Coconut Telegraph

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  • I have been really unsuccessful this fall. It has been so hard to cook dinner for my family. Our internist is totally sold on no carb diets. At my DH's recent physical (not good), the doctor sold my DH on the idea. I've been down that road only to hit a wall after two weeks. When I'm committed, WW works for me. So, I've been cooking one way for myself and counting WW points. I've had to make sure that DD got foods that contained enough calories, because she is a skinny minnie. DH would be hungry not eating carbs, and wanted more non-carb choices at dinner. He looked at my cup of rice or potato like it was an illegal substance. It was really hard to cook to please him, myself, and make sure DD got enough calories. Somewhere along the way, the stress took over, and the extra effort cooking three different meals every night became too much. So, nobody was dieting.

    DH finally came to his senses, and decided to join me on Weight Watchers. Now I can cook one way and just add calories to DD meals.

    I really hope this works. I would love to finally get rid of my baby weight.
  • Summerrrr!

    I'm glad you've finally found a way to make a healthier lifestyle work for you. Please keep posting and let us know how you're doing!
  • I appreciate the encouragement Penelope!
  • Just a short hello to let you know that I am still alive and well.
    Been a rough fall for me.......trying to get my lard butt back on program.
    Thanks for encouraging Summerrrr, Penelope!!!!!
    Welcome back on program Summerrr- glad that you are getting in a family mode with program.
    take care, y'all
  • Did we have to go back to school today? Grrrrrrr.......the kiddies were subdued after a long weekend, which was fine by me! I am fighting a bit of a stomach bug (hoping the Imodium kicks in before my afternoon begins), so I am not up to a lot of nonsense.

    Had to do some proofreading for Ds this am and it is raining, so no walk as of yet. As soon as I shut this down I'd like to get on the treadmill, even if only for a few moments.

    Now that I am done with my state certification course and inspection I am really hoping to get reinspired and back on program.

    Hi Summerrrr, Penelope and Ms Mermaid.
  • Summerrrr - You're welcome!

    ECMom - Rain sounds rather's snowing and freezing here! Hopefully it warms up soon
  • Pen- congrats on going so long without a binge!!!!!! How are you binge proofing yourself? (and if I could do similar, I would be at my goal hoo). You have much snow? How cold are you in Canada?
    I just noticed how close to goal you are- that is quite an accomplishment.
    How have you gotten all the weight off?

    Me- so far (and if I eat no more today) I have had a good day. Got a nice walk in this am (cool and breezy- felt great!) and have made good food choices. Just have to behave myself until I get into bed.
    Tough day at are getting the preholiday wackies. Lucky me.
    Have a great nite.
  • Ginger - Thank you In order to get the weight off, I've calorie counted, gotten more active, cut the junk from my diet, and stuck to mostly fruits, veggies and lean protein (I'm also mostly vegetarian - I only eat fish and seafood).
    I don't really have an easy answer to how I've gotten a curb on the binge monster. I'm not binge proofed...I still fall into old habits every once in awhile. This month, I gave myself a goal - learn to eat normally again, and try to get to the end of the month with as many binge free days as possible under my belt. So far, I've had 6 off plan days - a huge improvement to a short time ago. I'm not planning on letting that number get any higher.
    I have a Christmas party to go to on December 22, so that was another inspiration. A lot of people that I used to work with and hung out with a little will be there, including an ex boyfriend. I am determined to go to that party looking absolutely fabulous!
    I understand feeling like you would be at your goal weight if it wasn't for the bingeing. After I lost all the weight, I started eating a lot of junk again, and the binges were getting more frequent. I felt bulletproof - my weight never really went above 115 (probably because I was so active). But THEN, a few months later, I started really noticing a difference when I looked in the mirror, and for the first time, my weight crawled back up to 120. It was the kick in the butt that I needed to get back on track
    Anyway, we don't have much snow, but it's very cold Right now it's -14, and the wind chill is nasty.

    Best of luck with your goals, and have a great night!
  • Wow, has it really been over a month since I have been here?
    I've survived the holidays, and have gained a few #'s. Its been a week since I have dared to go on the scale, and I will be FINALLY getting to a WW meeting the second week of January. Gotta get my fat fanny in gear.....gonna buy a new workout video to motivate my a**.

    Hope everyone has a great new year. I hope to make daily or at least posting every other day a reality.
  • Well, it looks as though I am chatting with myself. That's fine, I am a little kooky anyway and the accountability is something I need.

    Back to school today........ugh. Kids were wacky- all hyped out with new toys and new ways to annoy me. Hard to believe that I had to start the New Year going over the rules. Again.

    Got my walk in this am......and am setting up to walk with a coworker again once a week. Gotta work at staying OP. I will get to a meeting next week.
  • ECMom,

    Hey, I'll be accountable with you! We have something in common - I'm a little kooky too
    Today was a good day because I ate mostly healthy(ish) foods, and drank my tea and water and chewed gum instead of overeating And now, I'm off to bed...
    Have a great Thursday!
  • Hi Dreamy!
    I never really got to know you at all, which is my own fault. Just did not spend enough time here in the fall.
    Where do you live? Are you in the midst of this awful cold snap like me in Southern NY state? Glad to hear that you had such a good day and stayed away from food issues.
    Your mind sounds locked into program, which is great. Hope tomorrow is also good for you!

    Me? Got the walk in, but that is one part of program I do well. My eating is still miserable. I blew it at the end of the day, again. But I do have a game plan. Next week, Tues evening I WILL get to a meeting, my first since October. Not gonna weigh in, just sit and absorb. A coworker also goes to that meeting, really sweet lady, and hopefully that will be the kick in the can I need. The following week I will WI and face the dammage. Next Wed, the coworker and I are walking again....something we did in the fall. She is good company. Perhaps just what I need.

    I am so glad that this is a short week. Been stressful, kiddies have been nuts and 3 out of the 4 times I have driven a bus this week I have had a spare (mine has been problematic......they say they figured out the problem this afternoon).

    Not much else is new here.
    take care!
  • Ok, so dreamy, I just got really smart and noticed that you must be cold in Alberta.......duh!!!!!!!! And that you did finally make it to goal. How did you ever keep your inspiration up toward the end? (care to come to NY and give a kick in the can?)
    Thanks.....have a great day.
  • Good morning, Ginger!

    Having a walking partner sounds great! As much as I can, I get my boyfriend Jeff to come, but he doesn't enjoy it much.

    It's actually not that cold here - it was for awhile, but now it's pretty warm. Yay

    I did make it to my goal of 120 and I've been maintaining for atleast a year (I'm not sure exactly how long). I hover around 120, but I've never gone over. I would love to come to NY, just as soon as I scrape the money together I don't think you're going to want to wait 5 years

    I used to have the same mind set - I couldn't imagine being as slim as I am. Then - I finally found the right mind set and the commitment that I needed, and I worked hard to be where I am. You can do this! I believe in you

    So far today...Food I've had a good breakfast. Jeff is working late, but I've been binge free for the last two nights (one of them alone, one with Jeff) and I have plans with my neighbor, so I will be fine! I actually brought a lunch today and a few snacks (finally!), so I should be able to stay away from the office food/junk. I have a little challenge going for myself to stay away from empty calories, so if I need a snack or whatever - all healthy!

    Exercise: I joined an exercise challenge thread, and I'm going to get my 15-20 of walking in tonight.

    Today is my last day at work, because I start school on Monday. I needed to get a part time job to pay bills, and a sandwich place right next door to my school hired me on the spot yesterday O_o I don't know if I will actually accept the offer...I have an interview at a resturaunt tonight, and I have hopes for that Then it's home for margaritas and probably a Bones marathon

    Cheers to a great Friday!
  • Hi Dreamy!
    What will you be studying in school? Hope that you get whichever job works out best for you,financially and schedule wise.
    It is a shame that Jeff is not really into walking with you- but I must say, my Dh does not often walk with me either. Good luck with the excercise challenge I said that is the one area of WW I have no problem with. I already got my 1.5 mile walk in this am, and hope to sneak another mile in later.

    Started out today ok........blew my eating at lunch, but I can still turn things out ok if I behave myself the rest of the day. Dreamy, can you define what turned you around and got you to finish and get to your goal weight?

    Gotta go get ready to return to work.
    Happy Friday!