3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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melissakd 06-21-2011 09:18 AM

My goal is 4 full gym visits this week. Last week I only managed one. Went last night and did 30 minuts (2 miles) on the treadmill and then did 4 ab machines for 4 sets each. I was full of energy when I left!

jendiet 06-21-2011 12:32 PM

ok, well, i failed yesterday INSTEAD of munching on cucumber slices i let my stress rule and ate an OLD FAVORITE that i used to eat with my dad. sourdough pretzels with real creamy butter. bad jen!

so today, i am going to ignore cravings for salt and fat, and i am going to munch on cucumbers. by the way i was 2 lbs up today. blah. i know it is all the salt. so i need fluids and cucumbers.

zoodoo, yay i see you moved your ticker.

melissa, great job on the exercise. i need to quit my excuses. yeah, i got to clean, but i can squeeze in some arm reps and leg reps. at least 15 of each.

jitter way to stay on track!

i have this pair of mock shapers i want to try out...maybe they will help with some muscle toning.

MissSea 06-21-2011 03:59 PM

Yay, more onederlanders to chat with! So glad you all found this thread! :)

I posted my goal of cutting Diet Coke, but I cheated BAD on the weekend! :( I can't help it -- it beckons from my fridge! And we were out of ice. Lame excuse, I know, but I CANNOT drink water unless it has ice in it. But I went out last night and bought TWO big bags of ice! I'm back on track.

My weight's fluctuating, too, jen. I weighed myself at my parents' house this weekend and their scale said 203 (I am SO stealing their scale!). Back at my house, it said 205. Grr ...

Tonight I said I'd meet a girlfriend for coffee, but maybe we can walk around the mall while we sip -- inspired by you, melissakd! :)

Oh, great coffee drink suggestion -- Starbucks has sugar-free caramel and vanilla. Add that to an iced coffee latte (fat-free milk, if you prefer), and it's only 130 calories! Much better than a frappuccino, yes?

jendiet 06-21-2011 09:14 PM

well, i'm still not winning, but i had a bad day. baby was very fussy and wanted to bf every 30 minutes...aye, yaye, yaye!

MissSea, you will win the diet coke challenge you set for yourself.

I got some good news amidst the chaos today. I am officially a registered nurse. I also got my paperwork for my BSN done today---so some productiveness out of today.

i am SO tired. but i am going to do 15 reps of arms and 15 reps of legs BEFORE i go to sleep tonight.

jendiet 06-21-2011 10:28 PM

alright, that is it. on top of having you girls route me on..i'm joining a binge free challenge. i binge on crap under stress, and i did it again today...

did 15 reps of legs and arms though..woot!

jitterfish 06-22-2011 12:03 AM

Ah Jen, those days where baby just wants to be attached to you, so draining!!! Oakley had one of those last week, not sleeping for more than 40 min and deciding boob every hour please Mum. He is 7mos so well past that stage I thought! Factor in a demanding 2.5yr old and I was so happy to see hubby at the end of the day -LOL-

I never notice salt influencing my weight much, does everyone else? How often does everyone weigh themselves?

jendiet 06-22-2011 01:09 AM

jitter, thanks for the warning, at least i know they won't just grow out of it, but it is a phase. I feel like ds1's baby hood is just a blur, i remember alot but none of the specifics...

salt, which i crave alot...but don't put extra on my food--? always makes me weigh more, but i'm terrible at staying hydrated. i need to flush, flush , flush.

jendiet 06-22-2011 12:35 PM

ok ladies i am down to 201.4. I am very stressed, but at least realize i am in dangerous territory for binge eating.

i did my few exercises yesterday, today i'm doing a few abs.

baby is still very fussy. how long does a growth spurt last?

jitterfish 06-22-2011 10:44 PM

Depends on the baby, couple of days to a week.

203lbs today. I am very happy I've reached my next mini goal - 25kg (55lbs) in 5 months. Woohoooo

jendiet 06-22-2011 11:10 PM

yay jitter, you are doing awesome. what a great accomplishment!

ok didn't stress eat on crap! i munched cucumbers--which interestingly was while i was cooking dinner. but i got through 1 day without binging. I also did some 30 reps of ab work on my bean. time to wrap it up with my chamomile/nursing tea...and call it a night.

MissSea 06-23-2011 12:53 AM

Good job, jitter! You and I are twinsies today -- 203 as well! I almost fell off the scale, but I'm so glad it moved AT ALL! I've been stuck at 205 for at least two weeks! And I weigh myself every morning to monitor my water supply, actually, 'cause I'm low-carbing it -- if I have a REALLY dramatic loss (like three or four pounds), I know I need to up my H20 ASAP! :)

So my DC addiction has been, well, curbed, at the very least. One (or sometimes two) cans a day with LOTS of water, instead of many super-sized, drive-thru DCs. To paraphrase a (current) fave book: I don't do perfect. ;)

jen, baby will get through the growth spurt. You're blessed s/he BFs at all! I pumped 4-7 times a day because my daughter had huge problems latching. Actually, to be honest I'm embarrassed to say it was kind of nice. I got to sit in front of the computer and chill while my hubby ran around after the kiddo! So not happening with any future offspring. ;)

And per the veggie goal, have you tried edamame? Not certain if SC means SoCal or South Carolina, but we have Trader Joe's in SoCal, and they have frozen pre-cooked edamame (salted or unsalted) that are SO good for you and fill you up!

jitterfish 06-23-2011 03:31 AM

Ah pumping, gosh I hate it! I pump while at work so lil one has milk the next day in care. But I love breast feeding, so I'm happy to keep pumping for my monster.

MissSea 06-23-2011 12:09 PM

It all comes down to breast shields that fit your boobs and a hands-free pumping bra. I felt a little like a fembot from "Austin Powers", but it worked! ;)

jendiet 06-23-2011 02:48 PM

Miss Seal,lol, yep i think i look like a fat fembot, and it is pretty funny, but yeah i would rather bf than pump any day....but i have a pumping bra and a decent pump. i hate dc, but if you like it and are drinking plenty of water--good for you!

Miss Sea and jitter congrats on the 203.

jitter you get an extra kudos for making goal.

201.4 again today. i need to take measurements because i get so wrapped up in the fact that the scale isn't moving--i miss the inches i'm losing. so that is a goal for today to take measurements. I took pics already.

i already went out to eat at a chinese restaurant and i could really screw myself there, but i ate lots of protein and a bunch of those green beans--which i love...i did have a small piece of tiramasu and some fruit. i drank lemon water instead of the sweet tea though..which is good for me.

so goals: 15 reps arms and legs, no stress eating on crap, drink plenty of fluids, and take my measurements.

MissSea 06-23-2011 03:13 PM

jen, making good choices is half the battle. I'm proud you stayed strong and didn't go all crazy on the chow mein! Mmm, chow mein ... ;)

FYI, jitter, I totally am stealing your stats page from your blog. It's such a good idea to just weigh once a week. I'm starting to drive myself nuts from the weighing in every morning! :)

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