So how do you eat at a restaurant that doesn't give nutritional info?

  • So up until now I've been purposely only going to chain restaurants that have their nutritional info online.

    But geez I'd really like some truly good food, and options, I want to be able to go to restaurants and have a clue. And I don't have a clue.....I mean, I can look at menus that publish the nutritional info and look at it and think "WOW I had no clue it was THAT BAD for me". Husband had a burger from Ruby TUesdays. Ok sure, there's a couple pieces of bacon, some cheese, some fried onions but.,...38 points for just the burger??? I Never would have guessed that high.

    so what do you do? how do you get by?
  • Restaurants are hard. I lost a lot of weight on WW years ago, but didn't get to goal. It was restaurants that derailed me. I went out to eat 2 or 3 times a week, usually late at night, and even though I tried very hard to order "safe" foods, my weight loss stopped. They drench food in butter!

    I'd love to read some tips on this. For now, I'm trying to avoid eating out, at least for now.
  • I don't really go to many restaurants since WW, except Starbucks. I can't really help you but even if you don't go out to eat as much, it's kind of like a dual benefit. Lose weight AND save money. At least that's what I try to think.
  • I have my rules for restaurants that I stick to. I eat nothing fried, only grilled or baked. No cream or butter based sauces. Nothing with pastry/crust. I'll also ditch the cheese on anything where it comes on top. Salads I'll ask for the dressing on the side or pick the FF/reduced fat option where there is one. I'll happily eat rice, pasta, potatoes etc but am portion wise and will only eat what I need to feel satisfied.

  • I guess what I'm asking you try and painstakingly figure out the points when you get back home? Or just let it be and track everything else from the day?
  • I try and figure it out. Not only is it key to track EVERYTHING, but it is important to learn what kind of choices you are making. Because then in the future you can make more, and more healthy choices when you are stuck eating out.
  • i think you should always try to figure the points out when you are eating out. if you have ww online or the books, you should always look at the generic food listings for points. my leader has always said guess if you have to. but if you guess, make sure it's an honest guess. you know that a 6 oz. sirloin is not 1 point. (p.s. if you didn't know, most steak places dip he steak in butter and salt before they girll. i always ask for no butter, no salt, no seasoning - just plan grilled. same for veggies.)

    Dotti's Weight Loss Zone (click on the restaurants section) is a great site to get some sort of idea for points. it has tons, tons, and tons of restaurants and points. again, it may not be 100% accurate, but it is a great place to go if you can't get exact points.

    if you can't find the place you want to eat at, look for a place that is similar.
  • It also helps if you know which restaurant you're going to in advance and you look at their menu online. Sometimes restaurants have nutrition information online that's not on the menu. By looking at ingredients, and the nutrition info if they have it, you can go to the restaurant with a plan: I'll have the firecracker salad without the wontons with the balsamic dressing on the side; OR the grilled chicken without the cheese sauce, no fries, substitute vegetables; OR the grilled fish no rice and a side salad with dressing on the side. Pre-calculate your points. Then when you get there, you only have to decide which of those three options you feel like.

    BTW - If you're hesitant to ask for changes, don't be. Lots of people ask for adjustments to be made to menu options. I ordered something at a nice restaurant recently and the waiter said "What, you're ordering it just as it comes on the menu! Almost everyone makes a change." He was shocked.