3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Purplefirefly 08-23-2011 12:31 AM

We are now officially in our house and I am working on creating a sense of "normal" again. Everything is different. My entire life has changed in the past four weeks, but at least I am now in our house and I feel at home.

So, I am spending some time reviewing my Writer's Diet before bed tonight, then I will be up early and back to my plan that had me losing weight before. I know I will have to change things as my life is different now, but I realize I have a lot going for me right now. I have this HUGE yard now, we are out in the country, so all I have to do is walk out the door to exercise whenever I want. No worries about childcare now.

I think the scale should be down when i weight in the morning...guess all the exhaustion of moving has its perks.

ShoeCrazy:I am the same way with food plans. I end up eating something completely different every time. For some reason, I love planning things (in all aspects of life) but I am not good at following the plan. I just want to plan and organize while someone else actually does it :p

Zinkemom:I won't go into my life story, but I relate a lot to your experiences. I have been through a similar journey, so just know that you are not alone.

TransformingMyself 08-23-2011 09:00 AM

Good morning everyone! :)

Thanks ShoeCrazy :) Don't beat yourself up over it. All you can do is take one day at a time. Did you at least pick up your chicken breast and Greek yogurt? I love Costco! You have to pick up their Kirkland brand organic 21 herb and spice non sodium seasoning. It is the best! I use it on EVERYTHING. I do not cook with salt.

MrsTee, I haven't researched/read BDS, so I don't know the game plan. If something doesn't work for you, you can always modify it. Just like with a workout exercise. I think, it is their way of you staying connected, and thinking of what your game plan is each day. That is how I take it anyways. ;) I food shop/plan/prep every Saturday. I come up with my menu for a full week (nothing on specific days, just 7 meals, and i eat what I want that day). I also cook certain meals, and freeze them, so I have some easy and quick days. I make it as easy as possible. My dinner will be lunch the following day, so I make extra, and it is less to think/worry about. Some people think it is too much work, but it really isn't. I spend one day planning/shopping/cooking. I don't think that is too much, especially since I am benefiting from it. I haven't felt this great in a long time.

zinkermomx2, Life struggles, events, always get in our way. It is like someone is testing us. I know for me anyways. Last time I was eating healthy and losing weight, I lost a total of 45 lbs, and my mom passed away, it was a very hard time, I gave up on myself, gained that 45 back, plus another 26 lbs. We just need to take each day at at time. Take care of our bodies, if we dont, no one will. Right now is the time to do it, as we get older it will become harder. Sorry for your life struggles. Just know you can do it! We can do anything we set our minds to. The key to success is planning, and writing down your goals. Goals that are not written down are only dreams.

martini, I used eating as comfort tool too. I love food! My husband would take me out, cook great meals, because he saw the smile it put on my face. My problem was portion sizes, I always ate a lot. I wasn't a dessert/snacks kind of girl. I loved steak, potatoes, bread/rolls, anything fried etc. The thing I realized was, yes I was happy eating it, but I wasn't happy afterwards or when I looked in the mirror. I have been on plan since July 1, 2011 and have not given into temptation. You all know it is everywhere. LOL You just have to ask yourself "what do I want more?" the answer is always there, and for me, it is to be healthy and fit, and to LOVE who I see in the mirror. :)

PghGal, Yes there are lots of ways to reward yourself, that do not include food. Then again it could, it could be the food that costs a little too much, or isn't on sale this week. Splurge on it! :) I love hair/skin stuff. So I will buy a new hair brush/comb, clips, lotion or facial cleanser. Sometimes new makeup. That makes me feel good. ;) I love your comment "I want to live...instead of watching others live while I go through the motions" That is how I felt! In the past, on our vacations, I wouldn't go swimming because of my weight, I didn't want anyone to see me in a bathing suit. I didn't have a great time. Such a waste of time, and money.

Lovely, Sounds like your plan is working great for you! :)

Kiki, that is great! :)

Purplefirefly, Congrats on your new house! I know you love that! Let us know how the scale treats you. :)

I hope all of you have a good productive day!

geoblewis 08-23-2011 06:44 PM

Hi girls. Quick check-in here. Nice to see you all!

Been very busy with issues with my mother and it's been affecting my workout schedule, but I've been on track with the food plan. Until today. I have a serious case of the munchies!

Strange things going on with weight issues over the last three weeks. Up, down, way up, now way down. For the last week, the appetite is way up, but I cut every shred of sugar out and increased fiber to over 50 gm a day, which included some of the Julian Bakery bread which gain all their carbs from fiber. And a whole avocado a day as well. LOTS of veggies, plus up to 100 gm of protein. An occasional glass of wine, and more than 50% of my calories from healthy fats. My calories were averaging 2200, which is over my BMR at my current weight. And I've dropped about half a pound a day every day this week.

I'm just going to coast on that behavior for awhile, because I can totally live like that!

martini 08-23-2011 06:58 PM

Hello everyone! :wave:

I wanted to check in and say hello to all of you wonderful, wonderful ladies. I remain on plan and things are going well. I'm joining a gym tomorrow and am really excited about that!

It's really nice to be able to focus on living and not dieting so far this week. Fingers crossed that this peace of mind lasts through the weekend!

MrsTee 08-23-2011 07:29 PM

Hi all,

Quick hello today ,nothing much out of the ordinary to report, WI day tomorrow - hopefully something to report then!

I'm approaching 4 months on plan 1st September - and so far, have not had a major break out and binge/overeat.
I feel like there is a switch in my brain - over the years I seem to be eitherall good or cannot-keep-to-a-plan-for -longer-than-5 minutes. I don't ever seem to diet a bit. It seems to be all or nothing for me. I know I suffer a lot from the oh well I've had half a biscuit so may as well eat the entire packet syndrome....

I give myself permission to fail, with the promise of being better tomorrow....

This is something long term I must change - that I can eat half a biscuit and leave it at that?

ShoeCrazy 08-23-2011 08:55 PM

Hi Everyone!

Transforming: I DID get the chicken breast and Greek yogurt. I love love love Fage 0% but the Kirkland Greek yogurt is pretty good for the difference in cost. I will definitely try their organic 21 herb and spice nonsodium seasoning. Thanks! Have you tried their cinnamon? Omigosh, I could NOT believe how much better it tastes. I’m happy to say that my Costco debacle was contained to Friday at Costco. I did not cave and get the KFC with mashed taters and gravy.

Kiki: I’m glad the scale is moving for you! I weigh in tomorrow :crossed:

Purplefirefly: Hope you feel settled and adjusted to your “new normal” soon. One thing is for sure—you can plan from wherever! It’s the execution that you and I have to work on :D

Georgia: I Googled Julian Bakery bread and found it (sort of) near me. I’m going to drive over on Saturday and check it out. Thanks!!

MrsTee: When you said you give yourself permission to fail with a promise of being better tomorrow, I thought: you are singing my song, sister! Besides last Friday when I stopped myself, I don’t remember a time when I didn’t go off plan for a day, a week or a month if I ate a bit of something not planned. I weigh tomorrow so we’ll see what the scale says about my efforts. Regardless, I recognize that I stopped myself once and I hope I can do it again and again.

Ok, it’s storming here so I better get off this computer for now. I’ll let everyone know tomorrow how weigh in goes. Maybe I’ll even post from work…

Purplefirefly 08-24-2011 07:41 AM

Unpacked the scale this morning and I am down. It feels good to see the numbers moving again!!!! I went out for an hour walk yesterday and the yard around this house is just perfect. My little girl walked with me for 35 minutes, so this is going to be good for her as well.

Off to change my ticker! Yay!

Lovely 08-24-2011 03:56 PM

Extremely busy week for me...

Brother and his fiancee are down visiting until Friday night.

I am SO proud of myself for yesterday. Fiancee had an appointment. So, I took my walk on the treadmill, we all went out to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch. Then went to said appointment, and had a good evening when we got back home. I stayed on plan the whole day... even with going to the restaurant! I ordered a salmon salad with dressing on the side. I didn't even touch the bread basket. I ate half of the salmon and then enjoyed the salad with a tablespoon of the dressing. I have to say that I stopped early on the salmon... because it just wasn't that good. So happy with myself for making those good decisions yesterday.

More challenges are up ahead, though.

Today so far: I already took my walk. We all went out to buy some groceries. Tonight I have dinner with her family, and while I don't know what they're making I DO know that I can control my portion.

Tomorrow we're going into the city to take our time at the Museum of Fine Arts. I'm VERY excited about this, not only is it good for activity, but I haven't been to a museum in a long time. Then we're going to a restaurant (again). The good news is that you control everything that the chefs cook right in front of you. So no excuses. I can stay within my points.

Friday is going to be mini-golf, ice cream and either a baseball game or a movie at night. Again, some good movement and walking for part of the day, I'm allowed the ice cream, I just need to get a small amount of my favorite and enjoy it.

Saturday, they leave that night, but they want to try out the Korean restaurant nearby. I haven't been there in a good long while so I will enjoy it, but I still need to keep a close eye on my portions.

Oh boy. Seems like I'm playing Tetris with my food schedule this week. I'm still following the days that I've read so far in the Beck Diet Solution, but while they're here I'm not going to add anything "new" on. I figure making it through this week and sticking to plan will be enough of an adventure.

Purplefirefly - Congratulations on the move AND on seeing the scale go down :D

Martini - Enjoy the gym! Let us know how it goes :yes:

Transforming - :wave: :D

- Sounds like things are moving along nicely! Woohoo! Keep at it!

MrsT - You're definitely not the only person who suffers from the all-or-nothing. Time. Time and practice. That's the only thing I can think of that would cure that ailment. :hug: And it may never be "fully" cured. Just manageable.

- Hope weigh-in went well :goodscale

Big :grouphug: to everyone! Keep strong ^_^

ShoeCrazy 08-24-2011 07:23 PM

Scale said 264.2 :D Down 2.2 :carrot: It makes all the little (and BIG!) decisions throughout the week so worth it when the scale moves down!

Lovely, fantastic job staying on plan--especially at Cheesecake Factory. AWESOME!!

martini 08-24-2011 08:36 PM

MrsTee - I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your weigh in this week is a good one! Can't wait to hear how it turned out!

Lovely - OMG! Woo hoo for not eating something because it just wasn't that good!! Maybe it's not a biggie for you, but I cannot even begin to think about how many times I've just mindlessly shoveled stuff in because it's there. So even if you're not celebrating that, I certainly am!

Georgia, ShoeCrazy, purplefirefly, zinke, transformingmyself - Hey hey ladies! What's up?

Gym membership is turning into a multi-visit saga. More on that and today's weigh in later.

MrsTee 08-24-2011 09:01 PM

Morning all.

WI day takes another .9 kilo off my ample behind, which brings my total loss to 23 kilos or 50.7 pounds.

A NSV to boot - I put on my work slacks this morning, a pair that 4 months ago I could not even get done up - in fact no where near done up- and I just pulled them on, did not undo the button or zipper. In fact they are just about ready for the fat clothes bin...


I am losing nicely from everywhere but my caboose/belly/hips are so much slower than everywhere else!!!!!! I can't wait for them to catch up a bit....

martini 08-24-2011 09:16 PM

MrsTee - :cp::cp::cp::cp::cp::cp::cp::cp::cp::cp::cp::cp:

MrsTee 08-24-2011 11:05 PM

Well in /the land of Aus its 25th August - 4 months until Santa comes!!!


What are we going to do?

Start a thread and count the days down ( a la 4 3 2 1 blastoff) its 122 days until Christmas?
Set goals for each month?
Set a challenge who can go the closest to their target weight?

Open to suggestions girls and boys!!

Lovely 08-24-2011 11:37 PM

Evening guys and gals!

ShoeCrazy - Yay! Grats on the weigh-in! :D :D :D

Martini - You and I are on the same page about eating things just because they were there. It was definitely a big deal to think to myself "Eh. This doesn't really taste all that great. I'll just stop here." I mean... that doesn't happen in my head, but it happened! Crazy fantastic.

MrsT - Woot woot! Yay for the scale! :yay: And grats on that awesome NSV!

:lol: I dunno that Christmas has been on my mind at all, yet! I'm just happy to be in an active, upbeat group who are aiming for the long-haul together!

Tomorrow... Lots of activity in the works. Going into the city to check out the Museum of Fine Arts, and then heading to a restaurant. The good: Walking everywhere in the city, as well as around the museum. The restaurant allows you to pick -exactly- what goes into your food AND it's cooked in front of you. The challenging: It's a lot of activity so I might get a little exhausted. And I'll still be tempted at the restaurant to pick out not-so-great things.

ETA: Forgot to say that TODAY was awesome, too. We went to have dinner at the fiancee's family's house and there was grilled chicken, some potatoes, and some corn salsa, plus ice cream for dessert.

It was all yummy, and I ate only until satisfied. I did indulge in a little ice cream... but -again- I stopped early. This time it was because I know that I'm having ice cream later in the week so I didn't need to eat all of this ice cream.

I'm off to get a good rest so I can get up early and have a solid breakfast.

martini 08-25-2011 05:07 AM

The nice thing about posting on these threads is that I can go back and look through to see what I was feeling a few days ago. I see yesterday I had said something along the lines of "it's nice to not be thinking about dieting." On another thread I mentioned problems with navigating my workplace cafeteria.

Well, I have now learned that not focusing on dieting and eating in restaurants comes with a price. I lost half a pound this week.

I'm not torn up about it. I am disappointed, but not overly so. This has been a good learning week. I'm trying to put things in perspective and remember that I'm learning how to eat for a lifetime, not for a diet. There's got to be a learning curve on this process.

On the up side, I can navigate buffets and keep track of calories well enough to maintain my weight. On the other hand, it's very clear that I need to be much, much more stringent about measuring and I need to start exercising.

I joined a gym today. There's a window each month where you can sign up for the gym and then the membership kicks in on the first of the month. I'll start working out on September 1. I'm excited about that. The avoiding restaurants has begun today and that's good, too.

Thanks for giving me the space to vent. Hope you all are doing well on your plans!

Edited to add...

MrsTee: I love the thought of a Christmas challenge, but I haven't the foggiest idea what kind of challenge. I'm very much open to suggestions!

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