Alternative Products that will work on Phase 1, Part 7

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  • Time for a new thread, since we went well over 500 posts on the last one.

    Quote: I made the chocolate "cookies" today and I added in 9 drops of peppermint extract and had chocolate mint cookies. OMG! I am going to make PB ones for dinner (I LOVE peanut butter cookies ).

    I am not a huge fan of the consistency of pudding, but Ro keeps raving about it, so I may have to try it
    I've made Ro's Quest pudding twice. IMO, it's really more of a frosting consistency than pudding. I kept thinking it would be good on some kind of baked good.

    When you've made the cookies, do they turn out crispy at all? The one attempt I made, they were gummy. Reminded me of wet cardboard. I never thought of myself as a picky eater, but being on this protocol, I've learned that I'm pretty fussy about texture.
  • No, not crispy. They are more like a cake or bread consistency. I have been baking them in the toaster over at 350 for 12 minutes and they turn out great. "Cookies" is a little deceiving because although they are shaped like they are more spongy.

    I've been making them with 1/2 teaspoon baking powder, 1 scoop quest protein powder and 2 oz. ice cold water. I have been putting the water in my shaker with ice cubes, shaking them up and then measuring out 2 oz.

    I am fussy about texture too, which is why I don't really like pudding texture. Even when I was using IP products, I always made the pudding packets into either shakes or cookie / cakes.

    I have been finding the cookie cakes a lot more satisfying than just drinking shakes, probably has to do with the fact that I am chewing something and eating vs. drinking.

    Can you post the pudding recipe?
  • 1 scoop flavored Quest powder + 2 oz water.

    I tried adding 0-0-0 pumpkin spice flavored syrup to the vanilla powder but the vanilla still overpowered it.
  • I have made the chocolate with adding a few drops of peppermint extract for chocolate mint cookies. Otherwise, I have just been eating them as is.

    A quick update on the Quest Banana protein powder- It is really good as a shake! It was decent when I baked it and thought it would taste worse as a shake, but I think it tasted better!
  • Alternative Products that will work on P1 - Part 7
    We reached 500 posts on the Alternatives thread Part 6 so here is a new thread for the IPeeps who are looking to follow IP without use of an IP clinic, coach and the official, rather costly IP packets....

    I am struggling to do a re-boot largely using alternatives - I have discovered Quest chips as well as their powders and bars.

    Very good and versatile options to the IP products. I will enjoy saving some money this go around with the IP program by having more affordable protein foods that I can depend on.

    here is some of the content from Lisa's invaluable initial post in Part 6 for Alternatives:

    For those who don't go back to the previous thread to find the info (recommend as much research as possible!), here is info on how to pick an alternative product:

    If you need specific info on WHAT to eat on IP, go here:
    IP Protocol Sheets (this info is linked every day on the first post of the daily chat thread)

    Here's a detailed breakdown to consider:
    - under 160 calories = Unrestricted (though MOST IP packets range from 90-120)
    - 160-200 calories = Restricted (once/daily)
    slightly over 200 cals (or 30% fat) is super-restricted (once/weekly)
    - less than 30% cal from fat (multiply cals from fat x 3; OK if lower than total cals.)
    - under 8 g net carbs - unrestricted
    - 9g-16g net carbs - restricted
    - 17g net carbs - super restricted (only once/twice per week)
    - above 17g net carbs is too high to be good for Phase 1
    - at least 12-15g protein (don’t go much above 20g regularly)

    * NET = Total carbs minus fiber (some people also subtract all sugar alcohols from total carbs; some subtract half; some choose to not subtract any...... sugar alcohols can affect your body similarly to sugar with spikes) Also remember NO Aspartame!

    Losing weight is hard. Maintenance is hard. Being fat is hard. Pick your hard. (-Ishbel)
  • Bump
  • I started this new thread but it was missed and I saw that another has been started... Bill Blue Eyes merged the two threads for us, so we are back in order now - the basic guidelines are a few posts in on the first page of the thread, but hopefully folks will find them.
  • My favorite restricted bars are from GNC. Robert Irvine Fit Elite choc chip cookie dough and Oh Yeah! Victory bar choc chip cookie dough. They taste nothing alike, but I like them both. The fit elite bars are super chocolatey and will leave you wanting more. I didn't like the Oh Yeah bars at first, but have learned to love them. The choc chips are sprinkled on top for that bar.
  • DKC, I am always looking for alternatives, especially restricteds. I live for them! I just looked up the nutrition facts and if I am looking at the same thing you are talking about, they are pretty well outside the guidelines to fit the P1 protocol. Could you post a picture of the nutrition labels so that I can make sure I was looking at the right thing?
  • After about 10 days or so of Quest pudding, I got tired of it, especially after running out of peanut butter and wanting something more substantial. I picked up a tub of Chocolate Quest powder and made cookies yesterday. I haven't had chocolate ones in a few weeks - really enjoyed them. Swapping flavors and different uses is a key I think for not getting bored, fighting cravings, etc.
    I was starving for some reason last week and especially yesterday. The cookies helped but so did leaving the house for the day. I think a key is only have the pudding for breakfast. I have been doing that for last 10 days and today I had a cookie instead, and I feel a lot fuller and satisfied than I have recently.

    I think the chocolate powder makes the best cookies. I always get like a pudding cake type result with this as a cookie especially when I store it in a Ziploc bag.
  • Ro- If you like mint chocolate, try adding 8-9 drops of peppermint extract to the chocolate cookies. They are really good!

    I have been making cookies for both breakfast and dinner (I eat my 8 oz. protein at lunch) and I am constantly rotating flavors I have also been ridiculously addicted to the Quest Chips as my afternoon snack. Sea Salt and Cheddar & Sour Cream are my favorites, with BBQ not too far behind.

    I bought a couple of the Quest bars to try. In the past, I haven't been much of a fan, but I heard they changed their formula, so maybe I will like them. They haven't steered me wrong with the powder or chips. I am also going to try baking them.

    All in all, I have been very happy with the Quest products and am finding that using the alternatives is effective.
  • Quote:
    I bought a couple of the Quest bars to try. In the past, I haven't been much of a fan, but I heard they changed their formula, so maybe I will like them. They haven't steered me wrong with the powder or chips. I am also going to try baking them.

    All in all, I have been very happy with the Quest products and am finding that using the alternatives is effective.
    Just FYI, the re formulated bars don't fit protocol - too high in fat. But with your exercise, you might not see an impact on your weight loss.
  • Quote: Just FYI, the re formulated bars don't fit protocol - too high in fat. But with your exercise, you might not see an impact on your weight loss.
    Thank you! Good to know. I haven't had any yet, but maybe I can just do a 1/2 bar if I really want one. So far, I have been doing it with all unrestricted items because I am seriously addicted to the chips and Ro's "cookies". The cookies fill that void of something sweet and chewy that I used to rely on the bar for, so I haven't been missing the bar at all. And the chips are unrestricted, so I am also getting something salty and crunchy every day.

    I only bought a couple, so maybe I will just save them for after...
  • Quote: Ro- If you like mint chocolate, try adding 8-9 drops of peppermint extract to the chocolate cookies. They are really good!

    I have been making cookies for both breakfast and dinner (I eat my 8 oz. protein at lunch) and I am constantly rotating flavors I have also been ridiculously addicted to the Quest Chips as my afternoon snack. Sea Salt and Cheddar & Sour Cream are my favorites, with BBQ not too far behind.

    I bought a couple of the Quest bars to try. In the past, I haven't been much of a fan, but I heard they changed their formula, so maybe I will like them. They haven't steered me wrong with the powder or chips. I am also going to try baking them.

    All in all, I have been very happy with the Quest products and am finding that using the alternatives is effective.
    Thanks, Jenny. I ready your posts and am glad you found that mixture that you like but for me, I don't like mint. For me, the chocolate is great just as it is.
    I also don't care for the Quest bars, especially because I don't want the carbs. I'm skeptical about the dietary fiber count which is why I am not allowing myself the Combat Bars either - to me the taste is superior to any protein bar I have tried but I don't trust the carb count. Plus, these are a trigger for me they are so good so I am avoiding them until Maintenance.
    I have found the Quest chips are also a trigger for me as I can't keep myself to eating just one bag so I avoid them. I just re-incorporated the BBQ Crisps from IP as I was missing something crunchy. I have had the Quest Chips, the chips from Nashua nutrition and IP's, and I have found IP's to be the best. So, although it is not convenient for me to get them, I made a special trip to get them. I bought a month's worth of Chicken Soup and BBQ Crisps which I believe will get me through P1.
  • Jennydoodle - the quest bars are a trigger for me too, but I find them to n
    Be best when they are cut up - one bar divided into 8 little cubes - and then out them on the baking sheet in a 350 degree oven for 8-9 mins. Yummy cookies result - texture changes from Turkish taffy like texture to a real cookie like texture - dense like a brownie. Add a cup of chai or decaf coffee.. Yummy beyond belief! But really super restricted now that they gap have refurmulated and upped he fat content.