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Old 02-25-2008, 03:14 AM   #1  
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Default 30 Something Chat--ugh it's Monday Feb 25st

God Morgon!(that's good morning in Swedish)

Ugh! It is Monday! My bottom end broke up with the sofa. They are on friendly terms right now.
Originally Posted by GatorgalstuckinGA View Post

Daduck - the toast is cool..and bf is a cutie.
Originally Posted by pmasci View Post

Boyfriend=Babe!! (that's how old I am...I still use that word)

So, is the painting finished, or do you still have more??
I love the toast too!! It is totally cool!!!!

Boyfriend is a cutie! Looks better without the paint brush hiding his face! lol He is such a goober!

We only got 2 of the 4½ rooms painted but I am sure that George will be calling me to come and help him pain this week. Boy was I sore!

Originally Posted by CCmomof5 View Post

Duck, hope the paintings over soon, I spent 3 months painting the boys basement and my neck and shoulders were killing me. What part of So. IN are you from? LOVE the toast!!
Three Months?! wow!!! Well, I can see how it would take that long. We have painted just the walls in the livingroom of our place and then took that tape off and realised that we didn't tape rght so now we need to put a boarder up or pain the ceiling! We did the walls last year. lol

I am from Evansville originally.

I hope everyone had a good and productive weekend! I am off to shower and then hit the gym! Since I found my MP3 Player it will make the gym much more fun! They play that HORRIBLE hiphop and rap commercial stuff at the gym. blick!

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Old 02-25-2008, 08:11 AM   #2  
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Good morning to my 30-something buddies!

I've been so's crazy.
Okay, here's the WORST part - I think I've put on 3 or 4 pounds! It's my own fault, with all the craziness last wek I must admit that I didn't always eat properly and I broke my GOLDENRULE of "No-eating-after 7:30pm". There really is no excuse and I have only myself to blame.

As I've told you all, I have a very-bad back and my right leg has many problems stemming from my back. Well - now my left leg and foot are "acting" up. When I was at Costco yesterday (love that store),
I could barly walk and was basically using the cart as some form of walker! Ha! ha!

Speaking of Costco..I bought a couple of books. One of which was Oprah's new book club pick, "A New World" by Eckhart Tolle. This is the book that Oprah and the author will be "teaching" the book chapter by chapter starting on the first Monday in March at 9:00pm. I think the idea of the book is :"live your best life", has anyone read or the book or is anyone interested in reading and discussing?? I'm just thinking that we are all here as we have chosent to start to "live our best lives" by taking care of ourselves and this book could be a great aid in our department!!

Well - I'm back on track now and will have to fight through a few more pounds, I suppose this is better than gaining WAY more back.

I'll check in later and REALLY missed not being here enough last week!
Hope everyone is doing well,

Happy Monday,
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Old 02-25-2008, 08:25 AM   #3  
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morning all. Well its day three off (tomorrow i go back to work). But today i have an apt with my pt at 9. I'll need it. Yesterday, i went to a going away party and ate bad. Oh well..time to get my butt back in gear.

chunk...if you have pain running down your leg to your foot and your back is acting up..i'd be concerned about a siatic nerve being really should go to a dr's before it gets worse...hang in there

hey to everyone else.
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Old 02-25-2008, 08:30 AM   #4  
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Good morning ladies!!

Yesterday was a nice relaxing day. It was my bichon's 2nd birthday, so she got wet dog food (which she never gets) and puppy ice cream...she loves that stuff and only gets it once a year. The kids were so cute making such a fuss over her, DH & kids took her for a walk and had a great time with her while I made dinner.

Anyway, Hope everyone had a super weekend. Today is cleaning day, I also have to decorate some cookies for Cady's party on Sat. I usually don't freeze my cookies, but since these are for me and not a client, I'm not worried about it. Other than that, not much going on today, will probably read and play with Cadence in between chores.

Alicia, are you back from your visit? hope it was good.

Karen, hope you are finished with jury duty today. What a pain!

GG, have a great day at work!!

Joan, any plans with Brigid today?

Heather, hope your back is better soon.

Nicci, yay for you for hitting the gym! Keep it up!

Jen, hey! Our anniversary is the 28th...we got married Thanksgiving weekend. Punta Cana is actually in the Dominican Republic, not Mexico ( I just found this out recently myself when a friend went there.). We're either gonna do that or the Caesar's pocono resort, which is like 400.00/night, but is so awesome,a nd only an hour away. Most likely will be PC, though. Gotta get myself in better shape, lol. Hope you get to go to Greeece, or somewhere great!! Hey, do you ever go to Geno's Pizza, with the graffiti everywhere? I used to live in Hoffmann Estates (suburbs) and went there once, it was excellent.

Lauren, when will you be hearing about the job?

Lisa, Hanna, Kerry, Jasmine, etc...where are you guys??

Okay, off to switch up the laundry and clean the bathrooms (ugh). Will check in later!!

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Old 02-25-2008, 08:31 AM   #5  
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GG..posting at the same time...have a great day off!!
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Old 02-25-2008, 08:50 AM   #6  
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Good morning!

Not feeling so hot today - I think I will work out later...

DaDuck - hope you are feeling better soon from the painting soreness.
Pam - have fun with the cleaning...I think I have at least today off from laundry.
Heather - I have heard of the book, but that is about it! I hope that you are feeling better with the leg & back.
GG - hope the pt session went well. Enjoy your day off!

Hi to everyone else. Off to slouch on the couch...
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Old 02-25-2008, 09:49 AM   #7  
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Mornin' ladies,

Pam, did you get the stage built? Did your mom have her surgery?

Someone asked about Peebles. Its a small scale dept store (kind of expensive). Usually in small towns for some reason.

We got home last evening, kids and I. Had a good time, not quite long enough. Weather was yuck. I grocery shopped for my g-parents. Made them dinner. Saw a girlfriend from high school. Visited with FIL, visit consisted of him telling me how wonderful his new tv is and of course I had to continuously confirm that it was the best pic I've ever seen. (apples don't fall far from the tree). On the way back I had lunch w/my mom and her DH. We met at Cracker Barrell, I never get out of there without buying stuff.... My whole weekend was a bust diet wise. Didn't exersise or eat well. BTW, my gf kept telling me how fat she is. (She's probably like a size 6 or 8.) I was like please, I don't want to hear it...

Gonna go and try to get some stuff done. The kids have spring pics coming up for school and I want to get them a new outfit today

Sorry I can't respond to everyone. I forgot I ran out of coffee last week and I am not quite functioning well.

Have a great day everyone!
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Old 02-25-2008, 10:27 AM   #8  
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Good Morning Chickadees!

Duck ~ God Morgan back 'atcha... I have to agree with Pam; boyfriend is a babe:-). Looks like a fun group of friends surrounding you. Have fun at the gym...

Heather ~ can you believe that I've never been to Costco? I used to go to Sam's but I've heard that Costco is even nicer. I always spend too much $$$ at Sam's so that is why I'm avoiding Costco LOL. No, I've not read that book. I like some of Oprah's book choices though.

GG ~ I'm so glad that you had a great 3 day weekend. Probably went way too fast for you. Enjoy your last day!

Pam ~ did you catch "Huck" on SNL? Very cute. My old neighbors went to the Dominican Republican two years ago and LOVED it. At that time, everything was really cheap. I have no idea what it's like now but I remember that we spent more on our vacation to Florida that year than they did when going to the DR. Her sister and her husband have gone there every year for the past 4 years. How exciting and what a sweet goal to work towards!

Delta ~ sorry to hear that you're feeling puny:-(. Lay low and take it easy today.

Alicia ~ were there Krispy Kremes present at your grandparents? LOL at your description of fil's new t.v. I bet that they all loved seeing you and the kids.
Spring pics... that just reminded me that ours are coming up here shortly too.

I'm sore today and haven't exercised yet today. I will later in the day when I've loosened up a bit. Feel sort of sleepy this morning and have no idea why. I went to bed at a decent hour and slept great. I need to get moving though as I have laundry and cleaning to do today (sound familiar Pam???). My upstairs baths need to be cleaned in the worst way. MIL is coming here tomorrow to watch DD. I'm grateful that she does this for me but I always feel like I have to have my house immaculate before she comes, KWIM? I asked her if she'd like for me to bring Brigid to her but she keeps insisting that she come here. I told DH last night about my feeling this way and he laughed and said that his mother is the only person that he knows that pulls her refrigerator out every other month to clean behind. She's always cleaning! She's a wonderful MIL and I do love her.

Target run first and foremost.... have a good Monday ~ Joan
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Old 02-25-2008, 11:25 AM   #9  
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I just went and ran a few errands with my 5 year old daughter. I thought I'd check in quick.

Gator - Yes my sciatia nerve has been almost crushed, my right leg feels like pins and needles with sharp electric-shock type pain shooting down it. I've had 2 surgeries on it already. One was 10 years ago for a herianted disk and the other was last year when I had a spinal fusion. I'm basically a mess back-wise and am on a bunch of meds for it and get cortizone shots in my back every 3 or 4 weeks (and yes, they hurt like a son of a gun!) Oh well - at least I can still walk, although it's really not graceful walking at all. ha! ha!

Pam - do you bake cookies for people as a business?? Sounds like fun if so!

Delta - Give yourself a break since you're not feeling well (and remember it's Monday morning!

Lois Lane - I miss Cracker Barrel, we don't have any here anymore (in Ontario)glad to hear the trip was good (and, they never are long enough huh?)

Joan - as I consider myself a "professional" when it comes to shopping (ha! ha!) I LOVE Costco, I think the best part is the unique gifty items they have. My main reason though is their "back pills" are SO much cheaper than anywhere else. That alone pays for the yearly fee.

We needed to find a different kennel for our lovely dog Coco to go too, as the one that he goes to when we go away is full over March break (of course!) We only just decided a week and 1/2 ago that we would take the kids away for a few days and dh got a few days off work. So, we went to another kennel on the weekend to check it out and OMG it was not good! I realize that the place our dog usually goes to is amazing (an A+) but, this place was so bad that as soon as we were leaving our 7 year old daughter said "well - I guess we'd better cancel the trip because he can't go there, it's too gross!) Anyway - I made a bunch of calls yesterday morning and found a new kennel just a few miles from here! (the one he goes to is about 1/2 hour away). Anyway - the one near here is MUCH better than the "gross" one. It's always something and nothing is ever easy huh??

Anyway - we are very excited about going to Frankenmuth, Michigan. I had never heard of it before this but, everyone seems to be so surprised that I didn't know about it because the shopping is apparently great there.

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Old 02-25-2008, 11:43 AM   #10  
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Lauren how exciting you have your taxes done already!

Dawn did you get your $ back from the rent? How nice to have a nice break you and DH alone! Sounds like a great time! Get some rest today, sorry you are not feeling well today.

GG how nice you were able to sleep in! sorry the weather changed your plans but it does sound like a great place you found, wow that is a lot of steps! Enjoy your day off today!

Jasmine sorry about all the moves you have to make at school, I can’t even imagine, this kids need consistency; your principal didn’t get that memo???

Pam how is your mom doing? Did she pass the stones or were they removed? I would love to go to Punta Cana do you guys play golf?

DaD Sorry you didn’t get all the help that you were expecting for the painting, that is not good. I can’t paint, DH has prohibit me from touching a brush, I made a real mess in the bathroom a year ago when I tried to pain, when DH was leaving to go to work I had just gotten started, by the time he got home, Oh my G-d! there was more paint on me than on the walls, we had to hire someone to come and clean up and fix the job! The toast it totally cool! And the BF is very cute.

Karen how nice to take the kids to a concert, glad you enjoyed it! Is jury duty over?

Nikki I don’t know what it is about purses either, but I love them! Enjoy your day by yourself!

CCmomo what a bummer the mall was closed, but the time w/ DH alone sounds wonderful! What kind of bike are you looking for?

Moobunny sounds like you had a relaxing weekend!

Lisa I am glad you do like your job, it is too bad sometimes you have to work w/people that bring their problems to work.

Joan I don’t like pizza but what you posted, Oh my G-d I would love it! Sounds just delisssh!!! It is wonderful to have nice in laws, don’t kill yourself cleaning, even though she cleans like that at her house, not everyone that cleans their house like that expects everyone else to be the same, she will not even notice, she will be busy w/the kids!

HI Jen I am glad you had a good time at the gathering from DH work, I had to laugh at the “rewarding yourself w/oreos”

Hi Heather sorry about the gained weight, try loosing it, it will be better for your back and your legs. I am thinking of getting the book too, but I am reading other stuff right now, I am reading 19 minutes and I also want to start reading the pillars of the earth. I have been thinking of singing up for the O class on line but have not yet decided.

Alicia good to be home, isn’t’ it? NO COFFEE!

As for me, well DH is still sick, we had to cancel the IEP meeting we had scheduled for Thursday, I can’t believe that, but the school was OK w/it and so was our advocate, he didn’t want to get what ever DH has, he preferred to have us there in person than in conference all. I agree! They will let us know when it is reschedule for, they have to get some many people notice so far in advance it is crazy!
WE were home all weekend, didn’t go anywhere at all. Friday was my usual, I went to the knitting shop, I had to go and show off my last sweater it is marvelous, super warm it is 100% alpaca, I love it! Then came home to take care of DH, Sean came home and was coughing a lot. Saturday we all lied on the couch all day, I did go out for a little while to the knitting shop to get more yarn, I didn’t have to go I have huge stash here at home but it felt good, LOL. I couldn’t sleep at all on Saturday night I was up till 3:45 am and just couldn’t fall asleep, so I took a sleeping aid at 4:00 and finally fell asleep at 5:00 I slept till 1:30 PM on Sunday, this meds I am on are doing wacky stuff to me. I was kind of bored so I decided to make home made gnioccis I had a lot of potatoes and I didn’t want them to go to waste, OH MY G-D they were delicious! I served them w/a white sauce, Sean couldn’t get enough of them! I was trying to brush little Coco so she gets used to the brush and I have been doing pretty good a it, but yesterday, I found a spot that she was really matted and she was very upset I was trying to get it off and she turned around and bit my hand, right at the bottom of my thumb, it is still sore.
I am going to try to go to the gym for a little while, I am craving it.
I am going to check on DH, I can’t believe he is still home, for him to miss work and for this long is because he really is not feeling well.
Hope everyone has a great Monday!

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Old 02-25-2008, 11:45 AM   #11  
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Heather we were posting at the same time!
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Old 02-25-2008, 12:21 PM   #12  
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I guess I am going to have to post an actual pic of the boyfriend Here he is live on stage.
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Old 02-25-2008, 12:25 PM   #13  
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Good Monday morning! I'm gearing up for a crazy busy week! This is the last week that I'll be doing taxes at wal mart. Friday we close down and take down the kiosk. I have a women's conference on Saturday that I'll be doing a drama for. Lucky for me I wrote the drama so I know my lines!

Oh and the weather forcast is calling for more snow! I swear we just get rid of one batch and we get more! At least I know spring is just around the cornor. Soccer season starts today!

We don't have summer, spring, fall, and winter at my house! We have sport camp season, soccer season, volleyball season and basketball season.

Hope everyone has a good day!
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Old 02-25-2008, 12:59 PM   #14  
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Hey all...

Nicci...ah, a bass player, eh? Dh used to be in band...actually he still sort of is, but being that they are all married w/kids, they only get together every month or so. Is you bf in a metal band? Frank plays metal, in the vein of megadeth/metallica/whitesnake...not death metal, more like rock, I guess. ANyway, did he cut his hair recently??

Dawn, hope you are feeling better soon!!

Alicia, glad you had a nice time. I laughed at your FIL story...he must be a twin to my FIL...whenever he gets something new (like his 50" plasma) he has to point out everything about it & be told over& over how awesome it is...funny. As for the stage, yes, Frank built it on Sat, and I got a huge peice of felt at the fabric store to cover it, also hung up metallic streamers on the wall behind it. Putting up a clip-on bendy light on the ceiling for a spotlight. I'll post pics after the party. Oh, and mom did have her surgery on Friday, back to work today...thanks for asking!!!

Joan, yes, I saw him...I just love him, he's so great as a person, I think. I'm really glad he's staying in just so I can vote for him TWO WHOLE MONTHS FROM NOW!!! Amazing how the rest of the country has a say, then Pennsylvania is like an afterthought. Sucks how the first few states shape the whole election, don't you think?? I feel you on the MIL thing. I have the best MIL in the world, really, but I do feel like I'll never be as good as her. She's always telling me things I should do, and I really do believe she's coming from a good place, but once I was like, "Wow, how the heck did I get to be mid-thirties without you??" She took it as the joke it was meant to be, which was cool. I can always talk to her like I'm one of her own...i am very lucky.

Heather..yes I have a small home business as a baker, nothing major, just a few orders a month. I hope you have good luck with your kennel. I'm so lucky that my MIL will take my dog whenever we go away...It's so nice you're taking the kids away with you. I don't know if I'd be that nice

Hanna...hey girl we missed you!! Glad you rested this weekend. Is DH okay?? So you think it's the flu? It seems like he's been sick for like a week!! And is Sean getting it again, too?? Hope you have a great workout at the gym, girl. Post a pic of your sweater, I love seeing you work. It's always beautiful!!

Moo, what kid of conference are you going to? My DD is going to be playing soccer this year...she's almost 5, wanted to do softball, but missed the cutoff by two months , but she's looking forward to it. DS will be doing Baseball again..he likes it okay, not much of an athlete. He's more into drawing and music. Hope the week flys by for you!!

Alright, ladies, one more load of wash and only two rooms to vaccuum (I'm kicking butt today!!). I'll try to check in later!!

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Old 02-25-2008, 01:24 PM   #15  
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Originally Posted by pmasci View Post
Hey all...

Nicci...ah, a bass player, eh? Dh used to be in band...actually he still sort of is, but being that they are all married w/kids, they only get together every month or so. Is you bf in a metal band? Frank plays metal, in the vein of megadeth/metallica/whitesnake...not death metal, more like rock, I guess. ANyway, did he cut his hair recently??
Yep, a bassist. He has a metal band along the lines of Metallicas oooooooold stuff. More edgy and heavy. And oooh noooooo, he will never cut his hair. lol well, unless he starts going bald(er) on top then he will shave it all off.

hahaha! I know how that is! When I painted our bedroom I had more paint on me and the cat than I did on the walls! lol
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