Day #8/46

  • 169.5

    Glad but surprised, as I really went to down on the non-wheat bread and tortilla chips yesterday. One of those angry, 'I'll eat it if I want to' days - but at least I 'only' ate within the food groups I'm allowing myself in Lent.

    Today I'll try harder.
  • I'm sorry you had a rough eating day yesterday, but good job on staying within your Lenten requirements!

    Keep moving forward, you're doing a great job!
  • I have days like this

    Just pick yourself up and do better the next chance you get.
  • Thankyou for your support!
    I did much better food-wise today, working on my personality - not so much.
    I signed for a "salon" that was meeting tonight, just 5 mins walk away: a bit of lecture, a bit of discussion, it sounded good; tonight's topic, the middle east situation.

    Of course, as the day wore on, I got more and more convinced that I'd be happier in front of NCIS..... Still, time came and I put on more lippy, went for a walk round the block to buy some water (in case of coughing), having previously eaten early and drunk plenty water to move things along (in case of ahem.....) As you can see, an evening out is not spontaneous for me!

    Walked round to the venue, a building I haven't been in before. Up the steps and in through the glass doors.... or not, doors won't open; doors marked "automatic" didn't budge at all, no visible buttons, doors neither push nor pull. Beyond them, people are sitting at jovial tables and don't notice me. At that point, the 30lbs over 'normal' that I'm carrying all slid into my lower body and swelled to hideous proportions and I felt like a freak with no discussion power in my head. So I came home, and double NCIS was indeed good.

    I'll keep working on it!