300+ and getting fit after 40 #292

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  • Ahhh - water aerobics was awesome this morning! Need to remember each time I try to talk myself out of going.

    Weekend is here - everyone have a plan to stay POP?
  • I'll be in the car a lot so I've stocked up on fruit to snack on. Other than that it should be a no challenge (I say that now ) weekend.

    Today it's off to the grocery store for ONLY what's on the list.

    Have a fantastic OP day. Treat yourself with the love and respect you give to those you love!
  • Quote: Treat yourself with the love and respect you give to those you love!
    I love this! It rings to true for so many of us.

    Busy day today, haircut then a baby shower for a very long awaited little guy - he won't be here for a few months but mom and dad have had lots of trouble getting/staying pregnant. It's a day we've all waited a long time for. I will celebrate without food!

    Stay strong!
  • Having a head hunger day ....... AARGHHHHHHHHHH!

    Think it might be the impending time change and knowing I have to move my meals later. I've got my fruit, might try some hot tea to keep my hands busy and just try really hard to stay in control.

    Wish me luck.
  • Good morning ladies,

    I am not loving this time change! I will be hungry at odd times and I never sleep at night, so that won't change probably. LOL! I hate having to adjust.

    The scales have settled down for now. It is just sitting there at the same old same old. I should be happy with the results I have gotten though.

    I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Ruth
  • We celebrated my parents 50th wedding anv yesterday. It was awesome! The cake was beautiful and tasted wonderful.I always get stuck as the cake server. Its a job I hate!! I did great and chose a tiny piece for myself and didnt touch another slice. My sil tried to send a huge hunk home with me and I refused. I am proud to say I was POP yesterday.
    Today will be church and then housework. Thinking its getting close to time to put Christmas out. Maybe next weekend. We are celebrating with our kids on thanksgiving weekend. We had to change things up because our new addition is arrive right before Christmas.
  • Big dinner out last night. Didn't even try to stay OP -- though I did go to the gym.

    I think I'm ready to try to buckle down again some more. The worst of work should be over for a couple of months.

    I hate the time change - I prefer the light at the end of the day, plus, my dogs wake me up the same time every day anyway...
  • Made it through yesterday OP. PHEW! It wasn't easy. I think I have my head hunger beaten down - at least for a little while.

    HEATHER: You can do it. You know you can.

    DEB: Good job with the anniversary. Your parents should be very proud of the work they've done to stay together 50 yrs. It takes more than love but love is the glue that holds them together.

    RUTH: Darn scales! May your losing inches instead right now.

    Off to get my breakfast and lunch journaled.
  • WTG Judy!!!!!

    Thinking of you all. Hanging in here, shooting for a POP week. My big challenge at the moment is getting back to exercise. I've been managing to get at least 10 minutes of intentional exercise a day so far in November, which is better than the nothing consistent I was getting in October.

    Gotta get back to getting ready for tomorrow's classes. Have a great Monday, everybody!
  • Exercised both yesterday and today. Food is good today. Yesterday was delicious, but not OP.
  • Exercise is still a challenge - seems like I'm getting an hour in about twice a week. Needs to be more consistent - hit a pothole - no a canyon on Saturday. Felt awesome to be POP yesterday.
  • Healthy eating seems to be getting easier. Im so thankful. I plan to take the kids on a long walk today and enjoy one more day of beautiful weather before the cold yucky rain comes.
    We hung our outside greenery yesterday.I felt silly hanging it with my flowers still in full bloom. I just need to get a head start on the season in order to be in the right frame of mind by Thanksgiving weekend when we will celebrate Christmas with our kids and grandkids. My dil is due the week of Christmas and she wont be up to traveling this year. So this is a one time thing to have it early. Im kinda sad but what else can you do.
  • Had a rough weekend -- I pulled a muscle underneath my shoulder blade last week. Not when I was training, no, nothing like that -- when I was asleep. Seriously. So when I woke up I couldn't turn my head, etc. Thought it was just a stiff neck and went about my day, but by the time it was yoga time, I had to admit to myself that it was getting worse, not better. It's almost done complaining today -- we decided to skip training last Friday and then again today, so that I can be fully healed and not aggravate it. I hate stuff like this -- couldn't turn my head, couldn't nod, couldn't look to the side...yuck. Glad it's almost better -- I think I'm about 85% today. And then back to training next week!

    We also have all of a sudden gotten a bunch of friends wanting to go out to dinner with us -- which is simultaneously awesome and difficult on both budgets -- $$$ and calories. It happens at the end of every year, when people start thinking about the holidays and about how we haven't seen each other in about 6 months, and there you go. Good to see everyone! Wish it weren't all nice cozy wintry food

    The weather, at least, has been fabulous! I've actually gotten my husband out walking with me once! And need to get us both moving more But I am starting to believe that it will happen. We both want to get back to pre-post-holiday depression weight. It's only been a couple months, but it feels like we've been off plan for years -- and I can't fit my nice new pants any more Nothing like closet emergencies to push you forward, I guess, except that I'm kind of regretting donating all my old clothes -- we're heading into social season and I have pretty much nothing to wear :-S Maybe that's what I was on plan dietarily yesterday and today -- now to bring together the trifecta of health: exercise, diet, and sleep.

    Here's a helping hand to anyone who needs one. Between us all, we should be able to climb this mountain together, right?
  • Things are going good on the food front. Exercise is happening just not as often as it needs to.
    OUr pretty weather is gone, it has been replaced with rain. We are starting out the day near 70 and will only be near 50 by afternoon. YUCK...we got spoilt!
  • Weigh in morning. We'll reach 70 later today. A short, cold front arrives some time tomorrow. Thank heavens I can wear my usual, light weight summer slacks and not have to change into heavy jeans or sweats at WW before jumping back into the car and rushing the dog to her agility class. I'll have to switch my WW meeting day when it gets too cold to leave the dog in the car. Too little time and too many miles to be able to go home, change and pick up the dog and ..... get to her class on time.

    I'll check back in this afternoon.