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criss 12-22-2010 06:10 AM

152 this morning. I'm hoping to be in the 140's within two or so weeks. For some reason, 140 will be my "oh my god, I can't believe I'm this tiny again!" weight for me. It just feels surreal right now to even be that close to it!

shasha12 12-22-2010 12:56 PM

kenzide, ya, i haven’t had the misfortune of someone commenting on my weight loss in a bad way yet, and i HOPE i never do. but if it happens, i hope I can handle it with your grace. i’m usually a little more...shall we say... hot headed than that :p

from the box, yay for your low!!! i don’t really know about graveyards, but i would guess they affect you in someway... i mean ur throwing off ur sleep pattern, right? just remember to drink lots of water no matter what. that should help regulate your body.

rainbow, :carrot: trucking right along, my friend!! so thrilled for you :D

lilly, ok stalling friend! i can’t believe you only lost 2 lbs a month AND kept going! that’s serious dedication to change! i would have been crying for 2 months! i soo respect u so much for that! we’ll work through our stalls together :hug:

linds, i saw in the daily weigh-in thread that the scale dropped for u... dare we celebrate??? :carrot: i think so! at the very least, :carrot:your body is trying to get there! hoping u can maintain on vacation!! when do u leave?

tapaslover, congrats!! on the low AND on saying NO to christmas cookies :D so impressed. i feel ya on the drinking thing. i have friends coming out for new yrs, and i have cleverly volunteered myself to drive them to bars so we can save money on cabs! go me! but i will be drinking NYE and i’m hoping i don’t overdo it so I can get right back on track Jan 1st.

liannakole, yay for a low and boo for a self-sabatoge!!! i always seem to do that. but the treats were yummy i hope, and every now and then we can treat ourselves a bit. as long as we’re prepared for the consequences, like you said! you are so driven, even if this one night does bump you up a little on the scale, you will be back down before you know it. lots of water!

criss, yay for a low!!! 140s here you come :D


saw 146.8 again today. i’m thinking i’m hovering around 147-146 now, which means another little drop for me! happy with it, but man i want to keep going. i’ve been trying to lose weight for a over a yr now, i’m not lying when i say that I totally thought i’d be at goal by now =/ still upping cardio--did 45 mins yesterday, and i’m heading in today too, for pt (weights) and cardio. 130 cannot get here fast enough!

LindsB 12-22-2010 01:01 PM

Shasha- omg so glad the scale is dropping for you! I'm not sure if mine will stick around or not, but I'll take it! We leave on Friday morning!

shasha12 12-22-2010 01:04 PM

thanks Linds :hug: i’m so happy for your drop too, and i do hope it sticks!! fingers crossed!

LindsB 12-22-2010 01:07 PM

I really hope it sticks too! I feel like it will be a battle to 145. I feel like if I can get to 145, i know for sure I can get lower! Sometimes when I lose this slow it makes me feel hopeless!

shasha12 12-22-2010 01:14 PM

Linds i know how you feel! it’s ridiculously hard. i always tell my boyfriend UGGGHHHH maintenance is sooo much easier! i was exceptionally strict @1500cals for month long stretches at a time, with the occasional special occasion *cheat* and then right back on track the next day for the first 20lbs that I lost, and I lost 1-1.5lbs a week consistently for those first 20. then i went on a 10 day vacation and old habits crept up on me, and I maintained w little effort for a month and a half. I battled with getting back to 1500cals and eating not so great foods daily. then i got back to what seems like the same strict CC, and now the weight won’t budge!

RAAAAAARRRRRRRR sooo yo’re not alone, and it isn’t hopeless. it’s just much more frustrating than we had anticipated. but food will not win, WE will :D

hope for recovery 12-22-2010 02:32 PM

Hi chicks! I also really want to be out of the 150s, the lowest I have seen recently is 151.25 but it is all happening really slowly! I don't have any other choice tho, just carrying on... we can do it together. Was planning on going to gym but when i got there it was closed, what a shame so i am planning swimming tomorrow morning! I am not giving up... there will come a time when i will be out of the 150s

rainbowstripe 12-22-2010 06:21 PM

Hey just thought I would stop by to wish you guys a happy Christmas and New Years and such! I won't be back in full force on here til after the 3rd or so of January - hoping to keep on track and at least maintain, maybe lose, definitely not gain! Thanks for the continual support!

KenzideRhae 12-22-2010 06:39 PM

shasha12 Eh, ngl, after that happened some people were whispering about how the other girl had gained a ton of weight and I told them what she'd said to me and that kind of added to the flames, so I didn't handle it with complete grace. To her face, yes, but not so much when the gossip times started up. :shrug:

LindsB Slow and steady wins the race :p But seriously, don't feel hopeless! :hug:

hope for recovery I hate that gyms close around the holidays haha, that's when we need them most! Though I don't normally go to the gym my family has a membership for, I prefer to work out at home. Just keep on keeping on, the loss will happen for you. :)

rainbowstripe Happy Christmas and New Year to you too! Have awesome holidaytimes and good luck. :hug:


I have come down with a cold right at the same time as TOM started, so needless to say I am kind of sucking as of late XD I've been really obnoxiously tired and fatigued the past few days, so I upped my calories a little closer to maintenance levels, just until after Christmas. I'm hoping a little extra energy + lots of vitamin C will help me out. Getting in some minor workouts, not as much as I usually do, but at least it's something. :) 152.5 yesterday and 150 today, so I didn't bloat too much from TOM thankfully!

Happy Holidays, everyone!

fromthebox 12-23-2010 01:41 AM

157.4 today, still losing, but that's likely to halt with the holiday weekend and TOM coming up on friday. The cookies I baked today didn't help either. Dang they're tasty though, planning on off-loading them on my poor, unsuspecting co-workers tonight.

Shasha12 - Water is the name of the game!

LindsB 12-23-2010 06:26 AM

I weighed in at 146.8 this morning. New low for me, but I am very afraid to believe it.

shasha12 12-23-2010 12:49 PM

hope, :welcome: how’d the swimming go this morning??

kenzide, you POOR thing, i hope you feel better asap. the holidays always seem to do that to people! congrats on 150 though! :carrot:

from the box, well done pawning the cookies off, we don’t want any part of that!

linds, YAY!!! that’s gotta make you feel great before heading off to vacation!

146.8 for me again, and now I am over seeing that number and would like the scale to move on down! I have a planned cheat day on Christmas, booze and all. I hope it doesn’t mess my efforts up too badly =/ i’m nervous

LindsB 12-23-2010 05:34 PM

i've started packing...here's to praying for no gain while on vacation! I hope to work out atleast 3x's and walk on the beach as much as possible :)

Good luck surviving the holidays ladies!

Merry Christmas! XoXo

rainbowstripe 12-23-2010 06:51 PM

Reached 67.5 kg / 148.8 pounds this morning - good place to leave off on for Christmas and New Year!

fromthebox 12-23-2010 10:29 PM

Woah! 155.2 tonight. Whoosh! Probably too good to last over the holidays, but pretty good for a last weigh-in before the weekend. :carrot::carrot: I think the simple knowledge that I don't have to work tonight took off a lot of stress-water or something. Or of course, I may just be too tired to read the scale properly.

Good luck over the weekend everyone! :clause:

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