3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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futuresurferchick 10-02-2006 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by phantastica (Post 1425370)
I'm also going to dress as Xena for Halloween. :D

Haha that is AWESOME. I love Xena. Take a pic!!

FaeReverie 10-02-2006 07:45 PM

Hehe I love you all.

Like most of you, my main thing is shopping.. and Im working now toward it, since I refuse to EVER own a credit card. So, I've been saving from every paycheck (well, except last and next one... last all went into my vacation, and this check is gonna be hella small) in an envelope, which by the time I hit my goal should hold at least $1,000. My friend, who has amazing fashion sense, has agreed to be my "stylist"... she knows me really well, so she knows what I like and what I don't. She's going to come down to visit me, and we're going to the mall and spending it alllll...

Ooo I can't wait. If the promise of one of my best friends to come visit for a major shopping spree doesn't get me motivated, I just don't know what will!

lovethatsara 10-05-2006 04:42 PM

1. I want a 2-pc so bad.
2. Tattoos, I have 3 small ones I want to get
3. Glamor Shots - I didn't realize i wanted this but the more i thought about it the more i wanted it.
4. Lingerie - I want something sexy
5. I want to be able to dance around in my underwear and feel cute he he.

missindy 10-16-2006 10:01 PM

wow. I don't really know what I want.

I want a killer dress. Like some of you have said, I don't wear dresses. My legs aren't too bad. Yeah, they're huge, but they're pretty smooth. I'm just extremely selfconscious about my stomach.

I want to have lost enough by my spring break in Vegas to turn some heads when we go clubbing.

I want to hear a halter top.

Mostly, I want to throw away all of the clothes I own now. I love some of them, but I hate them as well.

Oh, and my number one thing I want to do when I lose the weight: Go to a theme park and not fret in the 1/2 hour long that by the time I get to the ride I won't fit in it.

passionfruit 10-19-2006 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by lovethatsara (Post 1429368)
I want to be able to dance around in my underwear and feel cute he he.

Oh gosh, how a long for that too!:D

Hmm I plan to:
1. go out shopping and feel comfortable without the store clerk asking if I'm looking for a bigger size
2. wear a bikini/tankini at the beach without feeling like a whale (and I have a picture of me looking like one!)
3. burn all my old clothes! :devil: nah, I'd give them to someone in need :)
4. hug people (no fat rolls getting in between!)
5. revamp my wardrobe
6. bounce on a trampoline, and nothing jiggling :dizzy:

*sigh* Justing waiting for that moment...but looking forward to it!:carrot:

stacylambert 10-19-2006 12:23 PM

1) Boob job! But unlike most of you, I'm looking to go bigger. At my heighest weight I was only a B so things aren't looking good...
2) Any little nip/tuck/sucks that I need to make me feel good about my body. I didn't work this hard and this long to still want to hide.
3) Clothes!
4)To go to an amusement park and not worry about weight limits and balancing my weight out with other riders.
5)To feel comfortable with me. To go out around people and not feel like the fattest chick there or like people are saying things about me. Paranoid, I know, but high school sticks with you.

Oh, I'm sure there's more but that's what came to mind at the moment.

bluesparkie 10-19-2006 06:47 PM

Ok, so I know that I already posted here but today I totally thought of something that I want when I lose the weight: a Vespa! I'm gonna drive my butt all over town every summer on one of those bad boys. Seriously, how much fun would that be???

rebeleagle1965 10-20-2006 12:37 AM

I want a tummy tuck-3 c sections and gaining and losing 80 pounds each time has taken its toll, and only surgery holds any hope for the huge saggy pooch that used to be my stomach....even when I had lost all this weight before I still felt like I looked funny on the bottom-like I have half a ham shoved down the front of my pants or something.
I could use a breast lift too, but I doubt my hubby will be willing to let me spring for all that-so I will probably be counting on the magical effects of good bras and swimsuits to camouflage that problem. I want a couple hundred dollars worth up "pushup" and "wonder" everything.

onestar 10-20-2006 12:11 PM

great question. i want to get a breast lift, start dating again, and finish my tattoo on my leg.

KnitALisa 10-24-2006 02:55 PM

I want to hit the town with one of my uber-skinny and beautiful friends and not feel huge and ugly. And then I want to hit on hot men, and have them hit on me. I want to be catcalled.
I want to have fabulous expensive clothes. I won't be afraid to buy really nice clothes because I'll know that I'll be staying that size.
And I don't want feel self-concious when I hear another fat joke or a news report on how fat America is.
Really, I just want to be fabulous rather than flabulous.

Jasmine31 10-24-2006 03:34 PM

You all are getting me so excited!!! The biggest thing on my list is clothes!!! For so many years I just did NOT care! Now I am getting so excited looking forward to buying new cute stuff. Like skirts and blouses. I want to go to Victoria's Secret and get all kinds of stuff too! We will be getting our tax return in March so it should be pretty good timing. i will still have more weight to lose but I will be close enough. It might take a while to get down to 135. I am really aiming for about 160-170 by March 4.

I want to go on a second honey moon with my hubby that April. I want to go to a bed n breakfast or something similiar.

mikium 10-25-2006 02:49 PM

I want to travel somewhere by plane without requiring seatbelt extensions and being incredibly uncomfortable as a result.

Chanty1483 10-25-2006 04:30 PM

Clothes, clothes, and more clothes.

Most of all, I want to be able to go into any store I want and buy off the rack. No more big girl stores!!

KnitALisa 10-25-2006 06:33 PM


Most of all, I want to be able to go into any store I want and buy off the rack. No more big girl stores!!
Oh heck yes! And to be able to swap clothes with my skinny friends.

Mostly, I want to throw away all of the clothes I own now. I love some of them, but I hate them as well.
Me too. It's all gonna go to Goodwill baby! Maybe I'll keep one pair of jeans to remind myself of how far I've come. But only one thing. I figure if I don't have any fat clothes, I won't gain anything back, because I won't have anything to wear!

juliebee 10-25-2006 07:52 PM

Bikiniiii!!! :d

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