Things that Annoy you

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  • Quote: People who make gum noises.

    People who switch lanes (in crowded traffic) without turn signals.

    People who don't merge considerately, but instead ride their lane until it ends completely unaware while others are forced to move out of their way to let them in.

    Smokers...especially when they toss their cigarette butts onto the ground. It's absolutely disgusting and I hate seeing their butts litter the world.

    I'm sorry, I'm very easily annoyed.
    100% I think these are all SO high on my list...
  • "When you find an answer to someone problem, and they say. No i cant do that.. "

    "People who say "oh I can't run/not eat sugar/lose weight/eat better" when what they really mean is "I don't want to". "

    These really bug me too. I hate when someone complains about a back problem and I'll tell them a million ways to deal with it or get it fixed and they make a reason EVERY thing I say won't work. Don't complain for sympathy from me for certain things unless you want advice. I have a HORRID back, had surgery when I was 11 and still have problems. When people complain about their back hurting and I mention doctor then get a reason that won't work... it makes me mad. So I'll suggest: "Yoga?" "different shoes" "lose weight...." "stretch it out" "pain killers?" "physical therapy" "Chiropractor?" "Massage?" and then get "I don't like yoga..." "I don't have time to buy shoes" "I CAN'T lose weight..." "Stretching just kind of hurts...." "I can't afford any of those other things..."

  • Another bad grammar fiend here. I try so.... hard.... not to correct people, but truly, it drives me nuts.

    People who don't know how to use an apostrophe, especially the difference between 'its' and it's.' And when someone tells me they 'seen' their friend, or they have 'went' to bed. Makes my teeth itch!!

    People who don't realize there is no such word as 'alright' (winking at fatferretfanatic). It's either all right -- or it isn't.

    Other pet peeves: People who talk over the top of other people. This one probably came from years and years of working in courtrooms. The judge always had to play traffic cop in the Q. and A. between the attorneys and witnesses, so the poor court reporter could take it all down. When you pay attention, you'll be shocked at how often people do this. It's rude.

    People who automatically use a diminutive of my given name, even when I have introduced myself with my full given name. If a man introduces himself to me as Richard, I don't start calling him Ricky.

    People who assume I have the same belief systems as them, either religious or political.

    Oh, I could go on and on, too!!! I'll stop now.
  • Ooh, the grammar/word usage thing is definitely a pet peeve of mine. My husband has called me "Conan the Grammarian" on occasion, and I admit I rather liked it.

    I used to work with a woman who said the word "interesting" in an interesting manner: "in-stir-rest-ing." Do I even need to tell you she also used non-words like "irregardless," "supposably," and "probbly?" She used to drive me nuts, although I never said anything. Nice enough lady, but some of those malapropisms were like biting on tinfoil.

    I'm not deaf to the musicality of language; I don't mind a colloquialism or an "in-stir-resting" pronunciation here and there, but I draw the line between colloquial and flat-out wrong!

    Other things that bug me:

    - Public spitting
    - Furtive stop-light nose-picking going on in the car beside mine
    - People who fail to wave back when you wave at them to let them merge into traffic
    - People who feel entitled to special treatment and become hostile when they don't get it
    - People who let their hideous kids act hideous and don't seem to notice or worse yet, feel that they'll stifle little Moonchild's creative nature by telling her not to smear the sidewalk with her own feces

    Wow, I sound like quite a misanthrope!
  • ROFL, Nola, you just made me feel faint with the 'irregardless' and 'supposably'!!! And oh -- oh -- oh -- you reminded me of another one:

    People who give you the "eff you" one-blink blinker when they're changing lanes. I mean, hey, if you could summon the energy and enthusiasm to put your hand on the turn signal, don't I at least rate TWO blinks?? Yeesh!!

    And dang you kids, get off my lawn!!
  • Quote:
    People who don't realize there is no such word as 'alright' (winking at fatferretfanatic). It's either all right -- or it isn't.
    Awwh, man! Of course, inevitably when one points out flaws in others they find the same flaw deep within themselves. That is truly one grammar point I never learned in school, or in college. Spell check doesn't even point that one out. I did look it up just now though and rest assured, I'll be remembering that. I'm also bad with commas. I'd really rather be corrected than look like an idiot later though!
  • LOL, don't worry -- you'll undoubtedly catch me in an embarrassing error one of these days!! My dad does it all the time.
  • I have to agree with all of the replies so far. My pet peeves are:

    People who don't wash their hands when leaving a public bathroom
    Motorists who don't stop at a pedestrian crossing
    Talking on a mobile phone in a bathroom stall (disgusting! IMO)
    People who stop in the middle of a shopping center walk way or aisle to have a conversation and block the rest of the traffic.

    I have soo many more, but these are the worst.
  • I'm kind of an irritable person, so I can think of many. Here are a few: (sorry if some of these have been used already.)

    It annoys me the most that people think Christians don't have a right to their beliefs, or that their beliefs equal hate.

    When someone doesn't give credit to something I say, and then someone else says the same thing, and they then have the nerve to listen to it and think it's then a good idea (because someone besides me said it). This also goes for if I suggest a movie, song, or book to someone, and they're indifferent about it, then someone else suggests the same thing to them and they suddenly decide to check it out.

    When someone interrupts me.

    When someone purposely ignores me.

    When I'm excited to tell someone something, and then they just give me a quick nod and a "Yeah." or "Oh, that's nice." and then change the conversation back around to something about them/their interests, like what I said doesn't matter.

    When I have to keep repeating things to people.

    When my brother says stupid things that doesn't make sense or makes noises instead of talking like a regular person.

    When my mom tells me the same stories about her childhood/teen-age years several times a week. (She is not senile, she's just bored).

    On that same note, when my mom refuses to watch something on television I pick out (Dr. Who comes to mind), and instead wants to watch the same lifetime/chiller/syfy low-budget movie that she's already seen three times, or an episode of vampire diaries or smallville that she's seen like five times already.

    When people don't throw their trash away after eating something that comes in a wrapper/has a stick.

    When my produce goes bad before I can use it.

    When people litter.

    Chat speak. I have a 16-something year-old-cousin that I had to block her news feed on facebook, because it's so irritating. I'll give you an example. This will actually be taken from her wall, and this is how she writes ALL THE TIME. ::drum roll::

    "Juss bc yal hung out all day yesterday doesnt mean he like yuu ." Grrrrrrr.

    People who have bass in their car, and insist on driving by my house at all hours of the night while I'm trying to go to bed.

    People who sit near me after just smoking a cigarette or applying an entire bottle of perfume to themselves in church.

    Smoking in general annoys me, though, because I'm very sensitive to smoke. It clogs my nose up and makes a pressure in my nasal passage that really hurts.

    When people use the wrong word in sentences, or are too lazy to say all the syllables in a word. My mom is a good example of this. She uses the word "sarcasm" instead of "sarcastic", and she is also one of those "libary" people. I have given up correcting her, because it annoys her badly, so I just keep my irritation to myself.

    People who misspell words on the internet when there's spellcheckers and google to correct it ... not to mention something called a dictionary (watch me now misspell something lol).

    People who just plow over helpless animals with their stupid vehicles. Grrrr.

    kurisitaru I absolutely agree. My mom has fibromalgia and refuses to exercise, because of her debilitating pain. I have suggested light stretching many times to her, but without trying it, she already tells me that it won't work or that it will make her pain worse. I have pain too. I had a neck injury when I was younger that has turned into a perpetual stiff pain, and stretching really does help me. I was just trying to help, but like another thing I pointed out in my post already, she never credits anything I say. Now if Dr. Oz said it on tv, maybe she would consider it. ::rolls eyes::

    PEOPLE WHO FOLD PAPER! Ugggggghhhh! I absolute HATE that noise. It makes my skin crawl. But if I tell people then they think it's funny to do it even more, so I have to keep it to myself. My mother and husband even do it on purpose once in a while.

    I'm not a big fan of cursing, though I admit to saying my share when I get mad or upset (which is something I'm not proud of and am trying to stop), but it really annoys me when people use F words or worse, G-D words, in casual conversations. OR when there's way too much cursing in movies or shows. I'm probably alone on this one, but it drives me up the wall.

    When my mom becomes annoyed by my singing, but can tolerate my brother's incessant noise-making.

    There's probably more, but I already look pretty irritable, so I'm going to stop there. lol.
  • Don't get me started!

    Grammar is one huge peeve for me too. I have to hold myself back from correcting posts, although I do use my MOD powers to correct thread titles.

    Lately I am becoming very irritated by parents who allow children to interrupt adult conversation. When did kids become masters of the universe?

    Whiners who complain about all they have to get done and then sit drinking coffee at the diner most of the day.

    Diabetics who complain about high blood sugar readings as then inhale pie with ice cream or pancakes loaded with syrup.

    Volunteers who commit and then back out at the last minute.

    Dog owners who don't stoop and scoop.

    Liars and gossips.

    I think I'm just a crabby old lady so I'll stop now.
  • Ruthxxx, you would be super annoyed by my little brother, then. He's only 11 and he always talks back to my parents. My mom is a doormat, so she usually just lets it happen, but my dad used to be this scary, angry guy when I was my brother's age, but now he hardly disciplines him at all. He'll give threats, but my brother laughs them off. He thinks he's an adult just because he's starting middle school.
  • I get very annoyed walking behind people that are incredibly slow. I have things to do and step to one side if you are talking a slow stroll. Walmart during the holidays is like a death sentence to me.
  • Tailgaters

    Motorcyclists who strive to make as much noise as they can

    Driving 10mph or more under the speed limit and being completely unaware of the line of traffic behind you

    Incessant barking dogs

  • Drivers who dont know how to use roundabouts. In the wrong lane and just pull in infront of you, you beep them (or more lol) and they look back in the mirror as if to say they were correct and you were in the wrong lane...
  • Ok here goes:

    *People that are annoyed at something you do and outwardly show it but never tell you what it is that you did.

    *Passive aggressive people.

    *Patients that come in to be seen and when you ask them what is wrong, they say "I'm sick" am I to read your mind being sick could mean a stomache ache or diarrhea or a cold. Help me out people!

    *People who make racist, gender biased, gay bashing jokes.