What are your non-scale goals?

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  • What are some of your non-scale goals? Have they helped you in your journey to lose pounds and inches?

    A few of my non-scale goals:
    Have people notice that I've lost weight- This is starting to happen.
    Mini-NSG- Run a .5 mile- Accomplished last week
    Run a mile without jogging or walking (I have exercise-induced asthma so this is harder for me than it would be for most people.)
    Run a 10 minute mile
    Run a mile faster than I did in high school (9:21)
    Do ten perfect push-ups in a row- I'm getting pretty close.
    Hold the plank position for a full minute with ease- Again, I'm close. I can do it, but it's a challenge.
  • *wear form-fitting clothes instead of baggy, boxy cover-the-fat clothes (accomplished! )
    *wear a size 12 (accomplished! )
    *wear belts again (accomplished! )
    *wear a size 10
    *wear a size 8
    *get rid of my "bat wings" (omg I hate those!!!)
    *walk up the stairs without feeling winded (accomplished! )
    *stop eating so fast (still working on it)
    *saying "no thanks" (no matter how GOOD it is!) when I know I'm not hungry! (in progress)
    *don't think about food 24/7 (in progress)
  • I can soooo relate to Beach Patrol!! Those are a few of my goals too. Weight loss is hard, but when you do reach those small goals it's so rewarding!!! Still trying to get there!!!
  • I only have a couple so far,
    - Feel good about myself
    - Not being a slave to cravings and fast food addiction (In progress)
    - To have my stomach not squishing out onto the bed when i lay on my side
    - Wear more form fitting clothing (Only starting)
  • Ooo good ones! I forgot about a couple of NSGs I've already accomplished.

    Lose the arm fat- Did it this month!
    Wear a size 5 dress I had in the back of my closet- Wore it to a wedding the 4th week of September
    New NSG: Look good in that dress (minus some arm, upper boob and belly fat I had in Sept.)- May be at that point now. Need to check later.
  • Oh, I love these types of threads. Every time I post to one it reminds me of why I am doing this. OK, here are mine --

    > Wear a pair of leggings and not worry if my shirt or sweater is riding up above my thights and butt

    > Finally see what I really look like in the mirror and become blind to the phantom fat

    > Believe someone when they say I have a nice body. I am still 10 pounds over average but those 10 pounds still make me feel fat.

    > Wearing a bikini - of sorts. I'll never be able to wear bikini bottoms on account of my stretch marks and cellulite but I want to show off a flat tummy and smooth back.

    My wish for all of you lovely ladies that you reach your NSV's!
  • 1. To be able to walk into a store and buy a bra rather than having to order special sizes off of the Internet. Just try to get one to fit.

    2. To be able to wear pretty clothes and not have to go around in ugly stuff that looks like it was made out of my grandmother's wallpaper
  • My $2.50 fabulous thrift store find, of floor length red crepe with a slit up the side, and a sweet heart neckline.... size 12.... and to fit in by Valentine's Day.
  • I love reading these kinds of posts.

    Here are some of my goals:

    1. To increase my stamina so that I can go hiking with a friend. There's a lot of beautiful scenery around here.
    2. To have more control over my eating and to feel less like an addict.
    3. To be able to dress better.
  • 1) To wear a size 10 pair of jeans
    2) Be able to run a 5k, 10k, 1/2 Marathon, and full Marathon
    3) Run a 9 Minunte Mile(Currently at 11:30)
    4) Be able to look normal in a pair of shorts. This is requiring alot of work on my upper legs. Getting there though
    5) Feel average walking around, and have no fear about my weight or what people may think of me because of my weight
  • Qualify for the Boston Marathon.

    Achieve a normal BMI.

    Be confident, happy, and healthy.

    Beat compulsive overeating and banish binges forever.

    Balance my life.
  • Achieve a normal BMI
    Wear a size 8-10 ish
    To have my abs back again
    To feel comfortable dancing and moving around
  • Size 8
    Stop boredom eating
    Increase my weight-lifting ability
  • Hmmm I will really have to think on this.. but for now i would like to....

    ~Fitting in those High School jeans in my closet size 24 ( they are calling my name !!)
    ~Fit comfortably in a size 18 ( or even better a non plus size which I have no clue what that is )
    ~Be able to run and play with my daughter (3 yr old)with out saying okay mom is tired ( I am not sure if this one is humanly possible haha but worth a try)
    ~Be comfortable getting into a bathing suit and walking around
    ~Loosing the fat that has me off balance and makes my back hurt.
    ~Being comfortable going to the gym ( err .. going to the gym period )
  • To be a better role model for my children by not only practicing what I preach but also to actively educate and engage them (and myself) in a healthy lifestyle.