What I will not miss the most about being overweight...

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  • Hiding behind pillows when sitting - I always put a throw pillow on my lap to hide my big belly behind.

    Hefting an extra 90 lbs around everywhere I went.

    Not being able to find clothes that were flattering.

    Looking huge in every photo.
  • I used to have a boyfriend who used to make fun of me for being fat. I will never miss being made fun of and being humiliated.
  • When I get there, I will not miss:

    1. Not being able to sit crosslegged
    2. Not being able to do yoga poses properly because my belly, boobs, or extra thigh meat is getting in my way
    3. Flying while wearing a seatbelt that is too tight because I'm embarrassed to ask for an extender that would make me feel more comfortable
    4. Being told that I have a pretty face (as if the rest of me doesn't deserve a compliment)
  • 1. Being around my thin family and sticking out because of my weight.
    2. Clothes shopping
    3. Avoiding the camera unless I have control
    4. Not feeling good enough for my boyfriend
    5. Feeling embarrassed for my boyfriend to be see with me in public
    6. Feeling like everyone is looking/judging me
  • agree with most peoples points!

    for me, i travel a ton and so the airplane seat really hits home.
    Also, the joint pain - my knees
    and i wont miss the limited flexibility -- not being able to properly stretch my quad cause my thighs are so large i cant bend my knee
  • Thought of another one: I won't miss being dismissed by other people. The way people sort of act like they can't see you (as if) or where you can see the dismissive look in their eyes as though being larger makes you lazy, weak, or less than human.
  • -Spending more money on clothes because it's hard to find my size on clearance in the style I like

    -Not getting to go to theme parks because either I outright can't fit or an employee makes a big ruckus and everyone stares

    -People staring no matter what I eat, or people making comments like "Good for you" when I order a salad
  • i will NOT miss going to the fitting room and ripping out clothes when im trying to put them on or take them off
    I will NOT miss photoshopping my pictures to make it look like im skinnier than i really am
    I will NOT miss hiding in public from people i know that have last seen me as a smaller person.
  • 1. Never looking that nice in clothes (seriously, I got maybe one compliment in a year). I think part of it might be where I gain weight, too, since I've seen plenty of overweight/obese people who look fabulous.

    2. Never having enough suitcase room. I only take carry-on luggage (it's super expensive to check a bag now), and bigger clothes take up WAY more room.

    3. Taking up more space than I'm used to. I'm still not used to it.

    4. How hard it is to find clothes that I like and that fit (it's nearly impossible, sometimes). I miss when I took for granted that I could just throw on whatever and it fit and was comfortable and it looked nice. It's harder now for me for sure.