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Old 10-22-2007, 09:00 AM   #1  
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Default 300+ and Gettin' Fit after 40 #129

This thread is a sub-set of the 300+ thread.

This group is for those dealing with the challenges of having a significant amount of weight to lose and being fit which becomes harder after age 40. If you're an old or new friend and not over 40 and feel this is the place to post, jump right in.
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Old 10-22-2007, 09:28 AM   #2  
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Good Morning Ladies!

Super quick post to say "Hello!"

Valerie - WTG on riding Gabe! I bet that was really something!

The weekend was nice, fattening as always, but nice. Friday night was COLD and the bonfire was great! Wished I had warmer clothes with me though. Saturday Morning I started the day bundled and slowly undressed through the day as it got to about 80, and Sunday was even warmer. It was REALLY windy though. Archery was a challenge as was just keeping the tents up! Gale-force winds we're talking here. It was just a small gathering, maybe 30=40 people, but they came from Las Vegas, Texas and Oregon to our little burg. I was very impressed at how far people will come for their hobby. I don't see me ever going all the way to Oregon for a medieval event. Still, it was a nice time, everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves.

Got to run. In-person hearing. Must be judicial!
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Old 10-22-2007, 09:31 AM   #3  
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Morning ladies,

My first day of vacation and its cold and very wet. Yucky, a cold, fall rainy day. I think we're going to the movies today. We haven't been to a movie in months and months. Perfect day for it.

My challenge this week will be to keep control and stay focused on healthy food while at home. This is where I usually forget all the good choices. The other challenge will be to remember exercise.

Bearcub - Glad that camp was fun. DH is not a camper so we don't go ever. Sometimes I miss that. Good job on not eating as much.

Luja - Sorry about the half-marathon. But that reindeer walk sounds like a blast. I used to do volkswalking events which are usually 10K walks. Always a blast. Hope the injury keeps getting better.

to all. I need to work on bills before we leave for the movies.

Have a great Monday!
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Old 10-22-2007, 11:17 AM   #4  
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Smile Good morning!

Hello ladies, How are you this morning? I feel a lot better. In fact I felt well enough to tackle more closets. I have cleaned out two this morning and washed up shelves. Got rid of a lot of "stuff" at the same time. My garbage person is going to think we are moving! Now I need to get in the utility room (inside storage room) and see what I can do without in there. After that, probably the freezer and the storage room in the garage. Where does all this stuff come from? I am no pack rat, my husband is another story.

I also baked a chicken with carrots, onion, celery and pots. iwth it. Smells wonderful in here. I cooked some green beans to go with that so my dinner-lunch is ready. We eat our larger meal at lunch and just eat light at night. One of the perks of being retired.

Phew, now I am tired.

Lilion, Did you have fun though? Next time maybe you should take your long handles.

Terri, I am at home with the food all of the time! It is hard to stay away from when it is so darn close! Good luck. What movie are you seeing?

to everybody else. Ta, Ruth
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Old 10-22-2007, 01:16 PM   #5  
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HEATHER. Fine. Take your ol' Red Sox and just GO to Denver. Piffle. Who cares about baseball anyway.

LILION - I love archery. IT FAR BETTER THAN SOME SILLY OLD BASEBALL GAME for starters, right?! I used to want to buy my own bow, a good one, but that's one more thing I just don't have time for I guess.

I had a really productive weekend, even tho my eating was not good. I walked Steega up the road to the 4H party and back, instead of trailering him. I spent Sunday afternoon powerwashing and priming my horse trailer, so it will look presentable. The weather here was so perfect, it was heaven.

I ride Gabe again on Wednesday. I think I'll take my own saddle this time. Using the trainer's was ok, but it just feels like there's so much stuff between me and the horse. Mine allows for better contact and communication. I'm still working on getting a stall at a stable with an indoor arena when I bring him home, too. I can hardly wait until I can actually ride almost every night!

Everyone, I'm still sorry I don't have time for more personals - who know how long it will be before I have a 'puter at home again. If I was computer savvy enough, I could hook it up to a different moniter and I'd be fine... but I'm not, so I can't. I'll have to settle for shouting at ya from work... which it's time to get back to.

Best wishes everyone!! And remember, Baseball is ONLY a stupid GAME!
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Old 10-22-2007, 01:19 PM   #6  
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Valerie -- It was a great series, and someone had to win! Don't count my boys out of it until they are OUT! Sorry about the Tribe (and Kenny Lofton)... I know disappoint in baseball, TRUST ME!!

I'm decked out in my Red Sox t-shirt and "lucky hat" today. My students sure noticed my change in attire!!!
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Old 10-22-2007, 09:23 PM   #7  
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I'm feeling more in control. My sister came through the surgery successfully. She will have a rough few days because they had to do a lot of reconstruction and repair, but the doctor said he fixed everything, so she is on the mend. I hope they keep her medicated, because she's going to be feeling real pain for a few days at least. I was on edge all day until I heard from my brother in law. Her surgery took nearly 6 hours because the doctor had to do so much repair work, but it is done.
The fires in California are horrible. Anybody live or have family near there? Awful.
I have to say I was cheering for the Sox too. I have a friend who lives in Boston and she was happy. Cleveland has always been a rival to those of us from southern Ohio.
Have a good week everyone.
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Old 10-23-2007, 10:36 AM   #8  
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Morning ladies,

Bearcub - I am so happy to see that your sister made it through the surgery okay. So nerve wracking for you, I'm sure. Again, you are such a good sis to be going to stay with her.

Valerie - I am going to be so jealous that you will be able to ride Gabe everyday. Soon it will be too dark when I get home from work and with no indoor riding area, I won't be able to work with them during the week. The tradeoff for not having to deal with boarding anymore. How are you fairing on the boarding front? Any luck for find a new place? You said that you were sanding and priming your trailer - is this for a new paint job?

Heather - That was exciting to see the Sox come back after what seemed a done deal when the Indians had won 3 games. I'm not sure who to root for when the Series starts.

Ruth - Dang, you're a busy woman in your house. But it is somehow very rewarding when you doing something like clean closets, isn't it?

Lilion - You and I must have been posting at the same time yesterday. Sounds like you had a very lovely weekend. And yes that wind was awful. I was afraid our bradford pear trees were going to bite the dust because of the wind.

Yesterday was such a lazy day. We went to see 30 Days of Night. DH likes vampire movies. We had to go into the city to catch one that was early enough in the day so that killed more time than I like on my days off. I have to admit, I become a slug when its gloomy and rainy outside. Today the sun is shining and I feel like being more active and productive.

I think I am going to drag out the JMS yoga video and do that today. Its too muddy to work with the horses much. I think it is going to be that way all week and my one big plan for my time off was to ride.

I better post this. I've been working on it for awhile but have been up doing laundry and house tidying too. I need to go chase a puppy down and get something back that she shouldn't have.

ta ta!
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Old 10-23-2007, 01:05 PM   #9  
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Terri, the indoor arena will be a treat, but there's such a difference in the relationship you have with your horses when you board. When I had them on the same property with me and *I* was the breakfast lady, there was definately a closer bond. You're very lucky that way! And now I'll be spread even thinner with them in two different places. Oh well, my dogs still love me even if the horses forget who I am. * Yup - I'm hoping to get the time and the weather to get a new paint job on the trailer. My nephew is (hopefully) going to re-do the lights and add more, and replace the plywood inside. By spring it'll be a whole new little trailer. Of course, I still need one that can carry Gabe, but that's another story.

I may have found a good used dressage saddle that fits Gabe. We're supposed to try it on him this week. THAT would be way cool!

BEARCUB, I wish your sister the best. She certainly is gonig thru a lot, but I hope it's all good from here on.

HEATHER. I'm over it. I'm TRULY not a baseball fan anyway, but when we got so far, and even beat the Yankees, well, it was impossible not to jump on the band wagon. I hope you Sox go all the way!!

RUTH, I can almost smell that baked chicken right here. Ahhhhhhh.

Doing good diet wise today, and I did some more weights and played a little with my new stability ball last night. No exercise at lunch hour tho - for obvious reasons.

Last edited by NoLifeWithoutHorses; 10-23-2007 at 01:09 PM.
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Old 10-23-2007, 08:21 PM   #10  
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Hi, Just checking in quickly. Today at work was so hectic, but I'm halfway through the week and planning next week. That makes me feel good. I did pretty well food wise today, but that was only because I was stressed. Whatever it takes - naw that doesnt make sense.

Well, enjoy the sunshine! It's always sunny above the clouds.
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Old 10-23-2007, 11:50 PM   #11  
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Terri -- How'd you like the movie. I can love or hate those movies... so I'm curious

Thanks for the good Red Sox wishes. It's been nice to have a couple day reprieve. Series starts tomorrow night!
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Old 10-24-2007, 10:12 AM   #12  
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Hi guys,

Quick post. I've been working on paperwork stuff and cleaning books out of my office. I took some stuff to Goodwill yesterday and found out they take books. I've had stacks of books that I brought home from mom when she moved last year. All with the good intention of selling them on Ebay. I'm sorting and moving most on to Goodwill this week.

Heather - the movie was intense. About B+ grade. Good Halloween fun. But not worth full price tickets IMHO so glad we went to a matinee.

I'm off with DH today to see his brother for lunch. Today is his birthday. This is the brother that had the three strokes two years ago and is not able to care for himself or live on his own anymore. Very sad but he wouldn't listen to the doctors about improving his health - smoking and cholesterol problems. He is only 58 and will be like this for the rest of his life.

Then this afternoon, I have to ride. The weather is good for two days so its a must.

Ta ta!
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Old 10-24-2007, 12:36 PM   #13  
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Hi all. Hopefully riding the big guy tonight. Found out yesterday that a U-bolt on my trailer is shot and one axle is actually not on straight. OMG! I had a horse in that thing last week! Winter show series starts Nov 11, so I hope we have it fixed by then!

Eating good today, but last night was attacked by a Panera's. I didn't realize when I went it that it was their very first day open, and by the time we left they were giving everything at the bakery counter away FREE! A bearclaw was just too much to resist, but at least that's where I stopped, and I didnt' bring any bread home. Every day it's the same old thing - back to the drawing board. Every day I do great all day - and then dinner time just destroys the whole thing. Why am I not making use of those stupid pills? I need all the help I can get, I'm back to not getting it done on my own, and I'm not even using the help I have available.

I think I need an accountable place to weigh in. I need to have an appointment with the scale, and I need to have to look someone in the eye when I get off of it. How can anything you want so bad be so hard to just DO?
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Old 10-25-2007, 09:54 AM   #14  
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Valerie,don't beat yourself up about an occasional lapse. You've come much farther than most people. We are always getting mixed messages -" lose weight it's killing you ! "and then "Come on in, we have the mega, mega, biggie burger made JUST for you!" I get the urge to eat just by watching someone eat something on TV. How pathetic is that? If i don't consciously try to resist the temptation to eat, I can walk right up to the fridge and grab something to eat and it will be in my mouth before I've even given myself a chance to think about it. I'm trying the 20 second rule. Whenever I even think about food, I count to 20 and if I'm still really hungry then I get something to meet that need just then. If I'm in the car, I count to 20 and by then I've usually passed the normal fast food places. It's the mindless eating that kills me.
I'm driving home to Ohio on Sunday. Wish me well. So far my sister is continuing to do okay. I won't feel comfortable about her recovery until she is past the point of having complications. Whenever that is. Anyway, no news is good news. She should be moved out of ICU and into a regular room today.
It's rainy and cold today, finally real fall weather. Hope you can get some riding in this week Valerie and Terri.
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Old 10-25-2007, 10:31 AM   #15  
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Good Morning Ladies!

Quickie again today. Work is just so busy, I never get a chance to just computer schmooze.

I tried to be "good" yesterday and did okay - but not great. I did have a bit too much dinner to stay within points, even though it was all pretty good stuff, salad, grilled chicken, lowfat dressing, lite bread. But then I was still hungry and ate some cocoa puffs - such a nice low-point chocolate snack - but I know it put me over on points.

Valerie: How can anything you want so bad be so hard to just DO?
Yep, I agree, it's SO hard sometimes. I really, honestly DO want to lost the rest of my weight. But I just don't seem to be able to find my motivation again. Every day it's try-try-again. Have fun riding Gabe tonight!

Terri Thanks for the movie review. We are HUGE vampire movie fans! I think it's kind of fun it's set in Barrow, Alaska. Someone on the other 300+ thread lived there, who was it?

Bearcub Glad your sister is doing okay. Hope you have a good trip and drive carefully!

Ruth - Want to come organize my house? It's just an absolute disaster! And it looks as though we'll have the "after-party" November 17th after my tournament so we HAVE to clean house! Maybe that's it - I should have company all the time so I feel like I have to clean!

Got to run, just realized the time and I have a hearing.
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