For those still confused about the glycemic index

  • I was watching alton brown make some read beans and rice earlier this morning, and saw him do an explanation of the glycemic index which is about the best I have ever seen, not to mention being entertaining. So, for anyone who is interested, here it is. start watching about about 2:10 seconds.
  • Thanks for posting! Love Alton Brown--woot!!
  • That was a terrific video. Thanks for posting it.
  • i love that show! sometimes my daughter likes to watch it too. he's so much more animated than regular cooking shows. i learn so much from watching it too.
  • Thanks for posting that! The glycemic index explanation broke things down beautifully. I love his show; the science behind why things behave as they do in the kitchen makes everything he cooks twice as interesting.

    My only complaint about that episode is that you don't just put sausage ON the red beans and rice, you cook it IN the red beans and rice so you get all that flavor in the beans. I may use less sausage now and I assiduously record the calories in it, but there are some things on which a New Orleanian woman just will not compromise!