new here

  • Hi new to this whole thing. So let me get started i'm 22 years old. Been struggling with me weight since I was younger. My weight has led me to be very self conscious, I have very low self esteem. From feeling this way I know its keeping me back from being more out going,I tend to keep to myself. I want to change become healthier and gain more confidence in myself. I'm lost don't know where to start, would like some one talk to help with process. Not sure if I can talk to people around me about this not sure they will understand.
  • Hi Vcvelez! Welcome!

    You have come to the right place! There are a lot of people here who have experienced or are experiencing the same thing that you are. Check some of the different posts and you will find many people you can relate to.

    If you haven't decided on an eating plan, check out the section call Diet Central.
    For exercise information, check out the Fitness section.

    You will find great information here and a lot of support.

    Best of luck to you! Here is a big hug from me!
  • Hey vcvelez! I'm new too. I'm 21 and just got put on thyroid killing medicine a few months ago. Now I don't really have a metabolism so weight gain is a big problem. These forums have been super helpful! You're definitely in the right place.
  • welcome, best of luck!
  • Hi VC! So glad you've joined us. You'll learn so much being here. Besure sure to check out the 20-Somethings sub-forum under Support Groups. This is one place where people your own age know exactly what you are going through because they are going through it too and they will support you! Everyone else here will support you too! Browse around, jump right in and post any questions or comments you want. Good luck!