Anti Depressants

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View Poll Results: How well do your meds help you
A Lot, they are brilliant
They stop me crying as much, but not much else
They make me feel spaced out
Voters: 63. You may not vote on this poll
  • Hello All,

    I am on an anti D called Mirtazapine Soltab. I was just wondering what meds everybody else takes here. I thought I would make a poll too just to get some more info. I hope you don't mind.


  • Ammi, I've just switched from Celexa (pooped out) to Zoloft. So far, so good.
  • CURRENTLY I'm on Lamictal (lamotragine) and Effexor -- which work wonderfully. But it took a looooong time to get the cocktail the past my Doc and I tried Zoloft, Depakote, Welbutrin, Trazadone, Clonapin, and some others that I've forgotten. I'm Bipolar II, which is a bit more challenging to treat than Bipolar I. We're kinda the "orphans" of Bipolar World because no one really *noticed* us for a long time (we don't actually get "manic") and therefore no one quite knows what to do with us -- pharmacologically speaking, at least .

    Example: I was on FIFTEEN Omega-3 fish oil capsules a day for several years because Harvard Medical School said it was a "good thing" for Bipolar II. It was, however, NOT a "good thing" for my digestive system as I spent 18 hours a day producing fishy-flavored burps. Lovely.
  • Kate and Ellis I am so glad that your meds are working well for you, though I am sorry that it wasn't a case of right first time. Same here, they had to change my meds, but I am the one that put in the poll that they stop me crying and that's about it. I am supposed to give mine time to work. What got me wondering about other meds is that my friend in Australia started taking anti D's and straight away she said she felt like she was in a haze, kind of like she had taken a step back from reality and things didn't phase her. I wouldn't mind feeling like that sometimes

    Kate - ICK how awful for you having to take all those fish oil capsules, I bet they effected your bowel movements as well. Thank goodness the powers that be realised that you didn't need to take them after all.

    Thanks to both of you for taking part in the poll, I hope more people will come along too.


  • I am not on meds now, but did take Prozac for about a year. At first I was happy with them but after awhile I started feeling "flat". I wouldn't really call it zoned out, although that is how I answered the poll. It was more I didn't feel anything, positive or negative. I didn't really like my doctor and so rather than talk to him about changing the meds, I just weaned myself off them and never went back. I feel OK now. Not constantly weepy like I was a year or two ago.
  • that's a very difficult question to answer since each medication has a different effect on me.
    effexor -- i was a zombie with no emotions whatsoever
    paxil -- made me gain too much wait so i didn't stay on it very long
    Celexa -- really bad side effects so again i didn't stay on it very long
    zoloft -- great...i stillhave emotions, just not as drastic and i don't feel cloudy at all (these are the meds i should be on if i could afford them)
  • I took prozac and felt great, another time I was prescibed it and felt 'hyper', there's ben loads, but by far the worst was seroxat, I heard voices, had strange compulsions and awful thoughts, in the end I stopped and felt much better, it was awful I realy thought I was going mad! Thankfully now I'm just a bit low, so I manage without anything.

  • I can't answer for myself exactly as I took Celexa for a few weeks and was zonked out so I stopped taking them then decided that I wasn't that depressed that I needed meds (probably not true but I struggle along regardless). My husband has had issues with anti-depressants. I won't go through the whole thing but he's taken Paxil and Effexor (not at the same time) with good effect and Remeron and Wellbutrin with terrible effect. Those last 2 either didn't work or made his mood worse or it could have been he had too many meds in his system and it was messing him up more. Presently he is taking Effexor and it is working well. I think he was better with Paxil but there were some side effects that he didn't like that he hasn't had with the Effexor.
  • I took Lexapor (sp) and all it did was make me sleep. Now I take welbrutrin XL 300 ml (150 twice a day) I tried 300 ml once a day but by 3-4 I was so hateful it was crazy. My meds do work for me with some things.. I like the Welburtin because it dosent make me feel in a fog. But if i forget and take my second dose after 1 pm I am usually awake all night. I do have trazadon to help me sleep if I need it I just dont use it very often. I dont like to take sleep aids (I do like that it dosent make me feel drunk when I do use it.
    But with my illness I dont think anything will fix everything. I am still anti social most days and I still have anxioty and I still have the moodiness and anger just not as bad as without.
  • I'm Bipolar I, rapid cycling and mixed state.

    Oh God, where to start...

    Zoloft -- didn't work
    Prozac -- didn't work
    Celexa -- hella nausea
    Wellbutrin -- worked, but not enough
    Effexor -- felt like I was on crack
    Lithium -- gained weight, slept 12 hours/day, stayed depressed
    Thyroid meds -- helped me stop gaining weight, only slept 10 hours/day

    Lamictal -works great, only bad side effect is lack of concentration
    Strattera -- I take it to offset the side effect of Lamictal.
  • I take Celexa and it's a lifesaver. Before that was Wellbutrin which was okay, but didn't work great, just good. My first AD was Zoloft; that was also a lifesaver, but I gained 40 pounds. I've also taken Buspar (anti-anxiety), but it made me tired 24/7 so I stopped taking it after only a few months.

    I feel lucky that I seem to respond so well to meds, though I seem to do best on the SSRIs.
  • I just want to thank you all for taking part in my poll and telling me about various meds you have been on. It's interesting to me that none of you take what I do, and also that what Americans and Australians get prescribed are very similar. I wonder if there is any reason why I have the med I do, rather than the more popular ones? I might ask my doctor next time I see her.

    Thanks again, this has been a really interesting topic for me,


  • meds
    I guess I have one on all you! LOL I have taken all those mentioned above too.
    1. Paxil-made me mean and hateful (worse than I already was.) lol
    2. Celexa- always tired
    3. Wellbutrin- nothing
    4. Zoloft- overly grouchy
    5. Trazadone- no effect at all
    6. Effexor- worked, but not for long.
    7. Lithium- felt totally drugged up all the time
    8. A combination of one or two of the above- very groggy and lifeless
    9. I am now on a new one that also contains a small amount of a "painkiller" to help with the fibromyalgia. It's called Cymbalta. Works pretty good, but after taking 15 mil.
    I had to increase to 30 and now when I go in again to discuss it with my Dr. he will have to increase it again. The one side effect that I can live with is it actually decreases your appetite!! Those that are on ad's ought to ask their docs about this one!
  • My meds
    I am Bipolar II also...I was 18 when I was diagnosed and I am 27 now. I was first put on Prozac but that didn't work. so now I am on..

    The Buspar is for Panic attacks..
    They had to add Wellbutrin on top of the Paxil because they couldn't increase it anymore.
    Honest to God, when I took anything less than what I am taking now I could not function. Constant severe depression...suicidal thoughts..cutting..couldn't even get out of bed. Since getting on the meds I am on now..I am doing better than I ever have in my whole life.
  • Have they caused you weight gain, Gategirl?