3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Slashnl 06-02-2010 10:36 AM

Hi everyone. It's a tough week for me. I'm staying up too late, but I'm going to the Junior College world series tournament each night. It runs through Friday and since I love baseball, this is what I do! It just makes for a late night. So, I've been skipping the gym in the morning. Not a good thing, but I just can't get up. I'm ok with that for just this week. I've been walking at lunch, so still getting some exercise in.

Mingle: Good job on the workouts! You have a great streak there.

dgramie: Glad you are back here. Amazing you have squash already! Your veggies are way ahead of ours!

Schmoodle: Sounds like you have a good day planned!

Rhonda: Way to go on another pound! Woo hoo!

Have a great day everyone!

terraleigh77 06-02-2010 11:02 AM

Today was about 90 minutes total at the gym. A mixture of cardio and weight training. Feeling good at the moment, but we will see how my body reacts when I stop for the day .


Beverlyjoy 06-02-2010 11:52 AM

hi chicks.....I have stayed with my plan....I am so grateful- because I am away from home.

Having fun with my grandson. All this fun is making my back hurt- too many twists and turns and lifting and pulling. It hurt but, is manageable.

I just wanted to check in. I will stay with my exchanges while out of town because it seems to work better than calories counting at the moment.

I hope everyone is having a GREAT day.

mingle 06-03-2010 07:41 AM

Good morning, all! :)

slashnl - have fun at the baseball tourney this week - I love baseball, so that sounds like my version of heaven!

Beverlyjoy - so glad you are enjoying your time with your grandson & still staying on plan!

terraleigh - GREAT work at the gym!

As for me, yesterday was a healthy day, thankfully. I managed to stay completely on plan. I've gotten the exercise out of the way for today & plan to keep my food choices healthy.


fresh broccoli, baby carrots & cauliflower
2 T. hummus
Smart Ones dinner


high fiber spaghetti
light sauce
large salad

Weight Watchers ice cream bar

Have a healthy day, everyone!!

GirlyGirlSebas 06-03-2010 07:52 AM

Good morning, Friends! :coffee:

My morning started off with a rush of adrenaline. For some reason, I set the alarm for the wrong time and I woke late. My daughters were not very happy with being rushed out of their cozy beds. :D

Diane - we all have to adjust our plan around our lives and somehow make it work. It's good that you're able to give yourself permission to miss the gym time to do something you really enjoy.
Tara - 90 minutes? Wow! How are you feeling today?
Beverly - so glad to hear that you are enjoying your time with your GS. I hope you back doesn't give you too much trouble.

I say the same thing every day, but I mean it this time. I must start drinking my water and walking each day. I know that my weight loss will stall if I don't. I'm going to charge up the BodyBugg today and start wearing it again. Hopefully, seeing how many calories I've burned versus how many I've consumed will get me motivated to create a bigger deficit!

Have a great on-plan day.

Hi Mingle! Somehow, I missed your post this morning.

terraleigh77 06-03-2010 08:07 AM

Feeling pretty good :) Took a nice hot soak last night and made sure I drank my water through out the day. Just finished having break fast, putting the dogs out now and then off to do it again. Not sure if Im gonna do the weight lifting or just stick with the circuit today :)


Schmoodle 06-03-2010 08:51 AM

good morning! Quiet day today. Just WFH, and maybe the pool after dinner. Oops, forgot! DD has her end of year girl scouts party at the park, gotta go to that, so no pool I guess. There's a nice walking path along the creek at the park, so I'll do another walk tonight instead. It's going to be a hot one here today!

B: scrambled eggs with salsa
S: mozzarella cheese stick, V8
L: big salad with leftover lean grillers
S: iced skim latte, yogurt
D: taco salad

Have a good day, all! Tomorrow's Friday. :carrot:

mj5 06-03-2010 09:56 AM

Hi everyone! Things have been super busy, but what else is new, right?! Good news is...I HAVE been OP the whole time!!! It feels SO good. The bad news is, my knee is horrid, so I just sucked it up and called the ortho. Time for another steroid injection.

Have a great day everyone!!!!

terraleigh77 06-03-2010 12:33 PM

Another aprox. 90 min work out today. Decided to do some weight lifting along with the circuit. Then went to the chiropractor for a much needed adjustment. Feeling pretty good today :)


dgramie 06-04-2010 07:39 AM

Didnt make it here yesterday at all.I always spend my coffee time here at the computer. Yesterday I decided to get moving and do some housework.
Food was good yesterday but not to exciting.
Today- breakfast eggs/ mushrooms and a bit of cheese
lunch- leaf lettuce( neighbors garden) and a turkey rollup with cheese and a plum
dinner- steak( grilled) salad and grilled mushrooms and half of baked potato and salad( fresh greens).

My garden is behind my neighbors. He bought plants and I started my squash from seeds.
Have a bridal shower to help host tomorrow and need to stay focused and not snack to much at it.

Beverlyjoy 06-04-2010 07:43 AM

DH's server was down yesterday - ugh. It would have done me well to have had internet access yesterday.

Yesterday was the first time in several weeks that was so off. I just gave in to all the goodies in their home. It feels terrible. It was like a frenzy of eating things I hadn't eaten in a long time - lots of chocolate, graham crackers, cheese crackers, and pie. I think I was just not willing to keep trying to resist once I gave in to the food. Sigh.

Today I am willing to try again. Onward.

DH asked me to stay one more day. He's needed to do so many things while I've been here this week. Today he has the whole day free. Today I planned to go home - but, we could finally have some time to hang out.

I've enjoyed my time here.

Have a GREAT day everyone.

mingle 06-04-2010 07:47 AM

Good morning, ladies! Just wanted to check in real quick before heading to work. It's always so inspiring to come here & see how committed you all are! Definitely helps me start my day off right!

Yesterday was healthy. Good exercise & good food choices. Friday's are always a bit tough for me - it used to be the day I would "reward" myself with food for making it through a long week. But it certainly wasn't much of a reward! All I was doing was making myself miserable & overweight! I'm trying to focus on other things I can do to unwind now.

Got my exercise in this morning - 50 minutes of the BL Last Chance Workout. Sooo did not want to do it, but now that it is over, I'm so glad I did!


sliced cucumbers
2 T. hummus
Smart Ones frozen dinner


2 Morning Star black bean burgers
1 sandwich thin
2 slices 2% cheese
2 clementine oranges

Weight Watchers ice cream bar

Hope you all have a wonderful, healthy day!! :)

Schmoodle 06-04-2010 07:56 AM

Hello ladies! Happy Friday! Today is free donut day at Dunkin' Donuts. I put on my facebook that I was attending and one of the SB mods called me on it. Just jokin' anyway, no donuts for me today. I'm getting ready to go walk in a minute before it gets hot. I've done well with exercise this week for a change, although my food has been not so great.

B: oatmeal with strawberry-rhubarb sauce, blueberries, almonds
S: cheese stick and V8
L: taco salad
S: skim latte
D: homemade ww black olive and shrimp pizza, salad

I've got a ton of yard work to do this weekend, I've kinda let it go while DH was not around, and we're hosting a graduation party for my nephew next weekend, so need to get caught up.

sorry your knee is acting up, mj.
hugs, beverlyjoy. That's a bad feeling, but you can get right back on plan today.
impressive workout terraleigh!
hey, dgramie!
Good morning mingle and diane!
Rhonda, what's a bodybugg?

GirlyGirlSebas 06-04-2010 09:14 AM

Hi Friends. TGIF!

I'm still 100% OP with my food. My weight loss is slowing down quite a bit. I know that exercise will help boost my metabolism. I just need to get a handle on the exercise. It's only one hour out of my whole day!

MJ - Sorry to hear that your knee is causing you a lot of pain again. :(
Tara - Glad to hear that you were feeling good yesterday!
Mingle - Fridays were always my "relax and eat because you've had a tough week" days, too. Keeping extremely busy is the only way I make it through.
Schmoodle - BodyBuggs are electronic devices that you were around your upper arm. They have sensors in them that let you know how many calories you've burned. They will also tell you how many times you were awake during the night. Each day, you can download the data into a database that provides all kinds of charts and graphs that are really eye opening. Basically, I have the metabolism of a slug! LOL
Beverly - So sorry to hear that you had issues with the treats in the house yesterday. Brush yourself off and move on! One day does not define your journey.

This morning, I'm battling a horrible sinus headache. Tonight, I have an HOA board meeting that is building up to be a stressful one. I will not eat to soothe myself!

Have a great on-plan day.

TXMary2 06-04-2010 09:19 AM

Good morning everyone. I went over my calories yesterday by about 300 and I did not exercise. I was feeling hungrier yesterday and I attribute it to about 5 days of eating below my calorie allowance. Also, I think I didn't get enough water yesterday and perhaps ate when I was actually thirsty. Remembering water is hard sometimes!

Going to a BBQ tonight so I need to be careful. I made it through the last BBQ and tonight I am giong to do the same as last time - bring my measuring cup and eat fruit with my cheeseburger.

I will be taking the kids to the pool this afternoon and my plan is to swim some laps and tread water as often as possible.

I hope you all have a great, on plan day :)

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