LAWL Losers and Friends _ May 2007

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  • Quote: Kristen - OMG OMG OMG OMG (Wendy...too funny "Das is wunderbar!! :-)"
    Love the new avatar...let's see....September 27 is about 21 weeks away...set a goal so you can wear your new outfit..picked it out just for you!
    Um, yeah, I know you meant that message to be for me.......LOL. LOVE the that a beer wench get up???? LOL. Ok, so if I have 21 weeks, would it be unreasonable to say I am going to lose 40 pounds???? Although I haven't WI lately, I would guess I am about 190-195.....and that would put me at about 150-155, which is close enough to goal, right? I know I can do it, if I just put my mind to it.........I believe I can fly........oops, sorry, I often do the whole song burst thing........ Can you tell that I am a bit excited??? I have since found out that we will be in Frankfurt during that could be pretty wild. Ok, I HAVE to get back to work...........ha ha ha, like I've done any work yet today. Hey, maybe I ought to look for a naughty little outfit like the one Joni picked out for me for the nighttime???? LOL. DH would flip!!! Ok, really now.......what a day.....I'll check back later
  • Quote: Wow, Nicole - that's great news!!!! Don't worry - the kids will be fine for a few days without you - it will be just long enough for them to appreciate you even more, but not get majotly Momsick! (same for you too)
    Kim, I totally agree..............when I thought it was a week, I was a bit worried......but I can do 5 days......might have to get some valium to get me on that 10 hour flight.....but otherwise, all should be good
  • thanks everyone.....for sharing in my excitement!!!!
  • Quote: thanks everyone.....for sharing in my excitement!!!!
    Also, I am day 2 of TO, and I just got on my sclae and it is a complete jerk. I am not going to officially WI until tomorrow.......and then I will update my tickers. I know, you are probably thinking.....whatever, Nicole.....but I just have to stay honest here

    Hey, where oh where has Evette gone???
  • I saw my chart and it said I would more to green at 134! Yeah right, like I'm gonna see that number again! LOL

    Nicole- LOVE the new pic, you lil cutie!!!
  • Nicole - WOOHOOOO!!!! Germany - how awesome is that!! You can definitely hit goal by then - or at least come really, really close! And I LOVE the new avatar!!
  • Quote: Wow, Nicole!! That is awesome! DH and I haven't spent that much time alone since we had kids 6 years ago...just the occasional weekend. But never out of the country. In fact, I've only been out of the country once. We went to Niagra Falls when I was 18 or 19, and went over to the Canadian side for a few hours.

    Well, WI went great. I was down another 1.4 lbs. from Monday. I'm not sure what I did, but YAY!!! My counselor said that after another 2.2 lbs. I will drop a plan, which seems crazy since I'm so close to goal. What plan is below Gold? Seems like I've seen someone talk about a Green plan??? I'll have to do some searches to see what I will lose.

    Hope everyone has a great day...and let's see some more good news posts!! This is great!
    Congrats on your loss, Wendy! I just wanted to let you know that the last time I was on LAWL I never did drop down to Green, I stayed on Gold and lost 3 pounds after reaching my goal of 130. I actually haven't known many people who have done Green because it just seems like very little food and it could cause you to stall. That's just my 2 cents, but from my experience Green is not really necessary and with your wonderful losses lately I have no doubt you can reach your goal pretty easily while on Gold.
  • Yahoooo Nicole! How exciting for you! You are gonna have so much fun. And yes, you should pick up something naughty for the night time! Have you seen the movie Beer Fest? If not you had better run out and get it. 40 lbs over the summer? No problem! No more being naughty on the weekend, and I mean it!
  • Hey Kristi! Good to see you!
  • Hi Katie!
  • Thanks for the advice, Kristi!! Yeah, I'm also a little worried that the Green plan might make me stall. It would be different if I was plateauing. Plus, I'd like to pick up the exercise.
  • Cute new avatar Nicole
  • Nicole - You could definitely lose 40 lbs by September. I always lose easier in the summer...less tempted to eat comfort food. And, I love the new avatar.
  • OK... I just caught up on the EIGHT PAGES IN TWO DAYS! Everyone stop talking so I can stay caught up!

    I didn't take notes, but here are some quickies...

    Katie(bug) - Congrats. 3lbs is nothing. You look beautiful.

    Katie (the original) - I saw you're on phentermine. My doc put me on meridia this month because I was nervous about school, the hours, etc. It's expensive, but it works. Good luck w/your meds. Hope it helps. And I told my COD about it and told them I had to go to the Dr. every month to be monitored so they were OK with it.

    Nicole - I'm so excited for you! Great timing. You'll be hitting Octoberfest!

    Lea Ann - Awesome TO loss! Glad to see you back in the game.

    JM - What can I say... CONGRATS!!!!! I am soooooo happy for you! Thank you so much for keeping us updated so we can share this with you.

    Dan - Love the avatar. You're lookin' good!

    Wendy - Glad the surgery went well.

    Jillian - Awesome TO loss!

    Shannon - Keep on keepin' on. The trip to Onederland is a slowwwwww one, but you will get there. Remember that the only way you can fail is if you quit.

    As for me, yesterday and today are totally off plan. But not from school. We're crazy busy with a closing at work so there's no time for anything. I will probably do FF next Mon and Tues myself. School is awesome. I got 103% on my first quiz (got the bonus questions right) and two 100s on my rice pilaf and pasta. Our second quiz is tomorrow so tonight I will be studying.

    OK... back to work. Love and miss you guys. I am reading, just don't have the time to post as much. But I will get my time management down. It's just that I had that crazy weekend so I got behind.

    Oh yeah, on the weekend thing. Remember I mentioned that Sunday there was a birthday party for my mom? Well I brought four appetizers to my sister's house and was in the kitchen helping her and it turns out that two of the guests were caterers. One has his own company in Nantucket and one has a company here. If I had known they would be there I probably would have been nervous about cooking, ya know? Anyway, they both loved the stuff and the one here offered me an internship. I can come and get a few hours for starters (unpaid) and then work into a paid part time position. Cool, huh? I just don't want to over-commit so I will start on a case-by-case basis instead of every Saturday or something like that.

    OK... back to work. I'll be lurking though.
  • Oh, Cassi!! That is cool!! (about the internship) Glad you are enjoying school.