3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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CakeBatter 03-15-2009 10:27 AM

******Weekly Chat March 15th - 21st****
Well Ladies,

How is everyone. I waaay to behind to try and catch up. However I have not been to the gym in four days......on Friday the second love of my life passed away. Needless to say I have been numb the ENTIRE weekend.

Anyway YA'LL make me go to the gym!

jahjah1223 03-15-2009 11:39 AM

I'm sorry for your loss :hug:

HeatherMcG 03-15-2009 12:03 PM

Wow Cake! I am so sorry for your loss...

CakeBatter 03-15-2009 12:35 PM

Thank u ladies. I edited my post cause I guess it was a little inappropriate and I wanna apologize for that. Just sad is all.

Chele615 03-15-2009 02:00 PM

Cake...I'm sorry for your loss. Maybe getting to the gym could be therapeutic?

I felt so sick yesterday!!!! I did not eat well at all....stayed within my calorie limits, but had crap (cake, chocolate danish, donut, etc)! I had such a headache and was nauseous like all night last night. So, today I have been trying to eat only healthy stuff and did 60 minutes on the elliptical to try to balance out yesterday. The headache and nausea is gone....so that's good at least!

corazonas 03-15-2009 02:40 PM

Hi girlies... sorry I haven't been checking in the last couple days. Let's just say there is a lot of turmoil all of a sudden in my life and I don't know how often I'll be able to make it on 3fc. it may not be much, or it may be a lot to keep my mind off of other things. either way, i hope you are all well and if anybody feels like throwing some positive energy my way i'd be very grateful.

cake, i didn't see your original post (just the edited one) but i'm very sorry to hear about that. i hope you're doing ok- i'm always around to talk (as i'm sure everybody else is too) :hug:

Here we go again 03-15-2009 02:51 PM

Cake- I'm so sorry girl! I'm here if you want to talk. :)

Hi Ladies! I'm so excited. I have worked out 6 times this past week. I ran/ walked for an hour and a half yesterday! This weight needs to come off.

calisa86 03-15-2009 02:59 PM

Hey Ladies, I hope everyone is doing well. Last week was really confusing and frustrating for me. I was bombarded with so many emotions. Happy to finally be losing weight, frustrated that I wasn't losing enough, proud I reached my goals and that my doctor was so very proud of me even if I wasn't getting the kind of support i needed from family, relieved by the report that other than the weight, i am otherwise healthy as a horse. struggling to fight the urge to eat when i was anxious (or bored) was hard and of course sometime I gave in but i really tried to analyze where i failed and where i succeeded last week and i'm going to apply everything i discovered to reaching my next goal.

i've tried to stay away from rules but at this point i think if i set a few for myself they will be easier to follow since i've practice great self control over the last two weeks.

to wrap things up i'm feeling very positive and motivated and sure of myself that i will kick butt these next two weeks so I'm adding an extra goal (setting these goals realllllly help...i love watching my tickers move!).

anyway, my goals are on my blog and i still need the support from everyone in the forum. pm me, facebook, e-mail, anything.

thanks ladies and stay strong!

calisa86 03-15-2009 03:01 PM

BTW, cake, i'm so sorry for your loss girl...reach out to friends and you will definately be able to get through this. we're all here for you.

starmac13 03-15-2009 03:21 PM

afternoon ladies

cake - my condolences. I am so sorry to hear about what happened (i saw the original post). if you need to talk let me know. road trip?

I have my very first date later this evening. Not a first date with this particular guy, but a first date EVER. I am little nervous (i wasnt yesterday, but now i am) because I am not used to this. No one has ever wanted to take me out so this is just new. We are going to see the movie Taken and possibly playing it by ear afterward. who knows. Okay now i am getting stressed. Time to go to the gym. Any advice? All is welcome

dkneec19 03-15-2009 03:34 PM

:hug:Cake- I also am here for ya girl!!! Stay strong!


Hey starmac!! Yeah, first dates are scary and suck!! I know the feeling! I was 22 when I went on my first REAL first date. Just be yourself, enjoy the company! Be cool and confident and know that your rock!!!

Iconised Ghost 03-15-2009 03:47 PM

Cake- i also only saw your edited post, but I'm sorry for your loss :(

Starmac- you'll be fine! Dont stress about it, relax and be yourself. Dont be afraid to go to dinner or something afterwards, you dont have a lot of time to chat during a movie so doing something afterwards will let you get to know each other :D

On friday i weighed 71.8kg. Today I weigh in at 72.9kg?? 1.1kg gain in 3 days? :censored: that cant be true! I exercised 5 days in the last week. I went over 1500 calories on 2 days, but on average this week i ate 1392 calories per day on average.

I'm so disappointed :(

janeberry 03-15-2009 04:01 PM

So sorry to hear about your loss Cake. I lost a good friend unexpectedly about a month ago..numb is definitely the right word. Getting support from friends definitely helps when you're trying to grieve though, i'm sorry you're hurting.

Hi everyone, I'm rather new here. Have been trying (but not really) to lose what I gained last fall since the start of the year, but little things keep de-railing me. But now it is time to really be serious about it. This week I want to stick to eating healthily (I can not count cals) and stick to the morning running I started last week. Starting the week at 67kg, ugh..

caseygail21 03-15-2009 04:04 PM

Hey girls, I had a good weekend. We went and ate Sushi Friday night... it was delish! The good part is the group I was with went to Andy's Frozen Custard afterward and I just got a med. diet coke :) We went out again last night and I ordered a grilled chicken salad and I felt really good about it PLUS I didn't drink! I'm really happy with how well I've been doing with my eating. Unfortunately, I haven't worked out for a week. I'm still taking medication for this sickness I've had and it makes me feel really weak, and on top of that I have a horrible cough. I'm SO ready to get back into the gym. I'm hoping to be back on top of things this week!

Cake-I’m thinking of you. Stay strong!
Chele-I hope you feel better soon. Being sick and trying to lose weight usually doesn’t go so well together! I haven’t worked out for a week bc I’ve been sick.
Corazonas-I hope things get better for your soon. We’re always here for you! Word of encouragement: I think your profile pic is gorgeous :)
Hwga: That’s awesome! You’re motivating me!
Calisa- You are doing awesome girl! Keep meeting those goals!
Starmac- Good Luck! I hope it goes well… let us know!
Ghost- Don’t let it get you down! You had a good week and that is all that matters… sometimes the scale doesn’t reflect that and sometimes it does. The important thing is that you stay on track.. you are doing awesome!

Iconised Ghost 03-15-2009 04:07 PM

I dont feel very awesome. Just fat :(

corazonas 03-15-2009 04:37 PM

aw ghost. :(

i think we need to start a big pity party. maybe we would all feel a little better.... thanks for the compliment casey. there was almost a half smile there...

i feel like i can't talk about it yet but as far as home life goes i think i'm facing the big D... not my choice... didn't know it was coming... but- it's happening.

jahjah1223 03-15-2009 04:40 PM

That sucks i hope everything gets better with you . :hug:

blissclaire 03-15-2009 05:10 PM

So, the weekend went okay, I stayed OP! (Boiled Seafood Helps!) I haven't done any weights this weekend though... (it's been yucky outside and un-motivating) Cooking steaks, potatoes and broccoli for dinner tonight. YUM!

Cake, I am so sorry for your loss. If you need anything, I'm here for you, as well as all of the other ladies. I've been there, and I know what you're feeling.

Jane- Welcome! The ladies here are amazing, and are super supportive!

Ghost- I'm feeling that way too.. No exercise= feeling like a glutton.

aneleh 03-15-2009 05:11 PM

I couldn't catch up with the last weekly chat, but I'm staying on top of this one! Sending good vibes and :hug: cake and corazonas!

calisa86 03-15-2009 05:34 PM

Starmac I'm so excited for you! I know how you feel about not being taken out before...I've only been on a few dates and what i told myself to help me get through was just to be calm, be super confident, and be myself. i pretended that the guy was just one of my close guy friends. it keeps your mind from over thinking the romance stuff and helps you just to have fun. definately go out after the movie for drinks or dinner, how can you get to know someone by sitting in the dark for two hours, assuming all you do it sit *wink wink.

have fun!

icon: i had a similar week that you did, gained a pound too but lost it soon after. watch your calories and keep kicking cardio ***. it'll come off. just watch your diet and bump up your intensity a little...see where that gets you.

also it's not all about numbers. 1 kg could be water weight. has your sodium levels been high?

anyway, don't stress about it.

Iconised Ghost 03-15-2009 05:37 PM

I dunno if my sodium levels have been high, i havent been drinking a lot of water, but havent been eating excessive amounts of salt either. I've been varying between 72 and 73kg since the 2nd of january, im fed up with it. I'll try and kick it up a bit this week.

Cora- we should totally have a pity party lol. Although your situation sounds worse than mine, at least weight is the only big thing on my mind :( :hug:

edit: ok now my scale is saying 72.2kg (600g lower than a few hours ago). This is after breakfast and 2 mini mars bars! curse it.

taragettingthin 03-15-2009 09:20 PM

For some reason, I just couldn't get myself to come on 3FC for the last couple of days. Weird...because it wasn't like I completely dropped off of the wagon. I worked out very good on Friday. 2 mile run. 20 minute ab. 20 minute strength. Total 70 minute. I ran for about 25-30 minute on Saturday. I didn't have time to work out today but I was still able to walk around/stand around a lot with 38 lb DD at parade. So I'm hoping that would count SOMEHOW.

I felt pretty sexy yesterday...because I weighed 175.4 in the morning. Yay! That would be the lowest I've weighed ever since I've started again in January.
I ate quite horrible after that...and weighed 176.6 this morning. I did run for about 25-30 minutes. I think I did little less than 2 miles. Maybe it's just weight fluctuating...I don't know. I didn't weigh myself tonight, though because umm... Well, I don't every weigh myself at night.

Ghost: I heard that we should drink about half of what we weigh. So for me with 177, i should drink about 88.5 oz of water and I've been carrying water bottle and drink whenever and wherever, including when I'm driving. Even if it's not salty food, the sodium could've been hiding somewhere. I know how it feels to be stuck at the same weight...and we can do it!!!

aneleh: I also couldn't catch up so I'm on this one! :)

bliss: boiled seafood, huh? Sounds good... Gotta try it.

cora: We are here for you...I had to go through it...and if you ever need someone to talk to, just PM me anytime.

star: Hopefully your first date went well. Let us all know how it went! :)

cake: I didn't read the original post but, sweetie, you know I'm here for you anytime you need/want someone to talk to. I'm sorry...

Iconised Ghost 03-15-2009 09:33 PM

Well done you on reaching 175.4! The gain later on is probably just fluctuation :) You saw that number, so thats awesome

Drink half of what we weigh? I would have to drink around 36 litres! That's 48 drink bottles. I tried to drink 3 bottles a day and I felt blobby. 48 is just out of this world! Are you sure thats right?

RememberHowToSmile 03-15-2009 09:46 PM

Hey ladies.
Well I’m back from my interview and I think it went well. Now I’m just waiting for hopefully an offer. It sucks waiting. I managed to fall in love with Chapel Hill, it reminded of East Lansing where I did my internship.
My abs are still hurting pretty bad, I’m doing better in that I can keep the brace off longer and stand up better but I really hoped to be at the gym by this point.
Off to planning tomorrows menu. I feel off plan last week because I didn’t have control over my food because I was eating out (while out of town) but I just tried to use my knowledge to make the best possible choices.

Cake – Sorry to hear about your loss.

Chele – It’s funny that a calorie is a calorie but what those calories actually are matter in how you feel.

Cora – I hope everything turns out well and the turmoil drops off.

HWGA – Great job getting to the gym :cb:

Carlisa – Well there is lot of support here. I know that it can be hard but you’ll do well just hang in there.

Star – Good luck on the date. Just remember be yourself. I still haven’t dated much but it amazes me how weight loss can affect not only how people perceive you but how you carry yourself. Let us know the details girl. . .

Iconised Ghost – Weight fluctuate, I’m sure that you didn’t really gain the pound that it is water or something like that.

Jane – good luck this week.

Casey – Woo hoo for everything this week. Great job staying strong.

Claire – Good job staying on plan.

Tara – Great job getting the exercise in. And carrying your daughter counts in my book.

Iconised Ghost 03-15-2009 09:49 PM

good luck with the job Remember, im sure you blew them away :D Thanks for the words of encouragement. I do appreciate it all, even if i seem skeptical or down

taragettingthin 03-16-2009 12:21 AM

Ghost, it's in ounce, not liter. :) I drink about 3 liter which is around 96 oz, which is over what I should drink. Since you are 158 lbs, that would be 79 oz which is less than 2.5 liter. On the days you work out, you should drink more... That's what i heard. Well, it was from Billy Blanks...

Remember, hope you will hear from them soon. I agree with ya that waiting sucks! :)

Iconised Ghost 03-16-2009 01:46 AM

Oooooooooooh!! God i feel dumb now xD

PeatrixPotter 03-16-2009 04:16 AM

CakeBatter I'm sorry to hear about your loss. :(

CakeBatter 03-16-2009 09:50 AM

First of allthank all of you ladies for your kindness. You guys always make me feel a little better So before yesterday I hadn't worked out in like 4 DAYS *shakes head in shame* with all that was going on I just didn't want to. SO I worked up the courage to do a workout yesterday. I did Turbo Jam Cardio Party and then I felt like I needed to work more. So I raced to the gym at 4:20, they close at 5PM on Sundays. I got there at 4:30 and all the treadmills were taken up so I got on some CYbex Elliptical. Anyways I kicked a** for 28 minutes. THen I jumped off and ran over to the scale pulled off my shoes and WTF I had lose 5 pounds! I added back a pound since I usually weight with jeans. So according to the unofficial WI I am ONE POUND away from my end of the month goal of 183!!! Holy Fat Batman. I am losing wieght. It really made my day and I was glad to have gone to the gym.

SO my BF and I concluded that as long as you trust the process it will happen one day. All the time I was killing myself and beating myself up, it was really that the Fat just hangs on as long as it can and then eventually it has to die. Fat Cells are like the LAST SAMURAI they don't ever give up and fight to the dying end!!!

Chele I know what you mean. I don't eat well my body doesn't respond well. Don't worry about and try to stick your plan and you should feel better

Cora You know we are all here> I hope all gets better for you

HWGA Thanks for yesterday...I know I sounded like a freaking basket case! You are kickn a** BTW young lady!!!!

CalisaWTG on doing so well and staying OP! Thats the way to do it. As far as your rules go.....try and add one at a time...make them "new way to live" instead a hard set rule...this tends to help me!

Starmac How did your date go? SOrry I didn't get on in time to cheer you on. And yes I would like a roadtrip! I would like to come up and visit once the weather actually breaks for good...so be looking out!!!!

dkneecThanks .....and GUESS WHAT I went to the gym and did Turbo Jam at home! YES!!!!

Iconised Calm down BABES !! You know it is only water weight. Stick to plan and keep on trucking it WILL GO AWAY.

Jane First off....NUMB ....that is definitely the word to use. And secondly you just have to focus. Maybe not dive all in at once but gradually change one thing or add one thing at a time. Sometimes this helps and doesn't up root your whole routine. That is definitley better than being overwhelmed and quitting ya know.....JMO

Casey You go girl. You are doing awesome. And I just LOVE LOVE LOVE sushi. I wish I was there.

BlissIt rained here the whole freaking weekend..BOO so I was just a gloomy comatose mess!!! LOL

Tara WTG on 175!!! You are exercising you hiney off!

RHTS I know everything went well .....you're an awesome person and very smart might I add.

blissclaire 03-16-2009 10:40 AM

So today I hope my trainer kicks my butt with my new workout... I worked out once last week. Yeah, I'm mad at myself for that too, but hey, today is the start of a new week right? (I think I was still a bit bummed about the whole having to wait a few more days for my new program thing)

I still have a lot of reading to catch up on, and a MASSIVE paper to write... I hate when I have writer's block and can't seem to figure out a topic!

Anyways... here's to this week being better than the last!! :coffee:

caseygail21 03-16-2009 11:10 AM

This morning is going good... I got on the scale and am down another lb. which I am happy with... as long as I'm losing I'm happy :)
I am doing the biggest loser at work and it is a couple lbs lighter than my scale but the wierd thing is according to this scale I was down 3 lbs. since last monday and on my home scale I was only down 1 lb. weird.. I'm sticking with my home scale though, I can keep up with it better (even though I would love to put 159 on my ticker :) )

Cake- Way to kick butt in the gym. If I had to go to a public gym I would probably never lose weight lol. I’m lucky enough to have a bf with a home gym (and I still drag *** getting in there) I love how you referred to your fat cells as the Last Samurai… the 3FC 20-somethings army against THE LAST SAMURAI :boxing: :lol:

Bliss-Hope that trainer kicks your butt!! I would love to have a trainer (or Jillian Michaels as a BFF)

NishKitten 03-16-2009 11:12 AM

Ashlan!!!! Oh sweetie i'm so sorry I wasn't here for you that day. I'm PMing you my cell # just in case you wanna chit chat sometime and so you can let me know if you're in town. Do you think the Commonwealth would agree to set up a government fund so we could have some sort of Bat Signal? :hug:

Cora -- Ugh, that sucks. I might be headed down that route as well, but at least ours is mutual and amicable. We're apart so long and so often that we just don't mesh like we used to. He's still my best friend and I love him, but I think he'd be better off without having to worry about me. I like his girlfriend though, I hope he sticks with her even though he's convinced that we're meant to be and will eventually get back on the same page. :rolleyes: That is crap you got sprung with it all of a sudden. :hug:

Tara -- Good job on the loss!

Bliss -- At least you got one workout in, I was too hung over to do much more than lay on the floor all of last week. LoL. Good luck with the trainer! :D

Ghost -- It'll be gone soon, don't stress over it.

RHTS -- Good luck!!! I have my fingers and toes crossed for you. :carrot:

Star -- Oooh la la! Is he cute? You know we want pics. Where is Becky so she can facebook investigate him and post some up?

HWGA -- Hiiii honey! Where have you been? Did you patch things up with the hot latino (I guess he's not a manager anymore)? Or have you decided you need a man with some cash to keep you in luxury the way you deserve? :p

Mmmkay, so i'm not up to anything. Just getting back on the wagon after being in a partial coma most of last week and the weekend. Friday I dragged myself (as tore up as ever) to answer a knock at the door and opened it to the vision of utter hotness that is my good friend Evan come to visit and ... well... he's still on my couch. I was as mortified as I could be. He did cook me some food and he's been taking out my trash and washing my dishes. I think he even did laundry yesterday. All of my friends are vagabonds, but this one is a definite winner.
In unrelated news -- maybe it's just me, but why does Lady Gaga always look like American Apparel and the entire MAC counter just skeeted all over her?

nicki rose98 03-16-2009 11:18 AM

Hey guys sorry I've been MIA. It's hard to get on the computer with my waitressing weekends. I need to catch up. I did so good this weekend. Friday I reached my St Patty's mini goal so I was stoked about that. I stayed OP all day. Then Saturday I did killer with exercise and stayed OP....until after work drinks. And then pizza after drinks. LOL. But I'm not too bummed out because again I kicked some exercise butt that morning. Sunday I was WAY low on cals because I slept most of the day away. This morning I found that I hadn't changed on the scale since Friday but it's ok cuz I dropped five pounds last week. So all in all a good time!

cake I cannot express my condolescenes (I so know that's spelled wrong) accurately on this computer. I am so sorry. I know you're in pain and I know you're hurt. Please PM me if you want to talk or want anything. But WTG on kicking butt in the gym!!!!!!!

chele I'm sorry you're not feeling well. You'll get back on track

cora I'm sorry to hear that news. I really don't know what to say except that you'll bounce back. I know you're a strong, independent woman. Let me know if u need anything

hwga Good for you getting your workouts done!!!!

calisa STick with feeling proud! I'm proud of you! You're are doing so great. It's not all gonna fall off. Unfortunately it's something that is very, very hard work. We are here for you! To keep you motivated

ghost Don't be disappointed. It's probably water weight. Weight fluctuates and you'll lose it again!

jane Welcome to our section!

bliss Way to have a good weekend and good luck with all you have to do this week!!!!

tara You sexy momma you!!!! *cat calls*

remember Good luck! Let us know when they call you!

casey Congratulations on that loss!!!!

nish *raises eyebrows* Utter hottness???? You go girl!

caseygail21 03-16-2009 11:20 AM

Nish-:lol:...that's all...

NishKitten 03-16-2009 11:55 AM

Nicki -- LOL!!!! Dear god no, that's why he's on the couch. If it was like that, he would be on the floor of the shower and still relatively unresponsive from Friday. :D He's hot, but i've been friends with this fool since 3rd grade. We were both Air Force brats, our dads were in the same flight so we grew up together. It's hard to cross that line when you watched someone go through puberty and spent a majority of your life smoking pot and throwing Black Cats at each other.

Casey -- LoL. Glad I made you smile, and great job on the loss!!!!!! My body must have osmosed in the shower. I'm +6 today, but that's the downfall of vodka. Yikes!

I think I have some remnant Black Cats from last 4th of July. I'm going to go throw one at him and wake his butt up. :lol:

jahjah1223 03-16-2009 12:06 PM

Today is day 1 of being 100% on plan with exercise and food!! wish me luck Ya'll!!

CakeBatter 03-16-2009 12:06 PM

Nish I love ya and thanks for the hugs. Bat signal....HA that would be awesome! You are in NOVA rt?

Nicki thanks honey and WTG on the 5 pounds last week!!!!! I had an unofficial of 4 pounds ......*crosses fingers* i hope it sticks!

Casey That's funny cause I think it is the Public gym that keeps me going!!!!

nicki rose98 03-16-2009 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by NishKitten (Post 2656681)
Nicki -- LOL!!!! Dear god no, that's why he's on the couch. If it was like that, he would be on the floor of the shower and still relatively unresponsive from Friday. :D He's hot, but i've been friends with this fool since 3rd grade. We were both Air Force brats, our dads were in the same flight so we grew up together. It's hard to cross that line when you watched someone go through puberty and spent a majority of your life smoking pot and throwing Black Cats at each other.

Casey -- LoL. Glad I made you smile, and great job on the loss!!!!!! My body must have osmosed in the shower. I'm +6 today, but that's the downfall of vodka. Yikes!

I think I have some remnant Black Cats from last 4th of July. I'm going to go throw one at him and wake his butt up. :lol:

Lol! Oh ok then! i was all rooting for ya! in that case throw the black cat at his a**

corazonas 03-16-2009 12:13 PM

you guys are too funny!

and thanks for all the kind words... im in a weird place like i don't know what to do. im still in the house and still working (for our business) and we're not talking to each other. it's like silent chaos. so im kind of coasting just waiting to see if he files today like he said. i said i wasn't leaving the house (because of the 2 kids) but if he doesn't file and doesn't leave i'm probably going to find somewhere else to stay... it's a bunch of madness. i'm not going to have ANYTHING. i'm trying not to panic...

but at the same time i've kept it together and haven't gone spiraling out of control with my food which i guess is good. i haven't worked out in almost a week though (besides everyday stuff) and i just feel bad. like i could have more energy and look better if i would just go for a run or do some weights but i can't. blehhh.....

CakeBatter 03-16-2009 12:18 PM

To all my ladies in the richmond, VA area. What are some good clubs to go to. It is my BF's Bday in a couple weeks and we are staying the night up there and of course wanna go dancing. Iam looking for like Hip hop / pop / You know like top 40's music or something.

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