3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Pryia 11-21-2001 07:43 AM

5 Weeks till Jolly Ol' St. Nick comes!
Okay as of this Sat. we have 5 weeks till xmas. I need to lose some weight, I am so uncomfortable and just plain pissed off at myself.

So once again...come join me in a goal to lose this stubborn fat. Okay mayb the fat is not stubborn just me.

Goal here 6 pounds!!!

I am at 225 (crap I was at 209 once)


elisa822 11-21-2001 08:30 AM

Here we go...
Okay Pryia, great idea to start thinking about a new goal. This is such a tough time of the year and maybe we should consider maintaining at this time of year a success. I think I will make a goal although I'm not sure of my exact weight right now. I'll check tomorrow and make an official goal but I think I'll go for 5 pounds - that's one per week and I should be able to do that. If I look back that's what I lose on average. Some weeks is nothing and some are a little more but it always seems to work out to 1 pound per week - no real complaints about that. So I'll check my weight and get back to you but I'm in!!


Pryia 11-21-2001 09:10 AM

that is great that you want to maintain. But I know that I can an will lose 6 pounds during this season.

I think everyone needs to think about what is best for them. I do not want to maintain my current weight for even another day. I want to get off all the stuff that I have gained back.

Glad to have you join us.

BigFatBooty 11-21-2001 09:46 AM

I too need to get my big fat booty back into gear otherwise gonna have to call myself Bigger Fatter Booty :s: Gonna get some scales tomorrow (as recommended by you guys) and then I will know exactly what I am dealing with. Not looking to maintain or gain, been doing that all freakin' year. I'm going for a loss - not sure what though

Rabbit 11-21-2001 10:55 AM


WOW! You guys are going for the gold here! It's definitely possible, just tough. My weigh in this week was supposed to be Thursday so I don't have one. I would have had a gain as I've been a fudge-maniac. So I won't have an official weight to begin this goal until the 29th. My goal right now is to be at a maintain by then and not a gain! You all are very inspiring!


happyface 11-21-2001 07:32 PM

I'm in!
Put me down for 5 pounds too. I'm too mad to stay the same. Even if it is the holidays. It is a good gift to give myself. :)

Pryia, glad to see you. I've been back and posting and then you lay low! Stick with me, here, friend. :) I need you!

Good luck all!

dani :)
starting 211.2

Rabbit 11-21-2001 08:45 PM

Oh, I like that thought, Happy, that it is a good gift to give yourself!!:D


Rabbit 11-21-2001 08:55 PM

Maybe I should just go by what I weigh today on my scales as my starting point and then keep using my scales for this challenge as opposed to ww scales (they are always very different, I weigh more at home). So then my goal is to weigh less than 170 on my at home scales (rarely has happened, but have been there once or twice recently).

This is a big goal. I must focus.



elisa822 11-22-2001 08:37 AM

Here I go....
Alright, well as I mentioned I've had a few bad days recently so I'll count my starting weight but what I weigh right now and that's 160 so I think I'll just aim for a 4 pound loss. I can do that!!

Rabbit - I also go by my home scale, it's very reliable even if it's a pound or two off the doctors' scale at my gym but I just weigh myself more often at home and I can never pretend that I don't know what I weigh!!



Pryia 11-22-2001 12:22 PM

Turkey Day!!
Happy Turkey Day!!!

I am so glad to see you all here. Yes I am going to really get this going. I am making a promise to myself. To POST every day!! I think that makes a big difference.

I was just listening to the Football pregame show. They did a segment on Gilbert Brown who lost 70lbs. And you know something about that just touched me. It is not impossible. Just a lot of hard work. And you know my biggest support is right here. Why is it in my time of need I run for cover. Don't know why but I am posting every DAY!!!

Hope you all have a great day!!


Rabbit 11-24-2001 05:29 PM


Good luck all with your goals! This will be fun. I feel revitalized today.

Pryia - I think posting everyday is a great idea - it helps to stay focused.

I started counting points again today.


Pryia 11-24-2001 08:26 PM

I did it!!!
I stayed OP for 1 day. I am now on day 2.

Counting Points starting with night. Seemed to really be easy for me. Much easier than starting with Breakfast. Looking forward to those 5 Christmas pounds to go!! YEAH!!

Rabbit 11-25-2001 10:48 AM


1.5 pounds down. (Unofficial) According to this morning's weigh in. I should have an official weigh in day though even though I'm using my home scales for this challenge. So I'll make it Thursdays since that's my ww day.



BigFatBooty 11-25-2001 10:53 AM

hi all

I am still around, will definitely be getting my scales tomorrow. The thought of actually knowing what I weight currently is a bit scary, but I need to know what I will be dealing with. I have been comparing prices on the Tanita scales, going to buy one for about £44 (Ult 200 - I think), they have some really advanced ones, but I just can't justify £90 on scales. Wish me luck

Take care all


LBH 11-25-2001 12:50 PM

OK, I'm in...have not weighed in recently, but I weighed in on my home scale, which is probably what I'll be going by for awhile anyway.

Starting NOV 25th: 239.5
Christmas Goal DEC 25th: 234

I just really wanna get under that 235 mark again...it's been too long. And I still need to get back to 226, which was my low point just over 2 yrs. ago!! I've been messing around for that long!!

Pryia 11-25-2001 04:05 PM

Santa is going to see some Slim 30 somethings!
Okay day 2 is almost over. I have 2 hours to go and 2 points to use to make the minimum points for the day. Okay why is this so easy. I don't want to jinx myself but I have never had 2 days on program this easy in months. Glad to see everyone checking in.

I am not sure what is for dinner yet. I have some of that new Pasta Bake and it is good. I am just not sure how to count points. But I will do my best to figure it out. Maybe I will go post on the points and see if anyone has an idea. Keep up the good work!!!

happyface 11-25-2001 08:44 PM

:( Gained 3 pounds
starting 211.2
present 214.2

So I'm plus 3 (8 to go)


Rabbit 11-26-2001 01:38 PM


Stayed within points yesterday - woohoo! Trying to get to my pre-fudge weight.

BFB - do you buy things in pounds? (sorry if I sound like a fool for not knowing). How is that versus dollars?

Lauren - glad you're in!

Pryia - your new way of counting points really seems to be working for you! Hooray!

happy - sorry about your gain.:(

good luck all - think thin.


Pryia 11-26-2001 09:45 PM

I did not do well today. But tomorrow is another day. I will NEVER give up and I do BELIEVE in ME!!

Can we tell I am in a colorful mood today!! I have so much work to do at work that I skipped lunch! Bad Girl!!! I know better and I paid for it later.

But we can and will do this. Just one day at a time!!!! YEAH FOR US!!



elisa822 11-27-2001 08:00 AM

Back on track.....
Well I had a much better week this week than last. Lost 1.5 lbs. and am very happy about that. I was really worried that I was not going to be able to stop the slipping but I'm on track for the goal.

Pryia - you can do it too. One bad day is no big deal, stay OP for the rest of the week and you'll be fine.

Rabbi - sounds like you're also back on track. If we can survive the holiday season, we can do anything!!

Here's the stats:
XMAS Goal Starting Weight: 160.0
Current: 158.5
XMAS Goal: 156.0 (or less of course!)


Rabbit 11-27-2001 12:33 PM


Will not allow myself to do that today!

Pryia - yep, one day at a time. That is all we can do.

Elisa - yeah for your loss! Oh, the 150's - how marvelous!!:D


**My new theme song I sing to myself all the time -- I believe I can fly . . .

BigFatBooty 11-27-2001 02:27 PM

OK guys, so I bought the scale - am I happy - no I am not! I am the heaviest I have ever been and not too happy about it. The thing is that I needed that reality check - and not having scales indoors lulled me into a false sense of security. What do I weigh??? :eek: 205.5lbs. There, I have told you all and it is now written down for all to see. Things can only get better.

BTW Rabbit the exchange rate according to BBC online is £1=$0.7074

My goal is just to go down. Don't want and can't afford any more slip ups. Even if I have an off day - it does not mean I have to turn it into an off week.

Good luck everybody - we can do this :D:D

Rabbit 11-28-2001 02:52 PM

BFB - happy for you that you got a scale. Reality checks are a bummer, huh? ~ Thanks for the info on the exchange rate. I wondered.

Had a good day yesterday. 3 points banked. Tomorrow night is weigh in -- ugh!


Juldiet 11-28-2001 10:41 PM

I had planned to just maintain thru christmas but...since I went and put on 1.5 lbs eatting wonderful food this last weekend my goal will be to lose 3 lbs.

I was 174
I'm at 175.5
so goal is to be at 172.5 this will be tough during this time of year!!
- jul

Rabbit 11-29-2001 05:15 PM

Jul - Good luck! It is so tough this time of year!


happyface 12-02-2001 10:09 PM

starting 211.2
present 213.6

I am over 2.4 pounds (7.4 to go)
Next week I am determined to lose more than a pound!

BFB, I understand. I am at my all time high too and I went without a scale for months and ate and fooled myself and now I am in that reality with you! It hurts. But I needed to know so I can prevent myself from going higher.


LBH 12-03-2001 09:58 AM

OK, I'm going in the wrong direction.

Starting NOV 25th: 239.5
DEC 2nd Weigh In: 241.0
Christmas Goal DEC 25th: 234

Rabbit 12-03-2001 05:16 PM


This is a little confusing the way I'm doing this. But I started this goal at my "high point" during Thanksgiving week and used my at-home scales - which are different from the ww scales. Anyway, I based my goal on my at home weight (although I normally base my weight on my ww weight because it is lower! My scales are high!). So I'm using my at home weight on Thursday mornings for this goal. Whew.

Starting - 175
11/29/01 - 173.5
goal - < 170



elisa822 12-04-2001 11:32 AM

Had a better week than I thought and lost a pound so here we go....

XMAS Goal Starting Weight: 160.0
Current: 157.5
XMAS Goal: 156.0

Hope I can keep it up.....

Rabbit - looks like you're on your way too!!


Juldiet 12-04-2001 12:21 PM

Back down to 174 so only 1.5 to go!!!

Rabbit 12-05-2001 07:05 PM


Elisa & Jul - congrats on your losses!! It is so nice to be able to come on here & see such successes during this season. It helps keep me going.



Rabbit 12-07-2001 11:54 AM


Weighed in yesterday morning - up .5 (my scales are in .5 increments & I missed ww). Bummer. But deserved, I'm sure.

Starting -- 175
11/29/01 -- 173.5
12/6/01 -- 174

**I vow to do better this week!



elisa822 12-11-2001 08:46 AM

Can I hold on????
Well I can't believe it but according to my scale this morning I actually made my XMAS Goal. I had made my goal a modest one since I knew it would be tough this time of year but I still can't believe it. Since I know there's a gain out there for me in the next couple of weeks, I'm just hoping to lose a little more so I can be the same weight by the end of the year (does that make sense?) Anyway, good luck to everyone and here's the stats:

XMAS Goal Starting Weight: 160.0
current: 156.0
XMAS Goal: 156.0


Rabbit 12-11-2001 03:51 PM

Elisa - CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I want to be like you!


Juldiet 12-13-2001 10:39 AM

I did it reached my christmas goal of 173 (with a week and a half to maintain it)!!


I think my next big goal will be 165 by my birthday (Feb 27) 8 lbs

Rabbit 12-13-2001 12:48 PM

Hooray for Juldiet!!!


LBH 12-16-2001 08:49 AM

So somehow I've managed to maintain the same weight all month...although I know it's been up, I can feel it. There's 9 days 'til Christmas...man, I better start my shopping...so let's make a new sub-goal to lose 1 lb. by then!! :lol: Let's see if I actually have the discipline to do it!!

Starting NOV 25th: 239.5
DEC 2nd Weigh In: 241.0
DEC 16th Weigh In: 241.0
Christmas Goal DEC 25th: 234

Glad to see some of us are meeting out goals, but it seems to have been an iffy month. :confused:

On to...Valentine's Day?

happyface 12-16-2001 09:07 AM

starting 211.2
present 211.8

Xmas goal was to get to 206.2

Well I had a big gain and then 3 small losses of .6, 1.4, and .4 (not necessarily in that order)

The losses were likely fluctuations because I really did not change anything. But I'll take them. This week I am going to make real effort to lose. I'm actually going to work on it for once.

I don't think I will shoot for a 5.6 pound loss, :) , but I will be very happy if I can lose 2.9

Rabbit 12-16-2001 02:17 PM

LBH & happy - good luck with your goals!

I have went in the wrong direction on this goal. This morning I was thinking about it. This is a repeat story, but I was thinking about how it pertains to this year. Anyway, I lost a lot of weight in '99 (52 lbs). Then in '00 I lost - & gained back - 13 lbs, so that at the end of '00 I weighed the exact same as the end of '99. This year I didn't ever quite get that 13 lbs back off, only around 11 of it. I have been gaining this month & I thought this morning - I'll be ****** if I end '01 weighing the exact same as '00 and '99 and then have to relose that weight! And I am getting close. So it HAS to stop. I do not want to spend '02 losing the weight I gained during the holidays of '01 - how ridiculous I have been!

That's my story.


LBH 12-16-2001 02:47 PM

So, from Christmas Day, there's 7 weeks, 2 days to Valentine's Day, and 11 weeks, 5 days to my 1 year wedding anniversary!! :eek: From my weight this AM, I have 15 lbs. to go to get back to my lowest weight since I started WW. I would like to say that by 3/17/02, I'd like to be down to that weight, 226.2, I think it was. If I really try, and stick with it, I can do it, I know I can. I just have to stop messing around!

Yes, Rabbit, Dani, Pryia - we all started posting right around the beginning of the year. RR & Jul, you guys were also right around that time, weren't you? I often think about LauraF, I know she wanted another baby, I wonder if she ever did? She was very nice, I remember when I met her and Dani, when I went to the Outerbanks on vacation the first week of June, 1999!! :eek: Man, for someone with a memory like a siv, I've amazed myself!! :lol:

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