TBL "WMB" - Blue Team Chat

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  • I haven't had time to exercise today and I am itching to move! I am going to workout while BL is on as always...but might try to get something else in with the on demand channel before. TOM hit today and I am cramping and just kind of low energy. Pam came over and we spent the afternoon scrapbooking and talking...it was SO fun, but we didn't have time to exercise as we wanted to do...next time!

    I am right at my calorie limit right now, but the exercise I plan to do will keep me from even thinking about snacking!

    Thanks to everyone for the suggestions on avoiding evening munchies. I am more the night time binger when emotions are high, and so far serious exercise, steaming hot baths, and making myself stay in the bed has worked the best. I tried scapbooking one night, but I was up until 4AM so that didn't work
  • Quote:
    Michele - You're missing an L
    I know it, I hear that all the time...lol I am seeing more and more Michele's spelled with only one "L".
  • Amber, thanks, you get the prize for making it thru to the end!!!

    Kissinger - I don't know about the walking backward thing. I tend to stay away from things that aren't natural movements. I feel I'll be more prone to injury and then I can just see myself telling the doc, "Well, you see,....I was walking backward on the treadmill...." that might qualify me more for a 5150 hold than an ortho referral. (Britney reference there for you non-hollywood gossip types!)

    Chelle & John - thanks for the clarification on the John from the show. My bad, I knew it was the south, and Tn and Kentucky are all so close.

    Chelle - you should take a moment to jot the history of this challenge before it's forgotten. Who knows! You might be famous for it some day. Didn't you come in and rescue us from one or two people who tried to start it and then left us high and dry without a challenge?? it was quite amazing.

    SO WHO'S JOINING ME IN WORKING OUT TONITE DURING THE AIRING OF TBL??? 8 PM eastern! 1 hrs tonite or 2, I'm not sure, but I'll be doing weight lifting, how about you?!?!
  • Y'all I had totally forgotten that I have to go to a meeting tonight... right before TBL starts. I was sooo looking forward to it, but this meeting has to happen. I guess it's good, because it's just close enough for me to feel bad asking DBF for a ride, and just far enough of a walk to "count" as exercise. I'm trying to think of this as a positive, that I get to exercise and break in my new shoes, but I'm still bummed!

    Fran - at the Britney reference! I have to go to a meeting at 7:30 tonight, and depending on how long it is, I might miss TBL! TBL's 2 hours tonight, though, so I should be home for at least the last 30-60minutes, in which case I am IN for working out!

    Michele - Heehee at the missing L comment. My name was constantly misspelled when I was a child, but it seems more people know the "right" spelling these days.

    Theresa - Hmmm... I wonder if there's a way to scrapbook AND exercise? Good on you for planning the exercise tonight to keep the munchies away.

    Vanessa - I can't have the same thing for breakfast for more than say... 3 days in a row, or I get bored with it and end up eating something random. I just plan to have a variety of healthy options to choose from. Usually it's some combo of fruit, dairy or soy (for protein), and whole grains. PB&B sandwiches, yogurt with cut fruit and granola, etc.

    Cristina - If you were exercising, then you are excused from being overwhelmed by the thread! I kid, I kid - we'll all just do the best we can to keep up! I'm surprised the link didn't work - it should have, but who knows! If you really want to see it, send me a PM with your email address, and I can "add" you to the SS that way. I my NB's already, but I'll let you know how they go when they're broken in.

    Rhonda - How ya feeling girl?

    Amber - You sound like me with rationalising the $$ fitness stuff to DBF. Mine couldn't believe I spent over $200 on stuff this weekend, but it'll last for a long time, and it will get me healthier and fitter. And fitter = feeling better about myself, which will pay off for him in the long run....

    Nori - Wow, I've never seen people go sideways on the treadmill... I would fall on my butt so fast!

    Kelly - those sport hoops are really interesting! Very different from what I had imagined.
  • Quote: Pam came over and we spent the afternoon scrapbooking and talking...it was SO fun, but we didn't have time to exercise as we wanted to do...next time!
    Purple - I scrapbook too, oh how I wish I were there!!!!!!!!! I am going on a scrapbooking weekend away in February and my goal is to be lighter by 15 pounds by then.

    Thanks everyone for your insights on walking backwards...I'll do it occasionally to "spice things up" and since it did make me break out in a sweat, I guess it can't be bad for me.

    Cheers, Ginger
  • Evening all! I've barely had time to say hi but with a 4 and 3 year old it's been busy! Just wanted to say in honor of this great team hubby and I joined a gym yesterday and we went today and sweated it out.. my head was saying GO BLUE GO.. so I'm going to do my best to help us rock this challenge. I came in second for the blue team last year and hope to move that ticker again wayyyyy to the right!
    Keep up the great work!
  • Quote: Amber – How does fostering kittens go for you? I’ve thought about it, but I think I would just want to adopt them all, or be too heartbroken when they leave
    I really like it! Leo is my first one, and I've been told that giving up the first one is the hardest and it gets easier after that. I do love the little guy though, he's just blossoming in to the sweetest cat, so much better than the little ball of terror that I first got.

    Amberelise - What a BEAUTIFUL name you have Hope we don't confuse people too much with our names.

    I did really well eating today. And today was day two of waking up 4:50 for exercising I'm trying to form a habit.

    And to all the World of Warcrafters out there UGH!!!! WOW stole my BF and I want him back!

    Hope everyone had a great day!
  • Yesterday, I was on the treadmill for 35 minutes, and I did the cardio setting! *phew* but it was cool.
    Today, I didn't get much sleep...I'm a bit depressed I guess. I know it'll be tomorrow though. I only got two hours of sleep, I should get to bed. I barely ate too...dunno, I guess stuff was just very overwhelming.
  • Quote:
    kgood - did you get your little one down for a nap this morning? I hope so for your sake. Good sleep promotes weight loss.
    Weight loss for me or him? He's perfect. Not to chubby not too skinny. It even looks like he has some muscle already. He's such a sturdy little fellow.

    I never did get Aiden to go to sleep. He had a short nap while we drove to go shopping. For a kid that usually sleeps 3 hours that really wasn't enough. He's sleeping right now and we have to try to get him to wake up or he won't sleep all night. Since I can now here him snoring I'm betting this is also a lost cause. At least I'm not working.

    Here's a little picture of my little guy.

    Just yell at me if we're not supposed to put up pictures. This is my first one.
  • How often does a new thread get started? Weekly? It's Tuesday and we're on what, close to page 10 already????? Is there a weekly thread?

    I was happy to wake up with sore muscles today! The 35 minutes I worked out yesterday must have done something! I didn't get a real workout today but it's our long/hard day on Tues & Thurs so I wasn't expecting to. Tomorrow morning, 5:30 a.m., I'm at it again. I resisted the urge to weigh myself this morning too.
  • kgood, how old is he? My oldest is nearly five and never naps any more. But I let her play computer games on pbskids.org (or something with no ads!) if I need to exercise in the afternoon while the babies are napping. She's pretty good about giving me a half hour to myself!
  • He's gonna be 2 this Sunday. I so miss when he was little but he is more fun now when he's not cranky. He's at a stage where if he's awake he has to be underfoot.
  • Hello my dear chatty blue team! I have really enjoyed catching up on this thread (though I am quite frustrated that I have only been able to correlate the real names to user names of 35 people). I guess time will make it easier to keep everyone straight.

    Dee - That is awesome you are starting the C25k plan. I have never done it but have only heard good things about it. As far as advice, the best thing is just be consistent. Dedicate the 30 minutes 3 times a week (I think that is what the plan entails) and you will be amazed at your progress. Also, I have heard a few people say that the plan was either too fast or slow for them. Keeping that in mind, don't hesitate to tailor it to meet your needs. If it seems really easy that skip ahead a week or two and, likewise, if a certain week is really hard than do it again the next week. I hope you enjoy it.

    Nori - The Jordan plan is great ( I think!). I have an always growing list of "meals" that I like that fall between 150 and 300 calories. Each day I chose everything that I eat from my list. If I crave something in particular I can try to figure out a way to make it for less than 300 calories, and if I succeed, it then becomes another choice on the list. My weight loss weakness is that, if given the opportunity to make a really bad food choice, I usually do. But as long as I am only picking off my list it is impossible to mess up! It would undoubtedly be a harder method of eating for you as you have a husband and children, but maybe it will give you some ideas.

    Vixjean - Congratulations on 16 months, that is great.

    Rhonda - You sore?

    Victoria - Get some sleep, girl! I hope tomorrow is a better day.

    Karen - he is one cute kid!

    I hope everyone else is doing well. Thank you to all who had the courage to post pictures in the other thread. I'm still being a chicken but I am so excited to see the progress everyone makes.
  • Good evening, Blues! Love seeing so much chatting here on our thread. I really do need to make a spreadsheet to keep up with everyone. My memory ain't what it used ta be! The support and encouragement is incredible. We are gonna take off some serious weight in the next 12 weeks! Also, love seeing so much "sweat" equity on our team. The workouts are going to insure us of a victory on this challenge!

    I'm not working out during the BL. This afternoon, I did 60 minutes on the treadmill and upper body weights. I'm not sore yet, but my legs did feel a little bit weaker than they did yesterday. So, now I can sit on the couch with my on-plan 5 ounces of red wine and watch a little tube. Speaking of tube, we have a dilemma here in our household this evening. American Idol and BL are going head-to-head and Hubby wants to watch American Idol. He's not a BL fan(say what?!) Guess who's gonna win this round, folks!

    Marianne - Yes, this time we're going to rock this challenge and lose some serious poundage! (To my fellow 80's bluesers, yes, I am channeling Pauly Shore) And, we're going to make sure the rest of our team is rocking with us!

    Quote: How do you start your day off? Do you have a standard breakfast or do you mix and match?
    Hi Vanessa. I have 1/2 cup of steelcut oatmeal and two slices of turkey bacon with a cup of coffee....every single morning. I'm usually a bit brain dead in the morning, so a standard breakfast keeps me from having to think!

    Ayumi - when I'm tired, I get depressed. Get some sleep, Hon. Things will probably look a little brighter when you're more rested.
    Dionne - Glad you're able to cut back on the pain meds. Enjoy some ice cream for us.....its sugar-free, I'm sure.
    Amberelise - Yay, green veggies! That is great news!
    Tee - Sorry to hear that you had a rough morning. How did you do with the rest of your day? Pick yourself back up and keep going! I know you can do this.
    To all of you with sick little ones - Hope they get well soon....and don't pass it on to you!

    And, to everyone I didn't respond to personally.....sending on-plan vibes your way and wishing you a great evening.
  • Well its 10 pm here. Gotta get going to bed. Night Blue Team.