Anyone Following The Glycemic Load Diet?

  • I've probably tried every diet under the sun. It finally dawned on me that I just can't count calories anymore - it's insane and never kept me thin for long, because I couldn't make it a lifestyle.

    I feel best on a lower carb/lower glycemic way of eating. I bought two books by Dr. Rob Thompson on glycemic load. I lost 3.5 lbs. this week just eating foods that have a low glycemic load, eating to satisfaction (not stuffing myself), without counting anything.

    I feel great and it's a real freedom not adding up numbers all day. I'm in menopause and have tried every diet under the sun these last few years. I feel I've finally found something I can stick with.

    Just thought I'd pop in and say hi!
  • Hi coffee, Sounds great! Like you, I am a woman of a "certain age". I have been on some kind of diet since puberty. Right now I'm still weighing, measuring, and counting. I guess I'm afraid I'll lose control....but at some point I would like to let go of all that. In another post, you mentioned CAD. That was the only diet I ever lost weight on without counting. I might do that one again , but low glycemic sounds like a better approach....we'll see.
  • Hi Coffee, I know this thread is old, but am wondering how you are doing on your the Low GL diet, and if you reached your goals. I am just starting the diet next week....slowly. So yeah, I was just curious.
