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Vortex_VVV 06-03-2007 07:22 PM

Had some folks over for brunch today--tried to keep it healthy. I made two crustless quiches, one with spinach and the other with red peppers, but no bacon or anything, fruit salad with yogurt/ginger dressing, some lemon poppyseed muffins. It was a nice little project. We had a three-year-old with us, though... I love her but she knows I'm an easy touch and consumes my attention the whole time.

Terri--Wow, what a weekend! We didn't have rain here in IL until last night, but I'm an apartment dweller, so I don't have many outdoor projects :) Sounds like you were mighty productive, though. Next week will be your week!

Luja--Glad your son had a good game! Do you mean that the foodshelf will take the produce uncanned? That's pretty amazing. Re: water, how do you feel about the sparkling kind? I find it's much easier to get my water in that way. Course there are only a couple of brands that don't have aspartame, but now that I've found them I'm a happier camper--at least as far as water goes.

Hope everyone's getting some nice weather and enjoying it.

Terri in MO 06-04-2007 08:28 AM

Hi ladies,

I am here with eyes wide open this morning. Two things happened yesterday. First I downloaded pics from my camera which included pictures of me; one with Duke and one with a horse. I didn't even recognize myself. It clearly shows how much weight I've gained back and how not good it looks on me. That was a huge shock. I intend to print at least one of them out and carry it with me. The other thing is that I watched two episodes of Inside Brookhaven Rehab Center on TLC. If you don't know, that is a facility for the superobese. It is often their last hope. What really rocked me was watching what can happen to my body if I don't get healthier and watching them talk about an individual who just couldn't quit cheating on the food plan. DING DING DING. That is so me. He desperately needed to have surgery to improve this giant mass on his leg but no one would do it because of his weight. And the surgery was enough incentive for him to quit cheating. That was such a wake up call to me about what I do to myself and what's worse, I KNOW it when I'm doing it.

Sorry for no replies this morning. I'm trying to start a new schedule in the mornings and that is to be out the door at least 30 minutes earlier.

Have a great OP day!

Lilion 06-04-2007 02:22 PM

Good Afternoon Ladies!

I'm just popping in with nothing to say. Working on trying to stay OP. Went to see Pirates III this weekend and ate a tub of buttered popcorn. :shrug: I can live with that. I've been really good otherwise.

Terri: I have watched a few episodes of Brookhaven too. The thing that gets me is how they keep cheating - and how people help them do it. It shocks me. If you are so bad off that you have to be in a facility to try to lose weight you'd think that you would not cheat and their familes would not bring them food!!! I just can't wrap my brain around them doing that. I feel the same when I see people who are 1200 lbs and bedridden. If they can't get up to get their own food, wouldn't it be fairly easy to get them to lose weight? But the families keep bringing them Deep Dish Meatlovers Pizzas. I don't get people a lot of the time. But I DO understand what you mean about seeing your self in that show. I've watched it at time and thought "she's not much bigger than I was". Or "I know just how he feels". It can be a powerful show for someone who has a lot to lose.

rileydog14 06-04-2007 08:56 PM

Terri and Bearcub - I am saddened for you - there's nothing like those cute eyes looking into yours. You are in my thoughts and prayers today.

I am getting back on the wagon and counting calories. I think the wagon might not be happy though, it sounded kinda creaky this morning. Ouch!

I counted to just over 1000 calories, then had a careful dinner, and a planned snack. I can do this!

Thank you all for being here!

Terri in MO 06-05-2007 08:18 AM

Morning ladies,

The scale is being kind this morning and I'm suspicious. :lol:

I had a good OP day. I was in a good frame of mind - no cheating. I logged all my points in WW Online. I did yard work as stress relief and counted it as exercise points.

Patti - Good to see you back and back on the wagon. Thank you for your kind words.

Lilion - The guy that died at the end of the show - had a girlfriend who was also in the clinic because of her weight and she was ordering him pizzas and fast foods to help him cheat. Last night, DH tried to put some of his food off on my plate - I said, you're no better than the girlfriend feeding the man pizza and he died. I believe he got my point. :lol:

:wave: to all. I need to finish getting ready and out the door by 7:30.

luja 06-05-2007 08:51 AM

Angela - your brunch sounds delicious!

Terri and Lilion - I've never seen the Brookhaven show. I don't have cable (I am too cheap :D). I should have my sister Tivo it for me and watch it some time. Sounds like the sort of slap upside my head I need.

I've stalled out weight-wise and one thing I realized is that I can't count gardening as exercise. Even if I get sweaty and my muscles ache, if that's all I do nothing happens. Pair that with getting a little sloppy with the eating habits and the scale has stalled out. So it's back to actual workout time.

Food should be easier this week, my youngest child is on a week long bike trip with school and without a kid to feed, I can do something austere to kick start things again -

ubercontralto 06-05-2007 09:44 AM

Hi ladies!

I no longer get TLC on this diret TV we have in my new apt. Its included....

So I have never heard of that show but its really awful that those folks go to get a way and get help and family helps them cheat....

how is that possible.

ah well - I cheat.

Its hard to stay committed.

I wish you all well today!

Hang in there.


Vortex_VVV 06-05-2007 05:04 PM

Getting a little nervous today. Seems like maybe I might be in the process of starting to lose weight again, which is good, but I've had so many abortive starts recently that I figure failure must be right around the corner. I know, I know, that's no way to think.

Anyway, I've got four days of exercise in, and my eating is moderated, and the scale is down a few more pounds than I'm even showing in my signature, so maybe I'm actually on my way.

Beautiful weather here today--hope some of you have beautiful weather too.

Terri, I really envy your morning habits! Right now I don't have to be anywhere at any particular time, and I just keep staying up too late---and then of course getting up much later than I'd like. I won't even tell you what time, it's too embarrassing.

Luja--Thanks! Hope that jump start works out for you.

Susan--Hope you're having a great day too.

Justwant2Bhealthy 06-05-2007 11:30 PM

HELLO LADIES ~ :wave: ~ After several days of rain, we finally had some sunshine today; a little cool, but lovely! I hope some of that rain made its way down to Georgia & Florida and put out those fires???

Well, I'm doing pretty well keeping OP this week; I'm sure perseverance is the key here. Was looking around the site and noticed that many people hit plateaus after losing 75-100 lbs. DH thinks that my body is just taking a short rest; and that it will continue on down very soon. Have been doing really well keeping up my exercise goals; surpassed them in May again ~ and that feels really great!

TERRI & LILION ~ I'm glad we don't get that show about those POOR DEAR SOULS who have struggled so with their weight. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on those who brought food and SABOTAGED them as they were reaching out for SOME HOPE AND HELP! Where was the staff; and, was there no monitoring or security to protect them???

As I read the many stories in these forums, threads, and pages, I start to wonder if the doctors really know anything about how to help overweight people. If these diets really worked, NONE OF US WOULD BE HERE TODAY! We would have been cured a long time ago, right??? Why is it so much easier for us to blame ourselves?

I think WE are the ones who are trying to find the answers; WE keep trying different plans, methods, recipes, ideas, etc; in the hopes that today might be the day that WE find the secret to prolonged, successful weightloss!

UBERCONTRALTO ~ love that poem; thanx for posting it. He mentions the trickery of the world (read it after I wrote the above paragraph); seems related to me, but I still look up each day and my hope is ever rekindled! I'm still trying for balance and moderation; and good health is the payoff!

RUTH ~ hang in there, girl; I know it's really tough what you are going thru right now. DH's mother had Alzheimer's and now his memory has been giving him some real trouble lately, and I know that he's upset about it; so I'm trying to encourage him to enjoy every minute of every single day!

ANGELA, LUJA, SUSAN & EVERYONE ELSE ~ we all slip sometimes, but just keep on going; good for you all ~ the fact you are here means you really care and want to be healthier.

GARDEN UPDATE ~ everything is up except my potatoes; will wait to plants the green and yellow beans mid-late June. All the rain helped the garden to start sprouting earlier than usual. Got my tomato plants and will put them in the greenhouse this week; just watching the cooler weather. I would rather wait a bit as I got extra early varieties. Picked up three kinds, including TINY TIMS ~ plus a few Marigolds.

Well, that's about all the news here; just doing housework, laundry, cooking, the finances, and other chores as usual. DH has been helping my Dad build a small cabin (DH says he's really there for moral support and to be a kind of gopher; but he says that's OK since my father's in his mid-seventies). I'm amazed how he (my Dad) keeps going like an eveready battery ~ LOL!

ANYHOW ~ take care all; and just keep on doin' your best ~ your fellow encourager ~ ROSEBUD. :hug: And remember ~ inbetween these goals, life still goes on; so, let's enjoy it as much as we can!

Vortex_VVV 06-06-2007 06:36 PM

That's a great positive attitude, Rosebud. Thanks for the encouragement, too!

Working all day to get ready for my class that starts Monday. Tonight I have a creative writing group to meet with, though, so I've been reading the latest chapter of a scary novel, plus a personal essay. Ooooh, the scary novel is scary.

Stay OP all!

Terri in MO 06-07-2007 07:32 AM

Morning ladies,

Yahoo for Thursday! I'm sleepy today so nothing much to yack on about.The roofers came on Tuesday to replace the roof. They were here until 9 pm on the roof hammering and making all kinds of noise. That was not a pleasant night.

The scale has continued to be nice and I've continued to do well with food. I've even done a little walking with the dogs at night. They need it and so do I. Except they end up laying on the porch after one trip. :rolleyes:

Time to hit the shower. :wave: to all!

NoLifeWithoutHorses 06-07-2007 01:01 PM

BEARCUB, I certainly can’t find the words to comfort you in your loss of Pawl. Losing a fur-baby is always so heartwrenching, and yet the years they give us are so heartwarming, we do it again and again. I’m glad the others are there to comfort you. An empty lap is a sad thing.

RUTH, I’m so sorry that you’re going through such a hard time with your mom. A hundred years is a long time, but no time is long enough with a loved one. I’m glad you’re close to her. Mine is in Florida, and I don’t know when I’ll see her again. Hugs to you and your mom. Bravo to you for never giving up on your own weight loss journey. It’s a never ending thing, and we just have to climb back on the horse.

LUJA, How’s the house painting coming? I love that style of older home, but the maintenance is definitely a challenge, especially when they’ve had it covered up for so long. Perhaps you’ll post a pic or two when you’ve finished?? ** As for the gardening, I’ve been doing much more of it lately, and it’s hard to believe that I could have so many muscles complaining and NOT call it exercise. However, I’m with you. It really doesn’t build heart muscle or burn calories much. I need to get back to really working out, but it’s hard (or I’m lazy.) Tell ya what, I will if you will, deal?

SUSAN, Thanks for posting the Desiderata. I should start each day, especially at work, by reading that and giving it a few moments thought. It helps with perspective.

ANGELA, Oooo, quiche. I hadn’t thought of that in a long time. What a great idea, cuz I can even get some veggies in it. ** As for the abortive efforts lately, WOW! I hear ya on THAT! But I think I’m finally on my way, too. It was a hard spring, especially May, for a lot of people. It feels so good to be back on track, I can’t believe how hard it is to get myself to just DO it. Keep up the great work!

TERRI, Cameras can be cruelly honest, can’t they? Some of my eye opening came from being in pain again. Stairs are murder, and I’ve only put back about a dozen pounds. Since I quit working out I haven’t just gained a bit of weight, I’ve melted back into jello. When I try to get on Gabe, I feel so off balance just standing on the mounting block and putting a foot in the stirrup. I get nervous knowing that if he takes a step, I’ll end up in the sand. Again. It’s humiliating!

LILION, What did you think of ‘Pirates III’? I love Johnny Depp, but thought the original was way better than #2. I love a long movie – makes me feel like I’m getting my money’s worth. To see P-III, I might have to go by myself.

C’mon, PATTI – You can do this! Sounds like you’re getting your calorie counting under control.

Hi ROSEBUD! I’m glad your garden seems to be coming up so well. I had some early plants in, but the varmints ate ALL my broccoli & peas, plus damaged a bunch of other things. I’m planting and replant more, and I have fence up now, AND I’m trying some “Liquid Fence” spray, to discourage them from bypassing the fence and destroying the rest of my plants.

As for the people in those clinics who cheat that dramatically, I think they don’t guard those people because you really can’t FORCE someone to lose weight, or keep it off. If they’re far more committed to eating than to actually losing, they will find a way, and they do. On a recent Dr. Phil episode there was a very heavy woman, and my feeling was that she was saying everything she thought he wanted to hear, but still desperately trying to keep her ‘enabler.’ She knew that her abusive ‘boyfriend’ was the only person who would continue to put food in front of her, claim that she hardly ate anything, while she was continually gaining weight.
- I’d like to be able to PLAY the piano, but I’m not committed enough to that desire to actually take lessons and LEARN to play. Furthermore, I can use the excuse that I don’t have a piano as an excuse why I don’t learn. Poor, poor me, I can’t play the piano. –
I think the woman on that show would like to BE thinner, but I don’t think she had any commitment whatsoever to the process of BECOMING thinner. Furthermore, she claims her sister has abandoned her, but her sister was willing to have her move in and would care for her, including feeding her properly. Moving in with sis and having sis help and care for her would have separated her from her feeder, but she kept searching for other excuses. Dr. Phil offered to send her to a clinic, and she accepted, but reluctantly and what appeared to me to be resentfully. She had her world the way she wanted it, “Poor me, I’m fat and I can’t help it.” And in her case anyway, I didn’t believe she wanted anybody else to help her either.

I think regardless of whether you’re in a clinic, or anywhere else, you have to be committed not just to WANTING to weigh less, but committed to the PROCESS of losing weight. You don’t have to like it all the time, you don’t have to be super-human perfect, but you have to be committed to following through with it. If you slip, you have to come back. You have to DO it more than you don’t do it. You don’t have to pretend it’s easy, because it’s not. But you do have to be honest with yourself. You do have to decide what’s important, and come to grips with what it will take to get you where you want to be. The ride isn’t free – you have to earn it. No magic pill. Even surgery only works and keeps working if the person is committed to the rest of the process.

I figure I can learn to cope with being fat, or I can learn to cope with making changes. Right now, I’m not as committed as I wish I was to exercise. But I’m honest enough with myself to know that I can’t go on as I have, or I could end up heavier, much heavier, sitting on my dreams and squashing them, instead of living them. I am able to direct myself at healthier eating habits, so that’s my first focus. I totally understand how hard it is to commit and stay committed – I’m fat, for Pete’s sake! But I know what giving up is, and while it will happen sometimes, momentarily, surrender isn’t the way I’m going to live and die. I can keep trying every day, keep figuring out what works for me and what doesn’t, what I can do and what I can’t, – or I can make excuses and not even try.

There is so much genuine ‘try’ on this list, so much commitment, that I feel inspired with every visit. Every one of us keeps coming back because we just won’t give up. That’s humbling to me. We have downs, and we keep on climbing anyway. I have never felt that anyone here was ever living the ‘Poor me’ plan. We all have setbacks, hurts, challenges, gripes. We share them here because it helps us get through them, past them, and onwards again to where we want to be. They aren’t excuses, it’s just life, and we all want more than to sit on our tooshies and watch the world go by.

What a long-winded, opinionated, bag o’ hot air. I guess I must be cranking myself up to continue the never ending march. I’ve finally found my way back to ‘the zone’ where I’m making the right kind of progress – my Dr. Jekyl vs. my Ms. Hyde – and I can be really annoying at times. I bet you wish I’d stayed quiet, huh?

Off to the barn. I wish you all the best my friends!!! Have a beautiful OP day!

Vortex_VVV 06-07-2007 04:21 PM

That wasn't hot air, Valerie, that was very thoughtful. Keep up the good work! And you too, Terri.

Me, I'm busy busy getting ready for class to start Monday. But I managed to exercise again today--every day so far in June--it's small but if I can make it the whole month that will be a huge victory for me. The funny thing is, as much as I've always said I hate exercise, if I can do something like walk in the park--or even the cemetary--that is, if I can walk somewhere interesting--I actually enjoy it. But I just can't enjoy going to a gym with 18-year-olds. Maybe someday I'll like that. For now I'll have to figure out how to cope on the days when it's too hot to walk outside--which means the rest of this week, among others.

Have a great Thursday evening everybody.

Terri in MO 06-08-2007 08:08 AM

Morning gals -

Valerie - You ole' wind bag, you. NOT! I loved it. Very thoughtful and that is what we need to be doing if we're going to overcome the bad habits. Now think of it in horse terms. What would you do if Steeg was becoming overweight and endangering himself to founder or something worse? What if the vet said he needed less food and daily exercise in order to have a quality of life? Would you do anything you could to make sure it happened for him? Danni has been getting chunky and I've been on DH to quit feeding her so much and I've been making sure get gets out and runs and plays every day. So....that is what we need to do for ourselves.

As far as gardening and not being exercise. While its not cardio and fat burning exercise, think of it in terms of your conditioning exercise. And conditioning exercise counts. Make sure to stretch those muscles. Hoeing weeds is good for the biceps and triceps. Pick things up from the ground in the same way you would pick up weights. If you're out gardening, if you're out cleaning horse stalls, if you're ironing, if you're picking up around the house, it isn't sitting on the couch, eating! If you think about it, you can easily make it good exercise and more fun!

Okay, so that's my wind-bag for the day!

I'm so glad its Friday. I don't know why I'm so tired but I am.

Angela - Good job about the exercise. I wouldn't like walking in the gym either unless I had music or something to help totally zone out everyone else. Keep up the good work. And enjoy your weekend before class starts!

:wave: to everyone else. I need to feed Duke and get my butt in gear.

Ta ta!

NoLifeWithoutHorses 06-08-2007 11:24 PM

Hey Ladies!

Good points, Terri & Angela, about getting out and making it enjoyable. ANYthing but that evil couch! At least now that we're in to re-runs, the TV isn't even tempting.

I'm scared to look at my garden after the royal hail storms we had here today. There was even a weather emergency called at work and we all had to go to interior halls.

OK. I did have a bit of a breakdown today - a fresh, warm biscuit breakdown. I thought about the actual taste of the thing as I ate it, was it really so delicious? Not really. It was rather bland, blah and flat tasting, but I had such an incredible urge to devour it. I thought about the fact that I was cheating, and did I really want to go back to endless days of struggling to get back on track - or not get back on track at all??? Did I really want to make a guilty habit of eating such things? No. So I had that urge and I caved, but I have to THINK about it, about what it means and what the consequences are, and make the choice NOT to do it next time. It's easy to keep doing it if I don't give the action and the consequences concious thought; If I try to dismiss it and tell myself I'll think about it later, next time; that it really won't matter just that one time. Yeah. Right.

I came home from the barn tonight and headed for the kitchen to have some reheated Chinese leftovers from lunch. First of all, I actually ordered the steamed chicken & veggies, which I like, but have too often passed up for greasier stuff. Second of all, I actually HAVE leftovers - I only ate half instead of scarfing the whole container. And third, I only put part of the leftovers in a bowl, & after heating thought "ya know, I'm not even really hungry." I had about 4 little bites and put it all back in the fridge.

That good behaviour is all the result of just 3-4 days off the biscuits & such, so why would I put one in my mouth again?!?! I'm gonna blame it on the margarita. Oh, what margarita, you ask? Well, after being so OP for a few days, my girlfriend suggested going out for a light beer at the local pub. She's been havnig a REALLy tough time lately, and I thought it sounded great. We got there and it was margarita night. I drank half of one before it even occurred to me that the thing was PACKED with sugar. I didn't touch any more of it, but I bet that sugar had a hand in my 'biscuit breakdown.'

May you all have a wonderful weekend, with no biscuit breakdowns of your own!!

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