Favorite Brand of Plain Greek Yogurt

  • Have you noticed a difference in the taste between the various brands of plain Greek yogurt?
  • My favorites are Fage and Cabot. They are both so thick and creamy.
  • Depends a lot on the fat content (pretty much any of the full fat ones are like dessert) but for 0% my favorite is Fage. 2% I like both Fage and Trader Joe's brand.
  • I like both Fage and Chobani, but I think Fage is thicker and I prefer it thick.
  • I only eat plain, no fat Greek yogurt. My caves, in order of preference:


    I have found yoplait and other Greek yogurt newcomers to be so bad I had to throw them out! Not even good to cook with. Blech!
  • I have been eating Fage. It sounds like most people prefer this brand. Thank you for the replies.