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Old 11-29-2007, 10:22 PM   #1  
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Talking Steel Magnolias -- #46

Good Evening, Flowers! It's been a nice day in my corner of the world . . . sunshine and NO wind! The teacher with the "problem" child/student had a talk with the principal this morning. The principal had no idea what had been going on. Like . . . is there NO communication between the asst. principal and the principal? DUH! The ironic part is that the teacher called, from her classroom phone, the special ed. director on the spec. ed. director's cell phone before school . . . no answer, as usual. The principal called the same # 15 minutes later, from the office with the teacher there, and guess who answered on the first ring!? Anyhow, the principal assured the teacher that since they had tried all of the suggested behavior changes and documented everything each day, that she personally would take it to the next level whatever that might be. The one aide showed me the bite mark from yesterday and I told her to have the yearbook advisor take a picture of it for evidence . . . the student bit through a sweatshirt and a long sleeved turtle neck to break the skin. It's turned black and blue and looks pretty ugly. Everyone is ready for it to be Friday!

Jason flew to CO yesterday for a management job interview with the insurance company he is working for. They interviewed five and he was the last one. All the rest were older with more education, experience, etc. They flew him out and back on the company jet so he was home again last night. This morning they called and offered him the job. It would mean a move to a Denver suburb and more money with no selling involved. I know it would be a great opportunity for him but I sure hate to see them move that far away. It seems like we don't see them very often as it is. Amanda is very close to her dad whose health isn't the greatest so I know it would be a hard move for her. By the same token Sioux City now has direct flights to and from Denver twice a day.

"Gma" -- I usually place my catalog orders the day after the free shipping has expired! I haven't seen the Christmas List movie, but it sounds like a cute one. Maybe the wind will come along and blow your leaves to the neighbors. Bob always hopes for that to happen and sometimes it does.

Well, I have a load of laundry to put in the dryer. I think we changed clothes twice a day this week! Have a fantastic Friday tomorrow!

Jean -- in Iowa!
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Old 11-30-2007, 08:12 AM   #2  
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Good morning to everyone! It is Friday so last workday this week for you all. We are going out tonight to Christmas shop for the baby. Jack wants to shop, so shop we will. Hopefully, it won't wear me out too much.

Jean: That teacher needs to really watch that bite. They say human bite has the most bacteria, etc. Sounds like maybe the principal will get on top of it. Hopefully she will ream the asst principal but good. He deserves it. Is he by any chance one of those men who doesn't care for having a woman who is his boss? Sounds like a great opportunity for Jason, but from one who knows, I know what it is like having them and the babies far away. They will make the right decision and he had to have known if he got the job they would have to move so I imagine they had to have been prepared a bit. It is always hard on grandma/mom though.

We are starting to get things arranged for our short trip as Christmas. We have to take so much stuff with us because of my incision and bag. Jack won this cool bag from the city when he went to thos diversity seminars and it is a perfect size to put everything in. I have a small one that is good to take one set of stuff in that I got from the infusion place so we will be all set. We just have to arrange everything to make sure the bag is clean and not old where it might fail during our drive. I imagine I will have him put a new one on the day before we leave. Hopefully he will get off work early as they usually do and we can get on the road around 1 pm. We lose an hour going up there so it would put us in Indiana around 2 AM or so.

I have a lot I would like to accomplish today including getting this house cleaned. Sitting here isn't getting it done and I have to empty my bag and clean it up so I better skedaddle!

Have a great weekend!
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Old 11-30-2007, 11:08 PM   #3  
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Good Evening, Flowers! We made a WM and grocery run during the supper hour thinking no one else would be out and about. Hah -- what a joke that was! WM was packed with RUDE shoppers blocking the aisles so I had Bob stay with the cart and I picked up the few things I needed that I can't get anywhere else in town. I guess the weather forecast has them all spooked. School was a bit crazy today with lots of subs. Little by little the hard and fast rules are going by the wayside and no one seems to be doing anything about it.

"Gma" -- I found out that the aide had a tetanus shot plus a hepatitis booster so hopefully she is all set. The area around the bite has turned black and blue -- not pretty. I think I would have had the urge to bite back! Jason's job interview came as a big surprise about a week ago. I haven't talked to Jason yet although he called and talked to Bob yesterday. He, typical of this generation, wants everything we have plus his dad's income; he doesn't remember that it took us 25 years to get here! When we moved to Ohio, the company told Bob we would be transferred back to the MN/Iowa area within 18 months. That didn't happen so we came back on our own. I'm sure it will be a hard decision for them -- six of one and a half dozen of the other. I just hate to see them start moving around and putting the kids through new schools, day care places, etc. We'll see . . . . .

I'm heading off to bed. I have to work in the hospital gift shop tomorrow morning. Have a nice weekend!

Jean -- in Iowa!
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Old 12-01-2007, 06:06 AM   #4  
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Good morning to you all! Hope your weekend is starting out well. Jack will be getting up in a couple hours to take the car to Firestone and get a flush and fill, oil change and have the battery checked and replaced if necessary. We decided to take our car to Indiana instead of rent one and hopefully the rocker will fit in the trunk! lol I couldn't get a good deal on a car rental without it being well over $350 so to heck with that. I just hate putting mileage on our car, but I am not paying that kind of money for a rental car.

Jean: Yes, kids seem to think they deserve lots and lots of money right away and management positions to boot. Our two kids families both make lots of money, much more than their dad does even with his retirement, but they work hard for it and don't spend, spend, spend so at least we taught them some things right! lol They also started at the bottom and worked their way up. Kelly started with a secretarial type position at St Jude's and moved up from their into other companies into the job she has now and Tom started out working at FEDEX hauling packages and stuff and now has a fancy job with their IT Security department. Jay started in a factory and worked a couple of those before working as a delivery man, then salesman for the hot tub company then got this job with Iverson and not only does he love it, but he is wonderful at it. He has one of those personalities to sell things without being a "car salesman" type. He is honest and forthright and he told us at Thanksgiving that the territory they gave him is up 30% since he has worked for them. They sell huge lathes and computerized manufacturing equipment so when he sells something the commission is pretty hefty. Alicia is the only one that went from college into a well paying job, but that is because she is a pharmacist and they are so sought after. Now my sister's kids, sheesh. They definitely have the "I want the president's job" mentality especially her younger son. Unfortunately, he has let drugs interfere in his life and mucked that all up.

We finished up the baby's toy shopping, just got him a couple more things. Boy, toys sure are getting expensive. Everything we bought was over $15. We did get him this cute pig ball that shakes and rolls and oinks and is really cute. We also bought him one of those shape/block things. Target didn't have much and there are so many people out that I just couldn't take all the pushing and shoving so we came home. We bought him 5 toys and his rocker plus clothes and that is enough for him. I also made him slippers and his hat and sweater and am going to get him an ornament so he will have a nice Christmas from us. I bought him the cutest clothes. I got him a little long sleeved rugby shirt and pants to match and one with all kinds of sports balls on it with pants to match. I also bought him pants and a turtleneck to go with the sweater and hat and some socks. I wanted to get him some shoes too, but he is growing so fast I thought I better leave that to mom and dad.

Well, I need to get up and get things going this morning. I see Fortune has made his normal mess on the floor after eating and that needs to be cleaned up.

Have a nice weekend.
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Old 12-01-2007, 02:57 PM   #5  
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Happy December 1st, Flowers! I got up to a white lawn this morning. It was sleeting a couple hours later when Bob took me to the hospital, and then raining when he picked me up three hours later. Such weather! I did have some sales this morning so it wasn't a total waste of time. I have laundry going and think I will decorate the tree next. I'm getting used to it with lights only . . . kind of like it like that.

"Gma" -- I'd say Jackson will do A-OK in the gift department this Christmas! If he is like every other baby he will get a bigger kick out of ripping the wrapping paper and playing with boxes than the gifts inside. Last year Kolby had more fun pushing Zowie around in the laundry basket that they brought their gifts in. I don't blame you for passing on the rental car -- that is a lot of $$. Jason had to learn the hard way . . . took him 9 years to finally get his BS and he's worked for several different insurance companies along the way. For where he is now he just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Beth is thinking about going back to school for a teaching degree, but she would have to pretty much start all over since her original associate degree is in criminal justice. Will likes to spend money on computer games and technology stuff so I don't know how that will work out. He grew up in a family that lived paycheck to paycheck which is not good.

I need to get busy! Have a nice day and enjoy your weather if it is better than mine!

Jean -- in Iowa!

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Old 12-02-2007, 06:57 AM   #6  
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Good morning to you all! Hope you all are having a nice weekend. I know that Jean has a possibility of some nasty weather in her area.

Well, I talked to the owner of the condo that is empty and he said he booted the other tenants because they were continuing to sell drugs. He said he has a nephew who is a Memphis police officer and warned him they were selling again and that drug enforcement had given him a heads up because they were getting ready to raid the place and he would then lose his property. Tennessee has a drug property law where property is confiscated if they raid the place and find drugs. I was introduced to the lady who will be renting and it is just her and her sister and they are nice looking ladies. No children, or hangers on so they might be quiet and take care of the place and not be throwing stuff onto our deck and such. I hope if they are, they last awhile and stay.

Jean: I saw that Des Moines was getting a big storm and wondered if it would hit you guys too, but sounds like so far you haven't gotten anything near what other places have. Jay was supposed to get some snow and ice this weekend. Jay called yesterday about some Christmas arrangements and said Jackson cut his first tooth. He said it is left side lower so it should show nicely on pictures this year. I told him I have one grandson losing them and one getting them, though Thomas lost his first tooth while I was in the hospital and the second one is loose with the permanent one coming up behind it. As of Thanksgiving, the root had still not desolved enough to pull it. He is going to lose them slowly I think.

We did some shopping at Walmart and have the commissary run today. You know how I love that!

Jack got the car all done except for new tires, which come next payday then we are all ready for any winter weather we will encounter with the Indiana trip. Sadly, I am not even looking forward to it much. I am a little nervous about going so far from home with all that has happened to me, but we will take plenty of supplies and such and are staying at a Residence Inn so will have access to a kitchen and stuff if there is anything we need refrigerated. I am hoping Jay can get us a deal like he does his friends. He has a friend who manages the place and usually gets rooms cheap or even comped. It would be nice to get a couple comped days! lol

Well, I need to go and do some "stuff." Have a good Sunday all.

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Old 12-02-2007, 04:22 PM   #7  
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Good Afternoon, Flowers! I have the last load of laundry going, the livingroom is a mess of boxes, ornaments, etc., and here I am! The weekends fly by much too quickly! We didn't go to church this morning. We slept in later than usual so don't even know if any of the churches cancelled services or not. It wasn't nice out this morning since it warmed up during the night and rained on top of the snow. The sun is out now and the wind is blowing. I guess winter has arrived!

"Gma" -- I'd say we got a couple inches of snow since you can still see leaves and twigs poking through in some places. The weather was so weird yesterday -- snow, sleet, rain, snow, and then it warmed up during the night and rained again making everything slicker than "snot" this morning. I'm ready for spring! It sounds like you will have nice neighbors this time -- it would be nice if you could go back and forth a bit to visit. We missed our condo neighbors when we moved back to Iowa. I'd love to go back and see where we lived; I'm betting it is probably pretty run down by now but maybe not. They were well built in the late '60s and nothing about them was cheap. I'm sure your trip to Indiana will be fine; you just take care of yourself! How long will you be gone? I love the baby pictures where they grin and show one or two teeth! So cute! Hopefully the weather will cooperate and be good for travel.

I need to get going and pick up my livingroom. Have a nice "rest of the day" and a marvelous Monday tomorrow!

Jean -- in Iowa!

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Old 12-03-2007, 06:14 AM   #8  
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Good morning to you all. Hope the weather has improved in your area if it is bad. We had a lot of wind and rain and dark clouds yesterday. We went out to eat around 3 and it looked like it was about 6 or 7 the clouds were so dark. It was balmy warm in the upper 60's though so the only driving hazard was people going to fast on wet roads, which they always do.

We got the commissary shopping done without too much to do as it wasn't very busy. We did have to stand in line to check out though. I am still using a scooter when I have long distances or time I have to walk so I didn't have to stand. It really didn't take too long to get everything done.

Jean: I wondered whether you would get rain that would slick things up for you. As for Christmas, we are leaving on Friday night and coming home on Christmas Day. Jack used up all the rest of his time off when I was in the hospital and then had to take what was left off when I was home a couple times so we have to come home on Christmas Day. Only bad part about that is there is nothing open to stop and eat at. I do know that Ihop is open every day of the year, so I may see if there are any on our way home, but we plan on just buying stuff to take with us home and put in a cooler like sandwich meat, etc. Since we are staying in a suite hotel, we have a refrigerator so we can get stuff the morning of Christmas Eve as everything closes early. My only concern with my bag is leakage, but we will make sure we put on a brand new one on Friday and it should be ok until we get home or at least Jack can change it out on Christmas Day before we leave town. The only bad thing is I basically put out most of my stuff before 10 am and we will be on the road so it might be a little awkward cleaning it out in a rest area rest room. I will handle it though!

I have another surgical appt tomorrow so we shall see what he thinks. My incision is really healing up well and Jack says it is almost too small to put any wound gel gauze in, so that is good. It is still sore on the lower left outer edge, but I imagine it is from moving around because it comes and goes. I am going to have to get over to the dr office sometime and get those darn prescriptions rewritten or something and I know that is going to be a nightmare. I would do it tomorrow since they are practically next to each other, but my surgical appt is at 4, Jack doesn't get home until 3:30 and they will be closed before I finish at the drs. I will figure something out. Jack forgot to get a prescription the dr wants him on anyway so maybe we can do it together sometime this week.

I best get stuff cleaned up. Fortune, as usual, made a mess eating.

Have a good start to the week!
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Old 12-03-2007, 11:08 PM   #9  
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Good Evening, Flowers! This afternoon I had a perm right after school, Bob had practice at church, and we were going to meet for a late supper . . . his night to cook. The plan was that I would call him when I was finished. Well, I called . . . and called . . . and called . . . and called . . . no answer at home, on his cell phone, nor the truck phone. So home I came to change clothes. One of the guys in his group had a flat tire and Bob came home to get the "super pumper upper thingy" then went back to inflate the tire enough so the other guy could get it to the garage to be fixed. I finally got my supper at 7:45! Tomorrw is bloodmobile and bell choir at 5 which is a day early because three of us can't make it on our regular night. Sometimes my day job gets in the way of the others things I want to do.

"Gma" -- It was 10 degrees when I left for school this morning. The sun did come out this afternoon but it didn't warm up enough to melt anything. The school parking lot was a mess. Evidently there was some traffic there in the slop which froze in ruts. They did put a lot of sand and ice melt down but it was still slippery in spots. I always say a little prayer that I won't fall. I hope your surgeon is pleased with your progress. It would be nice if you could have your "hook up" done earlier than planned.

Have terrific Tuesday tomorrow! I'm heading for bed!

Jean -- in Iowa!
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Old 12-04-2007, 06:16 AM   #10  
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Good morning to you all! Hope your day is starting out well. Fortune behaved himself and didn't jump on and off the bed last night so everyone got a decent night's sleep.

My niece and her family invited us to their house for Christmas Eve so that will be nice. I can then visit with my sister without having to try and find time for her. I will give her birthday present to her then. They are having Christmas on Christmas Eve because their oldest dd is going to Las Vegas to visit the other grandma on Christmas Day and my niece, her husband and great niece are leaving the 26th for Florida for a soccer tournament my gniece is in. She is a soccer phenom and will get a soccer scholarship some place when she graduates. I think we are going to an Amish restaurant we frequent for lunch, taking my sister and oldest nephew, whose wife up and left him for about the 20th time, then maybe take in a movie before going to my nieces. We will have to shop for food for the trip home early CE morning so we be sure and have it since they roll up the streets around 6-7 for Christmas.

My bag held for 5 days this time and is still ok, but I am removing it later today along with the wound stuff, showering and putting all new stuff on for the doctor's office visit. They don't remove the bag just ask how everything is working. They mostly check the wound stuff and ask about overall health, make me cough, check my lungs etc.

Jean: I hate it when you have to dodge and weave with the ice. I am not very sure footed anymore and will fall at the drop of a hat. I am hoping Indiana doesn't have bad weather like it does right now so I don't have it to deal with. All I need to to tear something up and end up in the hospital up there. Hope you have a bit of a warmup today, though it is December and time for the bbbrrrrrrrr weather. Late dinner, huh? Did he say why he wasn't answering anything? Maybe he was outside helping the guy and his cell was in the truck/car or whatever.

Sounds like Jack is done so I better hop to it. Have a great Tuesday!
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Old 12-04-2007, 10:19 AM   #11  
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Good morning, ladies! Sounds like you have both been busy.

Stan's surgery is December 13 so we'll have that over with before Christmas. They should be able to use the graft by New Year's if everything goes as planned for a change.

Asthma has been bad again - waking up in the night coughing. I think I'm going to ask the doctor about changing to a different medication. It seems Advair is not working anymore the way it did. Funny side note here: I use a rescue inhaler when I get short of breath. They cost $11. I got a letter from the insurance company telling me a law had been passed by congress that the inhalers were causing ozone problems and were being taken off the market so I would need a new prescription. When I took the prescription to the pharmacy it cost $45 - 400% more. The medication inside is still Albuterol, just the delivery system is different - it does do a good job at all so I find I'm using more. How much pollution do you think those inhalers caused compared to cars, trucks, etc.?
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Old 12-04-2007, 10:43 PM   #12  
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Good Evening, Flowers! I donated blood after school today and then headed to church for a 5:00 bell practice. The children's Christmas program is also on Sunday so our tables are set up in two rows across the front where we usually play in a "U" shape. The sound is totally different and it seemed so weird. Some idiot kid pulled the fire alarm again today and it wasn't a nice "stand outside" kind of day. I happened to be close to the lounge where I hang my coat so I grabbed it and noticed several other teachers had their coats on too. Maybe some of the goofballs still wearing flip flops, shorts, and short sleeved t-shirts will start dressing warmer. I did feel sorry for some of the kids as they were really cold.

"Gma" -- Bob thought the reason he didn't answer the phones was because he was out in the shed looking for the compressor and/or out blowing up the tire. A lot of the ice melted today; the maintenance guys were out chipping ice chunks in the parking lot so I assume once everyone is gone they will clear out the rest. I always worry about falling. I wish the city would have their plows out when it starts to melt but they never do. We just drive in the ruts. It sounds like you will have a nice Christmas Eve with your extended family.

Susan -- I'm sorry to hear that your asthma is giving you trouble again. I didn't know that about the inhalers; we have a bunch of kids using them at school. They are supposed to be left in the nurse's office, but most of the students carry them in their back packs. I hope Stan's surgery goes well.

I'm tired and I'm heading in the direction of bed. I have got to start getting there earlier rather than later. Have a wonderful Wednesday tomorrow!

Jean -- in Iowa!
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Old 12-05-2007, 06:13 AM   #13  
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Good morning flowers! The dog was back to his old hop and down tricks so sleeping was disjointed. We can't figure out why he does it other than needing to go to the bathroom, but Jack took him out late last night so who knows?

Susan: Sorry you asthma is acting up again and brother what a way to stick it to you. It is especially tough since it is something you cannot do without. I saw after a month they finally got my meds straightened out and they are filling my prescription. It sure took long enough. I'm glad Stan can get it surgery over and done with before the holidays so he can enjoy them.

Jean: Sounds like you had a delightful day. At least you were able to grab your coat. It is too bad other kids don't rat out the ones that cause the trouble, but they keep their mouths shut and suffer. I imagine your bells do sound different in a different configuration. Hopefully, it doesn't put off the overall sound. Thomas has his winter recital a week from Saturday and I am looking forward to it. He is playing his piano and his violin this time. He is doing Christmas music so it should be fun. The bad part is sitting for a long time through about 45 other kids per session. Of course they don't want people getting up and leaving after their own kid plays and I understand that perfectly, but I am not sure how long I will be able to sit on folding chairs. I have trouble at restaurants sitting in chairs for very long. Somehow the surgery has put a long of strain on my lower back and it causes pain when I sit on chairs with just a seat and the upper part at your shoulders leaving the back open. I will just have to do what I can and if I have to get up and go out I will. He is in two different sessions 11:30 then 4 so it should be interesting.

My surgical appt went fine. He said I am healing well and wants to see me in 3 weeks. He checks my breathing and such and makes sure I am not developing a hernia, etc and everything is fine. He did say they need to leave several months for the irritated intestines to heal so I imagine it won't be until summer for my "re-operation."

I hear Jack in the bedroom dressing so I better go. Hope you all have a great day. I am going to try and get upstairs and do some cleaning today.

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Old 12-05-2007, 11:32 AM   #14  
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Good morning, ladies.

Jean, it doesn't make sense for the kids to have to leave their inhalers with the nurse...they are called rescue inhalers because you use them when you can't breathe so they might not be able to get to the nurses' office easily. I keep one in my purse, one in my desk at work, one in my gym bag for when I go to Curves, one in the family room, one in the breakfast room, one in my sewing room and one in the bedroom. It often hits me with no warning. Usually I am just really short of breath but every once in a while, I feel like I can't breathe in at all. I have to sit quietly and try to relax until I can get a breath, then I can use my inhaler. Asthma is not because you can't breath in, but because you can't empty the carbon dioxide from your lungs so there is nowhere for the breath to go. The inhaler takes the inflamation down to make more room to breath. I've had to pull over to the shoulder of the road to use my inhaler.

Faye, Thomas is so talented and smart! Those folding chairs are hard to sit on for a healthy person. Isn't it a weird thing that you have to let your intestines heal so they can go back in and mess around so you have to heal yet again.
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Old 12-05-2007, 10:51 PM   #15  
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Good Evening, Flowers! We are home from the Christmas dinner; it was the first time we have been to the "new" lodge in town. It was "ok." We are supposed to get some freezing rain during the night and snow early tomorrow morning. Maybe we will have a late start tomorrow.

"Gma" -- Will other students be performing in between the times that Thomas plays? Maybe you could walk around the lobby a bit or go outside, so you don't have to sit the whole time. He is doing great to be able to get two different instruments practiced for a recital. Supposedly they know who pulled the fire alarm, but everything is such a big secret in the office these days. We had a staff meeting this morning and nothing was mentioned about it. The principal did announce that the assistant principal had changed the final exam schedule taking it from a 4 day schedule to a 3 day schedule which meant that there would be no teacher work day or student make-up day on the last day before vacation. Grades are due at 8AM the first day back in January. The schedule is printed on the calendar that parents receive at registration in the fall. Several teachers expressed their concerns during the meeting and she said she would check it out and get back to us. An email came through saying the changed schedule would stand. During the day teachers were telling students (who had travel plans and leaving on the make-up day) to have their parents call plus teachers were going into the office all day long to complain and explain their position. Late this afternoon she sent another email saying that the original schedule would stand as is. My thought is since the asst. principal hasn't been doing his dentention/discipline job all fall, he didn't want to put up with the restricted kids during the nontesting time (lunch and study halls). He is a joke!

Susan -- I agree about the kids keeping their inhalers with them. Some even carry epipens for their allergies.

I am heading off to bed. Have a terrific Thursday tomorrow!

Jean -- in Iowa!
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