How to you deal when your weight loss slows down?

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  • Ive been on my weight loss journey for 8 months today and have lost 90 pounds and have 45 pounds to go. My weight loss has really slowed down thou and im finding it very frustarting to deal with. I use to lose 2 to 4 pounds a week but for the past 2 months I only lose 1 to 2 pounds a week and Im lucky if I lose 3 pounds in a week. So how do you guys deal with the weight loss slowing down? Do you find it frustrating too?
  • I am right there with you. Yes, it is frustrating. Yes, I want to be DONE already. But then I remember I am changing my lifestyle and eating healthy for life. So what if it takes me another year, I'm a lot healthier now than I was 75lbs ago.

    Also, I look at maybe changing up my workout routine, tweaking my balance of carbs/fats/protein, to see if maybe I can rev up my metabolism. Sometimes this works. Sometimes I'll eat at maintenance levels for a few days, and then lower my calories back down.

    I mean, I'd rather be smaller and losing it slower than bigger and losing it faster.
  • Quote: I am right there with you. Yes, it is frustrating. Yes, I want to be DONE already. But then I remember I am changing my lifestyle and eating healthy for life. So what if it takes me another year, I'm a lot healthier now than I was 75lbs ago.

    Also, I look at maybe changing up my workout routine, tweaking my balance of carbs/fats/protein, to see if maybe I can rev up my metabolism. Sometimes this works. Sometimes I'll eat at maintenance levels for a few days, and then lower my calories back down.

    I mean, I'd rather be smaller and losing it slower than bigger and losing it faster.
    Your last statement is SO right thank you for that
  • the way to look at it is 1 pound is better than 0
    but then again i've had the lovely experiance of seeing that 0 for a while now..
  • I haven't lost anything in simply YONKS. I just keep on keeping on, though, because I'm fitter than ever, I'm having fun, and I'm positive the weight will start moving again.
  • I'm losing it more slowly than you are. Maybe 4 pounds a month if I'm lucky, but I only have MyPlate set to lose a pound a week. I'd be hungry if I ate much less.

    I'm just glad I'm moving in the right direction.
  • I lose only 1 pound a week. I count my calories.
    But twice I stopped losing weight. Each time I cut my calories back by 100 a day.
    I started out at 1800, then had to drop to 1700. Now I am at 1600, and the weight is dropping again.

  • I really think that many people quit their diets because they feel like they're sacrificing so much and not seeing any results....or their results simply aren't fast enough. Fact is that if you keep going, you will see it come off eventually. Also, remember that the scale is only one indicator. You may want to measure yourself with a measuring tape because sometimes it doesn't show up on the scale but you could be losing inches. It also helps to take before and after photos and progress photos throughout....that way you may see the biggest difference of all. You have already done INCREDIBLY well! Just stay focused on your goal, change up your exercise, try some calorie cycling, drink lots of water and be patient. One of the biggest losers on this board said that she LOVED the journey of weight loss. She just kept doing it and doing it and she kept with it....I try to keep that sort of thing in mind when things slow down for me too. Hang in there!
  • OK, when I say I haven't lost anything in yonks, I mean MONTHS. At least 3 of them.

    That's slow.
  • I just wrote a blog about this today! I've been stuck, lost 3 lbs this month and have been stalled for 3 weeks.
  • I try not to sweat it too much. By not sweating it too much, I mean I have bursts of walking past a mirror/scale/measuring tape and remeasuring, reweighing and adjusting clothing to see if anything's budging. This last month I've slacked on the calorie counts and haven't seen my usual drop in any category, but I'm able to do 10 more pushups and 50 more situps than last month. I try to focus my attention on that instead of getting too hung up on the numbers.

    But, you know, the numbers still taunt me from afar.
  • I've gone MONTHS with zero weight loss, then i'll break the plateau and drop 10lbs in a week! Just keep pushing through it!!
  • I'm dealing with it right now. My weight hasn't budged in weeks and I refuse to believe that the same 1500 calories a day that were letting me drop an average of a pound a week are now too much to let me lose another ounce at this weight.

    I'm dealing with it by asking myself some searching questions about what I'm willing to do to lose weight, whether I'm really and truly sticking with my plan, and continuing to count/weigh as if it were still working. If you were to ask me how that's working out for me, I'd give you an answer of "okay" about 70% of the time and just give an incoherent howl of rage and frustration the other 30%.

    But I'm not stopping what I'm doing. Not for anything. I may step it up, but I'm not stopping.
  • I'd be very happy with your weight loss right now, it really does slow down. The last 5 months I've averaged 2 lb per month, and I feel like I have to work really hard for it. But I remember losing 2 lbs per week and finding that slow too! I guess that's the downside after losing a lot of weight at first.

    To answer your questions, I hate it and find it extremely frustrating. But there's is nothing I can do to change that, except waiting till I get to goal.
  • When it got too frustrating, I just stopped -- looking at the scale that is LOL I kept track of my calories and exercised and knew physics would do the rest. I never obsessed over every pound I put ON so I figured I owed myself the same courtesy on the way down LOL Pants and tops got looser, I felt really good, so I knew I was on the right road. The numbers followed eventually. I just had to wait a bit for them to catch up to me!