3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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HeatherMcG 01-06-2012 05:40 PM

Sounds like everyone is having a great week! I'm just glad its Friday. Hoping when AF leaves so does some lbs!

candice1022 01-06-2012 05:58 PM

Happy New Year!!!
Well me and my son went to a friend from high schools house and we watched tv and played games had dinner and watched the ball drop on the dick clarks special... Aiden took a nap but woke up at exactely 11:58 to watch the ball drop with us then we were up till like 3am.. We bought my son some glow sticks to join in the fun since hes so young and doesnt even know whats going on lol :) Ill post a pic and hope it works cause i have no idea what im doing :)


Astrix83 01-06-2012 08:01 PM

Hi everyone! Hope you are all enjoying a great start to the new year!

I kinda lost my momentum in December, the scale slid back up almost 5 pounds. So now it's time to get my butt in gear! Also experiencing my first TOM since giving birth to my son last summer, so I am hoping that in a few days I'll see a bit of a decrease. I start a Biggest Loser exercise program on Monday evening at the fitness centre in my town. It's the first time I've done anything like this, I usually just spend time on my elliptical at home, so I am feeling a bit intimidated and unsure of myself right now. However, I'd really like to be under 200 pounds by this time next year and I hope that this program is a good way to start the year! Time to get over my fears.

sgregg 01-07-2012 09:21 AM

It's good to see some new faces around here. :) Welcome!!

Astrix - I participated in a biggest loser type thing at the YMCA when I worked there several years ago and it was a lot of fun. You really get motivated to stick with it because you know you have a weigh-in and other people to compete with. Each team also had a day with their personal trainer. Our's would kick our butts but it was good. They also had an awesome first place prize. What are they offering at your gym?

Candice - the link isn't working from my computer. :( You could upload it to photobucket and then use the forum link underneath the pic (after it uploads) to post it on this forum. ;)

- Yay for some more weight gone!!

QB - What are you going to school for?

Rie - Where does your BF live in the USA? Maybe you have said before, but I can't remember.

candice1022 01-07-2012 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by sgregg (Post 4160667)
It's good to see some new faces around here. :) Welcome!!

Astrix - I participated in a biggest loser type thing at the YMCA when I worked there several years ago and it was a lot of fun. You really get motivated to stick with it because you know you have a weigh-in and other people to compete with. Each team also had a day with their personal trainer. Our's would kick our butts but it was good. They also had an awesome first place prize. What are they offering at your gym?

Candice - the link isn't working from my computer. :( You could upload it to photobucket and then use the forum link underneath the pic (after it uploads) to post it on this forum. ;)

- Yay for some more weight gone!!

QB - What are you going to school for?

Rie - Where does your BF live in the USA? Maybe you have said before, but I can't remember.

I fixed it but sorry for the size :( dont know how to make it smaller

sontaikle 01-07-2012 12:27 PM

Hey everyone! It's nice to see so many new faces! :) Kawaii, welcome back!!

Has anyone tried belly dancing? My gym hired a belly dancer recently and I started taking the classes. It's kind of nice and relaxing when I take it right after the hardcore cardio and weights session I love :)

We're also getting a ZUMBA instructor again! I can't wait to get back into that!

And holy crap guys, my arms. I've been lifting heavier and heavier weights but I haven't had a proper-fitting shirt for the gym. I recently bought some cheap size small tanks at Old Navy and wore one today and I could totally see all the muscles in my arms!! I didn't even realize. The instructor at the gym said I looked really strong!

That's what I'm going for, healthy and strong! ;)

Riestrella 01-07-2012 04:07 PM

Hey everyone!

This week has been AMAZING for me in terms of exercise. I've been doing Insanity all week and I've really been proud of myself for it too. HOWEVER. My EATING is another thing. My parents ordered takeaway pizza, and when that happens I tend to eat half...but I gobbled the whole thing =(. I've also got a lot of sweets/chocolate left over from Christmas that I just keep nibbling on. It's really bad, if I know it's there I feel like I have to eat it! So today I just got fed up and threw it all out. I know it seems like a waste, but I just wanted it out of my drawer and in a place where it won't be coming back.

I'm usually all for eating out, but because I've had a complete stall I declined eating out with a friend tomorrow. We're still hanging out, but I just wasn't up to going to a restaurant with all the temptation. When I'm consistently losing then I don't mind a treat, but when I've been stalling I don't feel like I deserve it! I just want to see the scale go down already!!

I took a picture of the drawing I was talking about in the last post, here it is, hope you don't mind me sharing! It's not quite finished, and it's far from being amazing, but it just felt so good to draw again!

I also was having a bit of a dilemma over which coat to take with me to visit my boyfriend, but I figured it out now. I'm going for burgundy! I was actually going to post a thread up with a poll, but when I took pictures of them both I decided which one looked better! I'm so sad...

Quiet Ballerina - Welcome! Always good to see new people in here! My NYE was tame too, just hung out with a friend but I still enjoyed it. Working out is hard - unless you don't have a job then it's hard to fit it into your life! My routine is wake up, eat breakfast, digest, then workout. Once I've established it as a routine then it doesn't feel like I'm going out of my way to do it.
Well, I've known my boyfriend 10 years, we were best friends before we got together. We were online friends for 5 years (that's how we met!) then he moved to England to go to my Uni and we lived together which is when we got together. So we were quite used to working with distances. It's harder now, obviously, because we're in a relationship but we make it work. We Skype every once in a while...but it's very hard with the time difference.

namaste - Well done on the weight loss! And I love a good work out!

candice - Awww, what a lovely picture! You two look like you're having a good time!

Astrix - Exercise classes are amazing, you'll feel the support and you'll compete with others in your own way and it'll make you push yourself more. When I'm doing exercise on my own I always picture someone with me and I tend to perform better because I act like I'm showing off! You can do it, it'll be amazing!

sgregg - The boyfriend lives in Boulder, Colorado =)

sontaikle - Woop woop, here she is bringing the gun show! That's awesome. I haven't tried belly dancing, but I've heard only good things. Mainly that it's a good workout and it makes you feel sexy! I haven't tried Zumba, if I had a car I would go to a class but it's too much effort when I like my home workouts!

Quiet Ballerina 01-07-2012 05:31 PM

sgregg I'm studying to be a court reporter. Only in my 4th week of classes so it's still really early on. At this point I'm thinking about going into broadcast captioning...because that means I can work from home! :)

Riestrella That picture is gorgeous!! The eyes are amazing! You're very talented.

Is anyone else tackling Spring (er...Winter?) cleaning? I've been going through space saver bags and drawers for a few hours now. Sooo tedious, but I'm doing a good job! Today I've mostly been tackling my dresser and a big storage chest I have....maybe tomorrow I'll tackle my closet. Eek!

Astrix83 01-07-2012 05:32 PM

sgregg - According to what I've read, we'll be separated into teams and given a trainer. We'll meet 3 times a week for group exercise time, from 7-9 Monday and Wednesday evenings and for an hour at 6am on Fridays (ouch, I am NOT a morning person!). Plus the fee we pay gives us full access to the facility for the 10 weeks the course takes place. Includes a consultation from a dietician, too. I'm not sure if there is a prize for the person who loses the most yet, I guess I'll find out Monday. But it looks like it's being promoted by a day spa, so I imagine that if there is any kind of prize, it'll be for that spa!

Riestrella - Thank you for the words of encouragement! My biggest fear is the fact that I don't know anyone. I've always been rather introverted, especially in the past few years when I hit my peak weight, and I am doing my best to challenge myself to actually go out and do things that I spent so long being afraid to do (basically just leaving my house). I know by the end of the first week, when I've been there and seen that everyone is going through the same struggle I am, that I will be much more comfortable going, but right now I am just so nervous about having to go somewhere I have never been, and meet a big group of new people. The exercise part, I am actually looking forward to!

Your drawing is wonderful! I especially love the eyes and detailing on the rose.

Candice - What an adorable little guy! I contemplated whether or not to have my little guy up to welcome in the new year, but we just got through a gruelling 2 weeks last month trying to get his sleep schedule back on track and I would rather not go there again if I can help it!

candice1022 01-07-2012 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Astrix83 (Post 4161290)
sgregg - According to what I've read, we'll be separated into teams and given a trainer. We'll meet 3 times a week for group exercise time, from 7-9 Monday and Wednesday evenings and for an hour at 6am on Fridays (ouch, I am NOT a morning person!). Plus the fee we pay gives us full access to the facility for the 10 weeks the course takes place. Includes a consultation from a dietician, too. I'm not sure if there is a prize for the person who loses the most yet, I guess I'll find out Monday. But it looks like it's being promoted by a day spa, so I imagine that if there is any kind of prize, it'll be for that spa!

Riestrella - Thank you for the words of encouragement! My biggest fear is the fact that I don't know anyone. I've always been rather introverted, especially in the past few years when I hit my peak weight, and I am doing my best to challenge myself to actually go out and do things that I spent so long being afraid to do (basically just leaving my house). I know by the end of the first week, when I've been there and seen that everyone is going through the same struggle I am, that I will be much more comfortable going, but right now I am just so nervous about having to go somewhere I have never been, and meet a big group of new people. The exercise part, I am actually looking forward to!

Your drawing is wonderful! I especially love the eyes and detailing on the rose.

Candice - What an adorable little guy! I contemplated whether or not to have my little guy up to welcome in the new year, but we just got through a gruelling 2 weeks last month trying to get his sleep schedule back on track and I would rather not go there again if I can help it!

Thank You ladies!! yes I understand Aiden still isnt quite got a schedule down yet... no thanks to the neighbours upstairs -_- but hes sleeping a little longer after 11pm so I didnt really care much it was one night :)

Astrix83 01-08-2012 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by candice1022 (Post 4161495)
Thank You ladies!! yes I understand Aiden still isnt quite got a schedule down yet... no thanks to the neighbours upstairs -_- but hes sleeping a little longer after 11pm so I didnt really care much it was one night :)

Ohh, a noisy neighbour waking up baby would frustrate me so much! It took me forever to convince Alex that daytime napping wasn't so bad, he seemed to think that I was downstairs having party or something while he napped, lol.

candice1022 01-08-2012 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Astrix83 (Post 4161813)
Ohh, a noisy neighbour waking up baby would frustrate me so much! It took me forever to convince Alex that daytime napping wasn't so bad, he seemed to think that I was downstairs having party or something while he napped, lol.

Oh it is quite rediculous.... he lived alone like from the time i moved in (july) till about a month and a half ago...?! and he was very quiet all the time never heard from him at all... and hes a guard at fords so he slept most of the morning left at 3 and didnt get home till like 11ish which Aiden was already in bed, now his gf moved in and for the past month its banging and screaming and just so rude. :( i dont hear her much during the day most days but the second she knows hes coming home she starts cleaning or something... so ya a vaccuum right over our bedroom at 10:30pm (ya right?) or dishes clanking and things in the bathroom being moved and clanked around.... like clean during the day lady why wait till the last minute... but needless to say they woke Aiden up everynight between 11:30-1:30 and everytime i decided i would go say something theyd be quiet for the night... -_- Aidens had a little cold lately so hes been sleeping through their crap (thank god) but the minute he gets better im hoping he sticks with what hes been doing. :)

sontaikle 01-08-2012 09:53 AM

If you live in New York you know that yesterday was ridiculously warm (It was around 60 degrees!) so even though I had worked out at the gym for two hours I HAD to get outside! My brother and I went on a 7 mile bike ride and we had a lot of fun :) It wasn't intense or anything but it was a nice, leisurely outdoor activity.

I also grilled a bunch of chicken breasts outside (because they taste AMAZING grilled on the outdoor grill) so I'm going to have nice lunches for the next week and a half or so.

Riestrella - wow what an amazing drawing! :)

And Re: the bellydancing, right now I feel more awkward than sexy, but I've only taken two classes :joker:

Quiet Ballerina - My brother and I cleaned out the hallway between our rooms. It took a while but it looks nice now! :)

candice1022 - ouch, that sounds like a sucky situation. You should write down every time they make too much noise and complain to whoever is in charge of where you live. That way you have documentation of when this happened and they have a reason to tell them to quiet down.

sgregg 01-08-2012 11:27 AM

Hello, hello!

It's Sunday morning and rainy...ugh! It puts such a damper on the day when it's gloomy.

Son - We had good temps yesterday too! It was awesome! Mmm...grilled chicken sounds good. How do you season yours? Do you use any kind of marinade? Just curious.

Candice - Do you have a box fan or anything that could help drown out the noise? We used them when we lived in apartments. Nothing is worst than having your baby woken up by a noisy neighbor. I hope it gets better! Oh, and the pic is great! Your little boy is so cute!

QB - I knew of a lady that did captioning for the golf channel. She made some good moolah and had good benefits. ;) Good luck!

Rie - Your drawing is AMAZING. I agree with QB - the eyes are really good! Good job with keeping up with Insanity!! And going to CO should be fun! Are you gonna go skiing while there?

Well, no plans for me today besides just trying to stay on plan with my eating. I've been doing well during the day, but then get snacky at night. I'm thinking I may need to just eat very lite during the day to make up for my rummaging at night? I may try that out for a while.

sontaikle 01-08-2012 12:46 PM

sgregg - My mom found the BEST marinade ever! We soak the chicken breasts in Naturally Delicious Italian dressing for about a half hour and they taste amazing when grilled :) They aren't dry or anything like that.

candice1022 01-08-2012 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by sgregg (Post 4162214)
Hello, hello!

It's Sunday morning and rainy...ugh! It puts such a damper on the day when it's gloomy.

Son - We had good temps yesterday too! It was awesome! Mmm...grilled chicken sounds good. How do you season yours? Do you use any kind of marinade? Just curious.

Candice - Do you have a box fan or anything that could help drown out the noise? We used them when we lived in apartments. Nothing is worst than having your baby woken up by a noisy neighbor. I hope it gets better! Oh, and the pic is great! Your little boy is so cute!

QB - I knew of a lady that did captioning for the golf channel. She made some good moolah and had good benefits. ;) Good luck!

Rie - Your drawing is AMAZING. I agree with QB - the eyes are really good! Good job with keeping up with Insanity!! And going to CO should be fun! Are you gonna go skiing while there?

Well, no plans for me today besides just trying to stay on plan with my eating. I've been doing well during the day, but then get snacky at night. I'm thinking I may need to just eat very lite during the day to make up for my rummaging at night? I may try that out for a while.

No I dont have a box fan just a regular fan which I did use last night and it helped a little bit... and thank You ... he is a little ham :D

HeatherMcG 01-08-2012 01:17 PM

Guess what? I lost 7.1 lbs this week! That is very atypical for me and I know it won't last but I'm just proud of my progress!

Riestrella- that picture is beautiful!

sontaikle 01-08-2012 04:10 PM

HeatherMcG - congratulations!! :)

candice1022 01-08-2012 04:31 PM

sontaikle its everynight.... every night for the past month and a half ...id have to sit there with a tape recorder everynight and just wait for them to start.... my sons dad is going to mention it to the building managers tonight ... if the keep going hes going to talk to the neighbours himself if they continue after that im going to have to call the rental people.. :(

sontaikle 01-08-2012 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by candice1022 (Post 4162693)
sontaikle its everynight.... every night for the past month and a half ...id have to sit there with a tape recorder everynight and just wait for them to start.... my sons dad is going to mention it to the building managers tonight ... if the keep going hes going to talk to the neighbours himself if they continue after that im going to have to call the rental people.. :(

Ack! :(

You don't have to sit there with a tape recorder, but if you write down dates and times (even if it is every night) it's a lot more powerful than going to the building manager and saying it happens every night.

I work in special education so we write down EVERYTHING. I can't tell you how many times having a written log of what I have done has saved my butt and also helped out my kids. If I had just said "this happens often" I wouldn't have been taken seriously. It works outside of education and I make sure to write logs of when things happen if I feel I have to speak up.

Riestrella 01-08-2012 06:40 PM

I had an official weigh in today and I'm back up to 162 lbs. I'm hoping it goes down by 2 lbs by next week since this week was period week, and I'm going to be ON IT with working out and eating right - I have to!

Quiet Ballerina - Thank you! That's really sweet of you to say! I actually did do a bit of spring cleaning - I went through my wardrobe and threw out clothes that I wasn't wearing any more or were too big on me...or clothes that I had bought thinking I would wear it one day and that day never came! I ended up getting rid of a whole bin bag, which is surprising, I didn't think I had that much stuff I didn't wear! But it felt really refreshing once it was out, now I know that I wear everything in the wardrobe, and I rediscovered clothes that had fallen down the back too!

Astrix - :hug: I know entering new situations is a challenge when you're self conscious, but I promise you you can only better yourself from doing it. When I see bigger people exercising at the gym or if they were in a class with me I would only think positive things. You're there with a goal of getting fitter and healthier - that's only a GREAT thing and anyone can respect that. You can do it, good luck, I have nothing but respect for you facing your fears.

sontaikle - Whaaat? Hot weather in JANUARY? That's crazy talk! Thanks for your compliment on the drawing, and I'm sure you'll feel sexier once you let yourself go! I imagine it's weird at first!

sgregg - Thank you! I really enjoy drawing eyes, I used to draw them a lot in high school! Just a weird habit of mine! I certainly hope I get a chance to ski this time, but it sure is expensive!
What exactly do you rummage on? And how much are you eating? Maybe you need to eat more meals in your day so that by the evening you're stuffed up on healthy food.

Heather - Thank you, and CONGRATS! That's an incredible loss!

candice1022 01-08-2012 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by sontaikle (Post 4162784)
Ack! :(

You don't have to sit there with a tape recorder, but if you write down dates and times (even if it is every night) it's a lot more powerful than going to the building manager and saying it happens every night.

I work in special education so we write down EVERYTHING. I can't tell you how many times having a written log of what I have done has saved my butt and also helped out my kids. If I had just said "this happens often" I wouldn't have been taken seriously. It works outside of education and I make sure to write logs of when things happen if I feel I have to speak up.

thanks maybe i will start keeping track :)

Quiet Ballerina 01-08-2012 08:44 PM

candice: you might want to look into getting a white noise machine (or even a static channel on the radio). I'm a nanny and that is a LIFESAVER when the babies are napping. It doesn't drown out everything, but it helps. Also, you should look at your apt lease. My apt complex has mandatory quiet hours from 10pm until 8am. So your neighbors could be breaking rules by vacuuming so late at night.

If that doesn't work, you could always bake cookies or something when you go up to talk to them. Address it as a "not sure if you know, but we have a baby, and when you vacuum late at night it keeps us all up. Is there another time you could do it?" (said sweetly).

sontaikle: that marinade sounds yummy!
Once I tried one of Carmen Electra's workouts....couldn't finish it! All I could do was giggle because I felt so silly. Good luck with the belly dancing though!

sgregg have you tried snacking on something like celery late at night? or just chewing gum? drinking water with lemon?

Heather congrats on the loss! That's awesome!! :yay:

Riestrella Isn't that fun? To find clothes you forgot you had?

My weekend was really productive in terms of spring cleaning. Have a nice big bag for donations, a smaller basket for selling online, and I've rearranged some clothes in my closet. Still a lot to do, but it's a HUGE dent in it all. Or it feels that way. :)

Today I spoiled myself! Got my hair cut, used a gift certificate to get a manicure and a pedicure, went out to lunch. It was a really nice day! I tried to make good choices at lunch since I was eating out...originally planned for a smoothie but it was really chilly! So I went to a restaurant I like and got a sandwich, but ate it open faced so I could leave one of the pieces of bread.

My pantry is looking a little sparse tonight, so I think I'll probably bring soup tomorrow for lunch. It'll be perfect if the weather is chilly!

Just got back from a workout on the elliptical, so kudos to me for that! I'm about to do some free weights while I watch a little TV. :)

candice1022 01-08-2012 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Quiet Ballerina (Post 4163037)
candice: you might want to look into getting a white noise machine (or even a static channel on the radio). I'm a nanny and that is a LIFESAVER when the babies are napping. It doesn't drown out everything, but it helps. Also, you should look at your apt lease. My apt complex has mandatory quiet hours from 10pm until 8am. So your neighbors could be breaking rules by vacuuming so late at night.

If that doesn't work, you could always bake cookies or something when you go up to talk to them. Address it as a "not sure if you know, but we have a baby, and when you vacuum late at night it keeps us all up. Is there another time you could do it?" (said sweetly).

sontaikle: that marinade sounds yummy!
Once I tried one of Carmen Electra's workouts....couldn't finish it! All I could do was giggle because I felt so silly. Good luck with the belly dancing though!

sgregg have you tried snacking on something like celery late at night? or just chewing gum? drinking water with lemon?

Heather congrats on the loss! That's awesome!! :yay:

Riestrella Isn't that fun? To find clothes you forgot you had?

My weekend was really productive in terms of spring cleaning. Have a nice big bag for donations, a smaller basket for selling online, and I've rearranged some clothes in my closet. Still a lot to do, but it's a HUGE dent in it all. Or it feels that way. :)

Today I spoiled myself! Got my hair cut, used a gift certificate to get a manicure and a pedicure, went out to lunch. It was a really nice day! I tried to make good choices at lunch since I was eating out...originally planned for a smoothie but it was really chilly! So I went to a restaurant I like and got a sandwich, but ate it open faced so I could leave one of the pieces of bread.

My pantry is looking a little sparse tonight, so I think I'll probably bring soup tomorrow for lunch. It'll be perfect if the weather is chilly!

Just got back from a workout on the elliptical, so kudos to me for that! I'm about to do some free weights while I watch a little TV. :)

what exactely is a white noise machine and where do i get one? I looked in the apt lease already and its very vague says nothing about certain hours or anything unfortunately :(

as for talking to them upstairs hes a really big guy and ive heard them arguing before and getting pretty loud so im not going up there myself... im sending my sons father up there to talk to him... that way if he gets pissy or violent its not with me. :S

philana 01-09-2012 05:46 AM

I am back again. I won't get lost this time. Hihi.
I had a great time here in the summer, lost about 20lbs. I want to lose another 10lbs, and just continue eating healthy. Let's hope I can stick with it. Don't greet me just yet, as the last time I said I was back I wasnt really... hihi. ;)

namaste984 01-09-2012 09:51 AM

Hi guys!

Sorry I haven't been in chat lately, been busy! :)

Been kind of interesting around here. Looking for a new job at the moment, so I've been spending most of my time looking and filling out applications. When I haven't been doing that, I have been working out or hanging out with my boyfriend.

I'll keep this short for now, but I will be back later with a full update. :)

stronger4me 01-09-2012 12:54 PM

Hey everyone! Been on here a little while, but now actually posting.

I'm excited because I've been doing the Paul Mckenna I Can Make You Thin and it's working wonders in helping me reconnect and listen to my body. I listen to the CD every night, even when I don't want to, so I continue to reinforce everything. But I'm excited because the program calls for you to eat whatever you want, just be mindful, enjoy it and stop when you're full. Well I've been only eating super healthy and very little meat, which has not been going well since the lack of protein has been giving me brain fog and preventing me from getting anything done (besides sleeping). Today I decided to have something I really like and wanted: hot wings! I was worried that I would devour them since that's what I usually do. But I ate mindfully and I actually felt myself get full after only 6 wings and stopped eating. Normally even if I stopped I would just go back and devour, just because I loved the taste so much and it make me feel good to eat them. But this time I left a few on my plate and decided to have water.

Now it feels so good to be in control of my mind and body and be able to say no to food!! Anyone else trying intuitive eating?

Quiet Ballerina 01-09-2012 12:58 PM

candice eek! If he's a big scary guy then absolutely don't go up there! Ignore my advice on that one. :eek:

I don't think I'm allowed to post outside links, but if you look on amazon for "white noise machine" a lot of options show up. Basically, it's a little machine that you plug in, turn on, and it makes noise. Some of them do nature sounds (thunder storm, rain storm, ocean, frogs croaking at night) and some of them do more of a static sound. Some make sounds similar to a mother's heartbeat. "Sleep Sheep" is another popular one. It's a stuffed animal sheep that you hang on the outside of the crib, and it has 4 buttons that each make a different sound. Hope that helps!

sgregg 01-09-2012 09:46 PM

Good evening, everyone!

It's been a very uneventful day for me. I've been super lazy today. I let the babysitter get Baby Girl today and since DS was at school, me and the hubs had the day to ourselves (he's off on Mondays). It was so nice. He and I slept ALL day. I can't believe I slept that long and I'm probably going to be paying for it later, but it was so great to be able to get some uninterrupted and much needed rest.

I think I may take some of your suggestions and fill up on healthy snacks during the day or have something low-calorie but filling at night...or chew a piece of gum. My weigh-in would be better anyway if I don't eat so late. I could also down some water, I guess. That always fills me up.

Stronger - :welcome:

QB - sounds like you are making some good and healthy choices! Good for you!! Keep up the good work!

Heather - Yahoo on the lbs lost!! :carrot:

Son - I may try doing that marinade too...sounds yummy! I love Italian dressing.

Okay, I must get off the computer and tend to my piles of laundry. They are calling my name since I didn't do anything at all today. Tootles!

KawaiiCandie 01-09-2012 09:47 PM

Hey guys!! didn’t log in for a couple of days, so I have a lot of comments for you! I’m glad to see the board is active though!!

sgregg: aww, you were thinking about me? big hugs! and happy new year! how’s your weight-loss been going? I know you’re a busy mommy and all ;)

Rie: he speaks fluent English!! he’s actually the first guy I’ve dated in a long time that even speaks any English! so it’s awesome! not so good for my Japanese, but whatever… :p Are you doing Insanity now?!? omg, you crazy person… lol. aaww… and big hugs on the long-distance situation… I know it doesn’t even compare to yours, but my boy lives in Tokyo, (which is like 4 hours away) and recently, we haven’t been able to see each other a lot cuz I’m saving money for my big move there in March, and he’s saving money for a trip we’re planning to Canada (also in March. lol) and we really can’t justify the travelling money so yeah… but can’t you guys skype? at least it’s somewhat like talking face to face, and better than mailing! I know the time zones thing suck, but surely you can find a time to have a skype date that fits both your schedules? anyways, good luck!! aww, I can’t see your picture! blocked at work :(

ballerina: welcome back! I’ve only just returned too… you’d be very brave to wake up at 5am to work out! I know some people who do it… but I just can’t do that myself! good luck!! and yay for a day of pampering! :)

Namaste: congrats on the loss and yay for free zumba class! eheh.. yeah, I hate working out :cry: but I think I will start either this week or next… I have to clear out some space in my apartment first! oooh, and thanks for explaining about your situation… that’s too bad, but it’s good that you took yourself out of that environment! now you can focus on yourself!

Astrix: sounds like you got a good plan! just get back on the horse, you can do it! that Biggest Loser program sounds really fun! I wish I could do something like that! I need people to kick me in the butt to actually work out… lol.

sontaikle: thanks for the welcome back! :wave: belly dancing sounds like fun! I had a friend who did it in high school… of course, she wasn’t doing it for weight-loss purposes… but still! :p wow, congrats on your awesome muscles! would love to see a pic! lol. actually, all you guys talking about working out are making me wanna join a gym again… maybe I will after the big move!!

Heather: 7lbs?! jeez!! how’d you do it?! congrats!

philana: hey! I remember you! welcome back!

stronger: eating mindfully is good!! well done! I’m a bit worried about this lack of protein though... doesn’t sound like a very good diet to me if you can’t get enough protein!!

As for me, the toll for this first week of dieting is barely over 1lb…. but I know most of that was me being on holiday and just sitting at home not moving much, because I have no money to go out and do stuff. (of course, yeah, I could’ve gone on walks and stuff, but I was lazy and it was cold…) anyways, I’m quite pleased with myself that I managed to not eat any junk and stick to what I was supposed to eat. I feel much better already AND my stupid grownup zits have started to disappear THANK GOD!! but anyhow… I’ve given myself at least another week of leeway before I start exercising… so I may start this week, but if I don’t, I HAVE to start next week…

I have a lot of things going on at the moment, looking for a new job and I have to start thinking about packing and honestly it’s stressing me out a bit… I have to get rid of a lot of stuff and Japan’s trash system is ridiculous (there’s several different trash days for burnables, plastic, bottles and cans, and non-burnables) and if you wanna get rid of big things like furniture, you gotta call people to come pick it up. it would be a pain even if I had to do it in English… now imagine doing it in a foreign language.. fun!! urgh… at least there are some good news on the job front… it’s not 100% sure yet, but one place I interviewed for is interested in me, but there are still more steps before they actually hire me…

anyhoo, have a good week everyone! (oh yeah, Monday was a holiday here :p)

philana 01-10-2012 04:12 AM

stronger4me : How great to hear you feel in control. I could go and google, but would you mind telling me in short what the program is? Is it just a mindset thing with endless tapes to listen to? I usually can't stand tapes because it always feels like some one is telling me how the world works and me being a know-it-all just makes me annoyed. Hihi.

Kawaii: OMG. We sorta have the same system on trash here in the Netherlands, and even with the language being my own it's horrid because it's such bureaucracy. Goodluck on that!

Well, I am pleased. I had a WHOLE day on plan. That sounds like nothing, but i've been trying to get back into it for months now and since living with parents again for a while made it more difficult I didn't even get through a whole day. But now I can just feel it.. I feel I am committed again. And I feel like I can do it. I've not been this sure of it since the summer, when I lost about 20lbs and then fell off the wagon due to job/study/moving-stress.

So, I am REALLY back. I am eating on plan for a few days first before I do the excersise thing because I know it will go so much better when I'm doing it on the proper fuels. Otherwise I just feel horrid once at the gym. I am also seriously considering re-starting with c25k. Will see!

Riestrella 01-10-2012 06:28 AM

Hey everyone! I hit 162.0 lbs today after being 163.0 lbs yesterday - a full pound drop in a day! I've been trying hard to stay hydrated, eat right and exercise so I'm happy to see that drop. Maybe tomorrow I'll hit 161 lbs again =D!

Today I'm going to be doing Insanity then a friend is coming over to start it too so I'll be attempting the fit test with her. I also got another co-worker to do Insanity - I'm happy I'm convincing people to do it!

It's now 31 days to go until my trip to America! I really want to be in the 150s by then, I'm going to be working really hard to make sure of it - I want to look as amazing as possible for the bf! I collected some pictures of myself at my highest weight when he last saw me, then I'm going to take pictures of myself in the same outfit and show him when I get there to show him how far I've come (and to show myself too!) So that will be fun!

Quiet Ballerina - Yeah, it definitely made me feel better to get rid of old clothes! Some of them had good memories attached to them/I used to wear all the time so it was hard - but once they were gone it felt good!
Sounds like you had an amazing day treating yourself!

philana - Welcome back! I'm glad you're feeling committed again! I live with my parents too, sometimes it gets hard when my Mum makes dinner and she gives me massive portions. She also offers me loads of treats, you just gotta learn to have control and how to say NO before you even think about taking it!

stronger - Umm, sort of. I tend to eat a healthy breakfast and lunch then whatever I have for dinner I stop when I feel full. I've never really looked into the Paul Mckenna thing thought, maybe it works!

sgregg - Aww, sounds like you had a nice snooze! I always appreciate a good long nap when I'm tired!

Kawaii - Eep, sounds like a stressful time! I'm kinda worried about my JET interview now, more about the fact I haven't heard about getting one! I really want to move over there to be with the boyfriend when he moves out but I hear it's still hard finding jobs =S. Anyways, I best not worry too much, there's no point getting so worked up!
I am indeed doing Insanity, round 2 in fact! I'm going to be doing it 1 more time then I think I'm going to start running again. Skyping with the boyfriend is tricky because we both have jobs where we can be working days or nights - the time difference is the real killer. We used to email every day but it got a bit tedious and it felt like we were just talking for the sake of talking, so now we only email if there's something to actually talk about! I miss him terribly, I can't believe it's been 6 months since I saw him!

namaste984 01-10-2012 05:48 PM

Hi everyone!

Got some free time so I decided I would say hey. I have almost reached my goal weight for the month! In the past week I have lost almost 5 lbs and I am so pleased. I kind of was underambitious because I had such a rough time last month with the move and everything. But I think if I reach 209 (previous weight before post-holidays gain) I will try to shoot for 205 for the month. Here's hoping! :)

Today I went to buy some of my textbooks for next semester. I am shocked that I start back to school in just a week! It seems like the break passed by pretty quickly. I'm taking 13 hours next semester, which is six more than I took last semester. Hopefully I'll end up doing okay.

Looking for another job as my previous job was looking pretty bleak as far as the hours go. I have applied to several different jobs and am hoping to hear back from some of them.

Kawaii: Yay on both counts. I am actually looking into a gym membership a little closer to where I live but for now the free one works. I am just happy to find an outlet for my stress (you wouldnt think Zumba to be a stress reliever but trust me, it is). I agree, I would much rather focus on me for the moment than deal with all that jazz. :)

Rie: Good job on the weight loss! And since I'm a bit behind, that drawing you did was great! I used to be a bit of an artist myself, though mine weren't nearly that good. :)

Sgregg: Naps are good. :yawn: It's cool you got to spend some time with the hubby, even if it was just to sleep.

Stronger: Yay! WTG! :)

Philiana: Welcome back!

KawaiiCandie 01-10-2012 07:46 PM

philana: do you really?! argh! I hate it so bad! PLUS! they don’t even recycle! (except the bottles…) they BURN the plastic! and they don’t recycle paper… so stupid… *grumbles* congrats on your first day on plan! I totally understand how that is a HUGE victory!! I’ve been the same way, trying to get back for months… it’s harder than it looks!!

Rie: good luck!! I’m sure you’ll reach your goal and be able to look fantastic for your boy! don’t worry about the interview too much yet.. dunno about the UK but if I remember correctly, they called be around jan.17-18, and they actually called before I received the letter! (I just remember I was freaking out now too…) just make sure you google all those question websites and rehearse your answers when they interview comes! I swear they asked me only one question that was not on my list!! hmm… it’s only hard finding a job if your man gets stuck in the boonies… but good luck!! aah, I see (about skype) that sucks. and man. 6 months!! I would die!! well, you only got one more month to go, right ;)

Namaste: congrats on almost reaching your monthly goal! we’re not even halfway through yet! :p

so hello again! it’s Wednesday morning for me here and I have a long day of sitting on my *** because it’s “test day” today and I have nothing to do. I had a pleasant surprise when I stepped on the scale this morning and saw 82.8kg!! I hadn’t weighed-in yesterday cuz I had the munchies and had eaten pretty late/before going to bed and I didn’t wanna be depressed just cuz of a gain in water weight, but lo-and-behold! lol. I did not expect that since 83.4 had been flashing at me for the last 4-ish days! so that means I’m at 182.5lbs now! (I will never get used to these stupid kg scales… so weird…)

Riestrella 01-10-2012 08:23 PM

I was naughty and ordered takeaway pizza with a friend. This time instead of gobbling it all I ate half, and tomorrow I'm even considering throwing the other half away. It's a waste of food and money - but that's the price I have to pay (literally) for choosing to eat bad food. I exercised a LOT today, I did 2 Insanity workouts and I've been trying to drink water loads so I'm praying my daily weigh in tomorrow isn't affected. Fingers crossed!

But some pretty exciting news - I CAN SEE MY OBLIQUES/MY DANGEROUS V COMING THROUGH! At first I thought they were just underwear marks, but then I looked closely and sure enough I have two dents in my sides! It's a shame my belly wont follow suit, I still have a nice pooch that isn't disappearing! I'm so happy, and even though it's only a slight change it's really nice to see something change aesthetically since sometimes I feel like it can be all about numbers!

namaste - Congrats on your loss, well done! I don't know how you can juggle school and a job, I know I never could! But it is good to have that extra financial support while being a student. I'm glad things are looking up for you, keep it up!

Kawaii - First of all, it's really nice seeing you back in the thread and chatting away! Second of all, oh my goose thank you for easing my nerves! I'm not going to think I've definitely got an interview, but it's nice to hear that you felt like there was a delay! You're right though, I should start preparing. Eep! Congrats on the loss!!

stronger4me 01-10-2012 09:36 PM

Namaste, I'm in school too! Nice to know someone else will feel my pain.

Hey Philana, Rie

The program has 4 key goals which are reinforced by listening to one 25 min. cd daily and employing some techniques to help with cravings, body image, etc. I don't actually listen to the CD for its insight, but more so to force myself to be mindful of the images and perceptions I allow in. It also puts me right to sleep and I just let it play while I'm sleeping. I'm at the point where I can recite the CD so I'm tired of actively listening to it. Hoping it works while I'm sleeping :-/

The key things are:

1. When You Are Hungry, Eat

2. Eat What You Want, Not What You Think You Should

3. Eat Consciously And Enjoy Every Mouthful

4. When You Think You Are Full, Stop Eating

It's mainly #3 that does the work b/c if we all slowed down and ate mindfully, we'd eat much less because we'd actually feel when we're full. I've been surprised at how little food I actually need. I used to just scarf down whatever was in front of me. Not binging, but just assuming I should eat it and not let it go to waste--and that I wanted it! But I can enjoy food and have less of it now. I used to think it was crazy that people believed servings should only be the size of the your first lol

The root of this for me so is #1, I don't always eat when I need to. I've been doing well so far but slipped up today. I had a reasonable breakfast and lunch today, but didn't eat dinner until late tonight because I was running errands and getting work done. When I finally cooked, I knew I didn't need to eat it all, but I did anyway because I stopped listening to my body and just fell back into old habits.

Tomorrow is a new day and time to get back in the habit!

KawaiiCandie 01-10-2012 10:18 PM

Rie: eheh, look at me! trolling the boards! lol. actually, i'm sooo bored today... lol. no classes. yeah, i know how stressful the waiting periods for JET can be! the worst is waiting AFTER your interview... takes about 2 months to get the letter! and then another month or two to get your placement! actually, scratch what i said before, THAT one was the worst wait! knowing i was accepted but having no clue where i was going! and btw... YAY for the super nsv of seeing your obliques!

oy... here in my boredom, i'm gonna do another little salespitch for my current diet... lol. i just looked at the clock and saw that it was 12:15, and this means it's almost lunch time (12:30) and thought "huh... i'm not even hungry!". in the past, surviving until lunch time was completely unbearable cuz i wake up at 6am, eat shortly after, then had to wait 6 hours til lunch! i was hungry by 10am no matter what i did. these big protein breakfasts my diet has me eating keep me so full all through morning! it's awesome! :) (just thought i'd share)

sgregg 01-11-2012 09:12 AM

Hello again and good morning!

My weight is still around the 218-220 mark. I just need to step it up, I know. So, I'm not even going to talk about that right now. Ha! I had a weird dream this morning. I was looking at myself and I absolutely hated the way I looked. I was bigger than what I am now and my face was fatter. I felt so bad looking at my pictures or my reflection. And that was it. I don't know why I would dream something like that. Maybe deep down I feel like it is hopeless to even try?? I don't know. Like I said...weird.

Kawaii - It's amazing how changing what you eat can make such a huge difference. And my weight loss has been at a standstill since October. Last semester kicked my butt, but I didn't gain and I've been trying to keep up with the chat. Thanks for asking! :)

Stronger - Definitely feel the school pain here too. Last semester of my senior year starting Jan. 23rd and I'm hoping for a stress-free semester for all of us!

Rie - Wow! What a great NSV! I know you must be very excited. And don't beat yourself up about the pizza...it's just one day. It happens! :)

- yay for staying on plan! Good for you and keep it up!

philana 01-11-2012 10:44 AM

Riestrella: Thank you, and yeh.. just say NO ;). Though.. it's really not so hard when I am committed. Mostly. What a great goal you have to look forward to. How much did you lose between last he saw you and when he'll see you?

namaste: goodluck on the studies! what are you studying? I am wrapping up uni this semester. That is if I get this procrastination-mode behind me.

Kawaii: Awesome on the feeling full for so long. I am racking my brains trying to come up with the perfect and affordable super-proteine food. I am sorta fed up with cottage cheese. lol. Might just have to invest in shakes or whey powder. I do so much better when I have lots of proteine.

stronger4me: that sounds like a good system, but also quite difficult. Me and my body never really communicate ;). My motor skills suck and when I get asked to watch how I am breathing I just get so confused. Haha. Maybe I should put more effort into learning to feel my body. Then I'd know when I am full or not too.

sgregg: thank you!


So, today is the hardest day as of yet. I decided to kick my redbull addiction the exact same day that I started counting calories again. Which is 3 days ago now. And it was hard but okay, then yesterday I worked till 2am and I had to get up this morning at 7am for an important meeting. Tonight I work till 2am again. Needless to say I am tired and hungry. So all I want is a redbull and lots of food. I just took a nap and am about to hit the gym so I hope I can stay on plan mostly. I had lunch at my meeting so it was way more calories than I wanted cus I had no choice and wasn't prepared. And I gave in and had a bit of chocolate. I can still stay on plan today calorie wise I think, but I've already decided that if I dont, then that is fine also. Because it's not everyday I ask myself to function properly on only 5hrs of sleep.

Ah well, that's my rambling for today. If I actually get up and go to the gym then I am doing great this week already. So.... 15mins and then I am off. Hihi

stronger4me 01-11-2012 11:09 AM

Kawaii, what's your diet plan? Looked backed through the previous posts and maybe I missed it. But would love to know what you're doing.

Shauna, just heard about my fitness pal from my mom. definitely going to download it today.

Philana I tried counting calories and doing meal plans. Even brought a good scale. Never works for me. I eventually stop keeping track. I also tend to feel a lot more tired and get brain fog when I'm trying to cut my calories. I spent a whole summer counting calories and didn't lose a pound.

Different strokes for different folks :-)

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