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pmasci 07-22-2008 08:16 AM

30 Something chat tues. July22nd
Hey....where is everyone??

Off to the free movies this AM...going to see RV with Robin Williams,,looks pretty funny. Will check in this afternoon.

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!!


BTW, Toni...any weather is great soup weather, IMO. I just had some yesterday, and it was 93 degrees out!! haha!!

LBH 07-22-2008 08:30 AM

:yawn: Mornin'

poppyseeds 07-22-2008 08:32 AM

Pmasci - I think the funniest kids book I've ever read was called The Diary of A Worm... I can't remember the author but it is hysterical. My mom is a librarian and my sister in law teaches special education at the elementary level. They are always bringing over these hysterical kids books. I'm pretty sure Northampton or Warminster Library has this book.

Welcome momsquared...!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

GG... sounds like a good workout. This weather is ungodly humid... Enjoy your horsies!!

Fergie... please pack me in your suitcase for vaca? Please? I won't eat much... I'm dieting remember?? :)

To everyone... have a fabulous, wonderful, awe-inspiring, weight-losing, butt-pinching, work-outing, smaller size clothes kinda day!!! :)

poppyseeds 07-22-2008 09:08 AM

btw... I forgot to ask... I'm noticing a vast improvement in my stamina for the day. Yesterday, I worked until 3:30, came home and cleaned the house, did a few loads of laundry, did and few odd jobs and still had the energy to go on my nightly walk. I realized that I've been doing more and more each day.

There was a time just a few short weeks ago that the couch was all I visited after work. I did nothing else after work because I was too tired.

I was wondering if anyone else that started renently is starting to notice that you're feeling better?

KarenK 07-22-2008 09:39 AM

Hi guys!!

The beach was wonderful yesterday. We went in the afternoon when almost eveyone else was gone. We found a great parking spot at a free beach. And there were two boys for Alex to play with, so we hit the jackpot all around! Cassie loved the waves, she spent almost the entire time in the water. She'd get hit in the face with a wave and just laugh. :)

PSA for those of us with kids in diapers. You can wash and reuse the disposable swim diapers (well, as long as they aren't poopie). I just tried it with yesterdays diaper and it seems to have worked fine.

Pam: Hope the movie was good!!

Valerie: I have noticed that on days where I get busy and stay busy I have more energy. If I'm having one of those days where I just can't get going I am tired and draggy for the whole day.

Have a great Tuesday chicas!!

fergi 07-22-2008 09:52 AM

Good morning all.

Well yesterday was a good day until the migraine took over. It was horrible. I thougth I was going the throw up everything I had eaten in the past week. So I crashed about 6.

I so need to get the house cleaned before the trip. I hate coming home to a dirty house after a vacation. I need to sit down and write a list.

Poppy sure you can come. We have great trunk space. The girls can pass you food and drink through the compartment from the car that leads to the trunk.

Have a good one ladies. Hello to everyone and hope you have a wonderful day.


Christina S 07-22-2008 09:53 AM

good morning!..i did not want to get up today!

alicia: you poor thing...try to get some rest while at home...hope you get a new job very soon

karen: i hope dh finds something soon...will cross my fingers for you guys...

momsquared: WELCOME! jump right in...you'll love it here

karry: my oldest ds is doing great...sears sucks!..they wont work around his football schedule so he has to look for another job...but football is great..he is having so much fun...im not too worried about him working cause football and school are enough but the program wants him to work so he is looking for something VERY part time!...thank you so much for asking about him...im so glad you spoke tothe boys about hteir dad...it was a good thing you did ~

mamatoni: a bike ride with the kids to the park sounds great...my little mario is just starting to love riding his bike...last night i made dh get up and we all went for a walk with little mario riding his bike..it was nice outside

ok...i know i missed a ton of people...hi to everyone...i gotta get going im way late and im so tired...have a meeting today with the property owners because some stuff in and out of the building are a mess and they are doing nothing...have a great day all!

Christina S 07-22-2008 09:53 AM

oh pam: let me know how RV is...i wanted to see that but never did...i think its gonna be funny!

mcmommy2 07-22-2008 09:58 AM

Good Morning All. Well, we have returned from our camping trip. Of course, I ate what I wanted when I wanted. Not so good but oh well. It was sooo hot! Allie didn't stay she just came up for the day with my parents but Nate did really well. I am actually looking forward now for the start of school and back to a normal routine. We still have a few more trips planned and it is just wreaking havoc with everything! So I will be grateful when it is over. On the other hand, my hubby says that wanting to get away and be with family just reinforces the fact that we shouldn't be living down here...that we should be moving up closer to family. Guess he has a point.

Poppy- Diary of a worm is an awesome book...they also make a spider and fly version. Tough Cookie is good too. I could recommend hundreds of books that I found more humorous than my kids or my students!

Well, take care all! -Erin

Miltrez 07-22-2008 10:21 AM

Morning everyone!

fergi: I hope you feel better today. . .I seems like everything falls apart when mom is not feeling good.

Christina: I thought that RV was great and very family friendly.

I havn't posted much in the past few days because I've been sooo busy. I am finally returning to work after almost 5 years so I'm trying to complete all kinds of projects before I do. Anyone have any good advice for returning to work after being a stay at home mom for 5 years?:^:

Also a dumb question how do I put a weight tracker in a signature?


lois lane 07-22-2008 11:08 AM

Hey everyone!

Pam, have fun, you know i agree with you on the soup.

poppyseeds, I agree with Karen, on days I'm busy I can just keep going and going.

Karen, that is the best time to go to the beach, I hate going when it's crowded.

fergi, I don't like coming home to a dirty house...after work or a trip, glad you feel better!

Christina, glad to hear Dominic is doing so well.

Erin, I don't think I could camp in this weather. Did you guys move there for work? Or did your family move away?

Miltrez, are you going back to work full time?

I've been very lazy today. I didn't roll out of bed till about 10 and I still feel tired. We have to go back to the orthodontist, I hope that these weekly visits end soon. I also hope they get the braces on before school starts here. The kids go back on Aug 18. Spencer is not looking forward to it. He said its too soon. Oh and have to get groceries. My DH will not grocery shop. So if I don't stock up on stuff they usually run out.

Okay enough blabbering, hope all have a great day, talk later,

yana 07-22-2008 11:50 AM

Morning everyone,
I had no idea these boards can be so adictive :carrot::carrot::carrot:

Toni - my DH graduated Dimond High School in 1982.
Lois - Update your ticker, girlfriend :dizzy:
Miltrez - are you excited to go back to work? What are you going to do?
Valerie - You go girl with all that energy. Gimmie some....:devil:

Hi to all I missed. I am off to the meeting. See you all later,

pmasci 07-22-2008 12:30 PM

Hey girls...movie was pretty funny, and aside from one or two b-words, it was perfect for the kids. They laughed the whole way through, as did I!!

Thanks for the book ideas girls. I think a trip to the library will be in order either today or tomorrow. Frankie is finishing up "Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great" Remember that on?? Beverly Cleary, man what an excellent kids author!!

Okay, off to make mac & cheese for lunch. Think I'll have a leftover prokchop & tomato/basil salad.

mamatoni 07-22-2008 12:54 PM

good morning all, clouds are gone today!!!! :carrot::carrot:

Feel kinda shlumpy today, gotta get butt in gear and enjoy this nice day!

will do personals later, just wanted to pop in and say "hi"

IrishJoan 07-22-2008 02:40 PM

Hiya Chicksters... Lots of clouds and rain today here. We were supposed to meet friends at the zoo today but that was cancelled so I've been able to get quite a bit accomplished around here. I can't believe that school starts 3 weeks from tomorrow. I am soooooooo in denial:(. I actually like having the kids home for the summer ~ that is 75% of the time LOL! I finally posted the recipe for those that wanted it. It's super easy and so good. Dill is great stuff. Later Chicks ~ Joan

poppyseeds 07-22-2008 04:15 PM

I just got home from work and made a huge pot of iced tea with lemon and sweet & low... it is scrumdiddlyumptious!!!

I just rinse out my Mr. Coffee... fill it up with 12 cups of water and use 3 tea bags (no filter, just the bags) and it comes out yummy!!! My mom taught me this trick because she knows how much I totally hate pulling out my iced tea maker.

P- Hope you made it to the library!! Read to me!!! LOL :)

Well, anyhoo... just wanted to poke my nose in and say hi. Napoleon was still out today. I swear, it's like a different job without him in!!! :) :)

And I agree... this board is addicting!!!!

lois lane 07-22-2008 05:11 PM

Poppy, who's napoleon? I make my Tea the same way. Except my DD makes it now, cause somehow hers "tastes better" per my DH, DS. Could it be I probably use half the sugar?

Joan, the soup looks good, I'll be trying it soon.

Its hot here today.Yuck! The ortho went fine, its just so far...thats why its such an ordeal. Not getting the braces on until Sept so no more trips there for a while.

Talk later

fergi 07-22-2008 05:41 PM

:mad:Don't know what is going on but for some reason my scale sucks.......

You know on the 4th I had a mental break down because the scale said 200.:cry::fr:

Well then I got it down to 197. So I have been doing really well with the eating. Drinking this new chinese tea that is suppose to boost immune system and help with all this other stuff.

Got on the scale today and guess what it said.......200 again....:tantrum: I am DONE.

I am going to go and get a new scale and it better not say the same thing.:tantrum:

Hope everyone is having a better day than me. Talk to yall soon.

poppyseeds 07-22-2008 06:47 PM

Fergi... Are you a daily weigher or a weekly weigher? I myself CANNOT weigh myself except for my scheduled weekly weigh day. I get very discouraged if I weigh daily. Just one pound up is enough to put me into a downward spiral. If I weigh weekly, and I don't lose, I'm OK. If I gain a pound, I'm OK, unhappy but OK. But that daily weighing just throws me off. Hope the new scale works better. If it does, let me know what kind you bought so I can get one too!!!!! LOL

Alicia... Napoleon is my pet name for my wonderful boss.... bleah.... s'cuse me, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit... I'm OK now. LOL Also, for 12 cups of iced tea, I use 4 sweet & lows and a 1/4 of one lemon. I mix it all up and I leave the lemon wedge in the tea and pour it into a pitcher to chill in the fridge. Mmmmmm...

fergi 07-22-2008 06:54 PM

:rofl:Valerie you are hilarious. You sure know how to make people laugh.

But this will be me if it does not work.:club:

poppyseeds 07-22-2008 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by fergi (Post 2281709)
:rofl:Valerie you are hilarious. You sure know how to make people laugh.

But this will be me if it does not work.:club:

{{{giggle}}} Put the bat down and step away!!! LOL

Oh forgot to mention... I found these today... it might be a problem.

Also has anyone seen the Nabisco 100 Calorie Packs Mr. Salty Chocolate Covered Pretzels??? OMG!!! I had to go into another room to do do deep breathing exercises just so I didn't eat the whole damn box!!!!! :yikes:

LBH 07-22-2008 07:22 PM

Valerie, you're bordering on Food Porn!! STOP!!! Some of us can't handle the pressure. :rofl:

Miltrez 07-22-2008 07:38 PM

Man it is hot here to 101:cool:

Yana & lois: Yes I'm going back full time the day after my son starts school Aug. 8th. I'm excited but nervous at the same time because I havn't worked in 5 years. I'm an accountant and will be going to a new firm and I don't feel professional at all! I can't even tell you the last time I wore makeup or even pantyhose. However, it will be really good to talk about other things than cleaning house and what new gross thing my son is doing :) The closer Aug. gets the more nervous I get.

Fergi: I know I have to replace my scale all the time because after time it starts to read wrong. A big clue is when it reads two different numbers within the same minute!

fergi 07-22-2008 07:41 PM

:dancer:Valerie yes I buy them for my afternoon snack. They are awesome. And yes I could eat the whole box. But just think they are only a hundred calories.;)

fergi 07-22-2008 07:45 PM

:cp:OMG mine totally does that. It will go from the 180's to 200. How does that work? Maybe it is from my kids playing on it. I will get a new one and if it says the higher number then I know it is just me. Hey gotta make your self feel better somehow.:D

poppyseeds 07-22-2008 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by LBH (Post 2281737)
Valerie, you're bordering on Food Porn!! STOP!!! Some of us can't handle the pressure. :rofl:

But you haven't even seen my special photos of the naked corn cobs... :(

... HEY!! Corn porn!!! :broc: <<---- (pretend this is a dancing naked corn cob)

And this would be kiddie corn porn...


Sorry... it was there... I used it...

PS - That is not my album... I just loved the pic!!!

mcmommy2 07-22-2008 08:01 PM

I just bought the choc. covered pretzel 100 cal packs today...and now, thanks to you guys, I am looking forward to tearing in.

Lois Lane- My hubby and I came separately to this area for work. He is in construction management and I teach. But the traffic, the congestion, all of it is just a nightmare...I think I remember that you used to live in Reston area so I am sure you can relate....

Christina S 07-22-2008 08:09 PM

Anyone Knowledgeable About Ww I Need Your Input

Ok So I Just Did A Cardio Yoga Workout (oh Boy..ive Never Done Yoga) .... How Would You Rate That.... I Was Going To Say Moderate Just Because I Think I Become Hot Faster Cause It Was A New Thing So I Didnt Want To Use Hihg...it Was A 20 Min Cardio Yoga... Any Ideas??

Thanks Much

poppyseeds 07-22-2008 08:10 PM

Fergi... I wrote this 3 years ago when I was on Nutrisystem. How weird that it fits you to a tee!! (And I mean that with love!!! LOL)

I have more humorous diet poems if you're interested in hearing them... (and yes I wrote them so please... be kind)... :)

The “Box”

Oh my God!
It’s weigh day!
Where could the time have gone?
It seems that just last week
I was throwing my scale
out on the lawn!!!!

My husband went and got it,
in his bathrobe and his socks....
He thinks I’m going crazy over
a stupid little box.

I slink into the bathroom,
I tell myself “think thin”
as I step onto the horrid
box to see what shape I’m in...

I only had one donut,
only half a macaroon!!
That couldn’t wreck
my whole darn week...
But Wait! I spoke too soon!

I look down at that scale o’mine
then throw a fit and scream!!
It’s must time to quit this diet...
I’m running out of steam!

I can’t stand myself, I cry and fret!
I look like a big, fat whale...
Then I hear a chuckle behind my back,
as hubby takes his foot off of the scale.

I look back at the number,
now I feel like a stupid goon.
Hey! I lost two pounds!
Now where’s the other half
of that yummy macaroon?

fergi 07-22-2008 08:29 PM

:thanks:Val I needed that. I would love to read your poems.

yana 07-22-2008 08:54 PM

I just popped in to say good night. Day 2 on South Beach went well. I am so greatful to meet such a wonderful bunch of ladies.

GatorgalstuckinGA 07-22-2008 09:15 PM

evening all...work was very very productive and good. I enjoyed today. Busy but not insane.

Poppy-my first suggestion to you is stop weighing yourself daily. If you are going to "freak" out every time...stop doing it. Your body will adjust and loose but it won't happen daily. I weigh myself once a week...same morning, nakid, right after a pee. Now if you want to weight daily....some people do that...but if it causes you to freak everytime....STOP!!!!! BACK AWAY FROM THE SCALE. Seriously though...you cant get all worked up. It takes time. I suggest really watching what you eat. I find that if i eat less processed food, simple carbs (ie your hostess treats would be included)...i do a lot better. Yes i know its hard...and i need chocolate too...i find one small square of a good high quality chocolate works for me. But really start limiting your processed and simple sugar foods. Keep them to a minimum...up your veggies and fiber and you might find some great results...also...do a daily food journal.

Christina-i use to do ww. I always went on the conservative side when it came to exercise. It may actaully be high intensity, but to play it safe i would say moderate aerobic for 20 min. Hope that helps.

Alright all..i'm off to relax some.

poppyseeds 07-22-2008 10:01 PM

GG - I prolly didn't explain that right... I don't weigh myself daily. EVER. It has always been bad for me so I don't do it. I was just explaining why I don't do it. LOL I also eat a 90% low-glycemic diet. I was on Nutrisystem a few years ago and all of the food was low-glycemic. I lost weight like crazy... but it was $$$$$. So now I just do it on my own. WW has a whole wheat pita that's good, I buy multi-grain wraps and no one in my family is eating white bread these days. My kids LOVE the multi grain stuff. I do treat myself once a day to a snack or dessert that is under 140 calories regardless if it's low glycemic or not. So far it's working.

To anyone else... If you want to try the low-glycemic route, just make sure that when you buy whole wheat wraps or pita bread that the ingredients do not include the word 'enriched'. If the food contains 'enriched' what flour, it is NOT low glycemic and is the same as eating white bread. Look for multi-grain or 100% whole wheat flour.

If you're not familiar with the term low-glycemic, it means foods that do not use white flour, any type of enriched flour, potatoes, etc. That doesn't mean you can't have a baked potato when you go out to dinner. Just don't eat them every day!! LOL

For me, I just cut out all forms of white bread 90% of the time (rolls, bread, pizza dough, etc.). This other 10% allows me to have a hot dog if the family is having hot dogs or whatever. I refuse to get obsessed this time. When I obsess, I fail. :) I do my fitday journal every day it keep me on track.

mamatoni 07-22-2008 11:25 PM

hi everyone, I'm sure you are all asleep by now, but I am trying to not go downstairs and snack right now. I figured if I came on here I would find some inspiration to stick to my plan. :D

Hope you all have "sweet dreams" and wake up refreshed. I, for one, am looking forward to this whole night-weaning process being finished. I haven't slept a full night since early 2005! Nothing like the light at the end of the tunnel to make me stick to it through the tough parts...I suppose weight loss is like that too, the light at the end of the tunnel is a thinner, healthier, me, but it is hard in the meantime keeping myself from eating things that aren't on my plan...sigh...thanks ladies for being here.

lois lane 07-22-2008 11:26 PM

Poppy, you are too funny. Sounds like you're doing good. Yeah those 100 cal packs are good. I binge on those so I don't buy them.

Erin, oh yeah, I agree with you on the traffic and the cost of living is outrageous. Not to mention the price of college tuition if your children decide to go to any of the University....I think the highest in the country, I read somewhere.

Toni, fingers crossed for you on a good night with the weaning!

I know its late, still gotta clean up from dinner, where did my evening go?

Spencer has school on his mind now. He went and got all his stuff together and came to tell me all he needs is a glue stick. I asked if he wanted a new bookbag and he said no. Then I asked him if he wanted to get new shoes and he tells me no, all he needs is a glue stick. Lol. I wish his sister was so simple....

Have a great night all!

SunshineCA 07-23-2008 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by poppyseeds (Post 2281799)
Fergi... I wrote this 3 years ago when I was on Nutrisystem. How weird that it fits you to a tee!! (And I mean that with love!!! LOL)

I have more humorous diet poems if you're interested in hearing them... (and yes I wrote them so please... be kind)... :)

The “Box”

Oh my God!
It’s weigh day!
Where could the time have gone?
It seems that just last week
I was throwing my scale
out on the lawn!!!!

My husband went and got it,
in his bathrobe and his socks....
He thinks I’m going crazy over
a stupid little box.

I slink into the bathroom,
I tell myself “think thin”
as I step onto the horrid
box to see what shape I’m in...

I only had one donut,
only half a macaroon!!
That couldn’t wreck
my whole darn week...
But Wait! I spoke too soon!

I look down at that scale o’mine
then throw a fit and scream!!
It’s must time to quit this diet...
I’m running out of steam!

I can’t stand myself, I cry and fret!
I look like a big, fat whale...
Then I hear a chuckle behind my back,
as hubby takes his foot off of the scale.

I look back at the number,
now I feel like a stupid goon.
Hey! I lost two pounds!
Now where’s the other half
of that yummy macaroon?

Thanks for posting this!! :) Especially as my DH jumped on the scale with me the other day. :lol: Jerk!! :dizzy:

Thanks again for the chuckle!!! ;)

SunshineCA 07-23-2008 12:31 AM

May you all have a Wonderful Wednesday!!!! :D

yana 07-23-2008 01:27 AM

Sunshine where in SoCal do you live?

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