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Kukkie84 11-11-2011 08:24 AM

Never have I felt so grateful for a Friday... I really would like this workday to be over, and then to just veg out this evening and do nothing! Except catch up on a couple of days worth of the Young & Restless :lol: TOM hasn't shown up yet, but it is rearing its ugly head. Another gain for me, up 0.7 to 199.7 -it's frustrating seeing things move in the opposite direction. But I just can't wallow, because this morning I awoke a free woman, forever indebted to those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

crainjo 11-11-2011 08:32 AM

10/1: 215
11/1: 209
11/2: 207.8
11/3: 206.8
11/4: ???
11/5: ???
11/6: ???
11/7: 205.0
11/8: 204.6
11/9: 203.2
11/10: 202.2
11/11: 202.2

No change. I am ok with that. Had a late supper with some lean pork on a king's hawaiian bread bun with a little mayo and banana pepper. It was sooo good! It was later than I usually eat. So I am not that worried. I am roasting some maple balsamic brussel sprouts right now to eat on during the day today since I am home with the kiddos today. I have never tried this recipe before, so I hope I like them. I hope I can jump on the scale tomorrow afternoon after my long run and it will say 190 something!

aka8941 11-11-2011 09:17 AM

Oct 31-205.0
Nov 1-204.5
Nov 2-207.5
Nov 3-205.0
Nov 4-204.5
Nov 5-205.0
Nov 6-206.0
Nov 7-207.0
Nov 8-205.0
Nov 9-204.5
Nov 10-203.0
Nov 11-too high to even post

I had a pickle in a bag before bed last night. One of those sodium laden gas station pickles. IDK what possessed me to eat that? I know I don't deserve a 3 pound spike though. Ran 2.8 last night and then did free weights and sprints. I'm going back to bed, to get my full 8 hours. Didn't go to sleep until 3 last night. I'll re-weigh later, because that's just BS. Not taking the best care right now. pre-tom insomnia

Vixsin 11-11-2011 12:06 PM

Thanks gang. I knew all I needed to do was reach out for the support. I did great at the work breaky and stuck to the foods I brought from home and had some fruit that they brought. I've already eaten my lunch due to being mildly stressed from the work meeting. I am going to get out of the building in 15 minutes and go for a ride in the car. its a sunny day today. Too cold for me to take a walk. I dont have a jacket. But I am going to get out there to clear my head and then tackle my afternoon with a vengence.

I won't make it to the gym today. I am gearing myself up for some bodyweight work. I need to do upper body work today since I did lower yesterday.

I still feel shaky but I DO feel better than my first post this morning. I am looking forward to going home today with fresh eyes and clearing out the couple snacks that have made their way into my house.

I'm off to enjoy my half hour away from my desk! :)

Rainbowgirl 11-11-2011 03:24 PM

Diana3271: Congrats on the 0.6! My plan for this weekend? Ugh - CLEAN! Laundry and dishes and vacuuming *le sigh* :dizzy:

Vixsin: I echo Diana - you can do it! Put your blinders on, girl and just push through. You've made it this far, DO NOT give up! We're here for you!:hug:

Kukkie84: TOM sucks. I hope that it passes quickly. I think we can all be thankful on this day - if it weren't for the sacrifices of many, we may be living in a totally different world.

crainjo: Those brussel sprouts sound good. I love them - miniature cabbages as we call them. Good luck with the run!

aka8941: I didn't know gas stations sold pickles in bags? Maybe a US thing? Occasionally here you'll find fruit, but it's not very healthy looking (lol). Get some rest and hopefully you'll get the number you deserve!

Vixsin: Good on you for going for a drive to clear your head - and for having a plan! One day at a time!

November 6: 262.4
November 7: 257.7
November 8: 261.0
November 9: 261.2
November 10:260.0
November 11:: 259.4

Yesterday was ok. I didn't eat everything I should have (though nothing I *really* shouldn't have) so today I'm going to try a bit harder. Unfortunately, my finances are SUPER TIGHT! right now and I'm running out of "healthy" food - sooo.. I may have to abandon this diet for a few weeks soon until I get caught up again :(

crainjo 11-11-2011 05:06 PM

Just jumped on the scale after loading and unloading some wood for the winter....200.6. Hopefully I can be in ONDERLAND sometime tomorrow!

OnaMi 11-11-2011 05:17 PM

:wave: everybody..

No WI today. I felt/feel bloated,Feels like I'm retaining water,no BM in a couple of days and just need some good rest.I know by now that if i don't get some good rest and my body feels tight then I'm going to be up.I just haven't had the time to rest like i use too.
I do know that I've been eating on plan(Never altering),gyming and joging except for this morning.(went to a parade).But I'm in for the night! Told Mother,I'm not taking anybody anywhere or going to any event tomorrow (LW)! and WILL get some rest now :carrot: will lay down even before 6:30 tonight :spin:

Great job on the 4 lbs Kya :bravo: keep on keeping on :sumo:Thanks :) and you're welcome :)

HayDiana :wave: have a great weekend.It's it a great weekend when you don't HAVE to do anything,can sleep in or HAVE to go anywherer :D

Thinking of Angie,LCW and Aimee,hope all is well :(

Glad you're feeling better Rennie :hug: great WI :cp: thanks :)

Enjoy your workout tonight Lori :) you're doing great this month :cp: sounds like a fun time w/your kids joining in,that's nice.:) your children look so sweet.Nice picture :)

Great job on the .6 Rainbow :cp: try to make the best choices possible until things get better and they will :hug:

Stay strong Vixsin :hug: you've shown that you can acheive anything when you put your Mind to it :sumo: we all have to regroup every now and then and come back strong.Daily weighers are fighters :grouphug:

You're going to be in the 90's real soon Crainjo :yes: enjoy your run :)

Hay Aka :wave:

Everythings going to be alright KuKKie.You've been doing great.Have a great weekend :)

LoriAS 11-11-2011 06:46 PM

down another pound today. did not cheat today despite all the cookies and donuts around for veterans day! stayed strong aand plan on working out in about an hour with the kiddies.

love2b150 11-11-2011 08:17 PM

Well I guess I acted in a hast where my stomach was concerned. I started belching these horrid burps, sulfur like. Not sure where they came from, I drank some green tea with honey maybe a hour before bed and ended up staying up until 3a.m. because I felt so nauseous. I woke up at 5a.m. running to the bathroom. I weighed in at 179.6. My stomach gurgled until around 2:30 today. My daughter brought me some soup and saltines which I managed to eat and not go back to the bathroom. I had a second bowl for dinner with low salt Ritz. Also had a ginger ale and I am now starting on my water. I think I'll eat the same way tomorrow plus something for breakfast. Any suggestions on what I should have for breakfast. The one good thing is since I was up so late I got a ton of cleaning done.

My numbers ~ calories 875, carbs 137, protein 19, sodium 4130 <--- canned soup and saltines

Diana good job on the .6 down. :) No plans for the weekend, just need to collect the remainder of the girl scout peanut money. Oh joy :D

Vixsin I hope things get better and come together for you (and me). We will get through this :hug: Good Luck. Have a great weekend :hug:

Kukkie, hope your weekend goes like you want and you can just veg out :)

crainjo that King's Hawaiian bread is delicious. I can't just eat one so I look at it but never bring it to the house :). How were the brussel sprouts? I'm sure you'll see the 190's soon :) You are there :high: here's an early :welcome: to ONEderland :)

Amanda I love those pickles especially the juice. Yummy. Sorry for you gain. I know what you mean about reweighing after your normal number of hours of sleep. I reweighed also and saw a number I am hoping to see tomorrow. :) I think it's been said to eat some asparagus and drink plenty of water and it should go down. Hoping for a great weigh in tomorrow :hug:

Rainbow good job on the .6. Try to do the best you can with your eating those few weeks :) with that said I know that you will :hug: If your cell plan allows texting to the states we can be text buddies. It helps when you don't want to get on here or can't check in, just to talk it out. We also have a FB group. Not many of us on it and it isn't quite as active but it's there. :hug:

Rest well Ona :hug: Thanks felt crappy earlier but better now just like last evening I hope this stomach thing is done Whew ;)

Lori good job on the pound down :) and have fun with the children :)

:wave: Aimee, Angie, Coondocks, Gale, LGW, Kya :grouphug:

aka8941 11-11-2011 09:33 PM

UGGGHH now the scale says 211. I think I need a break...I'm cracking up here. anyone else have TOM go MIA when they start exercising really hard? I'm taking a break, and I'll be back on Monday.

baker23 11-12-2011 01:46 AM

198.2 this morning :). Down from 200 on monday. Hoping to NEVER see it go above 200 again..

Diana3271 11-12-2011 06:25 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! :wave: I hope you have a great weekend!

Well, I went to be too late and woke up too early. :(

Calories for yesterday: 1540 + :coffee2:

Weigh In: 144.2

Down: 1.2 pounds

Rainbowgirl What do you mean by "abandon this diet"? What will your plan be for the next few weeks?

crainjo I hope you see Onederland this morning. :crossed:

Ona I hope you got more rest than me last night.

LoriAS Congrats on that pound!

Rennie What do you think your stomach issues are from? A virus, or something else? I hope you are better today.

AKA Sometimes when you lose weight it messes with the estrogen in your body. Estrogen is stored in the fat. All of that estrogen is released into the body. It can cause a variety of issues.

baker23 Congrats on Onederland!

crainjo 11-12-2011 07:49 AM

10/1: 215
11/1: 209
11/2: 207.8
11/3: 206.8
11/4: ???
11/5: ???
11/6: ???
11/7: 205.0
11/8: 204.6
11/9: 203.2
11/10: 202.2
11/11: 202.2
11/12: 201.2

Well, it did not happen. Guess I was a little underhydrated yesterday afternoon when I weighed. Well gonna get 7 to 10 miles in today, so maybe tomorrow. 4 pound since Monday...I can't complain.

Kukkie84 11-12-2011 08:43 AM

Morning everyone! I am down 1.5 this morning to 198.2 - I saw everything from 197.8 to 198.6 this morning. The 198.2 was the only number to show up consistently several times, so I'm taking it. My house is a mess, so total housecleaning day today, but I got a solid 12 hours of sleep last night, I practically crashed and burned when I got home yesterday :lol:
Hope everyone has a great day/weekend.

LoriAS 11-12-2011 09:29 AM

Morning everyone! Holding steady at 201 today. Got home later than expected last night with the kids so decided not to work out. Last time I worked out at 7 and had trouble getting to sleep. Last nigh it was 7:45 before I was even home.

Stayed OP yesterday and hoping to today as the weekends are the worst for me. I do a geat job of planning meals for myself during the week, but not so much on sat and sun.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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