Calling it a GOAL!! ;)

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  • I've been quiet on here for the past month or so but I've still been reading (on my iphone no computer was totally spazing out so got another one! lol).

    Anyways a couple of weeks ago I hit my goal! I was super excited I would be posting pics in this post but give me a few more weeks of coming to terms with my body image Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love myself!! It's just all the mental images I have in my head and what I'm seeing is throwing me for a loop

    I'm also still in awe that I actually did it!!
  • Wowee!!!
    Oh BIGGEST congratulations!!! I too hope to be posting a similar post in the next little while.

    Such a big accomplishment! I am sure that it will take a while to sink in for good but...

    YOU DID IT!!!
  • WOW!! You sooo inspire me!!!! CONGRATS!!!!
  • Yay, you!!! Bravo. I love to read posts like this. Such inspiration for someone who is just beginning the journey!
  • grats!

  • Wow you did it !!! Can't wait to see the pix.

  • That is AWESOME! I can't wait to see how lovely you look at goal, best of luck getting used to your new state of being
  • fabulous! big congrats
    I always enjoy reading your posts and seeing your pix. thx for sharing
  • That's so amazing! Biggest congratulations to you! Does it feel like you thought it would? I'm guessing "no" since you're having body image issues. Maybe your brain is having a hard time catching up. I've heard that happens, though I have no experience with it yet!

    I'm dizzy with excitement for you! Thanks for sharing the good news!
  • YAY!! congratulations!! you're seriously AWESOME!
  • You are awesome! Congratulations on acheiving your goal! What a fantastic feeling that must be! I look forward to the "after" pictures.
    Big for you and a pat on the back. Well done!
  • omg my friend! I am so freaking happy for you!!!!!!!!!
  • Yay! Congratulations!
  • Congratulations!! I'm so very happy for you!
  • At the end of this, I know that Eva Longoria (or some other beautiful celebrity) isn't going to be staring at me in the mirror - it will still be me. That part I can't change. All of the imperfections that I see now won't be gone. My nose is still the one I inherited from my father and my belly will probably still be a bit "loose." But I will be someone that has accomplished an amazing goal, healthier, stronger, and of course smaller.

    When I graduated from college, I had these expectations that the world would just open up and adore me (not exactly, but you get the idea), every job I applied to would garner an interview and my skills would be respected in my current position. Hmmm...not much of that happenned. I woke up the next morning after graduation and it was still me. Those first few months were a strange transition. I needed time to get used to my new identity and all of that free time! I needed to rediscover who I was now that I had put so much time into school. I'm not sure all of this relevant, but my point is that when we have a huge goal and meet it, often there is a transitional let-down period. Hang on and get through it. Enjoy getting to know your new self! She's a pretty neat person who's capable of an awful lot!

    And of course, CONGRATULATIONS!!