Did I cheat?

  • I have this overwhelming since of failure after lunchtoday, and I am not sure it's justified.

    I was invited by coworkers to a Vietnamese place today for lunch.

    I had a glass of tea and ordered a small Pho without noodles.
    It was beef, and was a little fatty, but not too crazy.
    They added bok-choy and cabbage instead of noodles, it came with basil and bean sprouts, also some white onion and spices thrown in.

    I am swapping lunch and dinner tonight, so my veggies and packet will be this evening.

    How does Pho (without noodles) stand up as far as an IP dinner? It was so good I feel like a big cheater!
  • You might be high on sodium, but it's not the end of the world. I would just stay away from the Pho for a bit and swap it with something homemade so you have the control and knowledge of what's in it. Also, subract your veggies you had at lunch from you total for the day and you're ok!

    That's my 2 cents.....
  • sometimes it can be a little sketchy depending on what they add to the broth (i.e if they use soy sauce that isn't gluten free) but not to the point where having it once will derail you. There are a lot of really easy Pho recipes online, if you get the itch for it you can likely find something that is p1 appropriate, or just make adjustments!