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jendiet 06-14-2011 04:53 PM

Thread for the ONEderland Hopefuls
I am actually hovering over the 190s now, and came looking for a 190s thread, but there is none! Are there enough to form a thread?

i'm 5 weeks postpartum, and i like having a specific goal thread. I delivered my boy at 222 (yikes for me!) and am now sitting on the border of the 200s. specifically at 200.4 this morning. I hope somebody will join and we can form a thread. I know the 190s are not fun....but it's nice to hit onderland and have the support to keep going.

zoodoo613 06-14-2011 05:03 PM

I'm right there with you! 201.2 this morning, saw 200.2 early this week. Bouncing around right at that threshhold.

dogdaysofdiets 06-14-2011 08:12 PM

I'm not as close as you guys, but I'm closing in on it and have been looking for a onederland thread to celebrate with others when I get there.

I'm a newbie to the 30's board, so I hope you don't mind me barging in. :D

jitterfish 06-15-2011 04:19 AM

I'm still a ways off, but I'll celebrate you guys getting there! I don't mind being a follower ;)

zoodoo613 06-15-2011 10:35 AM

So is this the thread? Or should we start a different one?

I'll just jump in, I guess, until someone does differently. :)

200.6 this morning. So close, but I've been dancing around here for several weeks, so I'm not getting my hopes too high. That, and I've been pretty discouraged lately, mostly because of other things going on in my life, but it affects you, ya know?

I got out and took a walk last night, which I hadn't done in a while. I went not so much because I was motivated to exercise, but because I couldn't stand being at home right then. Whatever it takes, I guess.

jendiet 06-15-2011 10:43 PM

oh yay! ok ladies, let's support each other on the way into the 190s....

i hear ya zoodoo on taking a walk, i need to get the stroller out and go out on a nice night.

jitter, i don't mind having you here...ya never know how fast your weight loss might be! i hope you come over the onderland threshold really soon!

dogdays, i'm a newbie to this board too. i usually hang out in the main support forum. i'm glad to go this with you!

well, apparently my late night noshing..caught up with me. 202 this morning. still, i go up 2 and down 2 so easily.

i'm having a hard time fighting the coconut cookies tonight. they are so good!

MissSea 06-16-2011 02:30 AM

New to the boards and already finding so many fun places to post! I'm with dogdays: close to onederland, but still a few pounds off. Please don't mind my intrusion -- I'm SO excited about getting under 200.

I've just hit my first plateau. I did the same thing the first time I tried Atkins -- right around 8 weeks in, the scale just sits there. I know what I need to do: focus back on what I should be eating, stay away from the temptations (Clemmy's!) and DRINK MORE WATER! <SIGH> Sometimes easier said than done! :)

You'd think running around after a toddler would help bust my butt over the hump! Instead I find myself sneaking what she doesn't eat for lunch/snack/dinner into my mouth. So sad ... my child is my enabler, and she doesn't even know it! ;)

jitterfish 06-16-2011 05:16 AM

Perhaps we could start a challenge? A good ol' fashion weight goal challenge for those of us close to ONEderland? I'm closer that I realised, 207lbs (I think in metric, for some reason I was thinking I was around 220lbs).

I have a 2.5yr old and a 7mos old, I work, and of course then there is house stuff, so at the moment my biggest challenge is finding time to get to the gym. I love the gym, its the only way I can really push myself to exercise. When I exercise at home or go for a walk I am so blah about it, it doesn't inspire me and I just cannot be bothered. So can someone invent more hours of the day for me please -LOL-

zoodoo613 06-16-2011 09:09 AM

dogdays - I'm not a regular in the 30-somethings either, mostly because I hadn't found a thread that "fit" me. It's here now and so am I.

Jen - I bounce really easily too. My weight chart looks like a craggy mountain, but as long as I'm heading down the mountain and not up, I'm doing OK :)

MissSea - Plateaus suck, but they're totally normal. Don't let your mind play tricks on you. Keep doing things right and you'll start moving again.

jitterfish - Do you have some metric version of onderland that you're also shooting for? I'll sit out a challenge, but you guys go to it. I'm trying to avoid the "go get 'em" mindset in an effort to keep myself on an even keel and NOT crash and burn, as I've done so many times in the past.

As for me? 199.4 this morning! As I said, I bounce a lot, so I may not see it again for a while, but it sure was nice to see it today!

jendiet 06-16-2011 11:30 AM

oh my gosh Zoodoo! that is so awesome. i bounced back down 2 to 200.6 so but i don't move my ticker until a daily average confirms the weight loss. it's lovely to see a new low though!

I failed at fighting the cookie fight, i will try to do better today. i rang in yesterday at 250 carbs. still better than my diet used to be. plus the journaling tells me what i look like on bad days.

jitterfish, this thread is a challenge to us all to get to onderland and out of the 190s. some go faster. just the thought of a competition makes some go really fast, but i'm with zoodoo, not looking to crash and burn. i could never get to the gym, so i have "home gym" stuff. i have to find the motivation and time to do it though...

missSea, welcome, yes plateaus do suck, but remember more than WEIGHT LOSS is happening to your body. i would hate to lose a bunch of weight and NOT give my body a chance to deal with the excess skin and waste issue.

ok so today's weight 200.6. i need to take measurements and pics...cuz my body transforms a lot before i see any weight loss.

zoodoo613 06-16-2011 04:53 PM

Jen - I can't believe you have the energy to focus at all with your baby so little. And I imagine your body is still going through some post-baby shifts.

dogdaysofdiets 06-16-2011 09:22 PM

Yay for our growing group of wonderful onderland hopefuls! :)

I managed to shave 1.5lbs off between yesterday and today, so I'm only 4.5lbs away now! I had been suffering a mini plateau since the weekend, but I'm starting to think it was that darn monthly water retention. I was very excited to see such significant progress this morning. :cp:

Jen - I'm also an "at home gym" person. Between work, my DH working nights and my two DDs, I barely have time to take a shower, let alone get a babysitter so I can go to the gym. I work out at night when the girls are asleep.

Jitter - I'm in for the competition. I'm so determined to get there. A few years ago, I lost a lot of weight and got down to onederland. I remember, quite vividly, the morning that the scale registered 199.5 - I had happy tears, I was so proud of myself. I put 20 pounds back on, kicking me back out of onederland, but I'm more determined than ever to get back there and enjoy that prideful feeling again.

Fit by forty...that's my goal. I have 4 1/2 years to get there!

jitterfish 06-16-2011 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by zoodoo613 (Post 3893769)
Do you have some metric version of onderland that you're also shooting for?

Not now. I was 130+kg at one stage so big goal was to get under 100kg, hitting double figures. Then I hit it so now its just chipping away, 10kg block goals. But most boards I visit everyone is American so I jumped on the ONEderland idea (plus coz it has such a cool name). Quick conversion tells me that I'll be there when I hit 90kg which is my next mini goal so works in well :carrot:

And an little thing I'm editing to add (instead of double posting), earlier in the week I was talking to a personal trainer and she said I shouldn't call it weight loss, call it weight reduction. Because when we talk about losing something we are usually looking to find it again. I know its quirky, but I like that idea. I am weight reducing!

MissSea 06-17-2011 03:41 AM

Yay, zoodoo! Oneder is oneder, no matter how long! I like that, jitterfish! On the path to "weight reduction". ;)

Jen, I had GD with my daughter as well -- ironically, my diet looked more like the Atkins diet than anything else I had been exposed to. It didn't help much. DD was 10lbs. 4oz. and full butt breech! Thank the Lord for c-sections!

Dogdays, I work out at night, but I've got a 24-Hour Fitness gym membership. I got it through Costco. It's $299(!), but that's for a 2-year membership. It works out to $12-ish per month. I really need to get on track for every other day. Not sure how old your kids are, but my gym has the in-house daycare. It's actually kind of nice, and my DD loves it (she's almost 2)! Plus congrats on your reduction -- you're almost there! :)

Though I have no signature to post this on, my own personal goal is NO MORE DIET COKE! I love the stuff, but I think it may be doing funny things to my waistline. Any joiners? :)

jitterfish 06-17-2011 05:20 AM

I love coke zero, I have one can a day :) I use it to curb the after dinner "I want something sweet", and I use it as daily treat. I'm a believer in everything in moderation (nothing is off limits, I just need to account what I eat and what I do).

10lb 4oz and breech, shesh yeh thank goodness for c-sections! My first was 9lb 2oz and that was big enough thankyou very much -LOL- Second was just shy of 9lbs, we thought he was going to be bigger but thankfully no. And ironically while I think in metric, like most NZers we use pounds for baby weights -LOL-

jendiet 06-17-2011 02:33 PM

zoodoo, i know you are going to be our first successfull onderland goer...so we are hopefully catching up to you. girl, i can't believe i have time to focus either...in about 5 minutes, i have to get off here, attach my breast pump, and study for the NCLEX while i pump both breasts. alas, that is how it is ...I MUST multitask to get anything done.

Dog days, yay for being so close! i know if i could figure out a real routine...i would be able to get more exercise in... my butt is really toned from having to use my leg muscles for everthing though--that is a plus. now about my belly. your house sounds like mine...too much trouble to get a sitter, takes up too much time.

Miss Sea i was RIGHT on the border, i watched my sugar..i still ate sweets though...and he came out 7 lbs 6 oz which was lighter than my first who was 8 lbs 6 oz.

jitter, i believe just like you do...everything in moderation. i have some wierd button that gets pushed if i tell myself "no, you can't have that". then that food owns me, and occupies my mind...and well next thing i know i'm binging on it....the psyche is a wierd thing.

your sig is funny jitter, i actually dream about being chased...and i can't run worth a poop, then when i am cornered i can't punch worth a poop either.

ok, no weight reduction here. still at 200.6.--consistent though... hopefully when my stress goes down after i ****PLEASE GOD PLEASE**** pass the NCLEX BOARDS i can relax JUST A LITTLE, before i start my bachelor's classes on the 27th.

jitterfish 06-19-2011 03:32 AM

Jen what are you studying? Glad you like the sig :) It was a joke I made to a friends blog, she loved it so much and used the line with her son who then posted on his FB "my Mum is training for a zombie apocalypse". Funny thing is hubby and I talk about zombie apocalypse all the time and what we'd do (we are total geeks, and watch lots of zombie flicks).

Today's weigh in is 205. I'm just bouncing around this weight at the moment, hopefully I'm going to punch through this brick wall!

seabiscuit 06-19-2011 06:36 PM

I have a ways to go before I get to Onederland but I KNOW I can do it. I am about 24 lbs less than what I was in spring of last year. I believe in myself and know I can do this, it's just I get so darn frustrated with stress eating and not exercising as much as I'd like to because of my foot with plantar fasciatiis.

I love this website, and I think it is great we have each other.

m3rma1d 06-19-2011 07:01 PM

Am I too far away from onederland to join in the thread? Hope not, 'cos it is my current goal and all I think about..

kimicat76 06-19-2011 07:21 PM

was 201.2-8 for almost a month and then this morning the scale said 200.6. SOOOOO CLOSE!!

jendiet 06-19-2011 08:52 PM

hey ladies! Well, i am done with the NCLEX. It is the state boards for nursing here in sc. According to the heresay, since my results aren't official yet..i passed!

jitter, you are going to blast that wall down!

sea, you sound like me hun...but yes you CAN do it.

m3, you are welcome to join our group. i don't think you are too far away.

kimi...you have been the weight i was for a couple of days...i haven't weighed in two days and i went on a mini vacation from carb counting..the scale will tell all tomorrow. i was munching on some corn chips too...not a good thing for carb counting. i need to munch on some cucumbers instead.

ok ladies...we are getting serious.

name one serious goal you have for the week. here is mine. switch out munching on chips for munching on cucumber slices we have a garden and we have plenty.

jitterfish 06-19-2011 10:38 PM

My goal for the week is to get to the gym 3 times and one other exercise session in. It is going to be difficult because I'm in the middle of exam marking (anyone wanna help? -lol-). But I figure if I go hard for the next two days I should be done and can achieve goal. Hardest thing is grading papers always makes me want to munch down.

Right, enough procrastination...

jendiet 06-19-2011 10:43 PM

yeah, like studying makes me want to munch. get some carrots or some other crunchy veggie...and go to town on that.

jitterfish 06-20-2011 03:36 AM

So after I wrote that post, I graded a few more papers and then decided that I was using exam marking as an excuse to not exercise. So I got my booty to the gym! Just means I have to work a little later tonight, but so worth it!

zoodoo613 06-20-2011 09:29 AM


I caught up in the thread, but I can't respond to everyone right now. I did wan't to say: Jen, WTG! I know how stressful big licensing exams are, so congrats on getting through it!

After 4 days under 200, I'm back to being a hopeful, with a weigh in of 200.6. Oh well, it's a fluctuation, that's the way this sort of thing goes.

I got new running shoes this weekend, and I need to try them out on a treadmill before ruining on the streets. (I have difficult feet and shoes often don't work for me). I'm hoping I can do that tonight.

m3rma1d 06-20-2011 10:27 AM

Yay thanks for letting me join!

Well today marked my 1st week back at it (again, again, again) and I lost 7.8lbs total.

I LOVE those high numbers I get the 1st week of starting over again, but now comes the hard part: When it slows to a crawl and I get discouraged. I'm gonna have to push thru that!! My goal is Onederland by Sept 13th (don't call me crazy) or at least as close as I can possibly get!

melissakd 06-20-2011 10:32 AM

I am really looking forward to OnederLand! So close, but so far.

jendiet 06-20-2011 04:39 PM

ok ladies, the FIRST reading of the scale this morning was 199.8. i tried to confirm and the scale read 200.6 again...i got scale crazy and the numbers went nuts. at least i had a glimpse of onderland today....

yeah glad the test is over now comes the stress of making sure i get everything done before my classes start on the 27th. i haven't had time to think that I might not have time for classes. So i am just going to make a mad rush to get it all done. the house is a pit...more chores= more excercise = more weight loss right? I just hate a messy house, but i have to juggle.

zoodoo, at least it was 4 days...i had 4 seconds...i'm so proud of you. thanks for the congrats. the test was of course anitclimatic..it's like what in the world? i stressed for 2 years and some odd days for THAT? and now it's over. i can not and WILL not run on the streets--my joints get very unhappy. I love jogging on the rebounder though..and as soon as i get my lazy butt to drag it out of the corner from all of the other exercise machines--i'll do it.

jitter, i remember the feeling after a gym workout. i also need to isolate myself from everything at a gym--to actually exercise...but i can't so i have to muster up some discipline to do something...i left my exercise and diet log in another town--whoops. i'll make a new one.

m3 way to go hun, 7.8 lbs is awesome.

melissa, you will be there before you know it.

jitterfish 06-21-2011 03:40 AM

Jen and I have posted our goal for the week (her going for yummy cucumber slices instead of crisps, me 4 work outs this week), come of ladies share yours :)

zoodoo613 06-21-2011 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by jitterfish (Post 3900148)
Jen and I have posted our goal for the week (her going for yummy cucumber slices instead of crisps, me 4 work outs this week), come of ladies share yours :)

I have, and have had very modest goals for this journey: keep tracking calories. I didn't on Sunday, for the first time since starting in March, except for a few computer-access-less days on vacation. But I was back at it Monday. I've been trying to exercise moderately too, but I'm purposely not pushing myself on that.

One added goal for this week is to try out my new running shoes on the treadmill, so if I decide they don't work, I can still return them.

Weigh-in at 200.2 this morning, which surprised me a little. I had a higher calorie day yesterday, but of course even my higher days, these days, are still under maintenance. Strange how that perspective shifts.

melissakd 06-21-2011 09:18 AM

My goal is 4 full gym visits this week. Last week I only managed one. Went last night and did 30 minuts (2 miles) on the treadmill and then did 4 ab machines for 4 sets each. I was full of energy when I left!

jendiet 06-21-2011 12:32 PM

ok, well, i failed yesterday INSTEAD of munching on cucumber slices i let my stress rule and ate an OLD FAVORITE that i used to eat with my dad. sourdough pretzels with real creamy butter. bad jen!

so today, i am going to ignore cravings for salt and fat, and i am going to munch on cucumbers. by the way i was 2 lbs up today. blah. i know it is all the salt. so i need fluids and cucumbers.

zoodoo, yay i see you moved your ticker.

melissa, great job on the exercise. i need to quit my excuses. yeah, i got to clean, but i can squeeze in some arm reps and leg reps. at least 15 of each.

jitter way to stay on track!

i have this pair of mock shapers i want to try out...maybe they will help with some muscle toning.

MissSea 06-21-2011 03:59 PM

Yay, more onederlanders to chat with! So glad you all found this thread! :)

I posted my goal of cutting Diet Coke, but I cheated BAD on the weekend! :( I can't help it -- it beckons from my fridge! And we were out of ice. Lame excuse, I know, but I CANNOT drink water unless it has ice in it. But I went out last night and bought TWO big bags of ice! I'm back on track.

My weight's fluctuating, too, jen. I weighed myself at my parents' house this weekend and their scale said 203 (I am SO stealing their scale!). Back at my house, it said 205. Grr ...

Tonight I said I'd meet a girlfriend for coffee, but maybe we can walk around the mall while we sip -- inspired by you, melissakd! :)

Oh, great coffee drink suggestion -- Starbucks has sugar-free caramel and vanilla. Add that to an iced coffee latte (fat-free milk, if you prefer), and it's only 130 calories! Much better than a frappuccino, yes?

jendiet 06-21-2011 09:14 PM

well, i'm still not winning, but i had a bad day. baby was very fussy and wanted to bf every 30 minutes...aye, yaye, yaye!

MissSea, you will win the diet coke challenge you set for yourself.

I got some good news amidst the chaos today. I am officially a registered nurse. I also got my paperwork for my BSN done today---so some productiveness out of today.

i am SO tired. but i am going to do 15 reps of arms and 15 reps of legs BEFORE i go to sleep tonight.

jendiet 06-21-2011 10:28 PM

alright, that is it. on top of having you girls route me on..i'm joining a binge free challenge. i binge on crap under stress, and i did it again today...

did 15 reps of legs and arms though..woot!

jitterfish 06-22-2011 12:03 AM

Ah Jen, those days where baby just wants to be attached to you, so draining!!! Oakley had one of those last week, not sleeping for more than 40 min and deciding boob every hour please Mum. He is 7mos so well past that stage I thought! Factor in a demanding 2.5yr old and I was so happy to see hubby at the end of the day -LOL-

I never notice salt influencing my weight much, does everyone else? How often does everyone weigh themselves?

jendiet 06-22-2011 01:09 AM

jitter, thanks for the warning, at least i know they won't just grow out of it, but it is a phase. I feel like ds1's baby hood is just a blur, i remember alot but none of the specifics...

salt, which i crave alot...but don't put extra on my food--? always makes me weigh more, but i'm terrible at staying hydrated. i need to flush, flush , flush.

jendiet 06-22-2011 12:35 PM

ok ladies i am down to 201.4. I am very stressed, but at least realize i am in dangerous territory for binge eating.

i did my few exercises yesterday, today i'm doing a few abs.

baby is still very fussy. how long does a growth spurt last?

jitterfish 06-22-2011 10:44 PM

Depends on the baby, couple of days to a week.

203lbs today. I am very happy I've reached my next mini goal - 25kg (55lbs) in 5 months. Woohoooo

jendiet 06-22-2011 11:10 PM

yay jitter, you are doing awesome. what a great accomplishment!

ok didn't stress eat on crap! i munched cucumbers--which interestingly was while i was cooking dinner. but i got through 1 day without binging. I also did some 30 reps of ab work on my bean. time to wrap it up with my chamomile/nursing tea...and call it a night.

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