Stool softener

  • Which one is your coach recommending to you? My coach told me magnesium citrate, however, when I bought it today (AFTER gulping 2 tsp down), I saw
    1) it is saccharin based and when I look online, they are all saccharin sweetened
    2) the last ingredient is sucrose, which might just be the brand that I bought. I will not be having a restricted item today! I emailed the manufacturer to try adn figure out how many carbs stating that I am on a ketogenic diet - we will see what reply I get.

    What are you getting recommended?
  • Quote: Which one is your coach recommending to you? My coach told me magnesium citrate, however, when I bought it today (AFTER gulping 2 tsp down), I saw
    1) it is saccharin based and when I look online, they are all saccharin sweetened
    2) the last ingredient is sucrose, which might just be the brand that I bought. I will not be having a restricted item today! I emailed the manufacturer to try adn figure out how many carbs stating that I am on a ketogenic diet - we will see what reply I get.

    What are you getting recommended?
    Peter Gilham's Natures Calm is excellent, I order from Netrition online. Also I take 2 Colace (the equate walmart brand much cheaper) a day. I suffered major constipation the first two weeks and this worked wonders for me!
  • I would try this:


    Per Mike Ciel, RPH & Clinical Director of Ideal Protein:
    Increase in unwelcomed weight = poor colon health. Problems related to constipation can be assisted with adding magnesium citrate to diet. Calcium supplements can be constipating, but magnesium has the opposite effect.

    Serious Constipation-

    When you combine vitamin C with Cal-Mag it will open/stimulate the colon.
    Purchase Walgreen's or CVS brand of 1000mg vitamin C tablets.
    Take 1 in the am with Cal-Mag supplement
    Take 2 at noon with Cal-Mag supplement
    If you do not receive relief, continue adding 1000mg vitamin C until bowels are evacuated.

    From my reading and understanding is the continuance of taking the vitamin C is with your Cal-Mag supplements in the evening(ie, 1 with dinner supplements and 1 with snack supplements).
  • Quote: I would try this:


    Per Mike Ciel, RPH & Clinical Director of Ideal Protein:
    Increase in unwelcomed weight = poor colon health. Problems related to constipation can be assisted with adding magnesium citrate to diet. Calcium supplements can be constipating, but magnesium has the opposite effect.

    Serious Constipation-

    When you combine vitamin C with Cal-Mag it will open/stimulate the colon.
    Purchase Walgreen's or CVS brand of 1000mg vitamin C tablets.
    Take 1 in the am with Cal-Mag supplement
    Take 2 at noon with Cal-Mag supplement
    If you do not receive relief, continue adding 1000mg vitamin C until bowels are evacuated.

    From my reading and understanding is the continuance of taking the vitamin C is with your Cal-Mag supplements in the evening(ie, 1 with dinner supplements and 1 with snack supplements).
    I will try this, seems like I am in a constant battle with my bowels right now lol!
  • Morning ... Have none of your coaches suggested the Novi-lax that Ideal protein sells..they also have a colan cleansing...

    I struggled with this and used the novi-lax... its easy and gentle and doesn't upset my tummy or balance at all...Please ask if they have this on the shelf..

    Believe me you'll feel better..
  • There are two things I will use. Novi-lax is one of them. The other is called Oxy Powder. Both work really well. On an ongoing basis I stick to the Novi-lax but when i find I'm still backing up or not consistent enough, I'll take the Oxy Powder.

    I think my coach has had me try every constipation remedy out there including the vitamin C and magnesium citrate (that one only worked if i took the whole bottle and then I suffered!). Nothing worked well for me until I started using novi lax and oxy powder.

    Good luck!
  • Please let this work
    Quote: I would try this:


    Per Mike Ciel, RPH & Clinical Director of Ideal Protein:
    Increase in unwelcomed weight = poor colon health. Problems related to constipation can be assisted with adding magnesium citrate to diet. Calcium supplements can be constipating, but magnesium has the opposite effect.

    Serious Constipation-

    When you combine vitamin C with Cal-Mag it will open/stimulate the colon.
    Purchase Walgreen's or CVS brand of 1000mg vitamin C tablets.
    Take 1 in the am with Cal-Mag supplement
    Take 2 at noon with Cal-Mag supplement
    If you do not receive relief, continue adding 1000mg vitamin C until bowels are evacuated.

    From my reading and understanding is the continuance of taking the vitamin C is with your Cal-Mag supplements in the evening(ie, 1 with dinner supplements and 1 with snack supplements).
    I am going to get some Vitamin C this afternoon. I am so miserable with this damned constipation. It's not just the lack of weight loss... I'm used to beging regular as a clock and I sure don't need thing to be obsessed over. It's difficult enough to keep enough veggies in the house and find something new to do with them

    Wish me luck and a smooth passage!!! LOL

  • I love the Calm too!! It works. I drink it at night right before bed. I love it!!!
  • If you are into a natural remedy for constipation. Have a fresshly squeezed lemon in a half a cup of luke warm water first thing in the morning before you eat anything. This will result in immediate relief.