3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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indiblue 04-08-2011 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by SweetScrumptious (Post 3796784)
Japanophile I've read your blog and I also happened to look at your stats. You are well within normal BMI for your height and weight, actually trending on the low side. I know that everyone has their own insecurities about their body image, no matter their weight/height. But I feel as if the right place for you right now isn't on a weight loss forum.

japanophile: (Quick caveat- I wasn't able to access your blog so I haven't read that entry). Anyway... I have a regular BMI as well, though a bit on the higher side, but I DO feel that 3FC is the right place for me. Despite the word 'diet' in the site's name, it's ultimately a place to find support and motivation to live healthier lives. I want to lose vanity pounds, but my main focus is to get healthier- to eat better, to learn more about nutrition and fitness, and to make my exercises more productive and effective. I have gained SO MUCH knowledge from 3FC and a lot of support and motivation. I hope you do as well and that you stick around.

We all have additional issues- whether it's being formerly anorexic, binging/purging, body dysmorphia, etc. There are lots of other places online and in real life to seek additional, supplemental support on those issues. But I think everyone who is looking to surround themselves with uplifting, positive examples of health and fitness, and who wants to give others similar support, can come to 3FC. Just because we all have other issues and may need to seek additional resources for those issues does not preclude us from being a part of this supportive, wonderful community.

Many hugs to you and I hope to continue seeing you around :D

MiZTaCCen 04-08-2011 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by japanophile (Post 3796924)
If I was 117 pounds and muscular and fit and eating healthy (not binging) then that would be great, but I'm not...I don't know, I guess by being honest I am making myself vulnerable to attacks and disapproval, but honestly I was just needing a little bit of support. If I am not welcome here and no one feels I belong because I throw up once and a while and that puts me in a different eating disorder category than everyone else here then I won't clutter up your forum anymore. Just realize that, like I said, most everyone here has an eating disorder of some kind.

I think theres more then just the issue of binging here. I'm pretty much the same height as you and I would never go below 130 on my weight because even that is too skinny. You're skinny enough to be worried about being 117 pounds. I think Sweets more concern was the fact that your way underweight for your BMI which isn't healthy at all. No one wants you to go, obviously were all here this is a weight loss site to learn to better ourselves in a mental and even physical aspect and this fourm has helped a lot of people through this journey. I think you need to change your mental aspect and not really need to drop anymore weight. (or worry about being 117 pounds) Learn to love yourself and regain self confidence and whatever else you may need. Were all going to have personal opinions about certain subjects whether people agree or disagree on them. Some people can be harsher critics but sometime we all need a little tough love. Good luck to you, hopefully you find what you need to fine, and coming on here helps you learn a healthier way of life.

Krampus - 50 min jog! I'm envious of you!

librarygirl111 - I'm glad things are going wonderful for you since you started this journey!


So I bombed that 360 question test. Oh well I knew it was going to happen anyways. I'm no longer up 8 pounds thank god I went back down to 156 it was probably just because I over ate the other day. I think I was stressing about the test more then I realized because all week I was just binging haha oh well I guess I'm more of a closest emotional eater.

So Boy yesterday deleted his Online dating profiles and I didn't even ask him. So I deleted mine as well. Things seem to be going good as long as I continue to ignore his girlfriend comments because it seems like every time he brings it up but then I ask about it, he plays this stupid game and I get pissed, but obviously theres more going on in his head then he's letting me know. He told me he missed me yesterday heh I love it when he says that because then I get the upper hand. I found since I've become a lot less available (in a mental aspect) he's kind of stepped up his game a bit.

Happy Thu...OMG IT'S FRIDAY!!!! FINALLY!!! :carrot::carrot::carrot:

P.S - Anyone talk to Kawaii lately she hasn't been around much, or at all that I've seen. Hope all is good with her!

TheBunneh 04-08-2011 09:23 AM

Just wanted to stop in and say HAPPY FRIDAY! I gotta get ready for my drs appointment so not much time but...I saw 163.6 today! I know it'll be up tomorrow but I'm still excited. :D

I hope everyone has a great day.


No time for personals but wanted to say real quick,

Japanophile :hug: I don't think anyone was trying to tell you that you don't belong here, just encouraging you to get more specific support for your issues. Please don't feel unwelcome.

krampus Yay for a good day!

Lnm130 04-08-2011 09:46 AM

Hey ladies, I just found this thread!

This week has gone well, it's my first week of 6 workouts, and I'm loving it. I'm down 1.3 this week, and am feeling fiiiiiiiiine. I'm the amazing shrinking woman!

Have a somewhat lazy weekend planned, girls night tonight, where I get my weekly allotment of fried pickles and chicken tenders. C25k W3D2 tomorrow, boyfriends tomorrow night, boot camp sunday. I'm just planning on getting a lot done around the house tomorrow and sunday when I am there. Gotta fit the grocery store in there somewhere...out of cuties. And Trader Joes...almost out of my favorite salsa.

I'm really trying to convince myself to have my acrylic nails removed. They're expensive and I could use the money, but they are a source of comfort and confidence. I've had them for 7 years, and wouldn't have any clue how to transition back to my natural nails. Such an odd thing to be so concerned about....

SweetScrumptious 04-08-2011 09:53 AM

Well... I'm off to my colopscopy appointment now. Bah... just want it done and over with so I can "know" what's happening down there...

AND, for the good news, I'm finally down 1 lb... been stuck at 178 for a week or so here...!

MiZTaCCen 04-08-2011 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by SweetScrumptious (Post 3797457)
Well... I'm off to my colopscopy appointment now. Bah... just want it done and over with so I can "know" what's happening down there...

AND, for the good news, I'm finally down 1 lb... been stuck at 178 for a week or so here...!

booo I should really go to the doctors again.

also YAY for being down 1 pound!

japanophile 04-08-2011 05:44 PM

Krampus--your comment about the manatees made me LOL. It sounds like you've been doing really well, I'm so happy for you!

Indi--thank you for your support. Yeah, like you I'm in my healthy range for sure, just a little bit more squishy than my ideal ^_^
I know I can get back in better shape if I can just stop binging :/ so I'm trying to get plenty of sleep (I think I need like 9 hours a night!) and reduce my the stress in my life.
Library girl--thank you sweety :)
MIZ-- you said "i think theres more then just the issue of binging here. I'm pretty much the same height as you and I would never go below 130 on my weight because even that is too skinny."
No there really isn't. 130 on one person might look great and healthy and 130 another person, with a different frame, weight distribution, muscle/fat percentage might look slightly over weight. I am the latter.

"I think Sweets more concern was the fact that your way underweight for your BMI which isn't healthy at all."
Actually I am in the healthy range and my doctor agrees. I would have to be below 111 pounds to be in the unhealthy zone. Also medical professionals will tell you not to "live or die by the BMI". BMI does not take in to account one's muscle content to fat ratio or frame size. That's one reason they have several ways to evaluate nutritional status. Like I said before I used to be more muscular and about 116 and I was very happy with my body, but right I have a much higher body fat percentage.

Again I appreciate all the concern, but I am aware of my own health and what is an appropriate weight for me. I have been both over weight and under weight in my life and I don't want to be either. Like I said I am just trying to get to a place where I feel comfortable in my body and healthy just like the rest of you. That being I am done defending my goal weight. Now I will get off my soap box. LOL I don't mean to sound like a crab. I think you are all really cool people.

fromthebox 04-08-2011 09:17 PM

Hey everyone, I had an OK eating "weekend". I won't know until tomorrow what my weight is as I got home and went directly to work. I'm hoping I see under 140 but I feel healthy and I got a short workout in today so I won't freak if I'm up.

More personals in a bit, I just wanted to say...

japanophile You are within your BMI and your goal is at the edge, but as you said that is up to you and your doctor etc. There is a forum on the site called "featherweights" which is dedicated to those with less weight to lose who may have felt out of place in other spots on here, especially due to "vanity weight" I would suggest you visit them, they are really cool and a good resource. I also want you to know that we do welcome you here however we all need to be respectful in accepting criticism and in replying to others. Your reply to sweets you made the blanket statement
"please realize that most people on this website have an eating disorder and emotional issues with food. That is why they are overweight." I'm sorry but we all got to where we were and where we are for our own reasons and for many of us it had very little to do with emotions or a true ED. I also really object to the phrase "That is why they are overweight." You are welcome to post advice and commiserate but please do not place us in categories or apart from you. We are "they," I am "they" and I am hurt by your assertions.

japanophile 04-08-2011 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by fromthebox (Post 3798571)
Hey everyone, I had an OK eating "weekend". I won't know until tomorrow what my weight is as I got home and went directly to work. I'm hoping I see under 140 but I feel healthy and I got a short workout in today so I won't freak if I'm up.

More personals in a bit, I just wanted to say...

japanophile You are within your BMI and your goal is at the edge, but as you said that is up to you and your doctor etc. There is a forum on the site called "featherweights" which is dedicated to those with less weight to lose who may have felt out of place in other spots on here, especially due to "vanity weight" I would suggest you visit them, they are really cool and a good resource. I also want you to know that we do welcome you here however we all need to be respectful in accepting criticism and in replying to others. Your reply to sweets you made the blanket statement
"please realize that most people on this website have an eating disorder and emotional issues with food. That is why they are overweight." I'm sorry but we all got to where we were and where we are for our own reasons and for many of us it had very little to do with emotions or a true ED. I also really object to the phrase "That is why they are overweight." You are welcome to post advice and commiserate but please do not place us in categories or apart from you. We are "they," I am "they" and I am hurt by your assertions.

From the box-- let me start out by saying I am sincerely sorry for offending you with that statement. That sounds a little bit crappy when I re-read it. What I should have said was "many people are overweight for those reasons". But I disagree with you when you say "it had very little to do with emotions or a true ED" I don't think you can define what is a "true ED and what is not... overeating consistently is disordered eating behavior, but then again maybe that's just my opinion.

Also I believe that I was respectful in my response to criticism. As I said I just don't want to be mislabeled and misunderstood. I guess maybe feather weights would be a better forum for me...

Anyway, good for you for working out. As I'm sure you know, even a little work out is better than no work out.

krampus 04-08-2011 10:14 PM

I cannot be trusted around alcohol at a boring enkai (work party). So much for 11 days binge-free, I just sat there eating the entire time and then ate junk food on my walk home and then made a bowl of gnocchi with arabbiatta (sp?) which was STUPID because the spice hurt my stomach, and realized what a sad state I was in when I couldn't finish a mandarin orange because I was too full.

JLNichols07 04-08-2011 10:33 PM

Sorry ladies. This job has really done me in! I haven't been able to get in exercise and my studying is unmanageable! LOL. But it's money. My weight has been on a steady 130.8 the past 3 days and I have been managing to keep doing my daily weigh-ins to keep me accountable. Hopefully I will have some time this weekend to do personals! Hope everyone is doing great!

rainbowstripe 04-09-2011 12:54 AM

Yup, my job has me super tired and very glad it's the weekend - and so stressed from the amount of work and busyness that the moment I got home after work yesterday (Friday) I was into the vodka...not something I want to get into the habit of!

My eating has been pretty bad this week...trying to reign it in, but drinking last night led to cheeseburger cravings. I'm not upset or angry at all - I don't plan on doing it all the time, and it's part of enjoying life so it's all good. I know I'll get back into it, and I haven't stopped counting so it's ok. It's not like I'm likely to throw away all my hard work!

MiZTaCCen 04-09-2011 12:11 PM

I'm back down to 153!!!! Oh baby I guess it was just the binging and TOM because now I'm woosh back down! I went up to 160 the other day! wtf!!! But now I'm back down feeling light and happy :D

SweetScrumptious 04-09-2011 01:07 PM

I did pretty well yesterday. Saw the scale say 177, exercised twice (once with Miztaccen doing our c25k program, and the other time on the treadmill at 945pm - had to force myself to do that one). I also went out to Tony Roma's to eat and I think I did really well - 6oz plain steak, steamed broccoli and asked for no butter, and some coleslaw.

My colposcopy went well. They asked if I wanted to watch it on the camera - I said sure. I now can officially say, I saw my own cervix. He said he didn't see anything out of the ordinary - there were no bad cells "lighting" up but he took some biopsies and they will call within 4 weeks. I will be following up with them at the clinic for a few paps (if that's all I just need if it's all normal) before I get discharged from there.... so I'm in good hands. :)

Laneyy 04-09-2011 07:53 PM

Sorry I've been MIA for the last few days, it's been pretty hectic over here lately. With my new position at my job I've been having to work 6 days a week, which is less than desirable for my sleeping/eating/clothes laundering/exercise schedule. I haven't been able to do any kind of exercise in a month, which I think might be contributing to my depression issues.

Some good stuff though, I've managed to keep losing even though I've been eating like crap, haven't been counting calories, and I've been under crazy stress for the last 2 weeks. And I can also fit into a pretty solid 16. They're tight on me, and will probably fit better in another 5lbs or so, but they FIT and that's good enough for me. Speaking of pounds, I snuck my way into Onederland the other day, weighed in at 199.4lbs. So some good things for me to be happy about, even when everything else seems like it's falling apart.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

fromthebox 04-09-2011 09:08 PM

I had personals and then I lost them all. I am really spacey today. Pretty much it was wow I am proud of y'all for juggling so much with work and all and still losing so well!

In short
MiZ Yay for feeling light, I bet you'll break the 140s soon.
Laneyy Woo onederland! I wonder if exercise endorphins will help?
sweets Glad it looks OK, sounds like you have good Docs.
krampus 10 days was a really good stretch though. If you can make it a 10 day cycle that's better than two or three right?
Rainbowstripe Vodka as a release valve is a bad habit, but once in a while is OK, maybe make a list of little things to do to de-stress and then rotate them, and then you can have vodka on occasion.

As for me, 138.2 today. Not the 137 I saw last week but with a few more days on plan and then wisdom teeth surgery on Wednesday, I'm hoping to banish the 140s for good. I had to stop running today during my workout due to pain in my foot. It went away soon after I got home but was a little scary. Going to focus on weights for a couple of days and take some ibuprofen.

MrsCLS 04-10-2011 10:09 PM

Hey there!! I hope everyone's weekend went well! Mine was GREAT :) My little brother had a dance recital and he did soo good!! I cried and everything lol

I started my Yoga and got some really cool new exercise accessories! I cant wait to use them all! lol

I also found out I lost two more pounds in two days..which means I've lost 7 lbs in a little over two weeks!! :)

fromthebox 04-11-2011 07:55 AM

MrsCLS - Congrats on your loss!

Everyone's weekend is mid-week for me (I work Sat-Tues) but usually it isn't so dead. Y'all better have some awesome stories to tell about your weekends!

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