IP Baby

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  • Hello everyone. I have a quick question.

    So my friend just started with IP and at 300 pounds. She just found out with doing IP she has now an IP Baby . Since i have never been pregnant she is super worried about being obese and pregnant.Has anyone out there experienced being obese and pregnant? And how much did you gain? She is worried that this is gonna gain tons of weight during this pregnancy.

    Can anyone please give me their stories if you were bigger and pregnant or if its even possible to "Maintain" your weight while pregnant.

    Thank ladies and gents
  • Quote: Hello everyone. I have a quick question.

    So my friend just started with IP and at 300 pounds. She just found out with doing IP she has now an IP Baby . Since i have never been pregnant she is super worried about being obese and pregnant.Has anyone out there experienced being obese and pregnant? And how much did you gain? She is worried that this is gonna gain tons of weight during this pregnancy.

    Can anyone please give me their stories if you were bigger and pregnant or if its even possible to "Maintain" your weight while pregnant.

    Thank ladies and gents
    For one, I hope she immediately stopped doing Phase 1. Phase 1 is NOT healthy for a pregnant woman.

    Every body reacts differently to pregnancy. The important thing is to make sure you aren't giving in to every bad food craving and using pregnancy as the excuse. I did that with my first pregnancy and gained almost 50lbs. My second pregnancy I was obese when I started, but I watched what I ate and made good healthy choices. After my son was born I was within 5lbs of the weight I had been before getting pregnant again.

    Weight Watchers is actually a great pregnancy weight management plan - good balanced meals with calorie control, if gain is a concern that might be the way to go until after the baby is born and no longer breastfeeding.
  • Okay thank you so much. I will recommend weight watchers to her then. I never thought of that. If you dont mind me asking how much did you weight when you had your second?
  • She should ask her OB to refer her to a nutritionist or dietician. I was obese with all 3 of my pregnancies and with very careful food choices, I walked out of the hospital weighing less than I did at the start of the pregnancy. Things are more difficult when severely obese and pregnant but it's not unheard of or even that uncommon. A healthy pregnancy and developing fetus only needs roughly 300-500 additional calories added to the mothers diet after the 12 week mark. Before that, her gestational sac and developing placenta should be more than adequate to nourish her baby. Those calories can easily come from an extra yogurt, some cottage cheese, or other small, healthy snacks throughout the day that will help keep her blood sugars nice and level as well as help her resist the need to eat everything in sight.
  • I was 260 lbs when I got pregnant, and I got over 300 with the pregnancy...though 15 of that was water retention. Within 2 months of giving birth I was back down to about 265. The worst part for me was just adding to the too much weight I already carried. I ached a LOT during the pregnancy.

    She needs good pre-natal care!

    And what Scorbett said... don't give into cravings. Gaining too much weight when already obese can make everything so much worse. And get off IP phase one immediately.
  • Quote: Okay thank you so much. I will recommend weight watchers to her then. I never thought of that. If you dont mind me asking how much did you weight when you had your second?
    When I got pregnant with my youngest I was 223. One month after having him I was at 228.

    I also have a friend who was up in the Morbidly obese category with her weight when she got pregnant with her 2nd child, but was very careful about her food choices while pregnant - she wasn't officially on Weight Watchers, but used similar guidelines on her own. She actually weighed a little LESS a month after his birth, and has been able to exercise and lose weight pretty consistently since then.
  • She is obviously going to have to be tested for gestational diabetes and watch her sugar intake throughout her pregnancy.

    You can successfully lose weight while being pregnant as well, and it is safe for her and baby.

    I love the weight watchers idea, but sugar intake is going to be the most important thing to monitor since she this is considered to be a high risk pregnancy which can have complications along the way. She should not gain more than 25 pounds during her pregnancy at her current weight.
  • I was obese with both pregnancies. My first pregnancy I actually weighed 2 pounds less going in to delivery and left the hospital 15 pounds less than pre-pregnancy. I was very cautious about what I ate and continued to exercise and modified it as I progressed. I only gained 2 pounds with my second and again left the hospital weighing less than pre-pregnancy. I had 2 diffierent OBs in 2 different states and both were happy with how I did. I believe first pregnancy I weighed right about 200 pounds when I found out and with my second I was at about 220. No gestational diabetes, no complications with either.

    I wish your friend well!
  • Best thing to do is talk to her OB. Current guidelines state that if you are obese you should not gain more then 15 lbs. Also if you follow the Canada Food guide (or American counterpart) you friend will be getting enough for her and the baby and may also lose some weight!
  • I was over 200 with each pregnancy, with my 1st I was sick so much I lost weight till month 7 and then only gained 15 lbs. With each one the sickness lasted a shorter time and I gained a little more but never more than 25 lb and lost most of it afterwards.

    Good luck to her!
  • I had my first baby at 200 lbs, my second at 210, my third at 215. So, yes I was obese. I ended up with gestational diabetes (yes, I know my current risk factors now for having had it 3 times. Thats why I'm on iP!) which cleared after each pregnancy. Being on the GD diet I actually lost weight pregnant. 15 lbs in each pregnancy. I ended the pregnancies around the same level I started each one. She's at high risk for a lot of things. Tell her to go to a high risk doctor.
  • I weighed about 235 when I got PG. I developed GD and followed everything my Dr told me to do. Followed a diabetic diet.

    I had no problems, did not gain wgt and felt great.

    Gave birth to a gorgeous perfectly healthy baby girl.
  • I gained almost 60lbs for my first child and got up to 248! I got back down to my normal weight after that but gained 30lbs for my second child. Ugh! My biggest recommendation is that she doesn't use her pregancy to eat so many things we all crave everyday. I agree with Scorbett with doing a diet like Weight Watchers or she can also do MyFitnessPal to help keep track of her calories. When she set ups her MyFitnessPal, she can adjust her calories etc to allow more while she is pregnant. If she goes this route, I would tell her to chat with her Dr. to see how many more calories she thinks she should add to her overall caloies. Normally it's 300 to 500 more calories needed a day. I know 300 to 500 calories seems like a lot, but when your pregnant and craving that cheesecake.. 300 - 500 calories is nothing! LOL! I wish her best of luck and she should surely check with her Dr. and see what they suggest. Sending many wonderful blessings her way for a easy and safe pregnancy!!
  • Quote: I gained almost 60lbs for my first child and got up to 248! I got back down to my normal weight after that but gained 30lbs for my second child. Ugh! My biggest recommendation is that she doesn't use her pregancy to eat so many things we all crave everyday. I agree with Scorbett with doing a diet like Weight Watchers or she can also do MyFitnessPal to help keep track of her calories. When she set ups her MyFitnessPal, she can adjust her calories etc to allow more while she is pregnant. If she goes this route, I would tell her to chat with her Dr. to see how many more calories she thinks she should add to her overall caloies. Normally it's 300 to 500 more calories needed a day. I know 300 to 500 calories seems like a lot, but when your pregnant and craving that cheesecake.. 300 - 500 calories is nothing! LOL! I wish her best of luck and she should surely check with her Dr. and see what they suggest. Sending many wonderful blessings her way for a easy and safe pregnancy!!
    This KILLS me on my other MB. A lot of these girls who get GD whine and whine and whine. Seriously?? You really needed to eat ice cream and oreos for 9mths???
    What's so bad about eating healthy for you and especially your baby???
    Drives me crazy!!!
  • I'm with you NinjaNurse. I did as my doctor said and I never complained. You're having a baby. Put it first!