The Beck Diet Solution – September 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach

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  • Sunday - Tropical Story Hanna has passed.
    Diet Coaches – So we seem to have been spared the worst predictions for Hurricane Hanna. My weight lifting was hoisting jumbo cobble stones that will line the new driveway. CREDIT moi. Also helped my mason lift a couple of 150# slabs of granite curbing - felt rewarded for all my previous gym work since I wouldn't have attempted that before. Must do some office work today.

    onebyone – Hope market sales are strong to create your winter visit to Florida kitty. Good luck with the rest of the living room.

    Robin (RobinW) - Welcome home.

    angelmomma210 - Kudos for keeping OP with the new routes and responsibilities for the little ones. LOL at "had to put my behind in the trunk."

    shrinkin - Ouch for "OOPS." Kudos for stocking your work fridge with healthy stuff. Going by the weather of this moment, we only had a mild dose of Hanna and Logan should be open and clear for your daughter.

    M (goodnuff) – Congrats on all the stuff you got done in one day. Kudos for planning to plan your meals - that's moving along.

    Readers – "Sabotaging thoughts encourage you to eat.
    You’ll probably notice that you have a number of “permission-giving” thoughts that allow you to rationalilze what you eat. These thought often start with the phrase , I know I shouldn’t eat this, but it’s okay because…. They end with any number of excuses, such as, I had a hard day … This is a celebration … It will just go to waste … I really want it … It won’t matter. And so on, and so on, and so on. …" Beck, pg 27.
  • Good Morning

    Bill~ Im glad you missed the worst of Hannah!!! We drove thru the tail end of it yesterday (that's what we were told anyway)

    Today's plan....I have my food thawed out (remembered to take it out yesterday when I got home) and planned. I will get a bit of grocery shopping done too. Then its off to the shop to organize our literature, and some serious discussions on what our next move is going to be. OH!! I have a large sample roll of wrap material that one company gave to me, to practise with!! Im looking around the neighbourhood and I see a couple people that have utility vans that need wrapping

    Also need to finish taking down the big kiddie pool before it gets too cold to do anything.

    Its a busy day, but Im sooooo happy to be home Have a great day everyone!
  • Happy Sunday
    Morning coaches!

    Yesterday right at the top end of my calorie range. Two glasses of wine again, one in mid afternoon with DH sitting out enjoying the sunshine (yup, the weather turned unexpectedly nice), and one with dinner. I need to confront myself on the wine.

    Went to THIRD POOL of the week for planned exercise! The club was nice, pool empty. It is too short for the "real swimmers" and was a tad warm. About 4" too shallow for deep water walking, so did water jog without flotation belt to avoid another ugly blue toe. Used the ipod shuffle and waterproof headset my DH gave me for BD which I loaded with exercise music. AWESOME for keeping pace and a cardio HR! Pool is open 24 hrs/d during the week and only downtime for swimming lessons on Saturday am. Will add it to my list of possible pool alternatives, particularly for right after work as Y always has swimming lessons in the early evening. Amazing how making exercise relatively convenient and enjoyable matters to follow thru.

    Have work to do today, both personal and from the office rather than enjoy great weather. OH WELL.

    angelmomma210-You are doing great! Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Feel with you on the challenge of staying OP when tired, but you can do it! Hope you keep posting back...will be thinking of you.

    RobinW-Glad you had a safe trip! are really moving. That kitchen sanding and painting is a big job. We redid the cabinets in a 50 yr old kitchen last year (shellac and all) and I said, "never again". It is hard work! Must feel great to be getting things done. Credits to you! Wonder how you like MOD? Looks like it is working for you.

    BillBlueEyes-WooHoo for lifing jumbo cobble stones and 150# slabs. Great to see the life payoff of your exercise. I have noticed that I am walking faster and now can do a flight of stairs without even noticing it. Feeling better and doing more, that is the real reward for the exercise. Thanks for the Boston area update. Glad Hanna was less than expected. Wonder if same is true for VA area...QuilterinVA...are you out there and OK?

    onebyone-Sending you positive thoughts for a first weekend of back to back great selling days. Glad you are driving OP wagon!

    Reflecting today about my slow weight loss. Scale keeps inching the right direction...just taking its dear sweet time. Without you coaches, I would have given up from this snails pace. So, for your encouragement!

    A great Sunday to all!
  • Beware the Victory Slip!
    Hello Coaches,

    Just wanted to say a quick hello. The good news is I've been on plan through all the craziness with my job.

    I weighed myself this morning and was surprised to find I'd lost 2.5 more pounds for a total of 20 pounds! I really wasn't expecting that. However, instead of staying on plan, I fell unprepared into the arms of my old friend, the Victory Slip. Sabotaging thought: Look how easy this is! You're doing so well you need a break!

    Grrrrr.....ok I'm here to say I'm back on plan, mentally and physically. NO CHOICE!
  • Sigh. Not perfect. Sigh.
    Well all my triggers lined up and got me

    It started by being unprepared. I cannot tell you how many times I have been thrown off plan by being unprepared. And why did that happen? I was exhausted last night, didn't pack the car, didn't pack my lunch, didn't want to didn't want to didn't want to

    So. Predictably, I woke up late, like an hour late, at 6:24am. Car is not packed. DH woke up to help (thanks DH), while I got dressed, did morning stuff and just left for the market. My market partner Tim was already there, tent set up waiting for my arrival. I spent the morning tired, no food packed, nothing. Yesterday was carbup day and I went overboard at the farmer's market vendor BBQ. *sigh* Had too many sweet things and then came home and ate to overstuffed. Compulsively ate hand over fist until it was all if I would never ever have that food again. Could not get myself to believe it wasn't an emergency. To cut this short, my defences were down.

    Then today, when it is easy to make good the excess of yesterday, I was unprepared, and even more tired, which made me feel stressed ( and all of a sudden I am just stressed over starting school Tuesday and don't want to go now... sigh) and add to this I was really HUNGRY (no doubt triggered by all the sugar from yesterday...) as well as just hungry cause I had no food with me to keep my blood sugar level even. I just really turned to food to cope with my feelings today. Not so much much the case yesterday but today yeah. For sure.

    So. Still not feeling great tonight. Still tired, no surprise there. Ate too much protein at dinner but did not have the insert here any gooey sweet treat that would rot teeth. Made the effort to get back on track with a good salad and will make sure I take in some water too. Tomorrow is the last full day I have to get the ceramic studio in order. And I am getting haircut. Trying to get myself together. Would love to have a new shirt for school but the best ones seem to be in the men's section. Maybe I'll be lucky and find something or just pick a man's shirt for now. Does it really matter?

    So that's it. I am OP again. A few meals off plan now in the past. Maybe one day I'll be able to just hold the line but really, I think I am doing a good enough job. I am moving forward again, wagon wheel got stuck in rut is all, and tomorrow starts cycle 3 of my program which are weeks 5 and 6 AKA accelerated weight loss. We'll see what happens next. I have stayed about 95% OP these past 28 days. I'd call that good enough for sure; well my mind says that, my emotions say another thing, but I know I am being too hard on myself. Credit moi for that I guess.

    Bye for now.
  • Monday
    Diet Coaches – Unbelievably nice day after Hurricane Kohoutek wimped by. Good walk in the morning. CREDIT moi. Only took one (planned) from a HUGE tin of good looking cookies; passed on cakes and cute little mini-muffins to choose seedless grapes and watermelon for snacks. CREDIT moi. I choose to give myself some latitude with extra fruit when I'm avoiding sugar stuff that's calling my name. One mini-muffin isn't that big of an appeal, but a whole tray of them just yells EAT ME, EAT ME. A friend, who was on his third, seemed to capture my feelings when he laughed that the darn paper was slowing him down from just popping them in his mouth with both hands. Does anybody have an insight why a critical volume of a trigger food is so appealing? I presume that a whole factory of mini-muffins would be too many to have this appeal.

    onebyone – LOL at your "didn't want to" fits. Kudos for recognizing your progress despite wanting 100 percent. Seems like being exhausted and unprepared isn't best for you for staying OP. Is there some way to cut yourself some slack to make room for sleeping and planning and food prep?

    Robin (RobinW) - LOL, last week you saw cars; this week you see unwarpped cars. Do you have to invest in significant printing and application tools to wrap your first car?

    shrinkin - Yeah for a waterproof iPod. Double Yeah for one loaded with exercise music. Kudos for exploring your third pool. What was the name of that movie of the guy who wandered from one estate to another to swim in their pools? (There must have been a plot or a theme, but all escapes me except the guy just showing up and swimming in people's pools.) Kudos for staying within calorie range and for keeping the right attitude when moving in the right direction, despite visions of moving faster.

    freer - Congrats on the weight loss - Teachercize works, LOL. Ouch for the "Victory Slip." Thanks for the reminder to be on guard against that.

    Readers "How Thoughts can Sabotage Your Diet
    Sabotaging thoughts undermine your confidence." Beck, pg 28.
  • May I join you?
    I had weight loss surgery in April, and did well while on the liquid and pureed stages. When I was able to eat regular food my compulsions that got me to the point of needing surgery returned and I have lost nothing since. Then in June I had another surgery (unrelated to weight loss) and complications, I have been and continue to be on almost full bed rest.

    My questions are - would you welcome someone who has had weight loss surgery? And is there any point in starting the Beck program if I can't exercise? I have not read to book yet only extensive reviews and excerpts.

    Thank you,
  • Monday
    Morning coaches,

    Mixed report for Sunday. Was about 200 calories over plan. Combination of extra wine and simply extra food. Not sure why. Was not reflective enough on hunger versus desire.

    Went to FOURTH pool of the week and did 50 min workout! and CREDIT MOI for using week of Y pool cleaning to inspect multiple area pools instead of excusing self from exercise. Yesterday's assessment: pool part of chain that has convenient locations, too short for most swimmers, bit warm for hard work out, only deep enough for deep water walking for about 5 linear reverted to water jogging with headset. Chain pools could be a nice choice if Y pool schedule continues to be a problem....and as we head into snow season, location may matter and two of these pools are closer to home/work. Y pool beats them all though and it is back open today.

    Left elbow very sore today so looks like I overdid it over weekend with pool workouts. Just can't seem to tell when enough is enough for the arm workout. PT is not going to be happy about this...maybe will be better by then.

    Travelling on Friday to niece's wedding. Pulled out Beck today to read chapters to prepare for travel, starting with Day 32. First thought is to see if hotel has frig. If not, will plan to take collapsible cooler. We will have a rental car, so will be able to pick up some fresh veggies, fruits and water/low cal drinks to somewhat Control Environment. May decide to allow self an extra 200 calories a day. Would not be too bad. Might be a good idea to add an exercise day if possible on Friday. Hotel has pool and this week's experience proves can figure out something even in shallow, small pools. Saturday and Sunday are my normal pool days, so those have to be done too, but not sure whether three days in a row is good idea. We'll have to see this week's elbow status. Can committ to making trip home the transition back. Will need to read chapters on eating out, drinking, unfairness and food pushers this week.

    BBE-Big credits for passing up all of those cakes and muffins especially in view of friend downing them in rapid succession! ONE PLANNED COOKIE...WTG for staying in control. Not sure I have seen the movie. I think my days of pool wandering are coming to an end. LOL.

    onebyone-OK, girl, you slipped but you have now got a grip and you are back on plan! You are still on the wagon and you are moving it forward. You can. You can. You can. You have shown it with those weeks of good behavior. Credit for calling it like it is and making the choice to get back on track. Hope you get the haircut and the new shirt!

    freer-Woohoo for the 2.5 pounds!!! for victory slip. Yup, we have to Persist, Especially in Victory. But, you are back on the program. Kudos for NO CHOICE outlook!

    RobinW-think our posts yesterday crossed in cyberspace. I'm still reflecting on your inspirational example of control while travelling. You are on a roll with good planning and getting things done. Amazing, after travel I usually take a day or so to get back "to normal". Waiting to see those car wrap pix.

    cholekai-Absolutely, welcome to the Beck board. We may have some coaches who have had surgery, never asked that question. Most of Beck's focus is on controlling food intake and how one views food. So, I think that is of value even if you can't exercise. Some of us use The Beck Diet Solution book, others the workbook and some folks use the CDs/tapes. So, many ways to get to know the Beck plan. Hope you come back and join us.
  • Good Morning

    Bill~ I have this very funny image of someone popping mini muffins off the assembly line I hate food that talks!!! Good job on ignoring it!

    shrinkin~ I think the biggest helper with my eating while I was away, was the fact that I knew I would be doing alot of kneeling, bending, and being infront of large numbers of people. I didnt want extra food to make that more difficult. Not having fridges in the room, or having a convience store close by helped ALOT too!! I could only eat what was on the menu. Good luck with the "food pushers"!

    I posted more photos in our business blog. I had to go to the shop last night to get my wire thingy to download the photos Yup, lots of unwrapped cars here around buffalo. Im hoping to change that

    The cost of the actual tool to apply the vinyl is only about $2.00, I bought a fancy one and it was $5.00 ..........however the equipment needed will run us around $40,000 - $60,000. For now we have a printer we can contract that part out to. We are going to give it a year, and see how many cars Ive wrapped by next year at this time. Then we will decide if we want to invest in the printing equipment.

    I spent last night making soups (remember I hate salads) One tomato/chicken/stars and a curried broccoli soup. While I was doing all that, I had a low fat, low sugar carrot loaf in the oven cooking. Its been in the fridge all night now, so I'll cut it into precut portions. That should keep me from cutting large slices. Did my grocery shopping yesterday too. I think Im set up for a successful week

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Welcome!
    My questions are - would you welcome someone who has had weight loss surgery? And is there any point in starting the Beck program if I can't exercise? I have not read to book yet only extensive reviews and excerpts.

    Thank you,
    Yes you are most to join us! We are here to coach each other and I know I'm always glad to add another coach to the mix. How you found us, what you foodplan/strategy is, is kind of irrelevant here. We are trying to retrain our brains so we can make sane choices around food and not be controlled by the food. We all have the same issues. Hope you check out Dr. Beck's book (for myself I just used the workbook. Have never been able to find the cd or the book book around here) and the workbook worked just fine. many pages to write stuff down as you go day to day. As for exercise since this is not a diet plan but it works in conjunction with the plan-of-your-choice this is up to you to figure out.

    All the best and I hope you are feeling better soon!

    And coaches
    and I am still running late (but stayed OP and am OP) but I'd better go. have to get myself organized. Hopefully this will be my first day at my new gym!woohoo! Will check in later.
  • Thank you
    Thank you for the welcome! I will go ahead and order the Beck book. Seems like the work book would be the best idea. Any opinions?
  • a brighter monday
    hello my coaches,

    feeling stronger and better now than i have in recent weeks. you keep saying to yourself "this too shall pass" but it's always kind of a shock when it actually does! had a moment of clarity friday night. let me mother is treating me to the vacation of a lifetime this december. we're spending 3 weeks in india on a tauck tour ( i could never afford anything like this on my own, and because my fabulous, amazing mama is making it possible, i'm going to see things i can't even imagine. anyway, friday night we had dinner (indian, of course) with some friends of hers who went a few months ago. after dinner, they showed us their vacation slides. they were great - i'm even MORE excited to be going, because i hadn't been thinking specifically about all the shopping opportunities but boy oh boy I AM NOW. all of which, yeah, great, but what does that have to do with beck? was looking at this family in their pictures in front of the taj mahal, at their hotel, smiling and hugging, etc. and realized that i never look at vacation pictures THAT HAVE ME IN THEM because i find them so depressing. i also realized that thanks to beck strategies that are really ingrained now, my recent backslide hasn't made me any fatter. i'm also 15 lbs from the thinnest i've been as an adult, a time when i felt great and thought i looked pretty fierce, too. so. renewed vigor and a kick-in-the-pants new advantage: feel good about being thinner for my fabulous india vacation pictures. i leave in three months. five pounds a month, and i'm there. it's so doable, so feasible, and i'm in such good shape now exercise is a pleasure, so there. yesterday morning i re-aligned myself with my diet plan (flexible to accommodate the upcoming trip to telluride.) and i've been 100% on plan since friday night, when i gave my leftovers to my mother.

    more than anything, it was just remembering what a boost i got from being lighter, and realizing that it's not as far away as i thought.

    so, thank you again, dear coaches! for supporting me and just being so brilliant in general. dh is still struggling mightily, and it's painful. but i have to recognize the limitations of what i can do for him and leave the rest to him and his higher self to do what he needs to do.

    cholekai, welcome, welcome, welcome! your story is fascinating. are you also posting to the surgery forum?

    onebyone, have a fantastic time at the gym! looking forward to hearing how that goes.

    bill, i have a theory about amounts. if if there's one of something off plan, you can ignore it, because it's just eating something off plan. if there's a lot of it, there's that thrill of knowing that you could use it like a drug to anesthetize or get your high (which you can't do with a single cookie or brownie or whatever.) when there's a sh%*pile of it, it overwhelms you and makes you think about what that food actually does to you. (e.g. reminds me what my butt looks like.) that's just a theory, of course.

    hiya robin! how do you make your broccoli soup? it sounds good!

    freer! what a great phrase - "the victory slip." guilty of that one too. good note to self!

    hi shrinkin! i enjoy reading your pool reviews. makes me want to swim! i just can't seem to deal with keeping up with my depilatory needs (not optional for me if i'm going to be in public in a swimsuit.) are you training for anything in particular?

    waving at goodnuff - you are absolutely correct! we got nothing but time.

    thanks again - y'all are just the best. i'm not 100% back yet, but i will be. for sure.
  • Hi all,

    I am sort of "oldie" newbe-A hi to many new posters and Hi again to those have been posting for months-(BBE over a yr)

    After an increditable busy the past 6-8 weeks I can again check in with my much needed beck coaches. I do have great respect for those who are self employed-easy habit to push one self into many late night hours, then for me be too tired to cook "healthy" and spiral of non Beck eating solutions continues-Time for a much more normal balanced life. A bit unhealthy but very busy and challenging time the past 2 months. For me changing my eating habit requires a great deal of concentration-kind of like walking a tight rope-can be done with a great caution each each step and now things are calmer for me to focus again.

    My two goals now are to record all foods and cals each day-plus allow much more time for meal making-

    Nice to read the success of you all-you go onebyone and KulhJeanne.

  • I haven't written anything on the weight loss surgery forum, think I'll just read a while. A little gun shy. Members were quite hateful on another website regarding a weight loss patient allowing themselves to fail.

    Your trip sounds so exciting!
  • Good evening, everyone! Hanna did only minimal damage but we had power out until yesterday evening. I spent the afternoon picking up debris in the yard.

    I'm happy to report that I did good with me second run through of Beck's first seven days. Stayed OP the whole time, got my exercise in, and resisted the temptation to eat to calm stress. Now for week 2.

    Cholekai - welcome to our thread. You'll love Beck. It takes work, and several times through, but eventually it becomes away of life. I used the workbook the first month then decided to add the CDs to reinforce the concepts while I was driving to work (40 minute commute). As she says, do ALL the exercises, even if you think you already know it. You can spend as much time on each thing as you want or do one each day. She doesn't recommend a specific diet or exercise plan. Everything is up to you on that. You are smart to recognize your thinking as being the hold up in your weight loss. I think people who have the surgery should be required to do follow up with dealing with emotional and other reasons for eating effectively. I had a friend who was nearly 400 pounds, had the surgery and lost nearly 240 pounds and she has gained it all back and then some. She never learned to deal with food. We're all here to help you, so keep posting!

    Due to the power outage, I'm behind on a quilt I need to finish by tomorrow evening, so I'm off to do that. Have a good evening and keep on Becking!