Fiber is your friend

  • Found this article at my doctor's office in Woman's Day. They also have a fiber chart for common foods. It's easy to make better choices:

    Cornflakes 1 g
    Raisin Bran 5 g

    White Rice 1 g
    Baked Potato w/ skin 2.5 g

    Fiber is the indigestible portion of plant foods, most of which passes through our system unchanged. Since we lack the enzymes to digest fiber, we can’t absorb any calories from it. But we can reap a multitude of health benefits.
    Better than Olestra!
  • Hey great link Rusty! Before joining WW, whichis my newest attempt at weight loss, I just dismissed fiber. I only concentrated on fat and calories. But these days, I really believe that fiber is an integral part of being successful at losing weight.

    Thanks for the article!
  • Kira - I'm a fiber fan. How weird for someone who was supersizing my Quarter Pounder with Cheese meal just two months ago. If you can find the issue before it's gone from the racks or make a copy at the library - there's a one page fiber chart broken down into food groups with lo to high choices.

    I went out and bought Kashi Cinna-Raisin Crunch this week (10 grams of fiber) and added spinach leaves (4 grams of fiber) to my salad (1gram fiber) and put chickpeas on top (after marinating them in ff Italian Dressing) (5 grams of fiber) and have an apple or two a day (4 grams of fiber each) and have found it's just as easy to choose a hi-fiber food from a food group and feel fuller longer!

    You'd need 10 cups of cornflakes to get the fiber in one cup of Kashi! And it tastes SUPER!
  • I've never tried the Cinna-Raisen Kashi. BUt it sounds good. I'm gonna see if I can find that issue before they pull it.

    Thanks again for the great article!
  • I just tried Kashi Go-Lean Crunch. YUM! It's VERY crunchy, so you kind of need milk to soften a bit, but I like it plain also. Definately worth a try if you like Kashi product. ....Sis
  • Cool, Sis! I had my Cinna-Raisin cereal with 2% milk at 9 am and an apple a little while ago and I'm feeling fine. No hunger pains. It's sure making it easier not to cruise the kitchen like an alley cat looking for scraps!