care of them, that I didn't take care of myself, and it almost cost me my life. I'd do it again in a second, but it is okay to take care of yourself too. Just don't let it overwhelm you. Take everything in little bites.

MetaChick 11-28-2007 12:50 PM

Hi all!

Nancy - Hope you're painting project finished up nicely and you're bed got all it's pieces and found it's way to your bedroom. New space can be a very nice change. Hope you like yours!

Battle - YUCK on that stuffed to the gills/food hangover stuff. I know the feeling well, and though I have to deal with it infintely less often now it's always a lousy feeling physically and mentally that takes a couple of days of clean living to chase away. Hope you're there now.

Carol - YAY on just 1/4 pound! That's a big accomplishement for a big holiday...I'm glad you feel pretty good about it.

Steph - That truly was not that much food...hope you're feeling better about your eating over the last couple of days though. Food and guilt go together about as effectively as fire and lemonade. Try to fully enjoy whatever choices you make on any given day without guilt, and you may find yourself eating better and eating less over the long run.

Sharon - Glad you were able to straighten out that broth thing. Now we'll leave it to you to sort out the rest of England. Let us know what y'all rename that thick soupy stuff in case we want to order it on a visit or something. Thanks in advance. :)

Cyn - I hope the changes to your family unit will be positive ones for everyone. It's a huge thing to take on, so I hope your kindness and generosity will make a big difference in your cousin's life in the long run. Take care of yourself too. :)

Debbie - Hope your nagging health issues clear up soon and you get some medication or peace of mind on the thyroid issue sooner rather than later. So sorry about your FIL...keep up posted.

Catherine - Injury sucks. Injury to a weight bearing body part when you're overweight sucks more. Everything including the healing is harder and longer, and the weight of the worry and the unknown can be great. You're very wise to be aware of all this, and worry about it derailing things. Exquisite self care is in order now to reduce every ounce of unnecessary stress and risk.

Keep postitive thoughts of Lisa who broke her ankle, had to go off her plan because of it just as she was making great progress, and was very scared. She healed wonderfully and has picked up an carried on with more success.

I had another nice NSV yesterday. I was out for a walk and there was new fallen snow. It occurred to me out of the blue to turn back and see what my footprints looked like because at my heaviest I had developed a rather pigeon toed gait - the fat lady waddle I suppose. Yesterday's prints looked so - normal. Almost perfectly straight, with just a little turn out at the toe. I walk this loop 2 or three times depending on time constraints, and when I came around again I got to the little knot of footprints where I had turned around to survey the ones I was leaving behind and that made me smile and laugh out loud a little. They were sweet somehow - a hopeful little shuffle with a happy ending. I felt like hugging me. lol :)

Everybody have a great day.

BattleAx 11-28-2007 01:48 PM

Hi everyone,

No time for personals at the moment, but want to check in.

I had a good day yesterday and am doing well so far today. All my food is prepared and ready to eat when I'm hungry.

I am a little concerned over my behavior. I am noticing a definite pattern, and it scares me to think how dangerously close I always seem to be to going completely off the deep end food-wise. I read a lot of posts, especially in the 100 lbs group, and it seems that a lot of people set out a course and stick with it much more than I do. I've read numerous times that some posters no longer struggle with binging the way they used to. They've reset their eating habits and have been able to internalize them to a much greater degree.

Well, I struggle with it a lot of the time. It doesn't take much for me to slip back into unhealthy eating, even though I feel lousy when I eat poorly. It's easier than it used to be to eat well, but the old habits are lurking in the background, always ready to resurface with the slightest break in vigilance.

So my pattern over the course of a month is that I do well most days, but then I have a big breakdown. I gain back a good 4-5 lbs. and I don't lose it for 3 weeks at a time. I eventually lose it and then a few more...but my body holds onto the weight stubbornly, as if it is on course to gain it all back. I have to work hard to come back from a break, as my body craves fat and simple carbs like a smoker craves nicotine.

Anyway, I worry that I am so close to losing focus all the time.

Thanks for listening.

Ratkitten 11-28-2007 03:17 PM

Well Battle,

You aren't the only one standing on the edge of losing it to a binge. I still struggle with binging on a daily basis. My only solace is that my binges rarely last for the weeks on end that they used to! Sometimes they only last for few hours or a few moments. My body hangs onto weight like yours does. It's taken since last February to lose 30lbs. Right now I'm jonsing for carbs after being off program during Thanksgiving week!

One of the other things I cannot do is binge a large amount of food at once. Since I had polyps/scar tissue taken from my stomach in 2004, it doesn't stretch (very much). Too much and too fast all at once makes it all reappear (like bad magic! hehe). That alone has stopped some major binges, but simple carbs go down soooo easily. Still, even with that restriction, I have a hard time sticking to a normal caloric intake and not obsess about food constantly.

so Battle, you aren't alone. As it's been said many times before, slow and steady is the key! I definitely fall in the slow catagory (in mind and body).. hehe. We have both come so far by just hanging in there for the long haul. In the meantime, I've been doing a lot of reading on the 3FC site and with books to see how successful people stay successful.

Hugs and Luv,

gggirls 11-28-2007 07:29 PM

Well said RK and Battle - you have both come so far - I wonder what it will be like if someday I don't obsess about food???

Heather 11-28-2007 07:38 PM

Battle and everyone -- I think about what I eat every single day. Some days I am very successful at controlling urges to eat more than I should to maintain my weight, other days I am not.

I feel successful on the whole, and do feel I have internalized my reasons for my healthier habits and usually can keep my urges in check.

But I completely know what you mean about feeling on the edge. Yesterday, for example, I caved and ate 1/2 a donut. The calories were not a big deal, but I had been in a meeting with those stupid donuts for hours. I finally gave in at the end of the meeting (knowing I could then walk out).

What scared me was how darn good the donut tasted and how I immediately wanted MORE.

Have you ever heard that for many people food activates dopamine receptors (I think) in the brain which make us experience pleasure? I swear I could FEEL something like that happening. Instantly. Donut-amine.

I wanted the other half. I left the room.

Again, the calories per se were not the problem, it was that immediate reaction ... not to mention the hours of thinking of them.

So, take that for what you will. I know I will have to be vigilant forever to maintain my success. And that scares me sometimes.

Hugs to all.

CatherineM 11-28-2007 07:58 PM

Battle-it takes 6 weeks to 6 months to change a habit. You may be comparing yourself to people who have just been doing things longer. I bounce back and forth against that same line that you do, but I haven’t gone over some kind of magical line. I know that research shows that once you maintain a weight loss for at least 3 years, it becomes much easier, and I have not gone above the line that I lost below about 3 years ago. It is important to be aware and thinking of the behaviors that scare you, but also be patient that eventually things will get easier.

Meta-I guess what scares me is that I spent 8 years in a wheelchair after an injury I couldn’t get up from. This one isn’t as serious by a long shot, but it is certainly bringing up all sorts of issues.

Rat-sign me up for the slow lane too. I think the tortoise would definitely give me a run for my money. I’ve been doing this 6 years, and am still just half way to my goal.

Debbie-It’s -24 right now. That’s Celsius. It’s only -12F. That makes me feel so much better. I’m so sorry about you FIL. It is hard to be so far away and not know if you should go or wait.

I’m still working on my paper. I didn’t make much progress today. I seem to do these things in spurts when I’m most in the mood. I find it better to wait until I’m really in the zone, than try to force it when I’m not. The article I co-wrote for the paper appeared today. It was 1200 words and ½ page on the Op-Ed page. He gets the byline, but I get to spend the $300. I just finished his speech for the International Day of the Disabled Person on Monday. At least this time I have an excuse not to go other than I just hate being around politicians.

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