3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Beverlyjoy 05-31-2010 04:57 AM

Accountability, menu, exercersie, plans, etc - week of May 31
If you'd like a place to put down your daily plan, exercise, healthy living tasks, accountability etc...then here is the place. Please feel free to join right in.

Beverlyjoy 05-31-2010 05:03 AM

Hi chicks...things are going on plan - always grateful for that. I got my stretches and strengthening in yesterday - that's good!

I got the birthday 'goodies' out of the house. No pie or other bakery nibbles for me. . I am always grateful for that.

I am leaving a day early to visit my DS, DIL and GS. GS has had the flu - I thought I could go and stay there and help out. DH will hold down the home front. I will be back on Friday. I am leaving by 6am - to avoid the Monday holiday traffic the best I can.

I started thinking of my food strategy a few days ago. I will use an alternative food plan - food exchanges. That is easier for me while away from home. I am bringing a bag of some of my staples and snacks. I'll try to hold on tight to what I know helps. Also - I am hoping for the willingness to try to do them.

I should be able to check in during the week - I hope daily. Everyone...have a GREAT week.

mingle 05-31-2010 09:34 AM

Good morning, ladies! It's a new week & I hope it's a healthy one for everyone! :)

Beverlyjoy - have fun visiting your family this week & I hope your GS recovers from the flu quickly!

As for me, have a few plans for today, but mostly going to try to relax before having to go back to work tomorrow. So far, this weekend has been good - I've exercised hard & made good food choices. And I have good plans for today - want to end this weekend with a bang! In the past, a weekend like this (even if I were "dieting") would have been filled with binges & unhealthy choices, because, after all, it's a holiday weekend, right? But I'm happy & thankful that I've been able to continue being healthy :)

1/2 C. egg whites
steamed broccoli
1 slice American cheese

large salad with a grilled pork chop
2 T. light dressing
fresh fruit salad

light string cheese

grilled hamburger
1/2 C. vegetarian baked beans

Weight Watchers ice cream cone

Have a wonderful holiday, all! And remember the sacrifices of our country's finest!

GirlyGirlSebas 05-31-2010 10:09 AM

Good morning, Friends!

Beverly - Be safe. Hope your GS is feeling better.
Mingle - So glad to hear that you're able to stay on-plan this weekend. It feels good, doesn't it?

Today is my weigh-in day. Down 5.6 for week 1. :D Eating the same menu each day really worked. This week, I'm sticking with my menu, but adding exercise and water. I'll drink 64 oz each day and walk for an hour each day. I'm hoping to start feeling that belly fat shrinking soon. My waist bands are uncomfortable.

No big plans for today. I just have a ton of cleaning to do. I may paint the dining room. I have all of the paint and rollers, etc, but just not sure that I want to take up my whole day with painting. We'll see.

Have a great on-plan day.

mj5 05-31-2010 06:03 PM

Hi everyone! We had an awesome picnic yesterday!!! The weather was perfect and everyone had a great time. I ate a little more than I planned, but it was healthy stuff. Still not ok, but better than it could have been.

Today I have just been chillin w/ the dogs. My knee is horrible today (it's going to rain any minute, so I'm sure that's why)...I will ice soon...

Have a great night!

mj5 06-01-2010 05:20 AM

Good morning!! I need to drink water water and MORE water today....I had a few low salt chips with dinner last night and ugh...talk about puffy fingers...it's ok though, water bottles are already chilling in the refrig!

Today is a cardio day at the gym. My clothes are packed and so is my healthy lunch.

Have a great OP day everyone!

Beverlyjoy 06-01-2010 05:57 AM

Hi chicks - yesterday was a healthy day - so grateful for that. I got my water in and my stretches and strengthening exercises in yesterday before I left for my trip.

GS is feeling a bit better. I am so glad. We had a day of quiet play and lots of giggles.

I am babysitting GS today. We will still need to keep it low key,

mj - hope your knee is doing better...good job grabbing your water bottle for later.

rhonda - down 5.6 - YAY!!!! :carrot::carrot: It's good to have those solid days 'under your belt', You can build on this. way to go

mingle = kudo's for such a healthy weekend and realizing you've made some changes from years before!

Shout out to anyone stopping by. Be kind to yourself - treat yourself as well as you'd treat a good friend.

GirlyGirlSebas 06-01-2010 07:31 AM

Good morning, Friends. :coffee:

Today, I'm dragging quite a bit. I'm singing the same ole song...too little sleep. My husband signed us up for Netflix and we can get instant demand shows on the Wii. We've been watching an older series called Dead Zone. How did I miss this one when it first aired? It is quite good! But, I did opt to watch another episode instead of going to bed early. Not good. We also painted the dining room yesterday and we need to put on another coat today. My body is feeling the pain! I'm so out of shape. Time to do something about that.

Beverly - so glad that you are getting this one-on-one time with your grandson. You are creating wonderful memories!

MJ - Hope you enjoyed your day or relaxation with the fur babies. How's the knee today?

Have a great on-plan day.

Schmoodle 06-01-2010 12:44 PM

Hello, all! Had a really nice weekend and now it's time to get down to serious weight losing business. It's so much easier in the summer and I need to take advantage of that! DH is home and settling in. His clock is 12 hours off, so will take him a bit to adjust. He did pretty well yesterday but I expect him to crash hard today.

Here's today so far:
B: oatmeal with strawberry-rhubarb sauce and fresh blueberries
S: mozzarella cheese stick
L: Big salad with goat cheese, dried cherries, and slivered almonds
D: DS is cooking Mexican for us for a school project. I'll make a taco salad out of whatever he makes for me and DH.

DH and I took a nice long and brisk walk this morning.

, I'm so glad DGS is feeling better. Have a wonderful visit!
Rhonda, I LOVE your new picture! Congrats on the 5+ lbs.:carrot:
mingle, I like your menu. It looks very healthy and delicious.
mj, I hope the knee is better today.

mingle 06-01-2010 01:44 PM

Good afternoon, ladies! :) Hope everyone's Tuesday is treating them well!

Girlygirl - congrats on your 5.6 pounds lost! That is awesome - keep it up! How does the Netflix thing through the Wii work? I saw a commercial for it this weekend & was intriqued! Is it still just the $9 (or whatever it is) montly fee? Do you just "rent" the movies through the Wii, which I'm assuming is hooked up to wireless internet?

mj5 - glad you had an enjoyable picnic. :) Hope your knee is feeling better & you have fun at the gym today!

Beverlyjoy - glad your grandson is feeling better. And that you are able to be there & spend time with him :)

Schmoodle - good for you for getting a walk in with your DH this morning!

As for me, having a good day so far. Food choices have been sane & I got my 50 minutes of HIIT on the elliptical this morning.

I know that right now I am in a honeymoon phase of sorts. I feel invincible! Certain that I will be able to do this! But I know that these sorts of feeling can change quickly. Tomorrow, I'll probably be in here whining about how I'll never be able to do this! :D But I'm riding this wave as far as it will take me! And one that will not waiver is my committment to this lifestyle & myself! There will be ups & downs, that is for certain, but I will not give up on myself :)


2 T. hummus
fresh cauliflower, broccoli & baby carrots
Smart Ones frozen dinner


Don't know yet, but it will be left over stuff from grilling yesterday

Have a wonderful day, everyone!

Slashnl 06-01-2010 03:47 PM

Hi everyone! What a great weekend! Didn't get anything done, really, but had a good time. A weekend at a baseball tournament is never a bad thing! I need to refocus on working out and eating right. Unfortunately, big weekends like this can take me off track. My fault!

Hope everyone has a good week!

mingle 06-02-2010 07:39 AM

Good morning, ladies :)

Slashnl - glad you had a good weekend & hope your week is fabulously healthy! :)

Yesterday was a healthy day, thankfully. Today will be a long one. Work all day & then I have some training at church tonight until 8:30pm. I'll have very little time to eat between work & going to church, so I need to plan a quick supper to bring along.

Got up this morning & did the Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout for 50 minutes. I SO did not want to do it, but I knew I wouldn't be able to do anything tonight, & decided I didn't want to break my workout streak, so got up anyway. Today was my 35th day in a row of exercise! 10 more days until I reach my second workout goal!


fresh cauliflower, broccoli & baby carrots
2 T. hummus
Smart Ones frozen dinner


2 slices 45 calorie whole wheat bread
2 T. natural peanut butter
1 T. all fruit jelly
fresh fruit salad
light cheese stick

90 calorie high fiber granola bar
sugar free pudding cup

Hope everyone has a healthy day!! :)

dgramie 06-02-2010 08:11 AM

Im back...I stay focused better when I post here. I had a good month overall last month.
Today- scrambled eggs and squash( out of neighbors garden)
lunch- yogurt, turkey and a salad
dinner- grilled meat(?) and mushrooms and bell peppers and squash YUM!!

Schmoodle 06-02-2010 08:48 AM

Hey chicks! I just know today is gonna be a good day.
B: Brown rice pudding with blueberries
S: mozzarella cheese stick
L: big salad with goat cheese
S: skim iced latte
D: lean griller sausages, green salad, fresh pea salad

DH had an errand this morning, so I walked without him. We'll go to the pool this evening, so good for activity today.

GirlyGirlSebas 06-02-2010 09:24 AM

Good morning, Friends!
Schmoodle. I agree. It is gonna be a good day!
Diane, glad to hear that you had a great weekend.
Dgramie, welcome back to the fold.
Mingle - enjoy the honeymoon. They are truly fabulous. And, what's even more fabulous? You'll probably have more honeymoon phases! I typically have one about every 2 months when I've been on-plan for a while.

So far, I'm 100% on-plan with my food. I've stuck with last week's menu and I'm not feeling deprived. I'm not usually hungry, but I was feeling it a bit last evening. This morning, the scales dropped a pound. I'm watching to see if this is a trend. Today, I need to start really focusing on drinking more water and exercising. My goal is to drink 64 oz today and walk for an hour.

Mingle - regarding Netflix....it's $9 per month. This covers one mail rental at a time. It also covers on-demand movies and TV shows. The on-demand options aren't all of the newest movies, but it does include some. So far, I'm loving it!

Have a great on-plan day!

Slashnl 06-02-2010 10:36 AM

Hi everyone. It's a tough week for me. I'm staying up too late, but I'm going to the Junior College world series tournament each night. It runs through Friday and since I love baseball, this is what I do! It just makes for a late night. So, I've been skipping the gym in the morning. Not a good thing, but I just can't get up. I'm ok with that for just this week. I've been walking at lunch, so still getting some exercise in.

Mingle: Good job on the workouts! You have a great streak there.

dgramie: Glad you are back here. Amazing you have squash already! Your veggies are way ahead of ours!

Schmoodle: Sounds like you have a good day planned!

Rhonda: Way to go on another pound! Woo hoo!

Have a great day everyone!

terraleigh77 06-02-2010 11:02 AM

Today was about 90 minutes total at the gym. A mixture of cardio and weight training. Feeling good at the moment, but we will see how my body reacts when I stop for the day .


Beverlyjoy 06-02-2010 11:52 AM

hi chicks.....I have stayed with my plan....I am so grateful- because I am away from home.

Having fun with my grandson. All this fun is making my back hurt- too many twists and turns and lifting and pulling. It hurt but, is manageable.

I just wanted to check in. I will stay with my exchanges while out of town because it seems to work better than calories counting at the moment.

I hope everyone is having a GREAT day.

mingle 06-03-2010 07:41 AM

Good morning, all! :)

slashnl - have fun at the baseball tourney this week - I love baseball, so that sounds like my version of heaven!

Beverlyjoy - so glad you are enjoying your time with your grandson & still staying on plan!

terraleigh - GREAT work at the gym!

As for me, yesterday was a healthy day, thankfully. I managed to stay completely on plan. I've gotten the exercise out of the way for today & plan to keep my food choices healthy.


fresh broccoli, baby carrots & cauliflower
2 T. hummus
Smart Ones dinner


high fiber spaghetti
light sauce
large salad

Weight Watchers ice cream bar

Have a healthy day, everyone!!

GirlyGirlSebas 06-03-2010 07:52 AM

Good morning, Friends! :coffee:

My morning started off with a rush of adrenaline. For some reason, I set the alarm for the wrong time and I woke late. My daughters were not very happy with being rushed out of their cozy beds. :D

Diane - we all have to adjust our plan around our lives and somehow make it work. It's good that you're able to give yourself permission to miss the gym time to do something you really enjoy.
Tara - 90 minutes? Wow! How are you feeling today?
Beverly - so glad to hear that you are enjoying your time with your GS. I hope you back doesn't give you too much trouble.

I say the same thing every day, but I mean it this time. I must start drinking my water and walking each day. I know that my weight loss will stall if I don't. I'm going to charge up the BodyBugg today and start wearing it again. Hopefully, seeing how many calories I've burned versus how many I've consumed will get me motivated to create a bigger deficit!

Have a great on-plan day.

Hi Mingle! Somehow, I missed your post this morning.

terraleigh77 06-03-2010 08:07 AM

Feeling pretty good :) Took a nice hot soak last night and made sure I drank my water through out the day. Just finished having break fast, putting the dogs out now and then off to do it again. Not sure if Im gonna do the weight lifting or just stick with the circuit today :)


Schmoodle 06-03-2010 08:51 AM

good morning! Quiet day today. Just WFH, and maybe the pool after dinner. Oops, forgot! DD has her end of year girl scouts party at the park, gotta go to that, so no pool I guess. There's a nice walking path along the creek at the park, so I'll do another walk tonight instead. It's going to be a hot one here today!

B: scrambled eggs with salsa
S: mozzarella cheese stick, V8
L: big salad with leftover lean grillers
S: iced skim latte, yogurt
D: taco salad

Have a good day, all! Tomorrow's Friday. :carrot:

mj5 06-03-2010 09:56 AM

Hi everyone! Things have been super busy, but what else is new, right?! Good news is...I HAVE been OP the whole time!!! It feels SO good. The bad news is, my knee is horrid, so I just sucked it up and called the ortho. Time for another steroid injection.

Have a great day everyone!!!!

terraleigh77 06-03-2010 12:33 PM

Another aprox. 90 min work out today. Decided to do some weight lifting along with the circuit. Then went to the chiropractor for a much needed adjustment. Feeling pretty good today :)


dgramie 06-04-2010 07:39 AM

Didnt make it here yesterday at all.I always spend my coffee time here at the computer. Yesterday I decided to get moving and do some housework.
Food was good yesterday but not to exciting.
Today- breakfast eggs/ mushrooms and a bit of cheese
lunch- leaf lettuce( neighbors garden) and a turkey rollup with cheese and a plum
dinner- steak( grilled) salad and grilled mushrooms and half of baked potato and salad( fresh greens).

My garden is behind my neighbors. He bought plants and I started my squash from seeds.
Have a bridal shower to help host tomorrow and need to stay focused and not snack to much at it.

Beverlyjoy 06-04-2010 07:43 AM

DH's server was down yesterday - ugh. It would have done me well to have had internet access yesterday.

Yesterday was the first time in several weeks that was so off. I just gave in to all the goodies in their home. It feels terrible. It was like a frenzy of eating things I hadn't eaten in a long time - lots of chocolate, graham crackers, cheese crackers, and pie. I think I was just not willing to keep trying to resist once I gave in to the food. Sigh.

Today I am willing to try again. Onward.

DH asked me to stay one more day. He's needed to do so many things while I've been here this week. Today he has the whole day free. Today I planned to go home - but, we could finally have some time to hang out.

I've enjoyed my time here.

Have a GREAT day everyone.

mingle 06-04-2010 07:47 AM

Good morning, ladies! Just wanted to check in real quick before heading to work. It's always so inspiring to come here & see how committed you all are! Definitely helps me start my day off right!

Yesterday was healthy. Good exercise & good food choices. Friday's are always a bit tough for me - it used to be the day I would "reward" myself with food for making it through a long week. But it certainly wasn't much of a reward! All I was doing was making myself miserable & overweight! I'm trying to focus on other things I can do to unwind now.

Got my exercise in this morning - 50 minutes of the BL Last Chance Workout. Sooo did not want to do it, but now that it is over, I'm so glad I did!


sliced cucumbers
2 T. hummus
Smart Ones frozen dinner


2 Morning Star black bean burgers
1 sandwich thin
2 slices 2% cheese
2 clementine oranges

Weight Watchers ice cream bar

Hope you all have a wonderful, healthy day!! :)

Schmoodle 06-04-2010 07:56 AM

Hello ladies! Happy Friday! Today is free donut day at Dunkin' Donuts. I put on my facebook that I was attending and one of the SB mods called me on it. Just jokin' anyway, no donuts for me today. I'm getting ready to go walk in a minute before it gets hot. I've done well with exercise this week for a change, although my food has been not so great.

B: oatmeal with strawberry-rhubarb sauce, blueberries, almonds
S: cheese stick and V8
L: taco salad
S: skim latte
D: homemade ww black olive and shrimp pizza, salad

I've got a ton of yard work to do this weekend, I've kinda let it go while DH was not around, and we're hosting a graduation party for my nephew next weekend, so need to get caught up.

sorry your knee is acting up, mj.
hugs, beverlyjoy. That's a bad feeling, but you can get right back on plan today.
impressive workout terraleigh!
hey, dgramie!
Good morning mingle and diane!
Rhonda, what's a bodybugg?

GirlyGirlSebas 06-04-2010 09:14 AM

Hi Friends. TGIF!

I'm still 100% OP with my food. My weight loss is slowing down quite a bit. I know that exercise will help boost my metabolism. I just need to get a handle on the exercise. It's only one hour out of my whole day!

MJ - Sorry to hear that your knee is causing you a lot of pain again. :(
Tara - Glad to hear that you were feeling good yesterday!
Mingle - Fridays were always my "relax and eat because you've had a tough week" days, too. Keeping extremely busy is the only way I make it through.
Schmoodle - BodyBuggs are electronic devices that you were around your upper arm. They have sensors in them that let you know how many calories you've burned. They will also tell you how many times you were awake during the night. Each day, you can download the data into a database that provides all kinds of charts and graphs that are really eye opening. Basically, I have the metabolism of a slug! LOL
Beverly - So sorry to hear that you had issues with the treats in the house yesterday. Brush yourself off and move on! One day does not define your journey.

This morning, I'm battling a horrible sinus headache. Tonight, I have an HOA board meeting that is building up to be a stressful one. I will not eat to soothe myself!

Have a great on-plan day.

TXMary2 06-04-2010 09:19 AM

Good morning everyone. I went over my calories yesterday by about 300 and I did not exercise. I was feeling hungrier yesterday and I attribute it to about 5 days of eating below my calorie allowance. Also, I think I didn't get enough water yesterday and perhaps ate when I was actually thirsty. Remembering water is hard sometimes!

Going to a BBQ tonight so I need to be careful. I made it through the last BBQ and tonight I am giong to do the same as last time - bring my measuring cup and eat fruit with my cheeseburger.

I will be taking the kids to the pool this afternoon and my plan is to swim some laps and tread water as often as possible.

I hope you all have a great, on plan day :)

mj5 06-04-2010 09:40 AM

Hi everyone! Trying to play catch up at work, but that's ok...it's FRIDAY!!! AND....hubby has the whole weekend off! He suprised me w/ that news last night. I am SO happy! Tomorrow we are going to a nephew's baseball game, a niece's car wash fundraiser, the farmers market, some other random errands, a friend's bookstore opening, but we get to do it all together! Sunday we will just hang out and have a relaxing day together. It's been a long time since we have done that!!

I'll catch up w/ everyone either tonight or this weekend.

Today is out to lunch day w/ my friend at work. I already know where we are going and what I will order. We are both eating healthier, so we can support each other!

Schmoodle--thanks for the heads up about DD! I was going to go for an iced coffee later (and I still might), but now I will be able to resist the free donut...if I walked in unprepared...I might not have been so strong!

My knee is worse today, so I am VERY glad I called the ortho yesterday. I could have gotten in sooner (my appt is 6/18), but I already have the day off from work, so its just easier.

Have a great OP day everyone!!!

ANewCreation 06-04-2010 10:43 AM

Beverlyjoy--I've had days like that too. Today is a new day my friend--you can get back on plan.

Rhonda--I'd rather take a beating than go to some of our HOA meetings. Best wishes and stay strong.

MJ--I also get cortisone shots for my knee and hip. They are the only thing that brings me relief and allow me to be active. Hang in there.

Summer is here and it's getting busy! Staying on plan, maintaining my weight right down to the ounce. I'm a happy camper. I am thinking of upping my activity. I may take a 2x a week spinning class. Still on the fence (sometimes it's on a daily basis--LOL) about maintaining vs trying to restart the weight loss. We'll see.

Take care and have a great op day!

mingle 06-05-2010 08:24 AM

Good morning, ladies! :) Thank goodness the weekend is here!!

ANewCreation - glad you are finding a way to maintain your weight! That is quite an accomplishment!

mj5 - enjoy your relaxing weekend with your DH!

TXMary - hope you had a fun & healthy time at your BBQ last night :)

Girlygirl - hope your HOA meeting went okay!

Schmoodle - mmmmm, free donuts! Glad that there are no dunkin' donuts near me ;)

As for me, have plans for a busy & healthy weekend. Yesterday/last night was a struggle for me, but I'm glad I was able to stay on plan. I'm going to get on the elliptical machine here in a few minutes to get my exercise done, & then take the kids swimming at my mother-in-law's. I'm not the best of swimmers, but hoping to get some laps in to burn a few extra calories. Then we are going to go over to my brother & sister-in-law's to visit. She is on bed rest expecting triplets (!!!), so it will be good to visit with them & see how they are doing. Going to bring over a meat & cheese tray & a fruit tray to help them out a bit with lunches & suppers this week.

Not exactly sure what I'm going to eat today (which isn't a good thing!) but I'm committed to staying on plan.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!!

GirlyGirlSebas 06-05-2010 09:16 AM

Hi Friends!

Our HOA board meeting went pretty much as expected in the beginning, but we were able to clear the air and get on with business. I'm not sure why I allowed myself to be nominated for this. I must have been nuts that day!

Today, we are taking my MIL out for her birthday. I haven't decided what I'll be eating yet, but I am looking up the nutrition information online and will decide before we leave. I will not allow myself to go off-plan! It's not worth it.

Gotta scoot. Time is running away from me. Have a great on-plan day.

Beverlyjoy 06-05-2010 02:13 PM

Today was a travel home day. DS asked me to stay an extra day - he had been so busy, we hardly got in a visit the first four days I was there.

I am so glad to be back in my food comfort zone. I am grateful that most of my days were healthy and only a couple were unhealthy days. I was amazed to find that when I was eating off my plan - everything went out the window - all the behaviors like no seconds, eating seated, leave a bite etc.

What's done is done...the real task now is to hop back on my plan and get with the program again

ANewCreation 06-05-2010 04:45 PM

Rhonda, I'm glad the mtg went well in the end. Planning ahead for a meal out is the way to go--good job!

Beverylyjoy, you are right to get back on plan and move forward. I have days like that too. Sometimes it's so easy to be on plan and other days it's a struggle.

Today has been full of activity. Walking up and down stairs and across acres of land to get to the car show and then of course we walked around the grounds to look at the cars. Had some bbq for lunch (no bun) and shared a few sides with hubby. Ended up throwing away what we couldn't eat--althugh I did eat ALL the brisket--yummy. That is truly amazing, because when I looked at the plate I thought to myself it might not be enough food. And on top of that, I ate a really small breakfast because I knew we'd be eating out and I was really hungry! That doesn't happen to me very often so I'm celebrating ;)

Have a great weekend everyone!

Beverlyjoy 06-06-2010 09:09 AM

It feels so good to be back in my reclining chair and having the time to really post here with you chicks1

I got up and planned for a healthy day. I’ve prepared my journal for the day - so I am ready to ‘keep track’ and proceed with a sane day with food.

I realize what went wrong with the last few days of my vacation/time away from home. Yes, I switched to my exchange plan. This has worked well in the past. I changed one thing, however. I decided that I wouldn’t give myself those 200-300 extra calories a day, if I wanted/needed them. I am so close to onederland - I wanted to get there sooner rather than later on. However, it was just too hard for me being away from home. The old saying “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” really applies here. I’ve traveled many time this year and did well - but, I felt ‘deprived’ at the end of the day. I've read it might happen if you don’t give yourself a little ‘wiggle room’ while away from home.

This is such a learning process. I kind of hate that. I thought I kind of had a rhythm of eating and food sanity well engrained in my mind. Ha!! Of course, I didn’t. Always a learning process.

back to basics - I have my journal ready to track food, living with food etc.

plan, log, measure, count calories
eat seated only
no licking spoons etc when cooking
tv off
fork down between bites
taste food
slow mindful eating
feel fullness
no seconds

breakfast - egg white scramble, pnb toast, blackberries

lunch - open face turkey and cheese on lite ww bread, pickle, veggie

snack - fiber cereal, milk, 1/2 banana

dinner - 10 grain pancake, morninstar bacon, sf syrup

snack - strawberries, lc cheese on 2 rice cakes.

anewcreation - GREAT exericse - it's OK to throw away food. Better in the trash than in your tummy!!

rhonda - great plan looking up the menu on the internet

mingle - good for you...pushing through the urge to eat. Every time you can do this...you strengthen your reserve for the next time you face it again. Swimming laps is awesome!

Shout out to MJ, Schmoodle, txmary - I"ve got to scoot and don't have time for more personals. Hope you are having a GREAT day.

mingle 06-06-2010 10:45 AM

Ugh. I have to come clean here & admit my falters to hold myself accountable. I was having a crappy night last night & instead of trying to work through it, I fell to my old habit of "eating my emotions" :( And now this morning I just feel like crap. It's depressing & I'm quite disappointed in myself.

The logical part of me knows I need to get up & brush myself off & have a healthy day today. The not-so-logical part of me wants to wallow in self pity.

But I know that won't do an ounce of good. So I am choosing to have a nice, healthy, happy day. I can't change what I ate last night. Period. So I have to make the choice to either give up or forge ahead. And I'm choosing to forge ahead!

Today's plan (because I really think my lack of plan yesterday just made it all that much easier to fall off plan):

scrambled egg whites
1 slice 2% American cheese

Large salad
1 T. light dressing
Healthy Choice dinner

Light cheese stick

homemade deep dish pizza (Weight Watchers recipe)
steamed broccoli

Have a great day, everyone! We CAN do this!! :)

girlonfire 06-06-2010 04:24 PM

Yesterday was pretty good; I ate well but didn't really exercise except for doing some yard work. Breakfast was kashi cereal with soymilk, lunch was a salad with kidney beans and spinach, and dinner was a boca burger w/bun and veggies, plus some salad and okra. On to today...

B: 2/3 corn and blueberry pancake, 1 tbsp cherry jam, 1 tbsp honey, 1 cup light soy milk

L: 2 slices sara lee light wheat bread, 1/4 cup avocado, 1/4 cup bean sprouts, 2 slices tomato, 1/4 cup spinach, 1/4 lettuce and some honey mustard with 1 100 calorie yogurt pretzel pack

S: apple w/1 tbsp peanut butter

D: 1/2 cup kidney beans, 1 cup brown rice, grilled veggies, and 1 pomegranate fruit bar

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