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Martine 09-04-2018 06:36 PM

RunningRedHead how many squats per day are you doing on this challenge? My legs are still sore from Sunday's workout, it's hard for me to imagine working out the same body part two days in-a-row, much less 30. Glad to hear that your stretching and exercises for your back are helping. I might have to start the exercises my physiotherapist had given me for my Achiles tendon, as I feel my calf stiffening due to wearing my Skechers too much. They're comfortable but they don't offer enough support.

bloominbutterflies sounds like that Peach festival was a blast. What is an elephant ear? Sounds big just by the name of it.

I did not exercise today. Since last night the top of my right foot, right where the foot meets the ankle, has been sore and hurts when I walk. I decided to give it a rest today and started tackling some deep cleaning since it was a tad bit cooler today. I put on some 80’s music on Google Home and started around 10:30 this morning (speaking og Google Home, it "spoke" to us twice on Sunday without being prompted, very weird). My arms were sore from yesterday's workout but after some 5 hours of cleaning, my arms are like jell-o!. At least I can check a lot of items off my cleaning list. Now David and I are relaxing and I'm finishing up my 2L of water for the day. Hope everyone enjoyed a great day!

02: 4.4km walk + 40 minutes lower body strength training
03: 4km walk + 41 minutes upper body strength training

*edited cause I noticed that I have been off on my dates

fitatfifty 09-04-2018 08:39 PM

Thank you everyone for the kind welcomes! Glad to be here! This is day 4 for me. I have done pretty good overall this time around. I did have a craving for cookies today. I work at an adult daycare and I am the cook. Today I was serving cookies for snack. I was able to resist but my mind kept toying with me how good those would taste with a cup of coffee. The struggle is real. Just glad I was able to resist the urge. Its hard with me being a cook, I have to cook things that are not that healthy and not on my plan. I combat that by bringing my own lunch to work. Another day in the books for me. Cant wait to see how far I can go with this new me!

curvynotlumpy 09-04-2018 09:40 PM

:wave: and good evening!

:welcome3: fitatfifty! Glad to have you join us here in the neighborhood. :love: your optimistic screen name. I'll be fifty in November and for some reason I believe this is going to be a :wizard: year. Don't ask me why but I do.

Martine: I really enjoy deep cleaning! It's productive and satisfying in so many ways. You get to see the tangible fruits of your labor and as you so wonderfully described, it's an awesome :workout:. Sketchers have always intrigued me because of their comfort. Good to know they aren't a great support shoe.

RunningRedHead: As long as you watch your form and take it slow I think your 30 day squat challenge will be fun and increase the strength of the muscles you're working out.

bloominbutterflies: I need to take lessons from you on how to :beach: because you always have such fun sounding plans! I'm terrible at vacation and time off and I've had more than one person tell me this. The Peach Fest sounds fun and even better when you win something. Count me in as another mustard lover.
My outrageously busy time arrived when the calendar turned over to September. It happens every year :dizzy: There are so many campus welcome activities and events that keeps me and my team running from now until mid-October. Sometimes it feels like we have to be in two places at once. I really feel like I need to get a grasp on my weekends instead of working nearly every one of them, and am considering putting in a couple of really long days (even longer than I already do) to make my weekends matter and more about my life and not the office. I also need to do some reevaluating of my work style and the priorities I set for my team.

Wishing everyone a great evening.

RunningRedHead 09-05-2018 01:53 PM

Martine: I’m following this challenge posted by a woman I follow on my keto Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm0nWt1A...n-by=nocarbage It’s bodyweight squats and on the days that are more than 45, I break them down into multiple sets so it’s not so bad. I don’t think I would do this with added weight though :lol: I hear you about comfortable shoes that don’t offer enough support. Some of the most comfortable sneakers I own offer zero arch support. I hope your exercises help you, too! How did the tackling of your deep cleaning go? My plan is to do that once our weather is a bit cooler as well (still in the middle of a heat wave :shrug:).

Fitatfifty: Way to go resisting those cookies:cp: Not an easy feat, you should be proud of yourself! It’s funny to realize that sugar addiction is such a real thing. You mentioning cookies with a cup of coffee reminds me of those anti-smoking ads that show people struggling to do every-day tasks without a cigarette (driving, eating, socializing, etc.); you mentioned cookies and I automatically thought coffee as well! Planning is half the battle, you got this!

Curvy: I have to keep a hand on the back of a tall chair to maintain proper form and make sure I don’t fall over (my balance is embarrassingly terrible at times), but I’m relying less and less on the chair, so that’s good I suppose. I also figured this would be a good challenge, as leg presses are some of my strengthening exercises from physical therapy, so hopefully these will help ;) Wow! It sounds like work is getting very busy for you. Please make sure you’re taking care of yourself during this demanding time. I like the idea of extended days to ensure a couple of solid, work-free days. Good luck to you as another school year begins.

My plan for today is lots of studying, laundry and some grocery shopping. I have a feeling that those stores that do online ordering with curbside pickup are going to be a life saver this semester. I also need to work on organizing my spare room as I have a chair with a twin-size pull-out being delivered in a couple of weeks and it would probably be nice for the delivery men to be able to actually get in the room :lol:

Have a happy hump day everyone :)

SW: 248.9
8/31: 248.9
GW: 240

Week 1:
9/1: 250.9 (+2.0)
9/2: 250.9 (+/-0)
9/3: 251.9 (+1.0) SW
9/4: 250.7 (-1.2) SW
9/5: 249.8 (-0.9) SW

Martine 09-05-2018 04:34 PM

​​​​​fitatfifty great job on resisting those cookies and bringing your lunches to work to combat temptations.

curvynotlumpy I really hope you are able to find time for yourself during this very busy period. Says the person who severely neglected herself during our store's opening...

RunningRedHead as much as I loathe cleaning, it does feel incredibly good once it's done. I had planned on doing a few things at a time during my vacation but our landlord called on Sunday night to say that he would visit the place with a potential buyer for the building on Tuesday night, so we had no choice but to get it done before then. Monday was way too hot to do anything and I'm a procrastinator by nature, so everything got done Tuesday. At least I got most of my list out of the way in one day and can enjoy the rest of my vacation more. I totally related when I read about needing to organize your spare room to allow for the delivery of some furniture, as our spare room was a total disaster before I (sort of) tackled it. I say "sort of" because I need to give away stuff to really clear the space.

Early this morning I got in a long walk with Loki (my foot-ankle were okay-ish this morning) before it became totally unbearable out there. We currently sit at 42°/108°F with the humidex. There's no way I am exercising in this. My arms are still very sore, lifting them is a torture. So I just took it easy today and started watching the show Sharp Objects that I've been recording. I'm a big Amy Adams fan and I like small-town mysteries and I loved Gone Girl (the series is adapted from another book by the same author), so I've been looking forward to this one and so far it lives up to my expectations. I'll just try to stay cool tonight.

02: 4.4km walk + 40 minutes lower body strength training
03: 4km walk + 41 minutes upper body strength training
05: 4.4km walk

bloominbutterflies 09-06-2018 08:50 AM

CurvyNotLumpy If I had one recommendation for doing fun stuff it would be planning ahead! I am kind of a freak about it, one of the most satisfying things in the world for me to look at is my calendar. My rule of thumb is to work about 2 weeks ahead of time. So this weekend, (9/7 - 9/9), I'll be looking to plan something to do (9/22) or (9/23). I'm thinking of organizing a casual little apple cider outing that weekend. It's great to invite people to do things on a weekend because there is always the chance they are doing something fun the day you text them and will invite you along. Also, I have a theory that people are more likely to say yes on weekends because they are in a good mood from relaxing!

Martine an elephant ear is a big flat fried piece of dough, kind of like a big poofy tortilla shaped thing. It's covered with cinnamon and sugar and served hot out of the fryer. They are amazing if you love eating fried sugary things and don't mind the texture of sand :lol:

Current Status: Maintaining (Shark Week)

Well, shark week is definitely here. Tuesday night and I ate so much out with my best friend. We were talking about serious and gloomy things, and I felt myself getting into a really depressed mood. I ate a cookie and a lot of thai fried rice. Which maybe doesn't sound awful, but I had 3 pieces of homemade pizza earlier and maybe some other stuff so I really shouldn't have been that hungry. And I wasn't. I was just stuffing my pie hole. My only saving grace was at Target she got a starbucks and I declined. So I saved myself 500 or so calories since I like frappacinos.

Yesterday I managed to eat a lot less, but again had a pretty awful day mood wise. I was baking a williamsburg orange cake for my mom's birthday when I go to visit tomorrow. I had told her way ahead of time I was bringing a cake for her. So after the cakes come out of the oven, she texts me and says that Dad had got her a cake. She said not to bring mine because she doesn't want "Dad to feel bad." Anyway, that just set me off and I spiraled thinking about how messed up our family is. Long story short, I grew up with half of a family I didn't get to meet (they were banned on the Dad's side), and on the Mom's side there is constant bickering. The bickering got so bad that we stopped seeing Mom's side of the family for 2 years now. Mom and Dad moved 3 hours away from everybody to live on their own selfish little island. I get pissed about how self absorbed my parents are, and how me and my brother always had to suffer along with their decisions. So yeah, I cried a bunch and felt sorry for myself. Not very mature of me, but whatever.

curvynotlumpy 09-06-2018 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by bloominbutterflies (Post 5368743)
Yesterday I managed to eat a lot less, but again had a pretty awful day mood wise. I was baking a williamsburg orange cake for my mom's birthday when I go to visit tomorrow. I had told her way ahead of time I was bringing a cake for her. So after the cakes come out of the oven, she texts me and says that Dad had got her a cake. She said not to bring mine because she doesn't want "Dad to feel bad." Anyway, that just set me off and I spiraled thinking about how messed up our family is. Long story short, I grew up with half of a family I didn't get to meet (they were banned on the Dad's side), and on the Mom's side there is constant bickering. The bickering got so bad that we stopped seeing Mom's side of the family for 2 years now. Mom and Dad moved 3 hours away from everybody to live on their own selfish little island. I get pissed about how self absorbed my parents are, and how me and my brother always had to suffer along with their decisions. So yeah, I cried a bunch and felt sorry for myself. Not very mature of me, but whatever.

bloominbutterflies: I'll respond to other parts of your post when I do group personals, but this part just got me. I completely understand your disappointment and anger. Incredibly passive-aggressive on your mom's part. My inner jerk (or maybe it's justified) is telling you that next year no cake. Don't even bother to offer. I've had similar things happen to me with a couple of friends and taking myself out of the mix of to the extent possible was the healthiest thing for me. I'm so, so sorry this happened :hug:. Due to the tension and arguing it may be good that they don't live so close to you to drag you into things. Again, not ideal but healthy. Please take care of yourself :hug:

Martine 09-06-2018 12:11 PM

bloominbutterflies what you describe as an elephant ear sounds a lot like a beaver tail up here. I'm very sorry to read about your family woes. My reaction to knowing that someone baked me a cake when someone else bought me a cake would be "more cake for me!", but not everyone loves cake that much perhaps? Cry if you have to, be angry, let it all out. But in the end, don't let your parents dictate how you feel in the long term. As curvynotlumpy ​​​​​​​said, sometimes it's just healthier to just let go.

fitatfifty 09-06-2018 06:32 PM

;) Hello again everyone! Just checking in today. This makes Day 6 of Keto for me. I've done really well. I have lost a total of 6.4 lbs so far. :carrot:

SW: 242.8
CW: 236.4
GW: 135

9/1-242.8 lbs
9/3-239.4 lbs
9/5-238.2 lbs
9/6-236.4 lbs

The only thing I really struggle with is eating too much protein. Whatever I am doing has been working apparently though. Best of luck everyone!

RunningRedHead 09-07-2018 02:22 PM

Martine: So glad to hear you were able to get all your cleaning and tidying done in time for the landlord to show the building! I’m a procrastinator as well, so I hear you :lol: I’m frustrated with this spare room though because I’ve attacked it three times in the past year and I’m pretty sure that little demented house elves are sneaking in while I’m sleeping or at work and undoing all of my tidying :rofl: I think that room is going to be my project next week while I’m procrastinating next weeks homework ;) Glad to hear you were able to get in a walk with Loki before it became too hot/humid. You’ll have to keep us posted on how you like Sharp Objects, it sounds intriguing.

Bloominbutterflies: :hug: I’m so sorry you had to experience that :hug: Those cakes sound wonderful, they would be very lucky to enjoy them! More for you ;) I don’t know about you, but every little slight sets me off on a spiral during shark week. Breathe, scream, cry, and yell if you need to, just don’t keep it bottled up inside; I second Martine & Curvy: don’t let your parents dictate your feelings and sometimes it is better for your sanity to just let it go.

Fitatfifty: Way to go :bravo::cheer:

Happy end of Week 1, everybody!!! :wave::dancer:

This is the first time in two months that I’ve weighed in at a loss by the end of shark week (especially compared to last month’s 6+ lb gain). Although, to be fair, last month I was a bit lax with my intake and I’m definitely more on plan these days. It’s nice to feel more in control this month. The squat challenge is going well; I have to do 90 today. Two small bits of homework over today and tomorrow plus one reflective journal entry and then homework for the week is done (just in time to be started all over again next week :lol:). I may not be checking in again until Monday, so I hope everyone has a happy Friday and a great weekend.

SW: 248.9
8/31: 248.9
GW: 240

Week 1:
9/1: 250.9 (+2.0)
9/2: 250.9 (+/-0) SW
9/3: 251.9 (+1.0) SW
9/4: 250.7 (-1.2) SW
9/5: 249.8 (-0.9) SW
9/6: 250.9 (+1.1) SW
9/7: 248.4 (-2.5) end of SW woosh :dancer:
Total for Week 1: -0.5
Total for September: -0.5

opheliaphoenix 09-07-2018 03:39 PM

Curvy: Thank you! I wasn't able to do a full-time schedule this semester, but life is still really busy at the moment in general. Thankfully, our oldest just got her driver's license last week, so - once her hard copy comes in - we will be able to get her parking permit, and she will be able to start driving herself to school and to most of her functions, so that will help a ton to redistribute some time to the other two and my other responsibilities. I've been eyeballing the mail for that card to come in, lol. (Also, I saw your question from last month about what I am pursuing...I am going into Nursing, but I'm starting over mostly from scratch, so I'm working on my prereqs now. Hoping to actually start taking some core classes along with them next semester!) Also, I hope you're able to find some work/life balance during this ultra-busy time of the year for you...sounds like you're having to go-go-go right now!

fitatfifty: Welcome! :wave:

Martine: Yes, they've started! I haven't done math in over 15 years, so that is the one I'm struggling to get reacquainted with at the moment. The others are stronger subjects for me, so they thankfully haven't been as stressful for me. It's thrown my whole schedule for a loop, so I'm off-track at the moment -- mostly just on the physical activity/exercise front, other than yesterday's extreme overindulgence. Haha. Hoping to jump back into things like you soon!

Kayla: They are going alright! Like I was telling Martine above, the math is kind of a struggle to get back into after so many years not really using it, but the others are going much more smoothly...lol. I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation, by the way! :)

Bloominbutterflies: I agree, it sounds like you had an amazing time! The peach cider sounds delicious, even if it would probably make me sick from how sweet it ended up being...lol. I love both apple and pear ciders, so I'd probably be willing to give it a try anyway. :lol: (P.S. Just read your other post, and I'm sending you hugs right now! I'm sorry about how things are with your parents and how rough it made things for you guys along the way. :hug:)


Admittedly, I'm not off to a great start for the month, but I'm taking this first week with a grain of salt because we had two birthdays here this week -- our middle child's was on the 1st, and mine was yesterday -- and, I consumed nearly 3K cals during the festivities yesterday -- that's double my usual intake! :o My husband got me my favorite lemon cream cake, so it was no holds barred at that point. :lol: Plus, the sodium was really high from dinner out on the town, as well. Oops! So, that is one pitfall I have found about only weighing weekly so far...if you have a bad day the day before your weigh-in, it could skew your whole perception of how the week was going in general. I could have been having a good loss week and bloated up from the extras, or I could have barely moved and am just still maintaining that few lb range. Not really sure! However, I'm hoping that everything will average out in the end and still show some kind of pattern to gauge. I think I'm too used to watching the daily ups and downs, lol.

First Friday: 168.8
Total Loss for Week One: +1.6 lbs.

Martine 09-09-2018 08:37 AM

opheliaphoenix Happy belated birthday! How lovely that your husband got you your favourite cake. I always say you should never count calories on your own birthday ;) Can I just say that I cannot believe that you are old enough to have a kid getting her driver's liscence, you look so young in your photo. Again congrats on pursuing a nursing degree. I used to love math in high school, it was my strongest subject and I would even ask my teacher for extra work when I was preparing for my final exam (yes, I was a nerd and still am). But it would take a lot of work for me to get back into it now, so I understand how you're feeling. Hope you'll work out a schedule to take care of yourself in all of this.

fitatfifty what a success this first week of September has been for you! Keep that streak going!

RunningRedHead great loss at the end of shark week. About squats, it's one of those exercises that I can do for a very long time without feeling muscle fatigue if that's all I'm doing. Are the reps in your challenge increasing each day or varying?

So I've not kept up with the exercise this week. I don't know why I'm not getting back into it other than I am tired all the time. I will try a full dose of Zzzzquill tonight for the first time and see if that makes a difference tomorrow. There will be no long walk for me this morning either, as it's currently 0°C/32°F with the windchill factor. I wanted a cool down but not like this.

hope everyone is enjoying a great weekend.

02: 4.4km walk + 40 minutes lower body strength training
03: 4km walk + 41 minutes upper body strength training
05: 4.4km walk

RunningRedHead 09-09-2018 05:08 PM

Just a quick check in for me, will do personals tomorrow.

SW: 248.9
9/7: 248.4
GW: 240

Week 2:
9/8: 248.8 (+0.4)
9/9: 248.8 (+/-0)

curvynotlumpy 09-09-2018 06:20 PM

:wave: and happy Sunday!

I've been in the office all day packing it up and getting it ready for the move in of new furniture on Friday afternoon. I actually started in small ways a couple of weeks ago so while there is plenty to pack it isn't too overwhelming. Friday and Saturday we held our retreat for the peers who will be working in my particular unit. It was very productive but it's been a long weekend. As for weight, who knows? I've been so busy I haven't checked since early last week. Must do better this week!

opheliaphoenix: Great to hear from you! Happy belated birthday to you :balloons:! It sounds like you had a wonderful and memorable weekend so the bump up in weight is justified. The lemon cream cake caught my eye and sounds :drool:. I had no idea you had a daughter old enough to drive :eek:! I only remember you writing about your little ones. Yes, once she has the hard copy of her license it will help tremendously in what and how you get tasks completed. Best of luck to you as you pursue your nursing degree :hug:. You and RunningRedHead should connect :comp:. One nurse and one nurse in training can never be a bad thing! :lol:

Martine: I hope the full dose of Zzzzquill helps and you get some sound and solid sleep. Regarding your weather...wow, from one extreme to the other :yikes:

fitatfifty: :bravo: on your consistency and impressive drop in weight!

bloominbutterflies: I like your suggestions about planning things but I would adjust them for one person. While I do enjoy doing things with other people I really like doing things on my own. I like knowing that I can set my own agenda and not worry that I'm impinging on others. However, your point is well taken, I need to plan :write:!

RunningRedHead 09-11-2018 03:35 PM

Casey: Happy belated birthday, to you and your middle child!! That cake sounds delicious! Glad to hear your pre-req’s are going well. I hear you on the math front; I can’t express how thrilled I am never to have to take another math class :lol: Also, I agree with Curvy; I know you’ll be practicing in another state and whatnot, but please feel free to reach out with any questions or if you want to pick someone’s brain about the nursing front- I would be happy to answer them any time if I can ;)

Martine: The reps vary each day, with the overall average each week increasing. I break them up into multiple sets though, as I don’t think I would be able to do more than 25-30 at a time without falling over or injuring myself :lol: Wow! I can’t believe how quickly the weather flipped from too hot and humid to too freezing for a walk with Loki!

Curvy: How exciting to be getting new furniture! The packing and moving is a lot of work, but I bet it will all look wonderful when all is said in done. Glad to hear the packing isn’t too overwhelming!

This week will be fun; I’m done picking up extra shifts for the foreseeable future, so I am very happy to get back into my normal swing of things. I have a heavy workload for school this week and I am taking my friend for a manicure for, unbeknownst to her, her proposal that will be happening this Friday. It was a challenge getting her to agree, as she is a dog-groomer by trade and manicures get destroyed in the blink of an eye (or a wag of the tail, if you will). I have sneakily convinced her to come with me for gel manicures as a gift from me under the guise that if she doesn’t like it then it’s no harm, no foul and she never has to get them again. Now to figure out how to covertly convince her to get French tip or any color but blue, as the ring her fiancée-to-be has chosen has sapphires alongside the diamonds. It’s a fun “problem” to have :lol:

I’m slowly making progress on my spare room, so it will be ready in time for the chair delivery in a couple of weeks. I shall procrastinate my paper a little bit longer while I try to figure out what to make for dinner. It’s relatively cool out, I think I could get away with making some stew in the crockpot… decisions, decisions ;)

Have a fantastic day, everyone :wave:

SW: 248.9
9/7: 248.4
GW: 240

Week 2:
9/8: 248.8 (+0.4)
9/9: 248.8 (+/-0)
9/10: 247.6 (-1.2)

All times are GMT -4. The time now is 12:24 PM.

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