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sportmom 05-13-2007 09:53 PM

Well, this may be worth a chuckle or make you feel less alone! I was in the elevator with a male colleague who had a pot belly. The 4 year old visiting the office in the elevator with his pg mom, pointed at this MAN and said, look mommy - he has a baby in his belly too!!! Totally innocent, but I was mortified, and quickly filled the gap by launching into a business problem I needed his advice on. So, ladies, it does get worse........at least we are not men!

becoming wisdom 05-14-2007 05:08 AM

My belly really stretched out with my last pregnancy, and no matter how much I've gained or lost, my proportions spell "pregnant". Occasionally I still get asked, or even get my belly patted for good luck, by well-meaning strangers. I hate to embarass them, can still remember when I asked someone wrongly 20+ yrs ago. I usually say "I've been in my 8th month for the past 15 yrs!" and assure them I get asked all the time. Hey, I'm in my fifties - it's also quite a compliment! But yes, the first few times were mortifying, both for me and for the other person.

Lifeguard 05-14-2007 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by PrettyGoodYear (Post 1693638)
I had someone ask me when the baby was due a few months ago... she thought I was wearing maternity clothes. I had actually thought I looked stylish and put together that day. Sorry, it does make you embaressed. But that was yesterday and all we can worry about is now. You know what??? I am pregnant in a sense-- I am giving birth to a new "Me". And what do pregnant women do? Eat HEALTHY and take care of themselves. Treat yourself as good as you would treat a baby inside of you. You are worth it!

I like your way of thinking!

Marianne031474 05-14-2007 10:20 AM

I had the same thing happen to me!
I was at work one day and a woman came in and said "Oh when are you due?" I was mortified and I didn't know what to say, so I just said "I am just fat" the lady said sorry and I felt like such a heffer! I don't think I have recovered from that comment yet! I just know that I have to lose weight, because I don't want to be asked that question unless I really am pregnant! What makes it worse is that I have been trying to get prego for about 2 years and it hasn't happened yet! Oh well, life goes on!

Sorry that the same comment was made to you. I feel your pain:(

tsinitia 05-14-2007 11:35 AM

Sorry that happened to you. Drag!

This reminds me of a comedian several years ago (I cannot remember who)..."NEVER make a comment to a woman about pregnancy unless you actually see the child emerging from her at that very moment." :D

Sandi 05-14-2007 12:55 PM

I think my "when are you due?" encounters are up to 3 now. I know EXACTLY how you feel. My comments are alwatys vague and I never let the person know they were wrong (they were always brief encounters). I just didn't want to make it worse by saying I wasn't pregnant.

Just know that you are not alone!!

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