Team Faerie Chat Thread

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  • JessieCat~ Have things improved at all for you yet? Just keep pushing and working at it!

    ~ TOM really is a pain when it comes to weight loss!

    How is everyone else doing this week? I bombed last night with ravioli and ate way too much. I’m really disappointed with myself, but also understand in a way. I haven’t had real good ravioli in a while, so I binged too much… Hopefully I’ve got that out of my system now and can get right back on track.
    Feeling kinda weird right now… my tummy is tossing… interesting…
    Happy Friday everyone!!!
  • Kim- Hope your tummy feels better.

    Things have been going really great this week. I have been super busy but I like it! I went to the Y 3 times and we are going again tomorrow. I have eaten out a bit more than I usually do and I hope that dosent cause any problems!! *fingers crossed*

    Have a great Friday and a Happy Valentines Day!!
  • Kim , lalique, and ella- I really appreciate your words of encouragement! They really do mean a lot to me.
    I have been doing great the past 3 days. I am back on track. You girls rock.. seriously! I feel better about myself and am so happy that I am back OP. I do want to stay away from the scale.. so lalique- I will WI at the end of this challenge but I don't think I will be participating in the next challenge. I will still be on the boards but I think it is better for me to not be obsessed with the scale.
    Kim- don't fret over the ravioli! You deserve a treat now and then!
    Thanks everyone!
  • Shari - You're not far from the 240s!! I'm excited for you!!

    Kim - I can understand that! After I do good for so long, then I have something I haven't had in a while, my stomach is like uuugggh lol

    Angel - Good job on going to the Y so much this week! You rock!

    Jessie - No problem about the WI thing

    "If you don't do what's best for your body, you're the one who comes up on the short end." ~ Julius Erving

    Happy Heart Day Everyone!!!
  • Happy Valentine's Day, girls!
  • Hi girls! Hope you all had a great valentines day

    Jesse I am so glad to hear that you are back on track!

    I was really sick last week, I stayed home from work for 3 days! I didn't eat very well. I also didn't exercise at all because I couldn't breath. But now I feel better and I am ready jump back on the wagon full force. I am going to try to stay on a low GI diet for the rest of the month. That really helped me last time. I know I wont be posting a loss this week I just hope that it's not a gain!
  • I hope everyone had a nice day yesterday!!! I had a great day...I weighed in and the scale read 199.2!!! Even this morning when I weighed in again, it read 198! I don't know what to do with myself....I have never seen my weight start with the number 1!!! At least not since like middle school

    I went to the gym this morning and did 45 minutes on the elliptical and some weight work on my arms. Then I came home and realized that I didn't bring my house key with me. I had it originally, but then the phone rang just as I was going out the door, so I must have put it back on the table. Everything else (car key and ipod) were in my pockets of the sweatshirt I was wearing, so I didn't even think to grab it off the table I guess. Normally we can "break" into my back sliding door. But the door wouldn't budge this time. I was freaking out because my parents are in North Carolina visiting my brother for the week and won't be home until next Saturday! I had no way to get in my house (no one I can think of would have an extra set of keys), no money, no phone, no warm clothes except for the hooded sweatshirt I was wearing over my gym clothes, etc. My next door neighbor came over t help and he finally managed to get the door to slide open. There was a lot of kicking and loud noises So, now my whole neighborhood probably knows how to get in my house if they need to. I'm just glad that I'm in!
  • I hope yall had a good Valentine's Day and weekend. Today would be a great day to have a car. The wind is blowing, it's nice and cool, all that is missing is a overcast sky, maybe a chance for rain. I like going out in that kind of weather.

    My little sister is leaving Friday for Alabama. I worry but I hope that if she falls and lands on her face, she'll use common sense and come back home.

    Ella ~ I'm glad you are feeling better.

    Chele ~ I'm glad you got in and WOOT on the lower scale numbers!
  • I've been working really hard on putting together the NEXT challenge. Sign up will continue thru the 24th, and the challenge will start on March 1st. The link for the sign up thread is in my signature, and here's the link for the official "how it works" post for the challenge: Clicky, Clicky!. There are a couple of you on this team who have not yet signed up for the next challenge, so I wanted to make sure you all knew about it!!!
  • We're officially into the final week of this challenge! Lets make it count!!
  • How's everyone today??

    I finally got a tape measure, so I can track how many inches I lose lol
  • I'm doing okay. My WI was this morning and I maintained. I'm feeling so lazy and tired today.
  • I'm having a lazy & tired day today too Shari!
  • Yesterday was a really lazy and tired day for me too!! :P
  • girls!

    I had a perfectly nice, long post typed up but the damn computer at the library erased it! I hate the library these days. Whatever happened to 'silence is golden'? People are so rude and loud in the library, I don't even wanna go anymore!

    This freakin medical insurance isn't worth all this hassle. This is the third paycheck that they have taken almost $150 out! I only make a little over $300 every two weeks! I suppose I could live off $175 every two weeks......if I was still living with my mama!!! Went to payroll and turns out, part timers have to pay more for insurance than fulltimers which just doesn't make any sense to me. I told the guy to forget it, I don't want this shyt anymore! I have rent and ultilites to pay! Plus, the idiots at the food stamp office declined my claim so I have to apply all over again which means I have to pay for my groceries with my own money. It's the end of the month which means I have rent, power, and internet to pay along with groceries and I only have $175 to my name. Super.