3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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geoblewis 08-04-2011 03:16 AM

I spent the entire day on the computer today. Troubleshooting code on a website that I was working on. I loved the work, but now my ankles are swollen, as are my hands. I'm happy that I worked out the issues I had with the website. @Lovely, I got to stay on track with the food today because I was too busy and absorbed with work to remember to eat. Doesn't happen often, so it was nice.

Tomorrow I get to play at work. I'm going to help my friend at her health food store. It's Celiac Awareness day at the store and I'm helping with cooking demonstrations and passing out samples. I'm happy that I'll be active all day, and I'll get to teach people about cooking. It's one of my favorite things to do.

I have good shoes to wear to the store tomorrow. You're right, @Kiki, comfortable shoes are everything!

Time to sleep!

Wyllowbelle 08-04-2011 02:07 PM

HA! 4 new blisters today - even posh posh running shoes I suppose take getting used to. And I got these to support the fact that my ankles fold in so I'm being "supported" on parts of my feet that have never felt shoe before. You have to know, I'm barefoot or in flip flops any other time. I even work barefoot!!

But, I did "Cardiac Hill" this morning and lived to tell the tale. I HATE that it's already over 80 degrees here by 7 am. I'm trying to stay up late to snuggle with Eric, but MAN that 630 wake up to get out the door seems awful early when it happens. My nightowl tendencies are getting the best of me.

I got my license to teach Music Together here in AZ two days ago. I'm already getting great feedback. I'll be starting Fall semester on September 19th and I'm really wanting these fitness and eating habits to stick. It's easy to make so much time for ME when I have a summer off to do it. Not sure how it goes when things start up full swing. I'm also taking a few Photography classes at the college. Deep Breath.

Geo- Computers can really stink. I get tied to mine when I'm doing photo edits. I can only IMAGINE how much time they snorg up when you're writing programs to make them work! What an amazing brain you have! Have fun on your Play day! Oh and I'm doing Pilates too - I have a Marshmallow core. My GOODNESS the muscles they find. I think, maybe, I can feel it working now that I've done it for a few weeks. I am certainly more aware of "tension" and "core" and my butt muscles than I ever have been before.

Lovely - Proud of you for walking! Strength and Willpower of STEEL, Girl!

Mrs T - They are like 100 bucks normally - got them on sale at Penney's for 60. STILL more than I think I've ever paid for shoes (other than my Cherry Blossom Doc Martins) EVER. I'm used to 3 buck flops! 14 WEEKS! You're AMAZING! Inspiring! (I'm on week 3 - smirk)

Have a good Day, Ladies!! Keep on Keepin on!


MrsTee 08-04-2011 07:05 PM

Morning Ladies!!

NSV - I bought 2 nice tops last night, 2 sizes smaller than the last time I shopped in April. GOOD FEELING!!!!!

geoblewis 08-05-2011 11:50 AM

@Wyllow, I had been doing Pilates, from three to five times a week, for about a year when my younger son asked me about my abs. I hadn't really checked on their progress. I just knew that I was getting stronger because I was capable of doing more and more each month. So I tightened up the core and we poked my abs. Wow! It was so cool to discover that I had rock-hard abs underneath all my fluffy layers! I walked around for nearly a month asking people to take a poke at my abs (I was so embarrasing to my son) and they were all impressed and amazed. Stick with it! I can hold straight planks for nearly two minutes now, and if I didn't weigh so much, I'd be doing pushups already.

So, having said all of that, I'm officially taking a break from my Pilates class. Kills me to do it. Actually, I already was off exercising regularly because of having to take care of my mother's ever-changing needs. (Last night I missed Pilates class because she was dying from the stress of her lawn going dry and the sprinklers not working properly. But she couldn't communicate the cause of her near-death-experience over the phone because she knew I wouldn't come over. So she lied. Again!!!) I'll exercise when I can. Yesterday, I worked at my friend's healthfood store the whole day (on my feet walking around) and then walked later on. I was tired to the bone last night! I am off the regular Pilates class until I can figure out what to do with my mother. No sense paying all that money if I can't do it when I have time. So I'll do it at home. I have tapes, equipment, even the motivation.

I have a rowing machine parked on my backyard patio and have been rowing when I can. But it can get a little boring at times. So I bought a dvd that has four rowing workouts (plus yoga for rowers), and a blu-ray of nature scenes that involve water. I'm going to set up the dvd player and a spare TV that I have out on the patio so I can row with something to look at.

Today we're going to start cleaning out the garage. It may take me all weekend! Hope to burn some old calories as I'm cleaning out cobwebs.

zinkemomx2 08-05-2011 02:41 PM

OMG I think I am dying. I took the kids down to my mom's for a few days. An old high school friend was also in town so spent a bunch of time with her. Wednesday night was spent at her house giggling half the night like we used to do back in high school. Thursday we took her kids, another friend and her kids plus mine to the beach. I was really careful about making sure all of us had sunscreen. About 90 mins later I even carefully reapplied everyone's. Yet my back is burned to a crisp.
We woke up this morning and headed to the local indoor water park. That actually felt good while we were in the water. But now that I am home again it feels like it is on fire. :(

The good news is that I think I did pretty good calorie wise and I did get in at least 2 hours of beach play time and 2 hours of water park play time. Off to start figuring the food from the last few days and then to finish unpacking. I'm gonna have to keep busy this afternoon since I didn't see a scale the last few days.

Lovely 08-05-2011 03:40 PM

Good afternoon & happy weekend, ladies :grouphug:

Georgia - Wow...your mother really knows how to get what she wants. I'm still wishing you a lot of strength during this month. :hug: Way to go on rowing when you get the chance, and I hope you get an awesome workout while cleaning out the garage! Hauling stuff is great for burning calories.

Kiki - Willpower of STEEL... legs of LEAD!~ :rofl: ;) Changing schedules can be crazy, but you'll get the hang of it within a couple weeks and note when you have the most time for yourself. :yes: You'll find a way. We always can! Shoes can be hard to get used to, but within a couple weeks you'll wonder what you did without them for walking.

MrsT - NICE NSV! :high:

Zinke - Yikes!!!! At least you were out doing stuff. Make sure to keep sunburn lotion on it *gentle :hug:* Keep on keepin' busy!

I've been doing okay. I've got food shopping to do this weekend, but I've got three different stores to visit, because I have to get some more produce (that's one store), then I'm going to Trader Joe's (though I really like shopping there, it's like a treat since they have such fun items to try), and then a run of the mill super market (which has everything else I use during the week at decent prices).

I'm going to get dressed, and I think I'll go to Trader Joe's when the husband comes home. That way I can relax at the store tonight, get shopping done, and ... it'll be a Friday treat to be out with the car. (Right now we only have one car, so I'm often stuck at home.)

I got in a good workout yesterday. Added planks and lunges to my body weight routine. My muscles are so weak. I feel silly doing these exercises, because sometimes I can't even hold out for the "minimum". *sigh* I'm hoping just like weight loss that over time I'll see improvements.

Off to a good start for a great weekend~ Keep cool, everyone!

Purplefirefly 08-05-2011 03:41 PM

Hi ladies! I am an older member who hasn't been around for awhile...and you can tell it because I am at my highest weight ever. I have not been weighing myself over the past two years because some very stressful things have been going on and I didn't have anything left to give to weight loss. To be completely honest, I surrendered to stress and emotional turmoil and gave up on myself for a couple years.

Last night I got out the scale and faced reality. I have gone from almost to my goal weight to almost 300 pounds in a matter of 2 years. I have decided that my life is still not perfect, a lot of bad things are still happening, but I have to put myself first. I think this will actually make some of the bad things better in a way.

So....i need a place to chat and feel connected and this group seems active and friendly, so i would love to join you all. I still have to figure out exactly what my plan is as what I was doing before to lose will no longer fit my lifestyle.

My biggest obstacle is that I work online long hours, which means I have to focus hard now on getting some movement into my day. We are also kind of in between two houses and money is going to be very tight until we get settled in one place, so eating healthy is a challenge. I know I can figure something out, just have to come up with some reasonable plan that is doable right now.

zinkemomx2 08-05-2011 05:17 PM

I've been forcing the kids to keep it moisturized for me. What I really want to do is sit around topless because even my softest t-shirt doesn't feel so great. Oh well. Live and learn to let someone else apply my sunscreen.

Welcome back :wave: I think I might remember you Purple. Maybe from the Biggest Loser challenges a few years back? I'm in nearly the same boat. I wandered away from 3FC and did nothing but gain. I started around 260 and had gotten down to 228. within a year I was up just a few pounds from 300. :(

I did go figure out my calories. Overall I think I did well. Wednesday I had saved about 700 calories for some adult beverages but we never had them. On Thursday I was over about 1000 thanks to the frappe I indulged in. But with the deficit from Wed and the play time at the beach I think that is okay. I have about 300 calories left for dinner tonight not including some activity calories I can dip into if needed. I guess I'll just have to wait for the scale in the morning and to remember that my body might be holding onto water due to my burn.

keekles 08-05-2011 05:39 PM

I've been hovering at 201-201.5 for weeks now and it sucks. As Lady Gaga says, I'm on the Edge of Glory!!! Can't wait to see that magical number 1 at the beginning of my weight on the scale. I'm gonna do tons of exercise tonight and tomorrow and hope I can push it down by Sunday. :)

Lovely 08-05-2011 09:28 PM

Purplefirefly - WELCOME! :D Of course, you can post here and join with us whenever you want! :hug: A similar thing happened to me. Put on almost 100 pounds in 2 years when I wasn't watching :no: Rejoined 3FC with a new name. But, here I am. And here you are. And here we go! :grouphug:

Zinke - Those calories sound pretty balanced out after a day of saving some and then the treat the next day. :yes:

- Keep it up! How great you're so close!

MrsTee 08-05-2011 09:57 PM

Morning all!!

Georgia - aging parents is a whole new world of issues isn't it? Its such a small window from looking after kids to the next phase..... So important to look after us - but where's the time!?!?! Such a balancing act..
Chin up girlie!!!!!

Hi everyone else and welcome purple!! WE are a pretty good gang here...and I'm guessing we have ALL been where you are - I certainly have, more than once. But no pont looking back just forward...

Keekles - you may be the first ONEDERLAND graduate -in-waiting we've ever had on this thread - YOU can do it!!!!!!

Busy weekend of my netball finals, unlikely to be a totally on plan time, lots of celebrating/commiserating functions planned. I'll do my best - but either way I am looking forward to a glass of wine, have not had one in 3 months!!!

SLIMplicity 08-05-2011 09:58 PM

Hi, I'm kinda new.. on my third week of weight watchers..
I've lost 6 lbs so far.. I'm 100 lbs overweight.. 267 was my highest weight ever..
I have been steadily gaining over the past 5 years..
I was 198 five years ago before I got pregnant with my first.. I remember feeling really great about my body, still overweight but not grossly obese.. I've been kinda in denial that I had a weight issue.. I have always felt attractive and always have male attention.. Tho I think one said he was a "chubby chaser" ...sometimes I get nervous about being thinner and in a different pool of women ( the thin ones) they just seem so competitive..

I have had a weight problem since my teenage years..I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 17.. Have all the symptoms ( easy weight gain, irregular periods, mood swings, facial hair..)

I want to lose this weight and be healthy.. for the first time in my adult life I want to be a normal weight. I want to see what that feels like, looks like.. even if it means I gotta fight with the "skinny biatches" hehehe :devil:

MrsTee 08-05-2011 10:21 PM

Hi Slim!

Your story is all too familiar to most of us here -rest assured you are not alone in your efforts to move forwards to the best slim you that you can be!
I think I too could do denial as an Olympic sport! How else could I not notice how overweight I was??????????????

But looking backwards it fruitless, let's hold hands and move forwards into health and slimness!!!!

Lovely 08-06-2011 02:20 PM

Happy Saturday! :D

MrsT - Did you get that glass of wine you were looking forward to? :hat: Enjoy your busy weekend of celebrations!

Slim - Definitely not alone. I'm a WW member, too =) Regardless of the method, though, we're all just here to work our way slowly down through the two hundreds. Join in with us! :D

I must've been tired! I slept and slept and slept.

I had a diet dream the other night you ladies might enjoy. I was at the mall with two friends (mind you these are not real life friends, they were friends in my dream, though)... one was fairly thin and was ordering all this junk from the foodcourt. Cookies, and milkshakes and all sorts of things. And I was tempted to join her. But the other friend, who was a little heavier and was watching her weight said to me, "Look. You already have a drink. Do you really want all that other stuff?" And I said, "No, you're right. I'm content with what I have."

...I was eating right in my dreams! :lol: I guess something's working, right?

Tonight, I'm excited to be making homemade pizza! Well, I bought the dough, but the rest I get to have pizza and completely control what goes onto it so my Points will be accurate!

I'm getting lunch at the moment, and may go food shopping later in the evening. So far an enjoyable day =)

Purplefirefly 08-06-2011 06:43 PM

Thanks for the welcome everyone! It's nice to hear others have gone through this, but I kinda figured since maintaining is so darn hard.

I went grocery shopping today and officially started watching what i eat again. Hubby is not being real supportive, so we will need to have a talk tonight I guess. He thinks I am beautiful how I am and should be proud of my body and just not care, blah blah...but I know it is insecurity with him. If I start losing weight he has to get himself together or he thinks I will leave him...we have gone through this all before so I may just have to accept that he will not support this. That makes it harder, but since I earn most of our money right now there isn't much he can say about what I buy.

Keekles:That would drive me crazy being SOOOO close! I am so excited for you! yay!

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