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Old 01-19-2006, 12:37 AM   #1  
Bida Bida Bida
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ok not such a great title but I couldn't think of anything catchier - So I have arrived back in the states after a month of traveling thru thailand and japan. And guess what - I did not get dysentary in thailand as I thought I might, so I didn't lose 20 pounds like bridgette did when she was caught "drug smuggling" in the sequal. Oh yeah - and my hosts changed from rain water to city water - may have had something to do with it. If anything I walked a lot - but my muscled did atrophy a bit - a lot.

Ok so truthfully I have been back a week and a half - and in that week and a half I finally managed to get my *** in gear and excersize twice - yest and the day before yest - and I am destined to get the poundage off this year - I will be 26 - thus past my quarter life crisis - so time to do something before my thirties crisis (can't believe I will be 26 in less than a month - sounds soo old!) But my problem is with food - eating too many calories - knowing what is right but sabatoging or doing the wrong thing anyway - and I think I finally may get a date or two this year - haha - school is usually too intense for that.

so I am thinking about finally seeing the school nutricienist - but wonder if maybe my issues go deeper - should I try to see a shrink too ? well counseling sessions are somewhat free - so the big thing is to get over the hump and call - but I can't seem to pick up the phone - just another thing to keep putting off. And usually I will do things. I am a go getter - urg - why did I have to be big!

ok enough ranting - but support / ideas / etc would be good. I even though about joining jenny craig or some other diets that send u the food u are supposed to/allowed to eat - but decided that was too expense - and I should learn to just do it myself. right? Urg I need help. Maybe I should go to some WW group or something but 10 bugs a week - I became broke in thailand... urg.
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Old 01-19-2006, 10:51 AM   #2  
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I see a dietician/nutritionist regularly. She has been a huge help to me. I was doing the same thing you are--I knew what to eat but I was always sabotaging myself. Having someone to talk to and be accountable to is very important for me. And she defeats my inner voice that tries to sabotage me just by having common sense and reminding me I can do this. When I started I saw her every 2 weeks but now I go once a month. It keeps things in perspective for me. And of course, she looks over my food journals and makes recommendations as well, and I have learned a thing or two about nutrition that I didn't know before.

Sometimes I still think I should see a counsellor too... when I have down days.. there are free services at my school for that like yours. But I probably won't end up going just because the nutritionist is usually enough. Anyway good luck with whatever you decide... and I am totally jealous that you went to Thailand and Japan!!
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