290s accountability

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  • Not sure if a bottled protein shake as a fast/easy breakfast option on hectic days is something you've tried, but they worked for me as someone who prefers to sleep instead of getting up in time to be able to make breakfast. I like the Atkins brand because of the low sugar and high protein, plus I like the taste - and no, I don't follow that diet but those shakes turned out to be a good fit for me.

    I'm not in the 290's anymore, but I started at 291 just a few months ago so I hope its okay that I've joined in on the thread. It's just that I know about that # all too well and it resonated with me
  • Oye so I caught a glimmer of hope I know I am just dehydrated but I saw a 289 on the scale this AM it's trending in the right direction. Just need to be vigilant over the next few days and I might just make my goal to be out of the 290's by june.
  • Quote: Not sure if a bottled protein shake as a fast/easy breakfast option on hectic days is something you've tried, but they worked for me as someone who prefers to sleep instead of getting up in time to be able to make breakfast. I like the Atkins brand because of the low sugar and high protein, plus I like the taste - and no, I don't follow that diet but those shakes turned out to be a good fit for me.

    I'm not in the 290's anymore, but I started at 291 just a few months ago so I hope its okay that I've joined in on the thread. It's just that I know about that # all too well and it resonated with me
    Of course it's ok for you to join! We'll just call you Hope (as in, you are giving us some hope) Congrats on your loss!!!

    I just tried a Vegan Smart shake this morning. It's not bottled but you can make it in a shaker with cold water (and, e-hem, a shot of Cool Brew iced coffee concentrate if you're me) and it's fast and tasty. It was hard to find one that wasn't soy based (I have a hang up about soy) and they sponsor a few of my friends in their triathlete training so I'm happy to throw business their way. It's low in Points and the carbs are manageable (I'm diabetic) - I can even add PB2 and have a piece of fruit with it. So we shall see
  • back up at 292 as expected. Need to make more of an effort to make smart choices when I'm having fun with friends. :-|

    TSH - Hope the smoothies work for you.

    I'm trying whole grain toast and PB, and a small peice of fruit (and or half a peice of fruit). right now since i'm out of PB the past few mornings yoghurt, I'm pretty much diabetic too so I really need to figure this stuff out too. I didn't get around to making the fritata so I'll have to let you know if I get around to making it later in the week. (have plans for dinner/the evening so gotta go get ready now...)
  • I love peanut butter. I approve of eating it by any means possible!

    This morning I tried one of the Vegan Smart smoothies. It's good! But then I grew up on Slim Fast and actually LIKE the taste of these things so take that into account. You can just shake it up in cold water, which is good, but I like mine icy. I mixed it up in the blender with half a banana and half a cup of oats and a bunch of ice. I'm full, it was tasty, and as it's now too hot for real food I can see myself having these a lot. I did one this weekend with two shots of Cool Brew coffee concentrate (if you are an iced coffee fan, this is the stuff! It's local to NOLA but they're carrying it a lot of places now, and I think I heard that Fresh Market is carrying it nationally) and that was fantastic.

    I found some other smoothie packs and some Atkins shakes - I'm just going to go through all of them before I buy more and I'll probably go with the Vegan Smart because the nutrition looks best and the actual base is low in Points so I can add in other things to make them interesting.
  • TSH glad the smoothies are working for you.

    Sitting pretty at 291 this fine morning. If I can just melt off these 2 lbs. I'll be a slightly happier camper. I did "okay" last night. I went to a friends for dinner, ate moderate portions and strategically avoided the chocolates. And had minimal wine (half a small glass...) although I didn't say no to the pie. That could be an improvment.
  • 291 still had an egg/spinach/cheese and ham scramble this AM a bit decadent I realise but it was just nice to make breakfast leisurely. I thought about baking it so I could slice it and be less likely to eat the whole thing but didn't think I had time to let it cool. Oh well hopefully It'll start my day off right? hmm...
  • I'm 291 this morning. I'm determined to make it back into the 280s by June 1 AND STAY THERE this time!

    Also, side note, if there are any Coldwater Creek fans - they are going out of business. Everything is on sale on their main site and outlet site, I hear the deals are better in stores and at the outlet stores. It's not my style but I know a lot of people like them for "work clothes" so I thought I'd throw that out there for anyone who interested.

    I am the worst about not shopping for myself. I'm in a perpetual state of "not until I lose some weight" so my once interesting and stylish wardrobe is now a bunch of dresses from Old Navy and various sandals (dresses, leggings, and flats in the wither time) and like nine hundred v neck tee shirts.

    I keep telling myself I'm going to start seriously exercising but the kids are out of school and it's so much more fun to just GO DO STUFF all day. At least we're not sitting at home eating? That's a plus, right?

    Anyone have any exciting plans this summer?
  • TSH well if you are doing active stuff that involves being on your feet and walking that's gotta help. Right? PS I might be a rebel but I believe in having at least a core wardrop that makes you feel pretty at any size. One dress, or pants and shirt combo that you feel like you look your best in.

    Ironically for me, Old navy jeans and tank tops/shirts do that for me interms of casual wear. They just emphasise reverything in all the right ways. LOL
  • How you all doing?

    I am okay, woke up, had a good breakfast. I really hope all the eggs I'm eating don't spike my triglicerides and bad cholesterol. :-\ I had a scrambled egg with a little cooked quino, brocolli and onion, with 1/6 of a cup sharp cheddar for flavor as breakfast.

    Lunch not so great, 1 peice peanut butter toast. I don't have time to make it all the way home, eat and come back ontime today so that's what i happened to have on hand at work.

    May 28th, 3 days to meet our goal TSH, we can do this. I'm hosting a shindig on the weekend though so I better not let myself pop back up into the 290's on June 1st either. (right now the scales are tipping towards 289 so close... oh so close...)
  • Still trending downwards so thats good but I think its because of a glycogen depleted morning weigh in that showed me 287. Went for a walk last night I did have a snack when I got back. I just can't count on that 287 to stick around if I eat something not so healthy or don't go for a long walk tonight etc.

    If I can just make sure I don't screw it up on friday/saturday night I should be in the 280's for june 1st.
  • That's great!

    I'm 290.5. I think I'm going to eek this one out - I hope!

    Next week is going to be a challenge. I'll come back later and whine about it when I have the energy.
  • TSH - you can do it, hope you survive all the challenges. No I know you CAN do it

    We totally got this!
  • Hello folks. I used to be pretty active around the board but disappeared. You all know how it goes. Well, last Sunday I weighed for the first time in forever and hit the highest number I've ever seen. 295.4 and I never want to see that again! So this week I've been back on MyFitnessPal tracking everything and drinking lots of water. Tomorrow I weigh in and hope to see a smaller number.

    Here's to starting over....again!
  • I think maybe just maybe I am out of the 290's, for the second day in a row my weight has been 289 or 288. Woohoo. We can do this guys. If I can do it so can you I promise! Even if your not seeing results your still getting healthier, so you are still getting results even if they arent immediate and visible!