I want to lose weight to look good for....

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    This guy wrote a blog about how he exercises for health but a female friend of his only exercises/eats right to look good for guys. Sadly, I've read many blogs/posts by girls who are doing the same thing.

    It's a foreign idea to me. I have extreme low self esteem but oddly enough, male influence has nothing to do with me wanting to lose weight. The way I see it, I'm the one looking in the mirror everyday, I'm the one buying and wearing the clothes. Sure, outside admiration might be nice but when I think about buying smaller clothes, I see myself looking in the mirror and smiling for the first time. I want to be able to put something on and tell myself 'Damn, ma, you are hella sexy!' Screw the guys, they come and go, but Shari will be here always! And Shari wants to love herself.

    So tell me, do you want to lose the weight for yourself.....or someone else?
  • I do it for myself and for my health. I like to look good for my hubby too but my health comes first.
  • Kate1970! :congrats: Good loss!

    It's for me, me, and me. In my opinion, it can't be any other way.

  • I want to lose weight so I'm no longer disgusted by when I look at myself in the mirror, to enjoy things in life that weight makes harder, and to become a healthy person in general and for my job since it requires people to be in good shape.
  • I want to wear pretty dresses.
    That sounds really narcissistic, and yet my mind is made up. Getting generally healthier is, of course, a close second.
  • Quote:
    I want to wear pretty dresses.
    Hee, this is exactly what I tell my bf. He always thinks I'm losing weight for him (or for other guys) and goes out of his way to tell me I'm sexy/beautiful/perfect as I am. Honestly, I don't think guys care as much as we do--there's like a 30 pound buffer in which we're considered attractive no matter what. It's really for us.
  • It's for me, for my health, and so I'll be here a loooong time to watch my boys grow up and give me grandkids and get to enjoy them too! And, so I can feel better about myself and have nicer-looking clothes (and maybe cheaper too, since regular sizes cost less than plus-sizes). Good question, by the way!
  • For me it's all about feeling good, being healthy and strong. Looking good is just an ancillary benefit. (but that doesn't suck either). And it's definitely for me, although my DH loves it too!
  • For myself and my son. My hubby says I'm fine the way I am,but I want to be healthy for my son and myself.( I guess my husband too.)
  • I lose weight, eat right and do a wee lil' cardio to be healthy but but but lift weights purely to look really good. It's the cheapest plastic surgery ever! It does feel good too - but looks are the lifting motivation.

    I started losing weight for my 4 year old son, he was the kick in the pants. Love that little guy up. It's been a GREAT influence on him.
  • I am losing weight to be healthy, of course, that's always important - but really, deep down, it's so that I could fit back into all those cool clothes (my favorite pants!) I bought in college, and so that when my friends post their wedding pictures on facebook no one goes 'wow, priscilla really chunked up after we graduated' and so that my little mii on wii fit won't be so chubby.
  • I lost mainly for my husband and then for myself. At my highest weight I was avoiding all sorts of social situations and activities that I knew put him in an awkward position. Should he drag me to some business related social event he had to be at even though he knew it was killing me, or make some sort of excuse for why I wasn't at yet another occasion where my presence was expected?

    He loved me fat or thin, but I knew I had to make some changes cause I clearly wasn't being the kind of wife he deserved.
  • My weight loss has to be for me. I have diabetes (type 2) and losing weight means I might be able to go off the medication. I also really want to be thin for one time in my life!

    I was recently able to lose 60 pounds and before gaining that all back I LOVED the fact that I could buy from the not-fat-people rack! Even at thrift stores! FUN STUFF!

    My fiancée would love me no matter what I weighed, so it has to be for me that I do this!
  • I want to look good for myself! You know..walking past the mirror and can't help but stop to look and say "DAYUM!! I look H-O-T!" So yeah plain old vanity is my #1 drive...good health is a bonus

    Love is blind so I know my DH loves me no matter what I weigh....but if I make him drool once I hit goal who's to say that is wrong? lol
  • I'm losing mainly for health and to feel better and stronger. But another big incentive is to get to where I can quit shopping in the "women's" section. I want normal sizes, not 1X, 2X, etc. or 22W. Hate it!!