300+ And Ready To Try Again...#198

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    We are a group of people who are working together to lose our excess weight.
    We are on different plans and are of different sizes.
    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears.
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We recently started a Topic of the Day.

    Monday........Motivation Monday
    Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
    Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
    Thursday......Thankful Thursday
    Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
    Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
    Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

    These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.

    Please feel free to jump right in with us.
    And be sure to check if there is a second page. We don't want anyone to miss any posts.

  • Hi everybody! I'm so excited I could spit!!! WI (not Wisconsin) was much better than I expected. I was only up 1# and I haven't been to WW in 6 weeks! Woohoo, Yippeee, etc. Now, some of you won't think that's such a BIG deal, but the way I look at it, I must have learned something along the way to have that small of a gain without paying attention for 6 weeks. I really have had an enormous assortment of stuff that I would not normally have OP but I must have realized subconsciously what I needed to do to balance it all out. And the best part is: now that I'm back OP, just think of how well I will do!

    I have 4 glasses of water and 4 servings of fruit/veggies down so far. I'm doing up some chicken for dinner and I will be well within my WW points today. Oh BTW, I almost forgot: I AM JOURNALLING! Yes, that's right, the dreaded JOURNALLING! Oh, AND, as soon as I finish here I'm going to grab the old BIG 'E' exercise bands and do my sets with those too. I bet you never thought you'd here me say those words, did you????

    LuckyLadyBug: I'm not sure a book or a movie. Either way, pretty bad. Romance? Heck no! The bedrooms had double beds pushed up against a wall on two sides (no headboard). You could barely walk in the door and your leg might have fit sideways at the bottom of the bed so you could open the window. It was hotter than haities. When you sat on the edge of the bed the mattress folded up around you. No, no romance!

    2cute: You are on a roll, honey! And now I'm ready to roll right along with you!!! Don't think I'll be going to the pool though, I'm a coward!

    Katrina: Told you I'd win! There was no doubt in my mind! WW, whatever, jump on a plan and let's go!

    Sara: I'll have to try those Juicy Jels. They sound wonderful!

    You all have a great night! See ya later.

    Good for you Thin.

    It must be in the air cause I just got back from my WI and I lost 7 pounds! They are "old pounds". Part of the 11 I gained last month. Until today I didn't want to know how much I had put on. I knew it was a lot and I know myself well enough to know that I'd probaby eat more if I didn't give myself a head start on losing. Ah ... the brain games we play with ourselves.

    I agree that JOURNALING is a big key for me too. If I don't write everything down my week goes to **** in a handbasket. Now I've got a brand new weekly journal to fill up with good foods and good thoughts!

    Onward and downward. Off for a short walk.
  • Hello All,

    I know I have been AWL for a long time...sorry about that...but I am trying once again! You'd think with all the practice I have had at trying to stay OP I would have figured it out by now.....But journaling is an important key I think...Kind of keeps one "honest" Unbelieveable how fast the points can add up isn't it?

    Congrats to J-Ann for a 7 pound loss...WOW

    Thin, what a great thing to have only gained 1 pound in 6 weeks...that is super!!! I am trying the bands too kind of fun...hope that they will help firm up the upper under arms...they sure have gotten out of control..Wonder if I will ever be able to wear a sleeveless shirt or dress again????????

    Thought I would check in and see if I can catch up on some posts....Have a super Tuesday...
  • Syn I was just thinking yesterday on my way to work "I wonder where and what Syn is doing"...and here you are....Yippee. Glad you are back.

    Way to go j-ann - 7 pounds!

    Thin I am so happy for you. BUT did you have to remind me about journaling?

    The weather has been nice and cool here, Baylee. I think we are getting more rain in a couple days. Then another ga-gillion mosquitoes will be born. We have had two horses in a town 15 miles away test for the West Nile virus.

    Yesterday was horrible...I don' t know what happened. Even while eating I couldn't figure out what was happening to me. I ate more than I eat in 3 days normally.
  • Hello fellow chickies

    I got up with a headache this morning but it is almost gone. Yesterday was extremly busy at the library. I guess are getting ready to go back to school.

    I weighed this morning and I am hovering right around 195-197

    Food has been ok but I stay hungry for sweets.

    Congrats to all the losses everyone has had. You are all such an inspiration to me.

    Well I better get off here and eat someting. I don't go in till 2 today and work till 7.
  • Howdy
    Good morning everyone. Nice to see you back with us Syn.
    ONe more day added to my cheat free wol.... that makes me happy.
    I had the hardest time getting out of bed this morning.
    Maybe there is going to be a change in the weather here.
    I don't have much to say this morning... that is weird for me. LOL
    Yesterday I wasted the whole day... (long story) ...so today I have to make up for yesterday and clean clean clean. I REALLY don't know how a house can get sooooo messy so quickly.
    Oh well... it doesn't matter... I just need to go clean it up AGAIN

    Tuesday Tip.... drink your water !!!
    It is one of the most important things you can do to aid your weight loss, your health, and it adds miles to your walking regime in a day running to the bathroom. LOL And it really does help curb your appetite.
    Eight 8oz glasses a day is a minimum.
  • Hey chicklets...

    Well...the dawn of a new day has arrived. I just bought a new scale. Needed the reality check. Ouch...reality jumped up and bit me on the A$$!! Official starting weight from this day forward is 259. I will be following WW, don't think I'm going to go to meetings just yet, will see how this first week goes. I'm trying not to eat til I have actual hunger...novel approach...and then stick with lower carbs, lots of fruit/veggies, lean protein. Will see what happens. Oh, yes...AND daily exercise of some sort. That's it! Easy right? Of course.

    That's all the time I have, I'm going to cut the grass, dh just left to buy me a new weed whacker. The temp is a HEAVENLY 75 degrees, it's breezy, sunny and delightful. I plan on spending the WHOLE day (rest of it) outside...time's a wastin'!

    catch ya'll later...
  • Checking In...
    Good afternoon Ladies!

    I just got back from having lunch with my hubby at Subway. I taught a few piano students this morning and have a few this evening but other than that, I'm work-free!...well, except for housework and we all know that's not REAL work, right? Just something us ladies do on the side... for kicks.

    Okay, everyone is talking about exercises to do to "firm up" our upper arms. Somebody, PLEAZE, tell me, what should I be doing? Are there exercises I can do with free weights that will help (we have those)? We also have little weights that I can velcro to my arms? Will those help? What kinds of exercises should I do?

    All is well on the diet front and has been since the end of May. ISN'T THAT EXCITING?! I'm excited for Weigh-in Wednesday tomorrow even though this week TOM is visiting. Last week I hit 40 pounds lost and I'm POSITIVE that I am going to show a significant loss this week too...

    Kat... Congrats on the decision to make today the day! This time next year, you will be able to look back and say "THANK GOD I MADE THAT CHOICE A YEAR AGO!" Hope you're enjoying that nice weather!

    2Cute... Thanks for the water tip! That reminds me...*off to the fridge in search of my water bottle* I think I may be a new advocate of the "Drink Lots of Water" movement. I've REALLY been drinking a lot in the last couple of weeks and I've shown a definite increase in weight loss!... and some of that drinking was actually water!

    Mary... That's a couple more pounds down, right? That's awesome! Keep up the good work! I'm hoping to be able to report dropping down below 200 in the next couple of months too! THAT will be a very exciting day for me!

    Lucky... We all have diet days that are discouraging. The most important thing is to pick yourself up and start again. Determination will get us where we want to be in the end! Hope you're doing okay...

    Baylee... I completely agree with you; I would never opt for weight loss surgery IF there was a possibility I could do it on my own. It's a very serious operation that will have repercussions for one's entire life! It's definitely not the easy fix that a lot of ppl take it for! I do, however, feel that for some ppl, it may be their only chance for survival.

    Syn... Hello! I guess you HAVE been away for quite a while as I don't think I've ever seen you here before and I've been posting here for a couple of months now! Welcome back and congratulations on deciding to try again!

    J-ann... 7 pounds is awesome! All my pounds are "old pounds", if you go far enough back!!!

    Thin... You too! I sounds like everyone is re-committing themselves to becoming a healthy weight! It's great that you only gained 1 pound in all the weeks you were away!

    Tina... Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you! Hope the funeral went okay (they can be SO hard). {{{Hugs}}} We're here to listen if you still need to talk things out.

    Well, I think my book is done.... for now! Howdy to everyone else out there, members and lurkers alike!

  • Hey Gals,

    On my second day of staying OP and on my way to recovering and taking back the newer improved "ME" LOL

    I haven't time for individual replies to all but know I am here rooting for you all!

    I am trying out this quick reply option to see how it works...so here goes....~Syn~
  • Hello everyone:

    This is a really great thread. Although the others are fun to read I don't feel motivated to post like I do with this one. It seems like everybodys message here hits home for me.

    I am also almost twice what I should weigh and have tried for years to lose it. Despite the fact that I sometimes despair of ever losing the weight, I also would not consider surgery because I want not only to lose the weight but to change my lifestyle so I am more active and always chose the right things to eat.
    (Unfortunately I am famous for my run on sentences in the toastmasters club I belong to.)

    I also belieive in journalling. I found in the past I was most successful at losiing weight if I wrote down everything I ate.
    It's amazing how much food you eat casually without noticing.

    I'm not using it as an excuse but living with 2 slender men (my husband and son) who can eat everything... and do...doesn't help either. They are always offering me whatever they are eating. But as I said I cannot use that as an excuse because they would be the first ones to offer support and help if I asked.

    It's funny how no matter how successful you are at other things in your life, being overweight colours it all and makes you feel just a little inferior.

    Thanks for listening to me ramble. This has strengthened my resolve, believe it or not.


  • Hi, tired...I usually visit my Dad on Tuesday nights and then get wwaayy behind on my tasks....but after yesterday I did go for a 2 mile walk. I have to try to rebound from all that eating.

    I will thrill you with my writings tomorrow...the pillow is calling my name.
  • Hi everyone,

    I'm fighting sleep and it's 6:20 in the evening. I went to the dentist yesterday. Almost three hours. I feel drained today, still oozing anesthetic. I did one of those voluntary-remove-amalgam crowns. It affects my smile, looks like I'm missing a tooth. I'll look fabulous when he's through.

    My off/on eating habits are on the decline once again. I need to crack down. Two months until sink the gondola. We sent off the payment and passports. I'm excited. My mom had an appointment with the doc today and he cancelled. Rescheduled for 8/20/02. My mom's said too bad, she's going on the trip. Yippppeeee. The nurse said it's not a mass. It's a cyst in the pelvic area. They've been watching for 5 yrs. My mom said after five years, they can wait a few months. The most important part is it's not a mass. Whew. The stress of everything. Work, wacko brother, and my mom.

    Mikey is gaining weight. Also his fur is filling in. No hormones??? Funny he acts up with my mom and no one else. I think it's a top dog thing. She needs to correct the behavior. He owns the sofa. I told her it's the source of his power. At the park and visitors at home, he's friendly and loving. I think he's tired of being yanked by mom. She can't reach him. This pair needs to meet on neutral ground. He totally loves me.

    Think I'll take a little cat nap. Sweet dreams.
  • I am happy for you, Malia. Your Mom is doing okay, your dog is good and you get your trip. I will miss you when you are gone but glad you get to go. Take a lot of pictures. We want to know everything.

    I did weigh in today and am up a pound...probably from Monday's binge. I wonder if I did that because I was having dinner with old high school friends that night? I didn't think that could be the reason but maybe it's some deep pschological thing.
  • Mornin’ Ladies,

    It’s another cool sunny day in central NY. Tomorrow I’m taking the day off and going up to the Adirondacks for the day. Last chance, before it gets too warm again, to walk in the mountains.
    Still OP, 10 days in a row! Whoopee!!!!

    SYN: Hi. Nice to meet you. Thanks for the kind encouragement. I’m up to day 9 OP since my last MAJOR slip-up.

    BAYLEE: Hey lady, be careful with that exercise. We don’t want to see you hobbling around with a crutch or anything. That chicken recipe looks like a “keeper”. Thanks for the arm flab exercises. Lord knows, I need ‘em.

    LUCKY: OH NO! We all have days where we eat and eat and eat. My last pitfall was, I thought, a month long but then I decided to go back thru my WW logs and see when I last was really losing consistently and it was LAST THANKSGIVING!  Since then I’ve not been consistent in my efforts to stick to a healthy eating program and ended up gaining 24 lbs. Since November. That was a real shock to me. But it’s a WAKE-UP CALL too. Last week I dropped that 7 lbs. And now I’m on my WW way again. Hurray! Your walk yesterday was super, 2 miles WOW.

    GRANNIE: I’d never stay employed if I had to work afternoon evenings. I start at 7 AM and try to get most of my work done by noon before I “fade”. I guess I’ll always be a morning person.

    2CUTE: GOOD LUCK with your 3 Weeks to Portion Control. That’s a toughie but you seem really ready to go for it. Great price on the chicken too. YUMMM

    KAT & MARUSHA: We’re with you on your journey whatever plan you use. I do WW but whatever you choose it’s your sticktoitivness that will make it work for you. So get out that “glue” and start sticking.

    SARA: You can’t “bust” me. I’d never seen the Juicy Gels. I’ll have to look for them.

    MALIA: You’re NOT going to “sink the gondola”! Have you ever seen most Italian women? They’re like the rest of us – NOT lightweights