end of phase 1 - minimal loss

  • hi all - i originally posted last week in the "3 fat chicks" general support forum after only losing 1 pound after week one of phase 1 of SB. i did get some helpful feedback, but thought i would post here at the SB section and see if you all had any insight or a similar experience to mine. i am just about done with week 2 of phase 1 and have lost a total of 3 lbs.. i don't have a lot to lose - my start weight was 138, current is 135 and goal weight is 125. i am big on exercise and have been running 45 minutes the entire 2 weeks at a 5.6 pace on my treadmill. i also do 15 minutes of sit-ups, push-ups and walking lunges. my main question is: do people who have less to lose not have the same big loss (8 - 10 lbs.) after phase 1? i am eager to hear from you! thanks!
  • yes Ican..the less you need to lose the slower it will come off. You may be offsetting fat loss by gaining muscle mass which is such a good thing. Fat and muscle weigh the same, Muscle just takes up much less room. - you might consider focusing on how your clothes fit rather than what the scale says. In addition, you could track your cals (fat/carb/protein/fiber/sodium etc) and activities in fitday.com or another comparable tool to fine tune your diet. You might also want to check out the Fitness or Featherweights forum too.
    Hope this helps!