Sparrow has lost....

  • 99.25 #'s ( gosh I hope i got the math right)

    Way to goal girl!! You are awesome!!!

    And inspiration to me that this can be done.
    Give us details.
    What size were you , what size are you now, compliments, etc.
  • yes details girl HOLY TOLEDO you are just amazing!!!
  • I am SO wanting to hear your story! Congratulations!

  • Well done, you must be very proud!

  • Congrats. Tell us how you did it.
  • Thanks for the praise ladies!
    I finally just said this is it! It's now or never! I have been following a vegeterian plan,while watching fat intake.I also try to stay away from white flour,and eat just whole wheat carbs.
  • Add my congrats to the list of others! It is great to know that someone else who had a lot to lose has done it!! I eat vegetarian too (no meat ,fish, or eggs) I still eat cheese, sour cream, and ice cream though. If only I could give those up and the junk food I'd be a skinny minnie! People can't believe you can be a veg and be heavy, but I have been eating like this for a long time (veg) but I am heavy. Even so my cholestorol is low-only 130!! My doctor is thrilled!
    The only way I have ever been able to lose is too watch my calories. When I keep track of them and stay around 2000 I will lose, if I don't I pretty much stay the same. Sorry to ramble!

    You go girl!!
    keep up the good work and best wishes!!
    313/281/273 new years goal
  • WoW!!!!!!! Congrats! Hard work and determination has paid off!! What are you rewarding yourself with? Wanna go clothes shopping?!?!?